I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 398: Creating accidents

"Xiaohu, follow me and take a look."

"Okay, Mr. Zhu." The young man named Xiaohu got out of the car very smoothly and followed him.

Ye Tian glanced at this inconspicuous young man, and a murderous intention flashed in his eyes. He is the kind of person who is very cautious in doing things. Today, this young man saw his appearance clearly. If he goes out and talks laxly, he will be careless. If he did, he might get himself into big trouble. The first thought that flashed through Ye Tian's mind was to find a chance to become this young man after he went out.

Although there is a big shot behind the young soldier that he follows, young soldier is just his illegitimate son in the final analysis. If he really causes some big trouble to young young soldier, young young soldier will definitely not care about him. Ye Tian Having been someone's little brother for so many years, I know this very well. When you are useful, you are still a dog. When you are not useful, I am afraid you can't even be a dog.

Therefore, no matter who Ye Tian works for, he always leaves a way out for himself. This was the case for Long Aotian before, and the same is true for the current Bing Shao.

"Lin Feng, Lin Feng, let's go bungee jumping. I haven't done that in many years." Erica suggested. Her parents had been very strict with her since she was a child. She had very little time to do other things besides studying every day. After graduation, her family directly arranged for her to join the company. She felt that she was a tool in the family.

"Let's do something else first. We will bungee jump together later." Lin Feng said. He had been feeling very depressed these days and wanted to vent his feelings through bungee jumping. However, he thought of the business car that had just followed him. The motive of the car is not clear yet, just in case they did something to the facility.

"That's okay, bungee jumping consumes too much energy." Erica also nodded.

"Shall we go for a roller coaster?" Erica asked Lin Feng.

"No, I'm afraid of heights." Lin Feng said seriously.

"Are you afraid of heights?" Erica said in surprise: "I thought you were fearless, but I didn't expect you to be afraid of heights."

Lin Feng rolled his eyes at him: "Superman is the one who is not afraid of heaven and earth. I am not a superman. I am a human being. As a human being, there are things to be afraid of, and I am no exception."

"Um..." This made Erica have a hard time. It was a rare opportunity to be alone with Lin Feng. She didn't want to miss this opportunity, but if Lin Feng was afraid of heights, more than half of the entertainment facilities in the playground would be to him. They can't all play together, and that wouldn't be very interesting.

"Do you want to play with the pirate ship?" Erica continued to ask Lin Feng.

"It's too childish. I won't go. You can play by yourself." Lin Feng shook his head.

"What about this one?" Erica pointed to another entertainment facility and Lin Feng shook his head. "What about that one?" Erica pointed to another one, but Lin Feng still shook his head.

This time Erica was anxious: "If you don't play this or that, then what do you want to play?"

"How about we meet at the company to discuss business?" Lin Feng said seriously.

"You big-headed devil, you can talk about it yourself." Erica turned and left.

"Hey, if you don't come here, you won't be able to negotiate cooperation with me." Erica threatened.

Lin Feng had no choice but to follow.

"Shall we go to the haunted house to play? It is said that this is a must-go place for couples." Erica stared at Lin Feng with a smile.

"That's a pity. We are not a couple. I'll wait for you outside. You can go play." Lin Feng sat down on the bench very simply.

"Contract..." Erica glared at Lin Feng.

"Hey." Lin Feng sighed and walked over.

Lin Feng glanced behind him intentionally or unintentionally. He had already felt that someone was following behind him, but he kept pretending not to know. In his opinion, this person was just a gangster, and there was no need to alert him. , he is not a threat anyway, why not just see what he is going to do, maybe we can also draw out the people behind the scenes.

This little guy, even if Lin Feng kills him, it will have no impact on the people behind the scenes. Even if he gets rid of him, another little guy will continue to follow him. This is just an errand.

"Mr. Zhu, I think their intention is to go to the haunted house. Now the two of them are standing at the door of the haunted house..." Xiaohu took out his mobile phone, covered his mouth and made a furtive call.

"Okay, I understand, you continue to stare." Zhu Hao said: "I will discuss it with Mr. Ye and give you the next instructions later."

"Okay, Mr. Zhu, I understand." Xiaohu agreed and then hung up the phone.

Zhu Hao's phone was on speakerphone, and Ye Tian had already heard what he said. He didn't know how to start now. He also knew Lin Feng's skills. A master who could hit ten people. In ordinary assassination, I'm afraid Lin Feng would not be able to do it. Before Feng could be killed, he had already been killed by Lin Feng. Black Wolf was a good example.

"You let Xiao Hu drag them first, let them buy tickets as slowly as possible, and don't let them go in so fast." Ye Tian thought for a long time but couldn't think of any good way, so he decided to drag Lin Feng and the others first. , and then continue to think about it yourself.

"Okay." Zhu Hao immediately called Xiaohu and conveyed Ye Tian's intention to him. After hanging up the phone, he looked at Ye Tian: "Mr. Ye, have you thought of a way to create an accident and kill them?"

"You should also think about it with me, how can you die unexpectedly in a haunted house?" Ye Tian planned to discuss it with Zhu Hao and brainstorm ideas.

"This..." Although Zhu Hao was said to be a good person and full of bad qualities, these bad qualities were limited to the methods he used to be greedy for money. When Ye Tianmeng asked him this question without hesitation, it was really difficult for him. Can't think of any good ideas.

"Right." Zhu Hao suddenly thought of an idea.

"Oh?" Ye Tian also put his head over: "Have you thought of any good ideas?"

"Mr. Ye, do the people pretending to be ghosts in the haunted house have any props, sticks, swords or anything like that?" Zhu Hao asked.

"Yes, there are, but they are all made of plastic and have no lethality. Let alone killing, hurting is a problem." Ye Tian frowned and recalled, after all, he was also responsible for this project, more or less. Learn something.

"We definitely can't rely on that pile of broken plastic. We can fake it and hide it from the truth." Zhu Hao said with a bad smile.

Ye Tian was not a stupid person, and he immediately reacted: "You mean...replace them with something else?"

"Yes, replace it with a really lethal weapon. Wouldn't this be excused by the excuse of staff error?"

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