"Is there anyone who can use the 'Thirteen Yunxiao Styles'?"

"Is it a lie?"

The person who spoke was full of disbelief, "Everyone knows that it is probably only the person who wrote this story. What's his name? Oh, it's called 'Two Wen for a Bun', right? Hey, this name is so weird."

"The hardcover version hasn't come out yet, and I guess only he can use the last three moves."

His friend shook his head, "Not only can he do it, but the people in the martial arts team can too. After all, this martial arts team was taught by him. People in Liuzhou know that the last three moves are indeed different. The moves are complicated and can only be obtained by natural talent."

"How about going to take a look in two days?"

"Then let's take a look!"

Similar conversations occurred in many places in the capital, so when the story "Rebirth of the Treasure Map" officially went on sale three days ago, when Fu Wenyu and others set up their postures in front of a bookstore as planned to perform martial arts, there were many onlookers, three layers inside and three layers outside.

At first, the people were just watching the excitement, just like when they saw a store opening and setting off firecrackers on the street, they stopped to watch. But soon their expressions changed.

Swords came out, and exclamations rose.

"What is that?!"

"Why can their swords be so fast!"

"Wanjianhua, is that the action he just made a Wanjianhua? I saw it, and the sword really looked like a flower. No wonder this move is called "Wanjianhua" in the storybook."

"And the actions of putting away and drawing the sword, why are they so clean and neat, just like the knight? But I see others are so slow?"

"They are fighting, don't study them, just look at them fighting!"

Facts have proved that the people love to watch the excitement in their bones.

The martial arts team performed at the door of the bookstore for three days, and the crowd of onlookers gathered for three days. As the news spread, more and more people gathered every day, and even the doors of the surrounding shops were full of people. Some even moved their own tables, chairs and benches out so that they could step on them to see more clearly.

At the same time, through the relationship with the tabloids in Beijing, Fu Wenyu also took Fu Wenshu and others to perform in other places. For example, the theaters and theaters in Beijing were all packed without exception.

The carefully rehearsed martial arts performance also brought the sales that Fu Wenyu wanted most.

So when they left Beijing half a month later, not only were all the 200 sets of hardcover editions shipped sold out, but the 2,000 sets of ordinary editions were also few and far between, and the surrounding areas were sold out.

In Liuzhou, the sale started on the same day as Beijing.

Although Fu Wenyu and the martial arts team left Liuzhou, their performances for more than two months before were not wasted, and Zhang, the shopkeeper, was still in Liuzhou, so sales were not affected.

However, the hot sales of Kaiyuan Bookstore were also noticed by those who cared.

There was silence in Rongsheng Bookstore.

Since the story of "Rebirth of the Treasure Map" and the martial arts team became popular, the atmosphere in Rongsheng Bookstore has been getting lower and lower day by day, and there has been no warming up.

You know, in Liuzhou City, Rongsheng Bookstore was the only one that dominated the market!

But in just one year, the people only knew Kaiyuan Bookstore. If the two bookstores were not far away, their business would have plummeted.

Rongsheng Bookstore did not think about saving it.

They also learned to make a hardcover version, but the first time the shopkeeper chose a promising book and carefully prepared 100 copies, each of which was sold for 5 taels, but only sold 10 copies on the first day. Although some were sold intermittently in the following months, it was still a loss.

The second time they learned their lesson, not only did they invite a book expert like Sun Xiucai, but they also learned from Kaiyuan Bookstore and printed "The Story of the Green Hairpin" in Liuzhou tabloids to attract more customers. The effect was indeed very good at the beginning, but later as the story of Wang Po in Chen County spread, everyone only remembered "The Legend of the Divine Eye" and not "The Story of the Green Hairpin".

Fortunately, Manager Xu used some tricks on the contract to coax Sun Xiucai to agree to share the cost. Unfortunately, Sun Xiucai was also reckless. He asked for 100 sets of hardcover editions at the beginning, thinking that he could make a lot of money at once.

As a result, after a few months, not only the hardcover editions were not sold out, but also the ordinary editions.

It was a loss again for the second time.

Fortunately, Sun Xiucai helped to share the cost this time, so it was not a big loss.

But Manager Xu of Rongsheng Bookstore was also worried.

If this continues, where will their Rongsheng Bookstore stand in Liuzhou City? You have to know that their Rongsheng Bookstore is different from Kaiyuan Bookstore. This is their own shop, and the losses are all their own money.

Thinking of this, Shopkeeper Xu's face darkened, and he called a clerk over and asked, "Go and ask how many copies have been sold at Kaiyuan Bookstore? I heard that they went around the city looking for scholars who can paint, and printed a total of 300 hardcover copies. This is three times the number of "The Story of the Green Hairpin", and it's more expensive."

"Go and ask how many copies they have not sold out now?"

The clerk was found from outside, and he was not as related to Shopkeeper Xu as the other one, so he immediately nodded and bowed after hearing the order, and ran out to ask.

After two quarters of an hour, he came back panting.

"Boss, shopkeeper, they said there are only 20 copies left."

