I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 379, successful rescue

Lin Feng had already thought about it as soon as he arrived. The killing of the leader of the Huoyun Gang would be an earth-shattering event for the entire Huoyun Gang. Just as he was on his way here, he saw countless gang members searching hotels one by one. An interrogation is definitely inevitable.

It's a pity that all the gang members only knew that the murderer was a woman who suffered a gunshot wound and was taken away by an unknown man. They had no idea what the two people looked like, and they were like a group of headless flies bumping into each other.

Lin Feng took advantage of this opportunity, but he didn't even expect that leaving the city would be so smooth.

After leaving the city, Lin Feng threw the hat out of the window. This thing had no effect on him. Outside the city was not the territory of the Huoyun Gang. There might be many enemies of the Huoyun Gang. This Hats will only bring unnecessary trouble to yourself.

It was late at night and the road was closed. Lin Feng drove the car smoothly to the airport. He patted Huang Maocai, who had fallen asleep and said: "Let's go!"

"Oh oh oh" Huang Maocai was called by Lin Feng. He quickly opened his eyes, opened the car door and walked out. He looked at the airport in front of him, as if in a dream, and he was in a daze.

He no longer had to live in fear in prison all day long. Thinking about his previous life and his life in captivity, he felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

"Why are you so dazed? Are you still reluctant to leave?" After Lin Feng walked a few steps, he found that Huang Mao hadn't followed him. When he looked back, he found that he was just staying there and feeling exhausted.

"Big...brother...I just want to take one last look at this sad place." Huang Maocai sighed and quickly followed Lin Feng's footsteps.

The plane soared into the sky. Lin Feng took a long breath and felt sleepy. He leaned on the seat and fell asleep. Before falling asleep, he glanced at Huang Maocai. He stared out the window in silence, not knowing what he was thinking. What……

When they were approaching their destination, Huang Mao gently shook Lin Feng's shoulder. Lin Feng rubbed his eyes and said, "What are you doing?"

Huang Maocai was now quite afraid of Lin Feng and asked cautiously: "Big...brother...my dad asked you to rescue me...how much did he give you?"

"How much do you think you are worth?" Lin Feng asked.

"I...I...I don't know." Huang Maocai shook his head. He felt that if he could ask an expert like Lin Feng to save him, his father must have paid a high price.

"All your father's property." Lin Feng said calmly: "When you go back, your family will have nothing."

This is not alarmist. In order to get his son, Huang Shen transferred all his savings over the years at once. After Lin Feng returned and got the company's shares, Huang Shen was really impoverished.

"Oh..." The result was as expected by Huang Maocai. He just nodded. Although his expression looked a little depressed, there was no big reaction. He felt that Lin Feng's skills were definitely worth the price. His family Even if all the family property is taken together, it is less than 100 million. Fortunately, the family does not owe a lot of debt, otherwise life will be more difficult in the future.

Huang Maocai's reaction surprised Lin Feng. He seemed to have accepted it all. Could it be that he had misjudged Huang Maocai?

In fact, Huang Maocai has figured out a lot of things during such a long period of imprisonment. When he was rich, a bunch of friends around him would follow him every day to do this and that for him, but once he ran out of money From now on, bullshit doesn't count. During the few months he was imprisoned, not even a single friend came to see him.

"What do you plan to do after returning to China?" Lin Feng asked.

It was rare for Lin Feng to speak to him in a nice voice, which made Huang Maocai a little flattered. He quickly prepared to respond to Lin Feng, but for a moment he didn't know what to say: "Brother...I..."

"Everyone has a time when they are young and frivolous. Let the past be in the past. It would not be a good thing for you to go back and start from scratch." Lin Feng said with some emotion.

"Well... I understand, brother..." Huang Maocai nodded with a smile.

Not long after, the plane stopped on the ground and two people got off the plane.

Lin Feng stood on the roadside waiting for a taxi, but he didn't feel anything. Huang Maocai, who was standing next to him, was filled with emotions, and his body couldn't help but tremble with excitement...

"Are you a drug addict?" Lin Feng was startled by Huang Maocai's sudden behavior. He had heard Huang Shen talk about what his son did abroad before, and he also had a general understanding of these things. But if you don’t commit it early, you won’t commit it later, but you commit it at this time.

"No... no... I quit my drug addiction long ago... I'm just too excited..." Huang Maocai also lost his composure, scratching his head in embarrassment and explaining.

"Quit?" Lin Feng didn't believe it. Does he have such perseverance to quit this thing?

"After being imprisoned for such a long time and having no money, who would let myself smoke? It was very uncomfortable at first, and I wanted to die but didn't dare. Over time, I survived many times and slowly gave up." Huang Maocai explained with some embarrassment. road.

"Well, it seems that you have not suffered this hardship in vain." Lin Feng nodded. This can be regarded as a blessing in disguise, but these things are not under his control. He is responsible for bringing Huang Maocai back. His private affairs are handled by his father. Go ahead.

"You can't be more excited to go home and see your dad." Lin Feng stopped a taxi and sat in the taxi and waved to Huang Maocai, who was standing next to him in a daze, and he quickly got into the car.

The driver glanced at Huang Maocai sitting in the back seat through the rearview mirror, his eyes filled with contempt. He even wondered if this man was a beggar, and was secretly worried that Huang Maocai would dirty his car.

Huang Maocai also saw the driver's disdainful look, but he showed no concern. He had followed Lin Feng for so many days, and he had seen people living and dying, and his temperament had quietly changed. This kind of thing now belongs to him. I really don't care about trivial things.

"Go to the near water terrace." Lin Feng said to the driver.

"Okay!" The driver responded and started the car. He still felt strange in his heart. Seeing Lin Feng's clothes so well-dressed, and looking at the person in the back seat, he couldn't help but wonder about the relationship between the two.

But he didn't ask much. He was just running a taxi one night to do private work. As long as he could give him money, it didn't matter where he went. It didn't matter to him.

Huang Maocai's current mood can be described as ecstatic. He has stayed outside for several years and has not gone home. Looking at the high-rise buildings and the endless flow of vehicles in H City, his heartbeat speeds up.

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