Now that he has an idea for publicity, Wei Lan's level of listening to demos has risen sharply during this period.

I started to check out the works of some well-known music producers and composers, and the minimum standard jumped to a million levels.

Composers of this level are all very good in the industry, and can even complete the soundtrack required by Wei Lan. However, Wei Lan still has to spend time carefully selecting the feeling he wants in their works, and make sure they are consistent enough. , in order to achieve the best results——

That feeling that hits your soul in an instant.

After listening to the work, Wei Lan selected two composers with suitable styles, and the quotations were both above one million, one was 1.2 million, and the other was 1.8 million.

Wei Lan was still hesitant at first, until that night when she was going to bed, listening to the excellent soundtracks of well-known movies, she suddenly heard a beautiful melody, which instantly made her feel sleepless and she suddenly opened her eyes on the bed.

She picked up her phone and checked the composer of this piece of light music called "Free Walk" - Nie Cheng'an.

Enter this name into a search engine, and a list of dazzling resumes pops up in Encyclopedia.

Nie Chengan, a famous musician and film soundtrack composer.

He has won and been nominated twice for the most authoritative Golden Tripod Award for Best Soundtrack in the Federation. Other film awards, big and small, are not included in his nominations.

His music is famous for its varied styles, strong tension, and good use of various instruments. He is recognized by the industry as a master. The music is great when listened to alone, and when used in movies, the effect is even greater.

Wei Lan was dumbfounded when she saw it. How could she afford such a top master in the industry now?'s really great!

Wei Lan listened to "Free Walk" again. This musician's work in recent years has a grand and ethereal feeling in several melodies, which made Wei Lan feel that he could find Nie Cheng'an to score this piece. A pity for the movie!

If only she hadn't heard it! Except for Wu Shanyun, Wei Lan fell into the pain of asking for something.

This state of affairs was quickly discovered by Ye Luoxue and Wei Mingjie, who lived together day and night.

Especially Wei Mingjie, who knew that Wei Lan was busy with film scoring during this period, and saw that while Wei Lan was looking for a scorer for the past two days, his phone had been playing this light music, he instantly understood.

He thought for a while, calculated his working capital in his mind, and said to Wei Lan: "Lan Lan, I will take you to visit Mr. Nie tomorrow."

"!!!" Wei Lan looked over with wide eyes.

Wei Mingjie showed an endearing smile and said proudly: "You didn't expect it, did you? Your grandfather has a relationship with Mr. Nie. Let's come and give it a try. There may be hope, so let's give it a try first."

One afternoon two days later, Wei Mingjie took Wei Lan to visit the Wei family.

The Nie family received the father and mother politely. As Wei Mingjie said, Nie Chengan did have a relationship with his father. At the dinner table, he mentioned some past events with the Nie family. The atmosphere was not cold and the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

After a while of chatting after dinner, Wei Mingjie got down to the topic and proposed the purpose of his visit.

"Brother Wei, my dad's health has been very good these past two years. As you can see, he has not taken any music work." Nie Xingbang, the son of Nie Cheng'an who spoke, did not inherit his father's talent in music, but it seems that He is a calm person and now plays the role of the first manager for Nie Chengan.

When Wei Mingjie heard this, he glanced at Nie Chengan who was sitting on the chair.

Nie Cheng'an is sixty-one years old this year, with gray hair, but he looks energetic, elegant, and not in good health.

Nie Xingbang declined politely.

"Uncle Nie..." Wei Mingjie shouted, wanting to try to have a relationship with Nie Cheng'an.

Nie Chengan was stunned for a moment, thinking of something, and he looked hesitant for a moment.

When Nie Xingbang saw this, he shook his head and said: "A science fiction movie with a production cost of 8 million... Director Wei, this is really hard to trust."

He called Wei Dong to distance himself.

"With all due respect, there is no need for you to hire a scorer of my father's level. The score is even more powerful for the movie and can provide help in times of need... Moreover, you trust this director so much that he didn't even come to your door to say it in person. Tell me about the movie idea?”

Nie Xingbang is also somewhat satisfied with this. A new director wants to ask a master of Nie Chengan's level to score the music and come to the door in person, without even basic sincerity.

Hearing this, Wei Lan, who was on the side, was also a little helpless. Of course she came, but there was nothing she could do. Her true situation could not be revealed to others.

These words were a bit straightforward. Nie Chengan wanted to make his friend's penis look ugly, so he stretched out his hand to stop Nie Xingbang's words.

"I haven't had much creative inspiration recently." Nie Cheng'an looked into Wei Mingjie's eyes and said, "Chen Yuanhang also came to ask me to score "Star Wars" for 6 million, including music copyright, but I didn't agree."

Wei Mingjie was moved when he heard this: "I will forget your kindness."

Chen Yuanhang is now backed by Cheng Guang. He is famous for "Star Wars: Episode I" and has a sufficient budget, so the remuneration he can offer must be very attractive.

