"Hahaha, Wen Yu, Wen Yu, have you seen it?"

"Mr. Gong said in the letter that your book has become a hit in the capital. One hundred and sixteen sets of the hardcover edition alone have been ordered, and many of the students at the Imperial College have copies in hand. He said there will be more in the future. Let's prepare two hundred sets and upwards..."

"Two hundred sets!"

Fu Wenyu was also excited.

He also didn't expect the people in the capital to be so rich. A set of ten taels of silver could be bought without blinking an eye. They were much richer and more generous than the people in Liuzhou City.

But if the capital wants 200 sets, the pressure will suddenly be on Liuzhou.

"Uncle Zhang, how many sets do we have now?"

Shopkeeper Zhang thought for a while and said: "The regular version is simple and has already been printed. Even if we add more later, we will still be able to make it. The trouble is the hardcover version. The storybook is already printed, and the 'Chongyun Sword' is also printed." It can be arranged, and the sword manuals are available at any time, but the illustrations included are only about 80 copies. If you want to hand over nearly 300 sets next month, it will be difficult. "

Indeed, because the hardcover version of the story is very expensive, we decided to strive for excellence before. Not only did the illustrations inside be drawn by a master like Mr. Murong, but each illustration was copied, not imprinted like the ordinary version. , there is a clear difference in quality between the two.

But who would have thought that people in the capital would be so rich?

Although the scholar in the printing room worked hard and did not complain, he could not copy two hundred sets, totaling two thousand pictures, in one month, so it was urgent to increase the number of painters.

But where can I find a painter?

Fu Wenyu thought about it.

Soon he thought of a place, and that was the school.

In the school, scholars of his age who are determined to take the imperial examinations, in addition to the compulsory Four Books and Five Classics, have elective courses, such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, etc. In the school he attended, there were a few classmates who were very good at painting. He happened to know one of them, and that was Wu Mingkang, whose father was the teacher of the school.

Because the matter was urgent, Fu Wenyu and Shopkeeper Zhang discussed it and they searched separately. One went to the scholars he had worked with before, and the other went to Zhixing Academy.

In Zhixing Academy, Wu Mingkang was a little surprised to see Fu Wenyu.

"Wen Yu, I remember that today is not the day for you to come here to ask for advice."

Fu Wenyu said: "Yes, that's why I came to see you today."

Wu Mingkang was even more surprised, "Looking for me?" He remembered that he had no special friendship with Fu Wenyu. The two were just ordinary classmates, so he really didn't understand why the other party wanted to find him.

So the two of them found a secluded pavilion to sit down, and then Fu Wenyu said: "I came here today to ask Brother Wu if you know any classmates who are good at painting and have free time. How many people do Kaiyuan Bookstore need to find? Help me copy some paintings. You don’t need to be very good, but you need to be attentive and meticulous.”

"As long as I can finish a certain number of paintings, I will be given five taels of silver a month."

Wu Mingkang responded instantly, "Five taels of silver? I can do it! What do you want to draw?"

Fu Wenyu: "Illustrations in a picture book."

He directly gave the sample he brought to the other party. In order to keep the standard consistent, he took the one drawn by the scholar in the printing room instead of Mr. Murong's original drawing.

Wu Mingkang looked down, and his eyes suddenly widened, "...This is the scene in the storybook "Rebirth: Treasure Map" where the 'Fire Palm' Chen Lieyang was knocked out!"

"This, this, this..."

A flash of light flashed in Wu Mingkang's mind. He suddenly looked up at Fu Wenyu and said in disbelief: "You, you are Fu Wenyu? You are the Fu Wenyu who wrote the storybook!!"

Before coming, Fu Wenyu was mentally prepared to be recognized, so he nodded: "Yes, I am Fu Wenyu who wrote the storybook. This time because there are many people who have ordered the hardcover version, the printing house is short of manpower. I am thinking of you all. Maybe someone among my classmates was interested in this job, so I came to ask."

"This is not complicated. You just need to draw a picture in your free time. And if one person cannot finish the painting, two people can share a share, as long as the amount is sufficient."

But Wu Mingkang could no longer listen to his words.

He looked Fu Wenyu up and down with a strange look, and murmured: "So you are Fu Wenyu..."

"No, your name is indeed Fu Wenyu, but I never thought that you were the Fu Wenyu who wrote the storybook. After all, in the previous rumors, 'Fu Wenyu' was a dark-skinned, slightly fat man, who was also older, and Not like you."

Wu Mingkang couldn't hold back, and looked at Fu Wenyu carefully for a few more times, and said with emotion: "A classmate of ours asked you to write down a famous 'wishes' on the list. In the past two months, he saw you every day and didn't acknowledge you. Come out."

