I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 399: Concealing the truth

"Hiding the truth...that's a good idea." Ye Tian smiled sinisterly: "Instruct the brothers to wrap the steel pipes in the trunk of the car with newspapers and prepare them."

"This is a good idea. Find a dark corner in the haunted house and kill the couple without knowing it..." Zhu Hao nodded in agreement: "Then let's make arrangements and bring the brothers together. They sneaked in."

The two looked at each other and laughed very sinisterly.

"Why do we only let three or four people in this haunted house at a time?" Erica was a little impatient in the queue at the back. There were more than a dozen people queuing in front. At this rate, it would take half an hour at the earliest. or so time.

"Why are you so anxious? We're just waiting in line? You don't have any patience at all." Lin Feng said calmly: "Didn't you see that the couple in front of us were already pale when they came out? Aren't you afraid?"

Lin Feng obviously didn't have much interest in these things. He said this because he was impatient with waiting and wanted to end it quickly.

"What are you afraid of? They are all fake things. When you say that, I am still looking forward to it."

When Erica heard this, not only did she not feel afraid, but she became a little eager to try it.

"It's so boring."

Lin Feng sighed and thought to himself.

What Lin Feng didn't notice was that several people had just sneaked into the control room.

In the control room behind the haunted house, Ye Tian, ​​Zhu Hao and the young general who had been following Lin Feng got a costume from somewhere and started cosplaying on the spot, dressing up as three zombies and trying to dress up as a haunted house. The staff inside.

After doing all this, Ye Tian took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hey, I'm Ye Tian, ​​yes, yes, it's me. Turn off the surveillance system in the haunted house. What are you doing? Repairing the surveillance system? No need to repair it? You can turn it off if you don't want to do it, right?"

"Okay, everything is ready." Ye Tian nodded at Zhu Hao and handed out the steel pipes hidden in the advertising paper, one for each person.

"No, I'm afraid there's something wrong with this." Ye Tian thought for a moment, put down the steel pipe in his hand, waved his hand at Zhu Hao, and said close to his ear: "We two can't do anything about this, let me It would be safer for the subordinates in the amusement park to do it."

Zhu Hao also nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, Mr. Ye, even if we really deal with that couple of bitches, we won't be able to get away. After all, there are so many surveillance cameras on the road to the amusement park, and we will definitely be discovered." .”

He thought that since he was old and had old arms and legs, even if he sneaked in, he wouldn't be able to play any role, so he might as well wait behind him.

"Okay, let's go back first. This steel pipe is too injurious. Let's change it to another one." Ye Tian smiled sinisterly, took off his costume, and slipped out with Zhu Hao. Before going out, he said to Xiaohu: "You are now Watch them here, and I’ll call some brothers over for you.”

"Okay, Mr. Ye, I understand." Xiaohu responded with a smile.

After going out, Ye Tian took out his mobile phone and made a call again. He walked to a corner and whispered something.

"Okay, when everything is done, I will give you one million each and I will arrange for you to go out." After Ye Tian said this, he hung up the phone. After about three to five minutes, two people in clothes came over. The staff members in work clothes were holding bulging advertising paper in their hands and they didn’t know what they were wrapped in.

"Xiao Kai, Xiao Niu, you can't do this without knowing the consequences, right?" Lin Feng glanced at the two of them and threatened.

"I know, I know, brother Lin, don't worry, the two of us will definitely get things done for you."

The two young men seemed to be afraid of Ye Tian. Hearing this, one of them hurriedly nodded and agreed.

"Then I can rest assured. I'm waiting for your good news. The brother in the control room is also one of ours. You three, come together and go quickly." Ye Tian ordered.

"Yes, yes, let's go right away." Xiao Kai and Mavericks hurriedly walked towards the control room.

"Okay, Lao Zhu, I've made all the arrangements. Let's go back to the car and wait for their good news." Ye Tianyin smiled coldly: "You can tell Xiaohu and ask him to transfer the two people he arranged earlier. "

"Okay." Zhu Hao nodded and called Xiaohu to explain the situation.

Outside the haunted house, a dozen people who were originally queuing in front of Erica suddenly walked away in twos and threes after receiving a message, muttering: "The queue here is really slow, let's go to another place." Let’s play.”

"That's right, it's really too slow. I won't wait any longer."

Another person also echoed.

As a result, the original team of more than a dozen people had almost left in the blink of an eye.

"Are those people in front of them out of their minds? They just walked away when it was about to be their turn?"

Erica looked confused and looked at the backs of the two people walking away.

"Wouldn't it be better to leave? Isn't this just what you want? We don't have to queue up anymore. Let's go quickly." Lin Feng urged Erica to come forward: "Hurry up and buy tickets. Do you want to have fun?" .”

"Oh." Erica said oh and walked towards the ticket booth.

Lin Feng sneered in his heart: "How can these silly thirteen people not act so exaggeratedly? Are they planning to attack the two of us?"

"Okay, you can go in." The staff at the ticket gate took the ticket from Erica's hand and said to the two of them.

Erica couldn't wait for a long time. Without saying a word, she grabbed Lin Feng's wrist and ran all the way into the haunted house.

As soon as the two people stepped in, the door behind them was slammed shut. At the same time, all the lights inside were extinguished, and the howls of various ghosts and monsters also sounded, rising and falling in their ears.

However, this amusement park is indeed quite famous in City H, and the facilities inside are quite good. There are speakers embedded in all directions in the haunted house, and the sound effects alone are not impressive.

Erica couldn't help but move closer to Lin Feng. Although she knew that the haunted house was all fake, the atmosphere inside was still too eerie, which made her feel a little scared.

"Lin Feng, you don't know how to show mercy to women. I'm so scared, and you don't know how to hold my hand." Erica shuddered and tried to grab Lin Feng's hand, but he threw her away. opened.

"Oh, they are all illusory things. What are you afraid of? I will just follow you." Lin Feng smiled. Most of the things here are projections.

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