If Nie Chengan would reject the other party, he must be related to the old chairman of the Wei family, and he is concerned about the current predicament of the Wei family. Otherwise, his joining will only increase the momentum of "Star Wars" to a higher level.

Nie Chengan waved his hand: "His script didn't inspire me too much, but I might also worry about your father's face."

"Thank you." No matter what, Wei Mingjie accepted this sentiment.

Having said that, Wei Mingjie is now in trouble.

Nie Cheng'an had already turned down a big deal because of his affection for his father, so it was too much for him to force the other party to accept a small-production film score.

Because fame is a mutually beneficial thing, even if Wei Mingjie offers the same remuneration, Nie Cheng'an will not be harmed by the star war, and both parties can benefit; while Wei Lan, a well-known small-budget film, will only have the film in the future. If he can profit from his reputation, it's okay if it succeeds after the release. If it fails, it will be harmful to him but not beneficial, and his own brand will be ruined in vain.

But that's all for now. Yu Wei Mingjie changed the topic and started chatting casually in the Wei family's living room, and the atmosphere suddenly became cheerful again.

"Xiao Wu, go get today's letter." Nie Cheng'an greeted the servant at home.

Wei Mingjie smiled: "Uncle Nie, why do you use your mobile phone? It's convenient."

Wei Mingjie's pointers made Nie Xingbang very comfortable, and he also smiled and chatted: "Brother Wei, you know, my dad is very stubborn. I have told him many times that he only likes to use mobile phones. Who can communicate with each other and write letters these days! You are used to using a mobile phone, is it more convenient to use a tablet to read emails?”

At this time, the servant had brought over the two letters. After taking them, Nie Chengan opened the letters, put on his gold-rimmed glasses and read the letters, and said with a smile: "Young people of this generation have your habits, and I also have mine. Habit."

It was already early. When Wei Mingjie saw this, he took the initiative to say goodbye and left Nie's house with Wei Lan in his arms.

For the time being, Wei Lan kept staring at the letter in Nie Chengan's hand.

In the car going home, Wei Mingjie said helplessly to Wei Lan: "Lan Lan, Mr. Nie's side should be open. Look at the other composers. Don't worry about the price."

He originally thought that this trip was very promising to achieve his goal, but who knew that Chen Yuanhang's Star Wars actually came to invite Nie Chengan.

Wei Lan stretched out her little hand and hugged Wei Mingjie's neck: "Well, thank you dad."

She has always seen Wei Mingjie's support.

Wei Mingjie's heart suddenly felt soft, and he hugged Wei Lan back, all the fatigue he felt was gone.

After returning to the Wei family villa, Wei Lan did not look for other composers, but asked Aunt Zhang to bring pens and stationery.

Two days later in the morning, Nie Chengan was basking in the sun in the courtyard of his home. He closed his eyes comfortably and listened to the birdsong in the distance, completing a refreshing concerto in his mind.

At this moment, the servant suddenly came: "Boss, there is a letter today."

"Letter?" Nie Chengan was a little surprised. He just replied to a few letters from old friends yesterday. It stands to reason that there should be new letters in the next two days.

"Bring it to me and see."

Taking the envelope, there was a thick stack of paper inside.

Nie Cheng'an opened the envelope and saw a stack of eighty pages of scripts, a letter, and several sheets of music notation filled with musical notes.

The handwriting of the letter is a little ugly, but the content is very concise and clear.

The sender of the letter was a screenwriter and director of a movie. The other person wrote her thoughts about the soundtrack of the script in her hand. She also wrote a few other music scores for the soundtrack, but she was satisfied with it and hoped to get guidance from the master.

Nie Cheng'an thought for a moment and remembered the director and the movie that Wei Mingjie came to talk about two days ago.

Although the other party did not come to the door, his sincerity was expressed in another way.

Nie Chengan took a look at the music score, and the melody automatically appeared in his mind. Then he raised his eyebrows slightly, became interested, picked up the glasses at hand, and opened the script...

When Nie Xingbang returned home at noon, he saw that his father did not appear in the living room on the first floor as usual, and asked the servant who was cleaning the room.

"Where's my dad?"

The servant pointed upstairs and replied softly: "It's in the studio."

Hearing this, Nie Xingbang was shocked and his eyes widened. His father had not entered his studio for several months, so he only went there when he wanted to create some music.

After a few steps upstairs, Nie Xingbang looked at the music studio at the end of the corridor. He forgot to close the door and the light came out.

As soon as he reached the door, he heard a beautiful piano melody coming from inside.

Ethereal and magnificent, with two sudden accents at the end, full of shock!

Nie Xingbang had no ability to create music, which meant he had no ability to appreciate music. He stood there and wandered around for a moment, then gently opened the door.

Then he saw his father sitting on the workbench, carefully writing a string of notes on the staff with a pen.

After he finished writing, he showed an excited smile, and his eyes were filled with inspirational light.

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