"So you are 'Fu Wenyu'!"

Fu Wenyu: "..."

He had to explain again, "After my father passed away, our family went back to the village to observe mourning. I wrote the first and second stories when I was in the village. In order not to be recognized, I painted my face. Dark."

Wu Mingkang suddenly said, "No wonder." But even though he understood, he still couldn't help but glance at Fu Wenyu again and again in the subsequent conversation. His expression was as if he suddenly found out that his classmate was a big star in modern times.

Fortunately, the strange expression did not delay Wu Mingkang from agreeing to help find someone.

Finally, Wu Mingkang patted his chest and said, "Mr. Fu, no, don't worry, Wen Yu, I know a few classmates who are good at painting and have good character. The job you introduced will not delay your studies, and the money given is also very generous." , they won’t be unwilling. If you feel that there are not enough people, some of my father’s former students and even the teachers in the school are good at painting.”

"Don't worry, I will definitely find everyone for you."

So the matter was settled.

The people introduced by Wu Mingkang and the two other scholars hired by shopkeeper Zhang worked together and worked overtime to finally produce three hundred hardcover editions within a month.

One hundred sets were left in Liuzhou, and the remaining two hundred sets were transported to the capital together with the other two thousand sets of regular editions and other peripherals, and were handed over to the capital's tabloids for sale.

It is worth mentioning that after selling the peripheral products for more than two months, the current sales are not as good as before.

Those bamboo swords, sword spikes, fans, etc. that have little technical content have been robbed of the market by ordinary people near Liuzhou City. They cut a few bamboos themselves and cut them into bamboo swords, bamboo daggers, etc., and sold them very cheaply. So now the only three things left are all kinds of powerful equipment, the 'Thirteen Styles of Yunxiao Sword Manual', the 'Yunxiao Sword' and the 'Ben Lei Sword'.

The surrounding areas that will be sent to the capital this time are mainly these.

In addition to peripherals, Fu Wenyu also plans to bring people.

After hearing his plan, both Fu Wenshu and Fu Wenhe were stunned, and Fu Wenhe jumped up excitedly, "Wen, Wenyu, are you going to take us to the capital?"

Fu Wenshu was also very excited, "Really?"

"Yes," Fu Wenyu nodded, "Mr. Gong from the Beijing tabloid came to Liuzhou before and wanted to invite you to the capital. Now there happens to be a batch of story books to be sent, so let's go there together and come back when the story books are sold out."

In the past month, under the guidance of Fu Wenyu, Fu Wenshu and others rehearsed another program, which also corresponded to a scene in the storybook in which Zhao Yunfei was chased by men in black robes, causing another sensation in Liuzhou. With these three sets of programs in hand, the martial arts team will not show any fear even if they go to the capital.

Moreover, the cost of their travel will be included in the cost, and Gong Wenbin will provide accommodation when they arrive in the capital.

So why not go?

In addition to the martial arts team, Fu Wenyu also asked Zhou and Fu Rong.

After hearing this, Ms. Zhou shook her head and said, "Mom won't go. Now we have to deliver the finished velvet flowers and materials to the silk and satin shop every month, and we really can't leave."

Fu Rong was obviously very moved, but still refused, "Brother, you are going to the capital to do business. I'd better not go and cause trouble. We will go there when our family goes to the capital for fun in the future. Mom, brother, our family will be in the future Can we go to the capital to play? "

Fu Wenyu nodded decisively, "Of course I can go." With their current conditions, they can go to Qiongzhou Island, not to mention the capital. There is nothing they can't go to.

However, Zhou refused to go. After Li Xin got the news, he came to ask if he could take her with him.

It was a sunny morning, and before Fu Wenyu went out, Li Xin came over with his maid and wife, of course in the name of discussing business.

After discussing the matter with Zhou, she found Fu Wenyu.

Fu Wenyu was stunned after hearing what she said, "You are going to the capital, and you are going by yourself?" As far as he knew, in this era, it was rare for unmarried women to go out alone.

"Yes, I want to go to the capital."

Li Xin said without hesitation: "In fact, I have wanted to go a long time ago, but my mother has always disagreed, but I will convince her this time. And you don't need to take care of me after I go to the capital, because I have a My aunt is also in the capital, and I will join her."

That's it...

Fu Wenyu thought about it carefully and found that it was not a bad idea.

It's just a matter of taking the same boat and then arriving in the capital to take the person to where she wants to go. This is not difficult at all. But he still emphasized, "Your mother must agree to this matter, otherwise I won't dare agree. Even if you get on the ship secretly, I have to ask the shipowner to ask you to get off."

