I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 392: Never have a good friend

Lin Feng nodded numbly. He hoped that Jiang Li could understand him and not take him out to eat in the future. Although Lin Feng and Shen Qingxue were already used to such looks, as long as she went out to eat with Jiang Li, There is a feeling of guilty conscience.

"Didn't you say before that you own a restaurant? Since you don't want to eat here, let's go to the restaurant you own to eat."

Jiang Li still made a very considerate suggestion.

Lin Feng felt numb when he heard this, and pretended to hesitate: "No, my store is a bit far away from here, so it's inconvenient to go back and forth. Besides, eating with you is different."

Own store? Where did he have a store? It was not just a random reason he made up at the time. There was no hotel, but the company had one. Take her back to the company? Isn't that seeking death?

Lin Feng didn't dare to dwell on this topic anymore. He was afraid that if Jiang Li got excited, he would drag him to that make-believe restaurant. He quietly changed the subject: "Why haven't I seen you and me often?" Did your friends hang out?"

Jiang Li has been a strong woman since she was a child. When she was in college, she basically stayed in the library every day and rarely interacted with other people. Moreover, her family conditions have been very favorable since she was a child. During college, her father even He bought her a house directly outside the school for her day-to-day study needs. Coupled with her arrogant and distant personality, she had few close friends except for suitors.

"I originally had a best friend with whom I had a good relationship, but she has already gone abroad, and now we rarely have contact with her." Jiang Li looked a little gloomy.

"What a friend! He seems to be a pitiful person. He always pestered me before I arrived." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

"Xiao Feng, you haven't contacted me for several days in a row." Jiang Li raised his head and stared at Lin Feng.

"I was very busy the past few days. Didn't I explain everything to you?" Lin Feng replied.

"But you didn't tell me that before. You said you wouldn't let me find you... I... thought... you didn't want to stay with me..." Jiang Li said at the end, his voice He was a little choked, and his eyes were sparkling.

She has long regarded Lin Feng as another emotional supporter besides his father. This may be because Jiang Li has not had a mother since he was a child, and his personality is somewhat withdrawn. His father was in the early stages of starting a business when she was a child, and he had no time at all. Taking care of her made her a little lacking in love, and then Lin Feng broke into her life.

Jiang Li's sudden grievance made Lin Feng at a loss. He quickly comforted him: "I'm here to accompany you. This kind of thing will never happen again."

"Lin Feng, Lin Feng, you are such a fucking scumbag." Lin Feng couldn't help but want to scold himself.


Jiang Li's voice couldn't stop rising.

"Of course, I'm a dog if I lie to you."

"Woof woof woof..." Lin Feng roared crazily in his heart.

"Waiter, bring me two bottles of Erguotou and seven or eight bottles of beer!" Lin Feng was afraid that Jiang Li would continue chatting, so he stood up from the stool and howled.

Lin Feng probably shouted too loudly. The originally noisy restaurant fell silent for a moment. Everyone looked at Lin Feng. When they saw Jiang Li with red eyes, they looked at his face again. Lin Feng was so angry that he immediately came up with a plot about a man's rejection of his advances.

Jiang Li suddenly became anxious when so many people were watching him at the same time. He quickly tugged on Lin Feng's sleeve and whispered, "Sit down quickly, there are so many people here."

Lin Feng shook his head: "I'll sit down when the wine comes."

I can't sit down. This girl has too many questions. I can't coax her through it. As soon as the wine comes, I'll start making wine. I can't let her ask any more questions. I can't give her a chance. I have to Get yourself drunk quickly.

Seeing this gesture, the waiter thought that Lin Feng's advances had been rejected, so he used his hands and feet to put the wine under the table very smoothly, and trotted back, fearing that he would be affected.

Without saying a word, Lin Feng raised his thumb and a beer bottle cap flew several meters away. Then he blew six bottles of beer in full view of everyone.

Jiang Li suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Feng in disbelief, wondering what kind of madness he was playing today.

"Sit down!"

Jiang Li continued to tug on Lin Feng's sleeves and whispered.

"Don't sit down!"

Lin Feng's attitude was also very determined. He continued to drink wine with the mentality of not sitting down until he was drunk.

“Are you going to sit down or not?!”

"Don't sit down!"

Jiang Li was about to explode with anger. She was about to be humiliated by Lin Feng today. She tried to comfort Lin Feng, but he remained unmoved.

She took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling so violently that her shirt was about to burst. Jiang Li gritted his teeth and squeezed out four words from his mouth, "You! Sit! No! Sit!"

"No..." Lin Feng was just about to pick up a bottle of beer. Jiang Li grabbed Lin Feng's wrist and bit it down without saying a word.

"Ah! Can't I just listen to you!? Ah! Stop biting my aunt, what do you mean?"

Lin Feng gave in on the spot and screamed for mercy.

"I really will never leave you again..."

"I swear, I swear..."

Lin Feng begged for mercy in various ways, but Jiang Li showed no mercy, and his face turned red. Lin Feng felt severe pain in his arm, but he couldn't hit him, and he was afraid of hurting Jiang Li by pushing.

Oops, the plot turned around so quickly. It turned out that it was not a story about a man who was rejected in courtship, but a story about a scumbag who wanted to abandon his girlfriend.

Those watching cheered for fear that the world would not be in chaos, and even had expressions of relief on their faces, looking very reluctant to take a few bites in Jiang Li's place.


“Nice bite!”

"Bite this scumbag to death!"

The onlookers all thought that Jiang Li was so handsome, and I even felt pity for him when he cried. Looking at Lin Feng, he was wearing a crisp suit, shiny leather shoes, and the watch on his hand looked expensive. A perfect standard configuration for a scumbag.

"Bah, you bitch, Chen Shimei!"

"You can tell by looking at his outfit that there are many girls out there. He's really not a thing. It's just a pity that girl is so pretty."

"Since ancient times, beauties have had a bad life."

There was also a couple sitting together who took this opportunity to use Lin Feng as a negative example: "Did you see that this is what happens to scumbags? You must learn from it in the future."

Who the hell are you talking to to reason with? Don’t I just want to drink two beers? Why the fuck did he become a scumbag? Lin Feng immediately froze, his arm was already numb anyway, let Jiang Li bite it.

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