I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 373: The assassin is actually a woman?

To be honest, if Lin Feng dropped Huang Maocai, even if he resisted the bullet, he would still be able to run away with full confidence. Although he threatened Huang Maocai before and said that he could drop him, but when it happened, he He couldn't do that. If he really did that, it would mean that he would never have anything to do with the shares in Huang Shen's hands.

Even if he wanted to rescue him again afterwards, it would be almost impossible. No matter how stupid the Fire Cloud Gang was, they would never let the same thing happen twice, so he had to think of another way and turn around. He tried to stop the figure running to him.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he caught it, the figure collapsed directly at his feet. The two people behind him had already caught up with him. They patted Lin Feng on the shoulder with a lewd smile and said, "You have done a great job this time. You See if this little girl is upright, let you use her first tonight..."

Lin Feng glanced at the girl at his feet and was stunned for a moment. He almost wanted to curse now, because that girl was none other than the girl Lin Feng met during the day!

Lin Feng sighed, hesitating in his heart whether to mind this nosy matter. He is a person who doesn't like to cause trouble. Although this girl can meet him twice, it is quite destined. He knows in his heart that if No matter what this girl said, if she turned around and took Huang Maocai away, no one would stop her, and his character this time could be considered successfully completed.

But just looking at the glowing eyes of the two Fire Cloud Gang members who were following him, they wanted to eat this girl alive. Even if he thought with his toes, he could imagine the situation this girl would be in tonight. After all, Lin Feng still felt a little bit unbearable.

"Wait!" Lin Feng stopped the two pursuers who were about to drag the girl away. One of them was stunned when he heard this, and even shook the pistol in his hand: "What are you doing?"

"Hehe... didn't you just say that you want me to enjoy it first..." Lin Feng walked up with a smirk on his face, hooked the soldier's shoulders, and took the two stacks of euros he got tonight out of his pocket. He took it out and put a bunch of them into the hands of two people. The pursuer who was about to curse Lin Feng held the euro in his hand and immediately changed his expression: "It's easy to say, easy to say..."

Just when the pursuer wanted to lower his head to look at the euros in his hand, Lin Feng snatched the pistol from his other hand, and with lightning speed, he raised his hand and fired two shots. Neither of them understood what was going on. What happened? He fell down with big eyes and shock on his face.

"I really don't know what evil I did in my previous life when I met you!" Lin Feng held the girl under his arm with one hand. He was about to ask Huang Maocai to leave, but he didn't expect that Huang Maocai had already been completely fascinated by the scene just now. They were all frightened, their eyes widened, and their whole bodies were shaking into a ball.

"What a burden!" Lin Feng cursed, picked up Huang Maocai's collar and ran away.

Lin Feng was just caught off guard. By the time many members of the Fire Cloud Gang behind him reacted, Lin Feng wouldn't be able to run away no matter how much he grew a pair of wings. If so many people were pointing in Lin Feng's direction at the same time, If you shoot, Lin Feng will be beaten directly into a sieve without even thinking about it.

Previously, Lin Feng pretended to be a member of the Fire Cloud Gang and helped intercept the girl who invaded the Fire Cloud Gang. The people of the Fire Cloud Gang naturally regarded Lin Feng as a member of their own gang. When they saw Lin Feng lowering his body When they left, they all felt that it was a foregone conclusion that the girl would be captured, so they all prepared to turn around and leave, and naturally put down the firearms in their hands.

But what everyone didn't expect was that Lin Feng did not come towards them after holding the girl in his arms. Instead, he just ran away in the opposite direction. Moreover, the pursuers who passed by before had also disappeared. , it was almost because of Lin Feng's plot.

They never thought that Lin Feng would suddenly lead people to run wildly and turn directly into their enemies, catching them off guard. When someone realized something was wrong and was about to grab it and prepare to shoot, they suddenly discovered that Lin Feng The wind had already disappeared.

Although Lin Feng was said to be incredibly strong, his arms were a bit overwhelmed when he was carrying two people weighing over 100 kilograms at the same time. He was forced by a gun just now, and all his potential was unleashed. Now he ran to the car. Lin Feng felt like his heart was about to jump out.

Lin Feng had already lost his strength. After he reluctantly threw the girl into the back seat, he could no longer care about Huang Maocai and threw her on the ground not far from his car, while he held on to the car door. He was breathing heavily, almost losing his breath.

"You fucking get in the car? Do you still want me to help you?" Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and found that Huang Miaocai was still sitting on the ground with no intention of getting in the car. He couldn't help but get furious: "In order to save you, I... You had your head off your waistband, and you almost got shot. Why don't you get in the car and wait to die here?

Huang Maocai was frightened by Lin Feng's scolding. He cried and his face looked as ugly as if someone had died in his family: "Brother... I really want to get in the car, but my legs are not strong enough. They are weak." ...I can't stand up, brother...see if you can carry me to the car...

Huang Maocai was very careful when he spoke. Seeing that Lin Feng was angry and his tone was even more intermittent, he didn't dare to provoke this master anymore. He was really a ruthless man. The two people who were chasing him were right in front of him. . Being killed by Lin Feng's shot was no joke. Two living lives disappeared in front of his eyes. Although he had beaten people before, even if he lent him ten more courages, he would not be able to do it. Don't dare to kill anyone...

The most awesome thing is that Lin Feng actually rescued him and an unknown girl from the gunpoints of so many people. Now that he thinks about it, his legs still can't stop spinning. It's not like anything in the TV series. Whoever dares to act like this, the person in front of him is actually performing this act in front of his eyes.

"C, how could I save such a loser like you?" Lin Feng was completely out of temper by Huang Maocai. Without saying a word, he opened the car door, grabbed Huang Maocai's collar, and kicked him into the passenger seat. After sitting in the seat, he closed the door very smoothly, returned to the main driver's seat, started the engine, shifted gears, started... he drove the car and ran away without looking back...

And not long after Lin Feng left, the Huoyun Gang's convoy came out in full force and surrounded the Huoyun Gang's building...

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