I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 400: Pretending to be a ghost

There are many projections in the haunted house, which are lifelike and move from time to time, giving people the feeling of being immersed in a three-dimensional movie.

"Huhuhu..." A female ghost with blood flowing from her mouth and nose, a scarlet tongue sticking out, and her hair disheveled slowly floated past Erica's eyes.


Erica screamed and hid behind Lin Feng without saying a word, holding Lin Feng's arm tightly.

She hid behind Lin Feng and exposed half of her head. She felt a little regretful. She didn't expect this place to be so scary. She wouldn't have come here if she had known it.

"Come here, dear mother, you only have so much courage and you still have to drag me in." Lin Feng pulled Erica out from behind, stretched out his hand and passed directly through the female ghost: "They are all projections. There’s no need to be afraid.”

"Oh..." Erica breathed a long sigh of relief, and curiously stretched out her hand to move around the female ghost's body a few times: "This projection is really lifelike."

Lin Feng suddenly became playful and walked in with Erica.

The female ghost they just experienced was just the beginning of a haunted house. The more the two of them walked inside, the more real the scenery they saw became. All kinds of weird monsters and ghosts appeared in endlessly. From time to time, one or two bloody heads would pop up from the floor, which was scary. Erica kept screaming and grabbed Lin Feng's arm, refusing to let go no matter what.

"How about we go back, I don't want to play anymore." Erica was a little scared, her heart pounding.

"We finally got in, how could we just go back just now?" Lin Feng smiled: "Didn't you insist on dragging me in just now to play? Why did you give up after just a few steps? "

However, this haunted house is really good. Many of the models inside are quite exquisite, and they are both real and fake. With the flickering lights, it makes people feel that it is difficult to distinguish between real and fake.

"Woooooo..." A scrawny old man with pus all over his body suddenly jumped over, opened and closed his mouth, and spit out a puff of black smoke, heading towards Erica...

"Ah -" Erica screamed again, and regardless of whether Lin Feng was happy or not, she plunged into Lin Feng's arms.

"Damn it, isn't this taking advantage of me?" Lin Feng glanced at Erica and thought to himself: "Next time I will bring Shen Qingxue over to play, hehehe..."

"Why do you always want to take advantage of me?" Lin Feng pushed Erica out of his arms again: "This is a mist, it should be made of dry ice. Why are you panicking?"

"Oh..." Erica felt a little embarrassed when Lin Feng said this. She was so scared just now that she kept crawling into Lin Feng's arms. Now she was reminded by Lin Feng. , she also knew the clues. The so-called fog was just a light and shadow effect, and actually did not exist at all.

There are only a few scary tricks in it. Erica has seen more of them and gradually adapted to them. Her courage gradually grew and she screamed less often.

Anyway, they are all fake things. They can be seen but not touched, and there is nothing to be afraid of. Looking at the ghostly figures passing through Lin Feng’s body, Erica was not surprised at all. She followed Lin Feng, feeling Feel an inexplicable sense of security.

"Pa..." Erica felt someone pat her shoulder, thinking it was Lin Feng's prank: "Lin Feng, why are you so childish? You still want to scare me with such a little trick..."

"Pah... Erica's shoulder was tapped again. Erica turned her head unhappily: "Lin Feng, why are you so childish? I said it all..."


Erica screamed again, because what he saw was not a phantom, but a real "ghost" with disheveled hair and blood on his face, waving a bright big knife in his hand.

"Huh?" Is this a staff member? Lin Feng was a little confused when he saw the "ghost". He walked quickly to Erica and snatched the big knife from the ghost's hand. Because of the dim light, Lin Feng didn't notice that the big knife had been opened. Liao Feng weighed it in his hand a few times and was a little surprised: "It's quite weighty, but isn't this kind of prop a certain danger?"

"Take your life...take your life..."

Xiaohu was also a little confused. Unexpectedly, the big knife in his hand was snatched away by Lin Feng. In order to cover up the past, he had to adapt to the situation, pretending to be a staff member in the haunted house, and shouted a few times at the top of his voice.

Lin Feng took a look at the ghost in front of him and found that the shoes he was wearing were the same style as the person he was following just now. He immediately judged that he was the guy who followed him before and looked at him with interest. Know what they are up to.

Because Lin Feng didn't notice that the sword was unsealed, he couldn't guess his purpose for a while. However, even though this guy's skills were very poor, and Lin Feng guessed that he didn't have any other ill intentions, he still kept his attitude. Be vigilant and take action immediately if he makes any unfavorable moves.

As soon as Erica saw Lin Feng coming over, for some reason, she instantly felt confident and no longer felt scared, so she started touching Xiaohu directly.

"Lin Feng, Lin Feng, look at this man's makeup. It's so realistic. What do you think the blood on his face is?" Erica said and pulled Xiaohu's face and exclaimed in surprise: " Look, this face feels so lifelike, just like the real thing, I really don’t know what material it is made of.”

Xiaohu felt depressed and thought, why are these girls so bold? Seeing that he was not afraid, he actually had the leisure to pinch himself.

"Ouch -" Xiaohu howled, tears of pain almost not flowing out. Erica pinched and pulled at his face. There was a thin mask on his face, not makeup. Yes, it certainly feels the same as the real thing.

It has to be said that Erica's thoughts have always been very naive. He still thinks that this ghost is a model and has not realized that it is a real person. He has been lamenting that today's technology is so advanced that even the model feels different. It can be done so well.

"Take your life...take your life..." Xiaohu kept repeating this sentence.

This made Erica even more convinced that this was a model: "It's really nothing new. Is this all you can say? You can't say anything else." Erica was speechless, and suddenly thought of a good idea, and stepped back. After a few steps, he shouted: "Hey, monster, look at me accepting you!"

He raised his foot and put it hard on the ghost's stomach, kicking him directly to the ground.

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