Lin Feng's head shook like a rattle.

Jiang Li put the cake hanging in the air into his mouth expressionlessly: "Whether you are eating or at home, you have never refused to sit with me. When we walk together outside, you will also You keep a distance from me intentionally or unintentionally. You never hold my hand, let alone say ambiguous words to me. The only few sweet words you say are to coax me. You really think I don’t have anything. Know?" Jiang Li's tone increased invisibly, and his voice became colder.

Every time Jiang Li analyzes something, Lin Feng's heart sinks. His heart beats faster, his mouth becomes dry, and he thinks to himself, is it finally going to be a showdown?

This time, Jiang Li didn't cry or make a fuss. He stood up slowly, threw the uneaten cake in his hand into the trash can, and said lightly: "I'm tired of it."

Lin Feng followed Jiang Li without saying a word. He didn't know where Jiang Li was going, and he didn't know why he was following her.

Finally, the two stopped at a restaurant.

Jiang Li asked: "Do you want to drink?"

Lin Feng nodded numbly.

So, Jiang Li walked into the restaurant, followed by Lin Feng.

"Give me the best wine in your store, bring me a box, and then give me a private room."

Jiang Li tossed over a bank card and walked into a private room.

"I investigated you during the days when you were abroad." Jiang Li poured a glass of wine and handed it to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took it. He didn't know whether it was because the wine was too full, or because Lin Feng's hands were shaking, or because Jiang Li's hands were shaking. In short, the wine spilled on the table, and Lin Feng drank it all.

"You don't have any hotels at all, right?" Jiang Li smiled bitterly: "You are the chairman of the Lin Group, right?"

Lin Feng didn't say anything. He poured a glass of wine and drank it in one gulp.

"Okay, since you don't want to answer me, I won't ask any more questions." Jiang Li filled herself up with a full glass of white wine and drank it in one gulp. The spicy and bitter taste surged up, and she coughed violently.

Lin Feng moved but did not get up.

It can be seen that he was very hesitant. He put his right hand on his knee and clenched it tightly.

Jiang Li continued to pour the wine, drank it all in one gulp, and coughed violently again.

She had never drank alcohol, never, and this was the first time in twenty-six years that she had touched alcohol.

Jiang Li coughed for a while, stopped, and said with a sneer: "Bullshit, one drunk will solve a thousand worries."

Lin Feng still didn't answer. At some point, there were three empty liquor bottles at his feet.

"Have you ever liked me?" Jiang Li looked at Lin Feng silently for a long time, and finally spoke.

"You're drunk." Lin Feng said.

"I didn't." Jiang Li's voice trembled quite hard, but his tone was still very firm: "Have you ever liked me?"

Lin Feng's heart felt as if someone had slashed it several times with a knife. The pain was so painful that he couldn't breathe.

Jiang Li looked at Lin Feng affectionately and smiled sweetly: "I remember that we have known each other for such a long time, and it seems that we have never taken a photo together. It is as rare as if you have never appeared in my life."

"Let's go to the photo studio and take a photo." Lin Feng said.

He found that his hands were shaking so much that he couldn't hold the phone.

Jiang Li took Lin Feng to the photo studio and said, "Boss, take a group photo for us."

"Is this a wedding photo? Do you want to rent a wedding dress?" The boss glanced at the two of them, and the smell of alcohol made him frown and said hesitantly.

"Hahahaha, either getting married or simply taking a few group photos." Jiang Li said with a smile.

The boss brought the two people to a red curtain, raised the camera, put it down, raised it again, and put it down again, repeating this process several times.

Lin Feng asked: "Is the camera hot or something?"


The owner of the photo studio said a little embarrassedly: "I can't take the photo."

Lin Feng frowned: "Not enough money?"

The boss shook his head and pointed at Jiang Li beside Lin Feng.

Lin Feng turned his head, and Jiang Li's eyes were full of tears. He kept reaching out to wipe the fallen tears, but he couldn't wipe them clean. The tears streaked across her cheeks and fell onto her clothes.

Lin Feng knew the reason, and he had already thought of many reasons. When he was hesitating, he should continue to lie.

He opened his mouth, but no sound came out. The situation was already clear, and he couldn't change anything now.

The photo of the two people was not taken in the end.

After leaving the photo studio, Lin Feng took a deep look at Jiang Li and chose to walk in the opposite direction to her.

Jiang Li took Lin Feng's hand and said, "This is the last time, okay? Just walk with me again, there will be no chance in the future."

Lin Feng nodded and let her pull him.

This was technically the first time they held hands, and it was also the last time they held hands.

Jiang Li talked to himself while holding Lin Feng's hand.

"You know, I've fallen in love with you since the first time you rescued me from the kidnapper. I used to look forward to the days when the two of us get along in the future. We will have a small world exclusive to each other. , we will also be parents, and we will also have children of our own. What do you think our children will be like, will they follow mom or dad?"

As soon as Jiang Li opened her mouth, she shed tears again. She smiled sheepishly, raised her hand to wipe her tears and said, "You know, girls all like to fantasize."

Lin Feng didn't speak, and he didn't know what to say. All he could feel now was the coldness, the biting coldness, like falling into an ice cave. There were some things that he was going to lose after all.

I never cared about it when I owned it before. It was only when I was about to lose it that I suddenly realized that this thing was once mine.

"Xiao Feng, there is a suit I bought for you hanging in the back of my closet. Unfortunately, you haven't had time to wear it yet and show it to me. I recently discovered a lot of delicious shops. I want you to go with me to try them. That’s it, and what’s more, you haven’t bought me the first cup of milk tea in autumn… You are so stupid, you don’t even know how to coax me.”

Lin Feng's eyes were a little moist. He raised his head as hard as he could, not wanting Jiang Li to see his embarrassment.

"Okay, let's stop here."

Before they knew it, both of them had walked into the community.

Jiang Li smiled sweetly at Lin Feng and sniffed: "I'm leaving."

Just when Lin Feng wanted to grab her hand, Jiang Li shook it hard and broke free. Her tall figure gradually disappeared from Lin Feng's sight. Lin Feng's chest was so tight that he couldn't breathe.

Lin Feng nodded slightly in the direction Jiang Li left, and whispered: "I'm sorry." Lin Feng took one last look at this place, walked to where he parked, opened the door, and saw a set of foldable bags on the passenger seat. Wearing a neat suit, his eyes instantly blurred...

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