Li Xin suddenly showed a bright smile, "Of course, it's not easy for my mother to raise me at this age. I won't let her worry."

It's best if she thinks so.

Thinking of this, Fu Wenyu asked doubtfully: "May I ask, what are you doing in the capital?"

Li Xin's expression suddenly became a little embarrassed, and he hesitated for a while before speaking, "Well, actually, my father is in the capital."

Wait, Li Xin’s biological father is in the capital?

Fu Wenyu thought carefully and found that there seemed to be some clues about this incident before. Just after the incident about Mrs. Wang in Chen County came out, he took his mother and sister to the Li family to settle down. Then the mother and daughter acted a little strange after hearing what happened.

At that time, I still felt that there might not be some bloody plot in it.

I didn’t expect it to happen!

A woman who calls herself a 'widow' to the outside world, actually her husband is not dead and is still living well in a corner of the capital, but Lady Li and Li Xin are far away in Liuzhou.

For a time, Fu Wenyu, who was accustomed to writing bloody articles, was very curious about the truth of the matter.

However, since the two families were not related, they did not dare to speak rashly.

On the opposite side, Li Xin didn't know whether he noticed something or simply felt that there was nothing unspeakable about this matter. He said calmly: "Brother Fu, you must have guessed it, right?"

"Actually, my father is not dead."

"When my mother was pregnant with me, a blind fortune teller appeared in the capital. What happened was just like what my mother told you last time. He was very accurate in everything he predicted. One day, someone invited him to the mansion to predict whether my mother was pregnant with a boy or a girl. He said that no matter whether I was a boy or a girl, I would be a disaster."

"And after I was born, I would bring bad luck to my parents, elders, and the family."

Fu Wenyu frowned, "Nonsense!"

If what the other party said was true, how to explain that Madam Li is still alive and well, and her life is getting better and better, and her business is booming?

Li Xin burst out laughing, "Yes, my mother said so too."

"Unfortunately, not long after the blind man finished his calculations, something strange really happened in the mansion. My grandmother fell at the door and lay on the bed for a long time, so she didn't want me to stay."

"But my mother refused, so she ran away secretly."

She said confidently: "My father was not there at the time, and no one was sent to look for him afterwards, so I wanted to go to the capital to see what was going on. I don't believe that I am unlucky for my parents and elders."

"Even if I am unlucky, I will take my mother's things back."

"I won't let others get away with it."

That's the truth. Whether in ancient times or modern times, divorces must divide property. Even in ancient times, you have to take back your dowry and can't just let it go.

So when the boat set off, there were a few more people on it. They were Li Xin, who was also carrying a batch of velvet flowers and preparing to sell them in the capital, and her maids, old women, trusted managers and servants, etc.

Seven or eight days later, the capital arrived.

In the past two months, people in Beijing have had several new pastimes.

One is to wait for the latest issue of Beijing tabloids to see what Zhao Yunfei has done recently. The second is to hold a wooden sword or bamboo sword and practice with the booklet. If you learn a move, you will call your friends and be excited.

There are also many people holding wooden swords or bamboo swords on the streets. It is hot, and there are many fans with "Only Golden Houses in Books" on the front and "Beauty in Books" on the back. These scenes are not seen in previous years.

One day, after reading the latest issue of Beijing tabloids, everyone sighed that Mrs. Miao is indeed an "old man" who has experienced the world. A crisis was resolved by her.

When she learned that her son Miao Pu was involved with the mastermind, she immediately made a decisive decision. On the one hand, she sent letters to various martial arts sects, aristocratic families, and some respected people by carrier pigeons, saying that her son was killed and the murderer was the long-dead head of the Jin family, Jin Chongen. On the other hand, she announced with righteousness that she would expel her son from the family and nominated the abbot of Shaolin to host a martial arts conference to attack the Jin family and avenge the innocent people in the martial arts world who died in vain.

Then the indignant martial arts people immediately decided to hold a martial arts conference.

"A martial arts conference..."

Some readers were looking forward to it, "There must be many masters there, right?"

"It's a pity that we can't learn the martial arts in the book, otherwise we can travel the world with swords one day and be a martial artist who is happy to take revenge and be free and easy!"

The person next to him laughed and said, "It doesn't matter if you can't learn it, someone has learned it!"

"You don't know yet, the Beijing tabloid invited a "martial arts team" from Liuzhou a few days ago. Everyone in them has a good kung fu, and the "Thirteen Swords of Yunxiao" is even more amazing."

"We are lucky."

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