At that time, Lesha closed her shop and came out to the street.

She heard from Liliel that the kids are going to the party through a note she sent.

Lesha responded by saying that she would love to visit and enjoy it if she had the opportunity to do so.

But Lesha didn’t feel good for some reason. She has experienced all sorts of things for over eighty years of living because she has been hiding herself as a mage. She was occasionally caught, and suffered as a result.

She has survived all that and lived until now.

But somehow, today…

“I knew something would happen today.”

Lesha laughed out loud.

“Come out, mage. I can see your traces.”

Someone appeared from the darkness. It was a man with long red hair and a cold smile.

He was strong. She was sure of that just by his atmosphere alone. Lesha lamented to herself.

‘How could this person be here? I’m worried about the kids……. What am I going to do?’

While the children were going to and from Lesha’s shop, they were discovered by a mage. She made the children watch out again and again, and Lesha herself was always on the lookout, but in the end…

‘It’s going to end for me too.’

Among the children, there was a person who had mana. This group of mages must have been after the child. So, they must have a plan to get rid of those who helped the children.

Lesha Tilton tried to cast a spell. However, even before the two sides exchanged blows, the outcome was already determined.

Lesha closed her eyes tightly.

“I’ve seen you before”.

The red mage spoke lightly.

“When you were young, you were a useful mage.”

Suddenly, something swept the street, including Lesha.

“Time is as sharp as a blade.”

The mage turned around, leaving the fallen Lesha in the middle of the pool of blood.

Now, he only needed to do one more thing.


I could hear loud conversations and music from afar.

They’re most likely making their way towards the dance hall.

It’s going to be crowded over there, so we’ll have to avoid it. Me and Idris went up to the second floor through the narrow stairs next to the side door.

The interior of the building was extremely big and luxurious. Even though the mansion had been vacant until recently, it was neat, and the furniture was thoroughly cleaned. It was like a house where a fictional villain in a fairy tale lives.

“Count Lamberg must have a lot of money.”


When Idris replied, he cast a glance towards the flickering candlelight in the room. The candlestick was adorned with precious jewels.

What if it gets stolen? Why would they put this at a local party?

“What about Liliel?”

Unlike me, he treated the candlestick with little regard.

“We decided to meet on the terrace in the middle of the second floor at 10 o’clock. Until then, she said she would play with her family at the dance hall. We just have to spend time on our own.”

“Are you okay if you don’t go?”

“I had a lot of fun with my family earlier during the day. It’s more fun to look around this mansion with you.”

I answered naturally and walked forward.  Idris trailed behind me meekly.

The second floor was certainly sparse. Everyone went to the dance hall. Thanks to this, it was relatively easy to avoid people. However, the dining room on the second floor was very crowded. Our only option was to go past the crowds to a less packed area.

“We shouldn’t have come here.”

Idris nodded in agreement as I shook my head.

“There are too many people. Let’s go somewhere else.”


We made our way up to the third floor.

A large oil painting was displayed on the staircase wall leading up to the third floor. It was a picture of people smiling with blood dripping meat on a plate and large knives.

It fits the theme of a dangerous dinner.

“They’re serious about decorating.”

I saw a doorknob and tried to open it. However, the bedroom on the 3rd floor was locked and we couldn’t get in. But we could come to the balcony of the other room.

A bear’s skin on the floor was fine, but there was a bear’s head on the table.

We slowly took a step back.

‘I heard this is a party where kids can come. Why is it like this?’

As we made our way to the fourth floor, I noticed a candle in the corner that had suddenly lit up. I went to see who turned it on, but there was no one around.

‘Oh my gosh! I’m getting goosebumps!’

We bolted from the scene as if we had seen a ghost.

Afterwards, as soon as our eyes met, we burst into laughter.

It’s a new experience for the two of us.

It was funny and absurd at the same time.

As we came in and out of places like that, we almost toured the whole mansion.

We need to go to the terrace first and wait for Liliel.

When we were about to turn toward the stairs. I found people coming from there.

“Idris, we’re going to get caught!”

“This way, Vianne.”

We quickly turned around the corner and went to the hallway on our right. We ran into the first room and shut the door behind us.

“That was close.”

As I said that, I took a few steps back and looked around the dimly lit room.

It was the study.

There were large windows with a panoramic view of the night sky, and bookshelves were on the side walls.

Fortunately, there was no one inside.

“Isn’t it really cool here?”

I looked at the tall bookshelves that I had in my previous life.

This room had a high ceiling that I thought even though I stacked five people, I think it would fit.

“Is this book for decoration? Or a real book?”

I picked one up. When I opened it, I discovered that it was a real book with actual content. But the content is…….


I hurriedly looked at the bookshelf. Even if I tried to decipher what the letters were saying, I couldn’t figure out what they meant.

