After spending ten minutes writing the song he had just inspired, Nie Chengan moved his shoulders, and then he caught a glimpse of his son standing outside the door.

"Dad, what song are you writing?"

Nie Xingbang walked in, surprised and full of surprises. He had not composed a song for his father for two years. Like all music fans when they see their most admired musician have a new work, this joy comes from the heart and cannot be controlled. .

Nie Cheng'an picked up the music score on the shelf and wrote a line of small words on it with a pen, "Act 2, Paragraph".

"It's the movie Wei Mingjie mentioned when he came that day. You contact him and ask him to prepare a contract..." After pondering for a while, Nie Cheng'an said: "Their investment is not big, and the contract price is the harvest price. That's what I mean. A million."

Nie Xingbang frowned and couldn't help but ask: "Just one million?"

One million is indeed a price for Nie Chengan, and the production of the film's soundtrack also includes the cost of inviting a band to record later.

Although the final music needs to be input into the film by the director, you can't just use the staff to make up for the director's own brain, right? The music must be produced, and the movie soundtrack will be released later. Especially for a master like Nie Xingbang who has dedicated music fans, the composition fee and copyright are separate.

In other words, even if Nie Chengan accepts the contract to produce the soundtrack for Wei Lan's film, the music copyright is still in his hands. Wei Lan only obtains the right to use the music in the film. The sales revenue from the future release of the film soundtrack will still belong to Nie. Cheng'an's.

As a master in the industry, Nie Chengan's long-term cooperation orchestras are of course the top in the industry and at the national team level.

After taking into account the performance fees, musical instruments, recording equipment, etc., one million is really a very generous price.

"Well, I'm very interested in this project." Nie Cheng'an nodded and urged his son: "Look for them to sign a contract."

Nie Xingbang saw his father's excited face and knew that he had made up his mind. He just smiled bitterly and said, "I know, let's prepare a contract."

Wei Mingjie was confused when he received Nie Xingbang's call. Listening to the contract conditions given there, he even suspected for a moment that he was taking a nap and dreaming in the office - could it be that Nie and his father had a deeper relationship than he imagined?

After hanging up, Wei Mingjie quickly called Wei Lan and excitedly told her the good news:

"Lanlan, you must not think of what to say!"

Wei Lan's milky voice came from the other end of the phone, as well as the sound of pages turning: "What are you saying?"

Wei Mingjie didn't show off: "Nie agreed to score your movie! And the price for the soundtrack was only one million!"

He was waiting for his daughter's surprise and cheers, but he didn't expect Wei Lan's calm voice to come from over there:

"I know, Nie has sent me a piece of music that I wrote, and I'm reading it right now."

Wei Mingjie: "???"

Wei Lan went to the studio every day, and the editing work was proceeding in an orderly manner. At the same time, Nie Chengan on the other side was very inspired. In this state, he burst out with a high enthusiasm for work, and almost made new progress every day.

Basically every one or two days, Nie Chengan would exchange a letter with Wei Lan to discuss the soundtrack.

In early February, as the editing work came to an end and all the soundtrack compositions were finalized, Nie Chengan invited the band to spend several days making a master tape of the soundtrack and sent it to Wei Lan.

At the age of ten, Wei Lan had almost integrated all the soundtrack into the edited movie.

What follows is a nit-picky viewing process over and over again, slowly spending time polishing the world of the movie into one.

During this period, Wei Lan occasionally took the time to pay attention to the filming situation of "Star Wars". Compared to her little-known crew, there was more action there. Every time they entered a new filming cycle, there would be news, not to mention The actors are all well-known celebrities, and even the supporting roles are at least second-tier newcomers.

In the meantime, so and so has joined the cast, and so and so has completed filming. The popularity of the stars also plays a role in publicity.

Two days after Wei Lan finished making the movie, the war horn she had been waiting for was sounded as scheduled.

Chen Yuanhang gathered a group of well-known superstars and held a luxurious new film press conference, announcing to all media that "Star Wars ()" with an investment of more than 1 billion will be released on the 10th.

If the first part of Star Wars has some experimental meaning, then through the commercial success of the first part, Chen Yuanhang pays more attention to the results that can be achieved this time.

Because this is related to his future power and status in Chengguang.

If "Star Wars (Part 1)" was Chen Yuanhang's decision to leave the Wei family and come to Chengguang Pictures, then the box office success of the second film was to show Chengguang his muscles and to gain more power in the new owner. .

Looking at the eager media under the press conference and the almost non-stop flashing lights, Chen Yuanhang's heart was filled with a kind of pride that denounced Fang Qiu.

He has never denied that he is a very powerful person.

Chen Yuanhang chose to leave the Wei family in the first place because he believed that he had been raised by Wei Mingjie's father since he was a child. Even if his status was not settled, he would still be a semi-adopted son. If he later became a director, he would be more talented than Wei Mingjie. How many classic works were created for the Wei family. When the Wei family passed away, they did not allocate any equity in the Wei family group to him!

On the surface, Chen Yuanhang was friendly with Wei Mingjie, but in fact he had long harbored a grudge. He secretly communicated with his rival Ji Chengguang and stabbed Wei Mingjie hard in the back through Star Wars.

