I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 393: Do you want to take a rest?

"Uh... are you tired from biting? Do you want to rest for a while before biting again?" Lin Feng was helpless and pinched Jiang Li's cheek gently.

"Humph!" Jiang Li sat down angrily.

But after all, Jiang Li was a girl, and she had rough skin and thick flesh. However, Jiang Li bit her for a long time. Even though her mouth was sore, she only left two neat rows of tooth marks on Lin Feng's arm.

Jiang Li was furious just now. In fact, she didn't quite understand why she was so angry just now. But after venting her anger, she looked at the white and purple tooth marks on Lin Feng's arm and felt a little regretful. How could he get so angry after just drinking two bottles of beer?

"Xiao Feng..." Jiang Li lowered his head, as if he was a child who made a mistake.

She was not thinking about her mistake. What Jiang Li was thinking about now was where should she start, and then have a fight with Lin Feng. When the time comes, let him coax her. Should it start when he drinks, or when he has been there for so many days? Ignore me and start arguing... I'm so confused...

If Lin Feng knew what Jiang Li was thinking now, he would probably flip the table over in anger, but he didn't know that and thought Jiang Li was still angry.

"Hey, hey, you pay for today's meal." Lin Feng didn't care, he just took two bites, since there was no missing piece of meat anyway.

"I want to drink juice." Jiang Li said.

"What?" Lin Feng couldn't understand for a moment that Jiang Li's brain circuit was so big.

"I want to drink watermelon juice..." Jiang Li tilted his head and thought for a while, then said seriously.

"Okay, I'll buy it." Lin Feng felt something was wrong when he reached the door, but couldn't remember what was wrong. He scratched his head and went out to buy watermelon juice.

Good guy, it turns out it's not Chen Shimei, it's just a simple couple quarreling, so happy for once.

As the male protagonist left the scene, the guests who were watching the excitement stopped paying attention. Those who needed to drink and drink, those who needed to eat, continued to eat. The noise and noise from before had resumed in the restaurant.

Lin Feng searched for a long time but couldn't find a shop to buy juice on the street. He did find a lot of shops to buy fruit. Lin Feng thought for a while, since watermelon juice is also squeezed from watermelon, he might as well get a watermelon and take it home. It's still fresh.

So Lin Feng carried a big watermelon and huffed back to the store. As soon as he entered the store, he saw a man chatting with Jiang Li, stretching out his hand to shake hands.

"I'm sorry, I just peeled the shrimps and my hands accidentally got oil on them. Jiang Li waved his hand and responded politely."

At this time, Lin Feng had already walked over. He glanced at the man in front of him and found that there was a girl sitting next to Jiang Li.

"This is my... friend, Lin Feng." After Jiang Li saw Lin Feng coming back, he quickly stood up and introduced him to the girl next to him.

In fact, Jiang Li originally wanted to say that he was a boyfriend, but then he thought about it. Although it seemed that he had already done all the things that should be done between boyfriend and girlfriend, Lin Feng had never confessed to him. She couldn't. Lin Feng is so cheap.

When the girl heard this, she quickly stood up, stretched out her hand and said, "I am Jiang Li's former colleague, Leng Mengmeng. Nice to meet you."

Lin Feng held a big watermelon in his arms and shook it: "You guys chat for a while first, I'll cut this watermelon."

Jiang Li looked at Lin Feng with unclear meaning, then looked at the big watermelon in his hand, and gave Lin Feng a fierce look.

Leng Mengmeng retracted her hand angrily. This scene made the artistic guy with eyes standing next to Lin Feng a little unhappy: "My girlfriend is shaking hands with you, why don't you respond?"

"My hands are a little dirty." Lin Feng responded politely.

Damn it, Lin Feng glanced at the dark and thin Leng Mengmeng, and then at the elegant boy standing quietly next to him, and thought to himself that he was really not picky.

"I don't mind. My name is Mu Baiyu."

Mo Baiyu extended his hand like a gentleman.

Lin Feng thought to himself, this brother's name is really good, he has a more protagonist aura than me.

Lin Feng was not a narrow-minded person. He immediately put the watermelon on the table and extended his hand in polite response.

Unexpectedly, Lin Feng's hand reached halfway, and Mu Baiyu pulled it back.

Mu Baiyu looked at Lin Feng with a playful expression, wanting him to feel the embarrassment of being left out.

"Grandma, after all the twists and turns, you are really trying to find face for your girlfriend."

Who was Lin Feng? He was not someone to be trifled with. He was willing to suffer the consequences. Without saying a word, he grabbed Mu Baiyu's hand that was about to retract and pulled it back hard.

"Bang" a crisp sound.

Mu Baiyu bumped into the watermelon that Lin Feng had put on the table without hesitation, knocking the watermelon into pieces. His glasses were also knocked crooked, his white shirt was dirty, and the juice was scattered in all directions. The four of them were all different. The water was splashed with juice, and Shen Qingxue and Leng Mengmeng who were closest to the watermelon also suffered.

Jiang Li suddenly became furious, but when he thought that there were outsiders present, he did not stop Lin Feng and gave him an angry look.

"Oh, oh, look, look, why don't you just shake hands? Why are you so excited?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Jiang Li, don't you want to drink watermelon juice? Look, there is freshly squeezed water here." Lin Feng did not forget to tease Jiang Li.

Mu Baiyu stole the chicken and lost the rice, glared at Lin Feng fiercely, turned and left, Leng Mengmeng followed quickly, giving Lin Feng a meaningful look.

"Stretch out your arms." Jiang Li ordered with a stern face.

"There are so many people in a public place. Don't make trouble and save some face for me." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Hiss, tap lightly..."

Lin Feng didn't dare to scream this time, and silently endured the abuse of Jiang Li's teeth, gasping in pain.

After venting his anger, Jiang Li asked: "Why do you want to embarrass him? He is also my colleague's boyfriend after all."

"Hmph, didn't you see the way that guy was looking at you? It's not a good thing at first glance." Lin Feng rubbed his arm and snorted coldly.

Jiang Li chuckled when he heard this, his voice was as clear as a silver bell, and he came forward with a smile: "Are you jealous?"

Lin Feng remained silent.

Being disturbed by that Mu Baiyu, the meal would definitely be unfinished. After Lin Feng hurriedly paid the bill, he took Jiang Li and left the restaurant.

"I want to eat that..." Jiang Li pointed to the small fruit cake in the window.

"Eating that will make you gain weight...and you just finished eating..."

"I want to eat the one with more fruits..."

"Did you listen to me?"

"This?" Lin Feng pointed to the different styles of cakes in the window and asked Jiang Li to choose.

"That's it." Jiang Li nodded.

Jiang Li sat on a wooden chair in the park, swinging his slender legs leisurely, and ate a bite of cream and a bite of fruit.

"Do you want a bite?" Jiang Li asked Lin Feng, who was standing next to him.

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