"What conditions?" Now, as long as Lin Feng can really save his son, let alone one condition, he will definitely agree without hesitation as long as he can meet ten conditions, let alone one condition.

"No matter what Zhu Hao's activities are this week, you must hold him back and not let him harm my company. I have to go back and make plans to save your son." Lin Feng nodded and spoke slowly. .

"That's no problem at all." Huang Shen agreed without hesitation.

"Whether you believe me or not, just give me a week. Don't play any tricks during this time, or your son..."

Lin Feng did not continue talking, but Huang Shen had already understood what Lin Feng meant, and said with certainty: "Absolutely not. As long as my son is fine and you can bring him back, anything can be said." Huang Shen said. In just a few minutes, Shen finally figured it out. Although he no longer had any shares, he could start from an ordinary person. He had accumulated quite a lot of connections over the years. As long as he was willing to work hard. , I believe that it won’t take long for him to be successful. Even if he can’t do it, it would be good for his son to be addicted to drugs and live an ordinary life.

"Okay, I hope you will do what you say." Lin Feng took a deep look at Huang Shen and found that his eyes were very clear and translucent, and then said: "Then please send me your son's information, and the information about your son." I believe you have done a lot of research on the information related to the local gangs. This will save me a lot of effort. My mobile phone number is 186xxxxxxxx and you can send it to my email shortly."

"Then...Axiong..." Huang Shen asked cautiously.

"It's okay, I didn't use any force at all. It's not that I'm very good at it, but that there's something wrong with that bear of yours. I suggest you check it out and replace him." Lin Feng glanced outside the door and said casually He waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

Huang Shen nodded, but didn't say anything more. After Lin Feng said this, he also remembered that many things in Ah Xiong's past were also strange.

"Okay, do you have any questions? If not, I'm leaving."

Lin Feng threw away the door panel in his hand and patted the dust on his hand.

"No, no, Mr. Lin, please go slowly."

Huang Shen quickly shook his head, hoping that this plague god would leave his home as soon as possible.


Lin Feng nodded and walked out from the front door in a swagger. When he passed by the corridor, he glanced at Axiong with unknown meaning. This Axiong's image was indeed maintained well. No matter where he stopped, he did nothing and gave people the impression of a villain. I feel that this kind of person is actually quite suitable to be a bodyguard, but it's a pity that he is just a showman and has no real strength.

When Lin Feng passed by him, Shen's legs on the ground even trembled. Lin Feng smiled. It seemed that this Xiong had woken up a long time ago, but he didn't dare to get up. He was afraid that Huang Shen would let him deal with him again. Lin Feng simply used the trick and lay on the ground pretending to be dead.

Lin Feng walked out of the villa area, took a taxi and went straight home.

The taxi stopped in front of his house. Lin Feng was surprised to find that it was so late and the lights were still on in his house. He must have been worried about him and stayed up at home waiting for his return.

After entering the house, Lin Feng saw Shen Qingxue lying on the sofa watching TV. Maybe because she was too sleepy, she squinted her eyes slightly, held her head with one hand, and kept spinning around. Lin Feng was amused by this scene. , walked over and kissed Shen Qingxue on the face. Shen Qingxue opened her eyes sleepily and said, "You are back. How is the discussion going?"

"We'll talk about it in bed later, hehe."

Lin Feng picked up Shen Qingxue from the sofa, kicked open the bedroom door, and threw her on the bed...

After finishing the work, Shen Qingxue was no longer sleepy. She lay on Lin Feng's chest and asked softly: "How did the matter go? Did Huang Shen say anything?"

"He won't get involved with Zhu Hao anymore these days, but I have to go abroad before the matter can be completely resolved." Lin Feng replied.

"Going abroad, what are you going to do abroad?"

Shen Qingxue was a little confused.

"What's wrong, something happened to his son. I'm going to bring him back."

Lin Feng didn't tell the truth. If he really told Shen Qingxue that he was going to rob people from foreign gangs, he would not agree to it even if he killed her, so he told her vaguely.

"Is it dangerous?"

Shen Qingxue also knew that it was definitely not as simple as bringing someone back. If it was really such a simple matter, there would be no need for Lin Feng to go all the way abroad. However, Lin Feng refused to tell her what the specific matter was. I couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"There is no danger. It's just a matter of discussing business with a foreign company. It's very simple. Don't I also want to develop our company abroad?"

Lin Feng made up an excuse to excuse it. He didn't want Shen Qingxue to be worried at home all day long.

"Oh, I see."

Shen Qingxue nodded slightly.

"How long will it take you to go?"

As soon as Shen Qingxue heard that Lin Feng was going on a business trip, she felt reluctant to leave Lin Feng and looked at him with resentful eyes.

"It won't be too long. It only takes about ten hours to come and go. I think I should be back in two or three days at least, or three to five days at most."

Lin Feng said casually.

"But after I leave, you must pay more attention to the actions of Huang Shen and Zhu Hao. Although Huang Shen has promised me that he will not be entangled with Zhu Hao in the short term, I am afraid that he will betray him temporarily."

"Okay, that's no problem. I will pay more attention to you during the few days you leave."

Shen Qingxue nodded.

"Also, I'm afraid that Zhu Hao will jump over the wall and it will be detrimental to you. Before I leave tomorrow, I will borrow two people from Yang Xu and let them protect you. But don't worry, my wife, I will definitely come back as soon as possible."

Lin Feng frowned and ordered.

"Okay, then you must come back early, I will miss you."

After Shen Qingxue finished speaking, she kissed Lin Feng's chin.

Being teased by Shen Qingxue's inadvertent action, Lin Feng's blood boiled all over, and his majesty continued unabated.

Shen Qingxue felt the change in Lin Feng. Through the moonlight, she could clearly see that her face was flushed and she lowered her head in embarrassment.

Lin Feng was not polite and directly pressed Shen Qingxue under him.

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