I could only tell that the incredibly complicated picture on it was a magic circle. This is a magic book no matter how I look at it. It wasn’t much different from what I’d seen in Lesha’s store before.

How can this be in a mansion decorated for a party?


Idris looked at the book I was holding.

At first, he appeared to be experiencing the same level of thrill that I had, but his countenance gradually changed.

“Vianne, wait a minute.”

He took the book from me and began reading it.

“What’s wrong?”

“…… The content is strange.”



“What do you mean?”


He said in bewilderment.

“I don’t know how I could recognize this either…”

His tone changed abruptly and became cold.

“This is evil magic.”

In an instant, I was rooted to the spot.


I was taken aback and called him.

“Yes, Vianne?”

He gazed at me softly, just like he always did.

I had a nervous look on my face as I glanced at him.

What was that just now?

While I was contemplating, Idris muttered.

“Magic books cannot be distributed thoughtlessly. How can this be at a party?”

“Hmm, I’m curious about that too…”

“Books containing ancient magic can only be owned by higher-ups in factions.”

“Huh? What?”

He said something that I couldn’t comprehend.

“Oh, it’s nothing.”

He said to reassure me, but immediately after that, he staggered and hurriedly leaned against the bookshelf as he lowered his head.

“I don’t think it’s nothing. What’s wrong with you?”

I grabbed his arms and asked.

“I’m fine.”

Idris shook his head, a small frown on his face. But it was not convincing at all.

“Are you sick?”

“No. It’s just that unfamiliar knowledge gave me a slight headache, but the pain quickly disappeared, so it’s fine.”

“Anyway, it did hurt! What happened? Did you touch something? What if there was magic in the book?”

“I don’t know either.  But, even if I’ve been enchanted… I don’t think there’s anything bad about it.”



Unlike me, Idris was calm.

“I think I know how to solve your mana problem.”

He suddenly said that.


Alongside the band’s lively performance, Liliel danced with children of her age. It was the first time she had done something like that, and it was thrilling. Liliel was having a good time throughout the party.

At the end of the third song, people scattered for a while and rested.

At that time, the organizer of the party, who had been talking with other people all the time on the first floor, appeared on the second floor inside the dance hall.

It was Count Lamberg.

“Are you enjoying it, everyone?”

Everyone, including Liliel, shouted positive words respectively. The count clapped once and appeared to be pleased.

“That’s a relief! It is worthwhile to decorate this stage.”

The count made people laugh with his exaggerated gestures, and he laughed himself.

“Let’s toast for His Majesty the First Emperor of Cavellior!”

He held up a glass of wine and shouted. Participants also copied his words. After saying a few more words as the organizer, the count suddenly disappeared into the corner of the second floor.

Liliel quickly forgot him. Then she started chatting with her new friends.


“You’re going to solve my mana problem?”


“What’s the method?”

“I’ll cover your mana.”

I still didn’t understand what he was saying. I don’t even know why he suddenly said that. It was confusing.

What’s going on?

“Explain it in more detail.”

“What I just remembered is not a magic that exists formally in the world. But if we do that, it’ll definitely be a success. I’ll cover your mana so that they can’t even see it with the eyes of a mage, and at the same time, I’ll control the speed at which the mana builds up.”

Idris spoke quickly.

“Mana will increase rapidly when you’re an adult. But it’s insignificant until then. So this mana will be enough for a while.”

When I listened to him, I noticed something really unusual.

“How did you come up with this?”

When I think about it carefully, it seems that he was familiar with it from the moment he came in contact with magic. Did the magic awaken even his magic instincts? Does that make sense?

“I don’t know either. It just popped out in my head right now. The important thing is that this knowledge helps you.”

“Well, I think your condition is just as important as that….”

I held Idris’ hand, pulled his cheek, and waved my hand in front of him.

At first, Idris maintained his composure. However, when I continued to do so, he held my hand and forced me to stop.

“Vianne, we’re running out of time, so we’ll find out later. First of all, it’s better to cast magic before this knowledge disappears.”

Just because knowledge came to mind once, it didn’t seem like it would leave him forever. But then we need a quick decision just in case.

“Um… okay.”

I followed his words without hesitation.

Idris cast a small white mana on the back of my hand. The appearance was quite different from the ones I saw when he practiced last time. It was a highly elaborate and intricate magic circle.

The mana flinched and squirmed around a few times before permeating the back of my hand completely.

“Did it work?”

I asked carefully.

Idris looked at me silently. To be precise, he seemed to be trying to see the mana in me.

“I can still see your mana… it’s because I cast the spell, so it doesn’t work for me.  Considering that the mana doesn’t bounce off, it doesn’t seem like a failure.”

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“Then, is my problem solved now?

“I think we can say that we’ve succeeded.”


Will the peaceful life I’ve been longing for finally begin?

I expected so, but that hope was shattered in just one minute.

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