Xu Ranran had already regained consciousness in the speeding car. When she woke up, she felt burning pain in her shoulders and legs, which made her breathe coldly.

"Boss...blood...boss...blood..." The blood had completely stained the driver's seat in the back row. Huang Maocai pointed at Xu Ranran lying on the back seat and said to Lin Feng in a trembling voice.

"I'm not blind, and I'm not deaf either." Lin Feng didn't know that Xu Ranran's situation was in danger, but now he couldn't be distracted at all.

Xu Ranran's mood was also quite complicated. She originally thought that she would definitely die today, but she didn't expect that she would meet the man she met this morning and save her. She had obviously wanted to take his life in the morning.

Thanks to Xu Ranran's amazing perseverance, after she was shot in the shoulder, she endured the pain and ran towards the exit. Unexpectedly, when she was about to escape from the exit, she was shot again in the leg. , when she looked at the pursuers coming from behind her, she felt completely desperate. She actually saw Lin Feng's face before "dying".

"You just need to take my room card and go to my room according to the room number on the room card and stay there. When I'm done, I'll come over to you. Don't let others notice. Just try your best to behave. Be more natural." Lin Feng parked the car in front of the hotel where he lived before, handed his room card to Huang Maocai, and motioned for him to hide in the hotel for a while.

"Ah...this...okay..." In fact, Huang Maocai didn't want to leave Lin Feng's side. Lin Feng was so good, so there wouldn't be any big problem with him, but he knew Lin Feng's character. Even if he did say it, it would be the same as if he didn't say it. He would still be scolded when the time came. There was a woman in the car who didn't know how to live or die. It didn't matter what her relationship was with Lin Feng. He simply didn't ask more questions, mainly because he didn't dare. After asking more questions, he took the room card from Lin Feng's hand and walked towards the hotel trembling with great reluctance.

"Wait a minute, take the hat off your head!" Lin Feng suddenly thought of something and called Huang Maocai. At this time, suddenly appearing in the hotel as a member of the Huoyun Gang will inevitably arouse the suspicion of the staff inside.

If the Huoyun Gang searches this place by then, if the people in the hotel say anything more, it may be detrimental to themselves.

"Yes, yes..." Huang Maocai pulled the hat off his head and threw it into the trash can. Only after he was stopped by Lin Feng did he figure this out. He couldn't help feeling scared. He finally escaped. If If you are caught again, you will really be trying to draw water from a bamboo basket but in vain.

"Go in through the back door. Just go in after you find this room. Try not to come out and show your face again," Lin Feng reminded.

Logically speaking, the Huoyun Gang should not be concerned with searching the dungeon at this time. It is also possible that they did not know that Huang Maocai had been rescued, but they were careful to make no mistake, even though their attention was entirely focused on the killer who broke into the Huoyun Gang. and yourself, but it’s always good to be careful.

"Okay, brother, I understand. I will be extremely careful." Huang Maocai hit his two legs that were still shaking, took a deep breath and relaxed. Although his legs were still weak, they were already weak. It's not as powerful as before, and I can barely move my legs and walk.

Then he turned around and walked towards the back door of the hotel. He was quite obedient to Lin Feng's orders now, for fear that Lin Feng would leave him here if he didn't want to, and then he would count on me to send someone to save him. I don’t know if I have to wait until the end of the year of the monkey. If I still stay here, I might have been shot by a member of the Fire Cloud Gang.

After watching Huang Maocai enter the hotel, Lin Feng slowly started the car, turned to Xu Ranran and said, "I heard your breathing was steady. You must have been awake for a long time. If you are not dead yet, Just tell me where you live.”

"Muse Hotel..." Xu Ranran's pale face forced a smile that was uglier than crying, and said softly to Lin Feng: "Thank you..."

"There's no need to say thank you. I'll thank God if you don't always think about killing me next time." Lin Feng responded coldly. He didn't appreciate Xu Ranran's gratitude at all, and he only saved her because he couldn't bear her being ruined.

"Can you first turn on the lights inside the car to give me some lighting? I want to take out the bullet from my body first..." Xu Ranran is also a professional killer after all. She still has some basic knowledge. She knows If she went back to the hotel like this, she would definitely attract attention. She wanted to take out the bullet from her body first, and then cover it with anything.

"Look at who drives with a reading light on in the middle of the night? It would make people feel weird if it is turned on." Lin Feng was confused by this girl. The Huoyun Gang was worried that they couldn't find a partner. Why are you driving in the car with a reading light on in the middle of the night? This made Lin Feng a little angry: "You must be a killer, right? Is this how your teacher taught you to be a killer? What nonsense, I'm confused, Why didn’t that shot hit you in the head just now?”

"You..." Xu Ranran's face turned red and she looked at Lin Feng angrily: "You say I can, but don't talk about my master."

"Hmph!" Lin Feng snorted coldly and stopped talking. It was really boring to talk to this girl.

"Si" Xu Ranran is truly a womanly man. Seeing that Lin Feng didn't turn on the reading light, she pulled out the dagger hidden in her boots and stabbed her own wound, which really frightened Lin Feng. .

"Stop, stop, stop, how about I do it for you? If you don't take out the bullet then, you'll stab yourself to death..." Lin Feng didn't dare to turn on the reading light. This would definitely attract some people. Looking sideways, besides, there is a more important issue, which is that it is unknown whether the reading light on this broken car is useful or not.

"Do you know how to heal?" Xu Ranran asked Lin Feng doubtfully.

"Okay, okay, it's me who is meddling in my own business after all. Since you don't believe me, go ahead and stab yourself in the dark. Don't stab yourself in the femoral artery, otherwise you will die in my car." Lin Feng also said He was too lazy to waste words with her, but he had never used a knife to smear anyone, but he roughly compared Xu Ranran's figure in his mind. If he used the knife himself, it would be about the same. Anyway, it would definitely be better than her own. Poke yourself to be strong.

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