“There are so many fallen leaves!”

I spread my arms which were full of fallen leaves. As a result, the fallen leaves scattered into the air.

In this empire, autumn came and went in a flash. When it was autumn, the weather was always frigid. I can see water vapor in the air everytime I talk or breathe.

“Wear your scarf properly.”

Idris nagged softly next to me and readjust my scarf.

“Thank you.”

I smiled and held the scarf slightly with both hands and hid my nose. My nose was already red due of the temperature.

Idris stared at me blankly and smiled subtly. I thought his smile was beautiful like a snowflake.

“You’re the first person who cares more about Vianne other than me.”

Liliel, who was standing nearby and observing the action, folded her arms. Idris glanced at Liliel and replied quietly.

“Vianne takes good care of me too.”

“Oh my.”

Liliel looked uncomfortable. I intervened without much thought.

“It’s true.”

If I don’t take care of the villain in the novel, who would take care of him…?

“Oh my goodness.”

“Liliel also looks after me, in return, I also look after Liliel, right? It’s the same thing.”

“I think it’s different from that…hmm.”

Liliel seemed to have something to say, but she stopped speaking. Then, she met Idris’ eyes.

Hey? You two are having a war of nerves right? You said you wouldn’t fight last time!


In the end, I played a role in pouring cold water on the boiling atmosphere.

“Yes, Vianne?”

“I’m listening.”

Liliel and Idris immediately stopped their staring contest and focused on me.

I’m glad they listened to me well.

“Are you going to the birthday party next week?”

I brought up a topic that the children would be interested in.

Birthday party. It was a day to commemorate the birthday of the first emperor who founded this country. On this day, everyone visits their hometown or attend a party nearby.

This year, a party was scheduled to be held in my neighborhood. It may not be very large, but it will be worth seeing. A count, the richest man in this region will host the event and distributed invitations all over the town.

Most of all, the most tempting thing was that we, despite being children, could attend the party.

It won’t be dangerous because all everyone in the neighborhood will be there. Rather, it would be more dangerous for me to stay at home alone that day.

“Oh, that party? My family decided to go together.”

Liliel answered.

“I see.”

Good. As expected, Liliel is confirmed to attend.

“Vianne, are you going too?”

“Yes. Of course.”

Then I looked at Idris. He was unable to hide his frown.

“Vianne, I…”

I know he would be the only one in the neighborhood who did not receive an invitation. But that’s why I brought this up.

“Idris, let’s go together.”

His eyes widened in surprise.



“But how…”

“The place where the party will be held is the host’s mansion, it’s open for everyone. Anyone can come and go out comfortably.”

“Vianne, are you telling me to sneak in?”

Liliel concluded from my words. I smiled brightly in response.

“Of course, I’ll do the same.”

“What? Why?”

Didn’t you get an invitation? Liliel was asking me that with her eyes.

I shook my head gently.

“I’m going to have a fun adventure with Idris. It’s boring to do it alone.”

Liliel surprisingly didn’t seem to think that this idea was absurd.

“That sounds like a lot of fun.…. I don’t think you’ll get in trouble even if you get caught. Still, it’s better not to get caught with Idris.”

“Yes. There won’t be a problem. I’ll try to protect Idris.”

“Okay, but I’ll probably go in with my mother. I don’t think we can do that adventure together.”

“Then let’s meet secretly after sometime, Liliel.”

“Let’s do that. I’m already looking forward to it.”

Liliel smiled softly. Both of us were talking about our plans excitedly as Idris was left dumbfounded.

“I never said I’d go.”

“Aren’t you going to go?”


I giggled.

“You see, I know you want to go there.”

Idris shook his head slightly with bashful expression when he heard me.

“How do you know me so well?”

I replied playfully.

“I don’t know!”

Then, I scooped up a pile of fallen leaves on the ground and flung them at Idris.

‘Whether it was a snowball or a fallen leaf, a fight is essential.’

“Vianne, do you want a fight?”

Fortunately, Idris responded to my invitation. He dumped a lot of fallen leaves on me too.

All kinds of leave ended up obscuring my vision. However, my excitement remained as Liliel proceeds to join our fight.

We fought while screaming loudly.

Our vision was filled with fallen leaves again and again.

The number of people in a team often determined the victory or defeat in battles between children.

Therefore, me and Liliel, who took sides with each other today, won.

We buried Idris in a pile of fallen leaves. With only his head sticking out, the child looked miserable.

We laughed out loud seeing that.


Then, after playing for a few days, the day of the party quickly came. The houses were decorated traditionally, and the village was filled with the smell of traditional foods.

My parents came home in the morning. They were busy doing business in the capital, but they were determined to spend the holidays with me. I waited until evening to completely feel the holiday atmosphere.

Finally, the dinner party began.

“I’ll be there first.”

My mother said to me before she dragged my father with her. It was because I said I would arrive late and play first.

Since the party venue was close to home, there was no need for an adult to accompany me. It was only about a five minutes’ walk. The count’s mansion would come into view right after I came out of an alley.

Actually, it’s still a bit dangerous and it’s better not to go around alone just in case. But I didn’t care because I planned to meet up with Idris.


He emerged just as the sun was about to set. I greeted him warmly and set off with him. We arrived safely in front of the mansion after a while.

“What are you going to do now?”

Idris asked as he took in the expansive front yard and the mansion, which was illuminated with bright lights.

I answered lightly.

“Let’s climb the walls.”


“We’re going in secretly. Then, do you think we should walk confidently through the main gate?”

Idris soon began exploring the walls.

He had frown accustomed to the way I behaved by this point. He quickly found a wall we could climb. It was a secluded stone wall that was closer to the back garden rather than the front yard.

I was the first to climb, and he followed suit, climbing atop the stone wall far more easier than I did.

“Wow, you’re talented in wall climbing too.”

He jumped down and responded lightly.

“I didn’t know I could do that either.”

Afterwards, he extended his hand to me, who was still seated on the wall.

“You have to come down, Vianne.”

I burst out laughing with delight.

“I’m also good at going down.”

I showed off, but ran into problems right away. I can’t go down.

Eventually, I had to hold Idris’ hand.

“Oh, no. I can’t do it.”

“Vianne, just hold my hand and come down.”

In the end, I had to come down, and my pride had been shattered.

I was ashamed and coughed.

I could see Idris stifling his laughter.

“Let’s go.”

He took my hand and walked one step ahead.


I had no energy left to grumble, so I quietly followed him.

After avoiding several people who were out for a night walk, I came to a halt in front of the side door that led into the building. Next to the side door, under the lamp, I could see some paper.

“What is this?”

“Looks like a guide.”

“Yes. Welcome to the dangerous dinner…?”

Apparently, this party also had a concept.

In <It’s dangerous, run away!>, during the period when the heroine Liliel is in the peak of her social life, parties with a unique concept are all the rage across the country.

It was about 10 years ago, therefore, it shouldn’t have happened yet. The organizer of this party seemed to be the leader of the trend.

“That’s a scary phrase for a party where young kids can go. Is there a minimum age requirement for events like this?”

“We’re also young, Vianne.”

“Oh… You’re right.”

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I quickly resumed reading the letters on the paper.

“Attendants are welcome to use the mansion to their hearts’ desire. Dance hall, hallway, terrace, dining room, anywhere. Enjoy conversing and dancing everywhere. For your information, the mansion is decorated in accordance with Count Lamberg’s preferences.”

That’s what it says. There’s nothing much on it.

“We’ll quietly go in, meet Liliel, and then go to a terrace or something.”

Idris nodded and opened the door as we went inside quietly.

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