After coming to Chengguang Pictures, if he wants to obtain Chengguang's equity and voice rights, Chen Yuanhang's second Star Wars must be excellent and shocking.

Although the first "Star Wars" announced an investment of 900 million, it actually only used 600 million. Because the initial trial and error of modeling in the director's machine was completed at Wei's, the costs in this regard were borne by Wei's. Now the second part actually costs 1.1 billion, and this is even if the sequel saves a lot of scene construction!

The participants are the most luxurious lineup in the industry. Each one of the actors can support a movie alone. There is a dedicated art director and technical guidance team. Although Nie Chengan was not invited for the soundtrack, another award-winning actor was hired. A master of the Golden Tripod Award for Best Soundtrack.

The residual power of 2018's "Star Wars: Episode I" is still there. If you play this set of cards, you will be able to sweep through the same period.

Knowing that this movie would be released in March, many movies had moved forward or postponed their schedules. Immediately after this press conference, two movies that had long been announced to be released in this month announced that they would change their schedules. One was moved forward, and the other was postponed. The department was postponed, which gave Chen Yuanhang a very good chance.

Watching the press conference on TV at home, Wei Lan took out his mobile phone and looked at the current date. It was now twenty days before "Star Wars ()" was released, which was more than half a month.

Looking again, there are various holiday information marked on the mobile phone calendar.

The eleventh day of the month happens to be Teacher’s Day in this world.

Wei Lan patted his thigh: Wonderful!

The title of her movie had not yet been decided, and she was struggling with the name. Now when she saw the date, she couldn't think of anything else.

She immediately picked up the phone and called Secretary Wang from the Wei Public Relations Department: "Secretary Wang, the release date has been determined, the tenth of the month. The movie poster will be sent to you later. You can contact the theaters and offline material production. Let’s officially start the movie promotion.”

"On the 10th of the month? Okay, we'll make the arrangements here." Secretary Wang promised. Wei Lan had told her in advance when the film production was about to be completed, and he seemed very orderly at this time.

After hanging up the phone, Secretary Wang turned his attention to the computer, preparing to find the contact information of the theater, when his eyes were attracted by the news that popped up on the computer.

'The science fiction masterpiece "Star Wars ()" has been announced and will be released on the 10th of the month! ’

Secretary Wang's pupils were shocked, and he picked up the phone at hand and called Wei Lan back.

"Hello?" A confused female voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Director Wei, I'm sorry I'm not sure here. Did you just say that it will be scheduled for the 10th of the month? Is that correct?"

The other side gave an affirmative answer: "That's right."

Secretary Wang disagreed: "I saw the news, it was Star Wars..."

"Yes." Wei Lan, who was on the other end of the line, chuckled and said, "It's meant to be uploaded on the same day. Get ready, and the poster will be sent to you."

Wei Landu said so, even if Secretary Wang was surprised and confused, he could only do it.

Due to the collapse of "Sword and Sword 5", many viewers went to "Sword and Sword 4" to "reminisce about the classics". Wei Lan's Weibo account, which only has a "different science fiction" movie introduction, has also accumulated a certain popularity, with 10,000 Lots of 'looking forward to the release' votes.

This vote has no actual role in making money, but users who vote expectantly will receive updated push notifications when the movie introduction changes.

At this time, the mysterious movie that had been silent suddenly updated its release date.

The tenth day of the month.

Just when other movies are avoiding the prehistoric beast "Star Wars", the first film directed by a newcomer dares to hit the schedule? !

This move quickly attracted the attention of various marketing accounts after being forwarded. They smelled the hot news and forwarded it one after another:

A little white fish v: Surprise! This is the director of "Sword 4"! Even pushed her. //Tama Obara v: Is the director so brave? //Looking at the sky darkly v: The theme is still science fiction, ah this...

As the number of forwarded comments gradually increased, the information fermented and spread.

An hour later, a Weibo account from an entertainment industry marketing account received the most reposts:

‘Is the director brave? Ant meets elephant? Do you see how popular this movie is now? ’

Below is a screenshot of the movie page. The number of "Looking forward to release" in it has exceeded 80,000 in a short period of time and is still rising.

Now everyone understands that they were on the first floor before, and the new director is on the second floor. They are trying to catch up with Star Wars, but they are actually riding on the popularity of Star Wars!

Otherwise, for such a little-known movie, there was no relevant publicity at all in the early stage, and no one might even notice it when it is actually released. Now, there will be a wave of simultaneous releases, directly leveraging the influence of Star Wars, and attracting many fans who are interested in Star Wars. Everyone knows that there is also a science fiction movie released on the same day.

As for whether the box office will be completely beaten by Star Wars?

This thing is a matter of opinion. Even if it is a bad movie, there will always be people who are curious about how bad it is. At least this director's move is really a clever move in the eyes of those in the industry.

Just when everyone knew that this movie was riding on the popularity of Star Wars.

The next hour, Wei Lan posted a new Weibo post:

""Country Division" is scheduled to be released on the 10th of the month. It is a different kind of science fiction and a Teacher's Day gift to pay tribute to this great profession. ’ There is also a movie poster below.

The people on the Internet are so dumbfounded:

Release date, movie theme, Star Wars, movie name, Teacher's Day... Absolutely!

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