When they arrived at Jinshui Tower, Lin Feng and Huang Maocai got off the bus after paying the fare and walked towards the villa where Huang Shen lived. Huang Maocai's face was filled with excitement that could not be concealed...

In the past few days, Huang Shen had been claiming that his heart was not feeling well. Zhu Hao came to him to discuss matters in the company, but he refused to do so. This made Zhu Hao very depressed. He was carrying large and small bags of various supplements. I went to see Huang Shen every now and then, and even used my personal connections to find a well-known old Chinese medicine doctor who wanted him to visit Huang Shen in person, for fear that Huang Shen would die...

Zhu Hao didn't know where he got the news. He heard that Lin Feng was not at home these days, so he used all his contacts in the Lin Group to take advantage of this opportunity to take down Lin Feng at once. It just happened that Huang Shen was missing...

Zhu Hao paid a visit to Huang Shen for several days in a row, asking Huang Shen all kinds of questions, which made Huang Shen have the illusion that this Zhu Hao was his brother who had been lost for many years... Huang Shen's face was always haggard and pale, and he had not been seen for many days. After getting better, Zhu Hao didn't become suspicious, let alone doubt whether he was pretending to be sick.

However, in fact, Huang Shen was not feeling unwell, nor was he seriously ill as claimed. The reason why he looked so haggard was because he was worried about his son.

During the past few days when he was pretending to be sick at home, he kept comforting himself in his heart. Lin Feng's strength was obvious to all, and Lin Feng would definitely be able to bring his son back...

But every time he thought about this, Huang Shen felt flustered, as if he was really having a heart attack. As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four hands. No matter how good Lin Feng's skills are, the opponent has real firearms in his hands. Ah, he himself spent a lot of money and asked several people to rescue his son, but what happened in the end? None of them were successful. Damn the injuries. It seemed that Lin Feng didn’t want to be able to save his son...

At this point, he couldn't sleep well all night long, his hair fell out in handfuls, and he didn't think about food and drinks. In just a few days, his cheeks had lost weight, making him look like he had some terminal illness. It happened that Zhu Hao, who dared to come to visit, saw this scene, and there was nothing wrong with urging him anymore, so he had to let him rest in peace and recuperate first.

In fact, Zhu Hao was not much better. Seeing the duck in his mouth, Shen Qingxue was the temporary director of the Lin Group after all. She was busy with many trivial matters. This stage was when the Lin Group was at its weakest. But this Huang Shen will not give you life or death.

Zhu Hao prayed silently, after I take over, you can die wherever you like. Please, please don’t let anything happen recently...

"Ding dong, ding dong..."

The doorbell rang suddenly, and Huang Shen frowned. He was also annoyed by the endless chatter of Zhu Hao next to him. This Zhu Hao was like a dog's skin plaster all day long, with iron sticking to him. If Lin Feng came back again, If he didn't come, I'm afraid he would be bored to death just by Zhu Haofan.

"There are guests at home, I'll open the door..."

Huang Shen was lying on the sofa. Just as he was about to get up, he was held down by Zhu Hao: "Brother Huang, you should rest more now. Just let me take care of this kind of thing..."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Huang Shen to say anything, he stood up without saying a word and went to open the door. However, when the door opened, Zhu Hao was really stunned and couldn't believe the person in front of him...

"Lin...Mr. Lin...why are you here?" Zhu Hao looked at Lin Feng in front of him and was so shocked that he couldn't speak. The person he wanted to replace was standing in front of him. It was inevitable that there would be someone Feeling guilty as a thief.

"What? You can only come, not me?" Lin Feng snorted coldly and said lightly.

"No, no, Lin Feng, please come in..." Zhu Hao quickly stepped aside, and Lin Feng walked in with Huang Maocai.

"Mr. Lin, come here..." When Huang Shen saw Lin Feng come in, he quickly got up from the sofa and stood up to greet Lin Feng. It was a bit difficult to get up at first, but when he saw the figure behind Lin Feng, he jumped directly from the sofa. Get up: "Son, son, you are back!"

son? Huang Maocai? Now it was Zhu Hao's turn to be confused. Wasn't his son kidnapped and put into the hands of a foreign gang? A son appeared out of nowhere? If his son comes back, will his plan still work?

"Brother Huang, this is you..." Zhu Hao just wanted to raise the question in his heart, but was interrupted by Huang Shen: "Brother Zhu, you have also seen that I have a guest at home. How about you deal with it another day? Let’s talk about it again…”

Let’s talk about it another day? His son has been rescued, so why bother talking about it another day? If you don't have the leverage to threaten him, how can you expect Huang Shen to do things for him again?

"But..." Zhu Hao wanted to say something more, but he was kicked out by A Xiong. He stood outside the door, confused... When he walked there, he kept comforting himself. Maybe it was a coincidence, just in case Huang Shen If you keep a few lovers outside, wouldn't it be normal to have one or two more sons...

"Dad...I'm back..." Huang Maocai's voice was choked with sobs. He had been living freely abroad for these years and basically never went home. He knew how to cause trouble for his father when he was outside. After returning this time, he didn't expect that his father would actually I have aged so much, my temples are almost completely white...

"Okay, you two are reminiscing about old times for a while, so hurry up and give me my shares, I want to go home." Lin Feng is not a hard-hearted person, and he was a little moved by the scene between Huang Shen and his son. Inexplicably, he thought of Shen Qingxue. Now he also wanted to go home quickly and reunite with his wife...

I was moved, but Lin Feng did not sympathize with them. Needless to say, Huang Maocai was a complete prodigal. Huang Shen's huge family fortune, which he had worked so hard to save, was wiped out by this prodigal in just a few years. The son did not teach his father. However, Huang Shen was busy every day, working from dawn to dusk, just to save a fortune for Huang Maocai and make his life easier in the future. Unexpectedly, in the end, it was all in vain...

"Yes, yes, I'm so excited because of my patronage. Xiong, thank you for going and fetching the documents on my desk." Huang Shen patted his head and hurriedly ordered Xiong who was not far away.

Ah Xiong hurriedly ran upstairs. The reason why he was not fired by Huang Shen was because Huang Shen's energy was not focused on him recently. Secondly, Huang Shen himself knew that no matter whether Lin Feng could save him or not, When my son comes back, all his family property has been squandered. Even if he is employed, he will not be employed for long...

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