Lin Feng glared at him fiercely, and Huang Maocai quickly covered his mouth. He was already extremely afraid of Lin Feng in his heart, and secretly cursed himself that he should not doubt this elder brother's ability. Since this elder brother could save him from the fire cloud Help the headquarters to rescue him. There must be a solution for such a small level.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Are you special or something? Everyone else is queuing up, but you are different?" When the members of the Huoyun Gang saw Lin Feng driving over, they all stopped. With the work in hand, he held the gun and moved closer to Lin Feng, surrounding Lin Feng's car.

"Are you from our Shuilan Gang? Why don't I remember that there is a person like you? Tell me where you got the hat?" A person who seemed to be the leader came forward and lifted Lin Feng's hat. He looked at Lin Feng carefully and frowned.

"Brother, I...I don't know what's going on. It was fine when I came here today, so why is the road blocked?" Lin Feng asked pretending to be submissive.

"Where did you come from with so much nonsense? Didn't you hear what I just asked you? Where did your hat come from?" Lin Feng's actions aroused his suspicion, so he shook the submachine gun in his hand and said Lin Fenghe asked.

"Brother, you misunderstood. I bought my car at an auto repair shop today, and the hat was given to me by the person who sold my car. He said that as long as I wear this hat, no one will come to trouble me... ..." Lin Feng pretended to be cautious and continued to explain.

"Oh, did you buy your car from us? That auto repair shop?" The man frowned and continued to ask.

"I'm not very sure, I just know that the place is not very far from the center of the town." Lin Feng replied, how did he know which auto repair shop it was? He couldn't even name the person who sold him the car. I don’t even know, so I can only explain it in as much detail as possible.

"If I remember correctly, Lampa should be responsible for that area." The interrogator scratched his head and said to himself.

"Okay, if that's the case, I'll call and ask. If I find out you lied to me, I don't need to tell you what the consequences will be!" The interrogator threatened Dao Linfeng.

"Don't dare, don't dare, everything I said is true." Lin Feng tried his best to maintain the image of being very timid.

"Then please wait for a while!" The man's tone was slightly softer. In any case, Lin Feng might be a customer of their Huoyun Gang.

The man took out his mobile phone and flipped through the address book for a long time before making a call: "Hello? Is this Lampa?"

"Pimp, what do you want from me?" Lampa seemed to be busy with something over there. From so far away, Lin Feng could hear the commotion on the other end of the phone. He was probably checking the car.

Although Pipiao and Lampa are both members of the Huoyun Gang, there are only a thousand or eight hundred members of the Huoyun Gang in Twilight Town. It is impossible for every gang member to know each other, and Pipiao and Lampa have only met each other. On the one hand, it’s just a matter of knowing that each other has such a person.

"It's nothing serious. There's just a person who said he bought a car from you today. I called you specifically to confirm whether this is the case. That person is an Oriental and wears the helmet of our gang. Baseball cap, said you gave it to him." The pimp asked.

"Oh oh oh, there is indeed such a person who bought a car from me. It was an old Santana. Can you see if it is right?" Lampa replied.

Because they actually couldn't sell a few cars in a month, and Lin Feng was quite generous and gave him a tip, which made him have a deep impression on Lin Feng. After the pimp reminded him, he instantly remembered that Such a person comes.

"Yes, there is nothing wrong with the car. Do you want you to confirm it? If there is nothing wrong, I will let him go." The pimp took a look at Lin Feng's car and found that it was indeed consistent with what Lampa said.

"Okay, okay, then give him your phone number and I'll confirm it again."

Lampa was also afraid that Lin Feng's car would be driven away by others. After all, he was on the cusp of a storm and had to be more careful when doing things.

"Please answer this call." The pimp nodded and handed the phone to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took the phone and immediately said with a smile: "Brother, it's me, do you still remember me? That's right. I finished buying a car today and was about to drive back. Unexpectedly, I was stopped by someone. I also I don’t know what’s going on, and I don’t want to trouble you…”

"Oh, so that's what happened. I get it. Don't worry. The car you bought from me won't be able to get you out of town. Return the phone to the pimp and I'll tell him Just a few sentences will do." After Lampa confirmed that the person who answered the phone was indeed the person who bought the car today, he felt relieved. In any case, Lin Feng gave him a tip and made it easier for him no matter what.

"Okay!" After Lin Feng agreed, he handed the phone back: "That brother Lampa wants to say a few words to you."

After the pimp took the phone, he hummed a few times, then turned around and said, "I've figured out everything, so you can queue up at the back first, and then you can go over after the car behind you passes."

Lin Feng glanced at the cars in front of him. According to their investigation method, he might have to wait until dawn before leaving the city. What if something unexpected happened then?

"Brother, you're tired, buy a cigarette." Lin Feng got out of the car, pulled the pimp aside, and stuffed all the euros in his pocket into the pimp's hands. Anyway, he was going straight out of the town. Went to the airport.

The pimp pinched the thick wad of banknotes in his hand, and his face almost turned into a chrysanthemum smile: "It's easy to talk, I'll show you the way, you just go directly there."

After saying this, the pimp put the banknotes into his pocket without saying a word, holding the gun and walked to the cars in front of him, saying one by one: "Move over, move over."

The pimp was holding an assault rifle in his hand. Who dared to say anything wrong? Seeing this, all the car owners tried their best to stop their cars on the side of the road. Within a few minutes, they gave way to a road that could only allow one car to pass. On the road, the pimp excitedly waved to Lin Feng, signaling Lin Feng to hurry over.

"Brother, you still have a way, you are really talented." Huang Maocai did not expect Lin Feng to solve the problem so quickly, and was flattering him from the side.

"Stop talking nonsense." Lin Feng snorted coldly, opened the car door, sat in the car again, and drove out of the city gate...

"Go slowly, remember to come to me when buying a car in the future, I will give you a discount." When Lin Feng drove past the pimp, he did not forget to solicit business.

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