"Every once in a while, Zhang Er would shout at the door, 'There are 20 copies left, there are 20 copies left, the hardcover copies will be gone if you are slow, and they will be gone if they are sold out'."

Shopkeeper Xu's expression changed, "Didn't that mean we sold two hundred and eighty sets?!"

There are two hundred and eighty sets. Although I don’t know how much a set costs, they sell it for ten taels of silver per set. Two hundred and eighty sets is two thousand eight hundred taels, a full two thousand eight hundred taels!

When he thought that his old rival had made so much money, at least more than a thousand taels, his heart ached, as if the money was taken out of his own pocket.

"I have to think of a way..."

he muttered.

At this time, another short man named Kong Yun from the bookshop, who was also a distant relative of Shopkeeper Xu, came over and lowered his voice and said: "Shopkeeper, I have an idea."

"It's thanks to Fu Wenyu's storybook that they overwhelm us. But if there were no Fu Wenyu or his storybook, wouldn't it be back to the past?"

Shopkeeper Xu squinted his eyes and said angrily: "Don't I understand this?"

"But how can we make Fu Wenyu and the guy named Zhang part ways? Firstly, we don't know Fu Wenyu, and secondly, the guy named Zhang hasn't done anything bad. Fu Wenyu is not a fool."

"If you can think of a way, then I will reward you two taels of silver."

Kong Yun's eyes lit up, "You really have a good idea!"

Then he came close to Shopkeeper Xu's ear and whispered in a low voice. As time passed, Shopkeeper Xu nodded slowly and praised: "Not bad, not bad, this method is good."

"That's it!"

Neither shopkeeper Zhang from Liuzhou nor Fu Wenyu, who was busy selling storybooks in the capital at this time, did not expect that someone secretly wanted to plot against them.

Especially Fu Wenyu, he never thought about it.

At this time, he was holding a set of hardcover editions, as well as a 'Cloud Sword' and a 'Thunder Sword', ready to take them back and give them away.

As for who to send it to, of course it is Mr. Murong.

It was also when he heard a customer coming in just now and saying generously, "Bring me five sets, I want to give them away" that Fu Wenyu remembered that he had already asked Mr. Murong to draw two sets of illustrations, but he never thought Give the other person a set of story books.

There is no doubt that Mr. Murong's illustrations add a lot of color to his storybook. Especially in the capital, a place with many scholars and better appreciation ability, he met people more than once who asked who the original artist of the illustrations was. They also said that the person who copied the illustrations failed to understand the essence of the original work, and the brushstrokes in certain places seemed stiff, etc. wait.

Fu Wenyu felt that he should thank the other person properly.

So he bought the best-selling storybooks in Beijing in recent years, and planned to send them to Mr. Murong together with this set of hardcover editions when he returned. Judging from the previous events, the other party is a storyteller.

"The Treasure Map of Rebirth" is the third novel written by Fu Wenyu in ancient times, and it is also the novel with the strongest presence of the heroine.

Needless to say, in the first book "The True and False Young Master", the heroine only appears in the last few hundred words, and deleting it will not affect reading. In "Legend of the Divine Eye", there is even less description of the heroine, and there is only one mention of Li Lei getting married. The "Treasure Map of Rebirth" is different. The heroine Chen Jing runs through the middle of the story and the ending.

The death of the nursery is the fourth trend in the whole text. After Zhao Yunfei and Chen Jing discovered Miao Pu's body, Mrs. Miao was not only grieving but also busy saving the reputation of the Miao family. But Zhao Yunfei took advantage of the period before the martial arts competition to diligently practice the family swordsmanship in the Miao family, striving to practice the thirteenth form of Yunxiao's Thirteen Forms to the Great Perfection state as soon as possible.

As for Chen Jing, she plunged into the nursery pharmacy to research the antidote for San Gong Powder. The hard work paid off, and she finally found some clues from the nursery notes.

"You said you made the antidote to San Gong Powder?"

When he said this, Zhao Yunfei, who was called over, still had a tone of disbelief and asked again, "Are you trying to frame me?"

You must know that even the nursery known as the "Holy Hand" by the people in the world has not developed the antidote. Chen Jing, a person with far less knowledge and experience, has developed it. It would have been better if it had taken a long time, but she just used it. How long, less than a month?

Chen Jing rolled his eyes, "Don't underestimate me."

But after saying this, she explained carefully in a complicated tone, "Actually, it's not me who did it. The credit should go to my uncle. I just adjusted one of his prescriptions. My uncle Although the new San Gong Powder developed is colorless and odorless, its effect is lighter than the previous one.”

Chen Jing laughed at himself: "Maybe this is why we can still come down from Mount Tuo. Otherwise, following the old method of San Gong Powder mentioned in the Poison Classic would not only make people lose their kung fu, but also make their hands and feet weak, allowing them to be slaughtered. Although my uncle made it colorless and odorless, it is no longer incurable."

She took out a pill and said with a complicated expression: "As long as you take this pill, you will be able to detoxify. And I also discovered something from the half of the poison book and the letters between my uncle and Jin Chongen, Whether it’s the new San Gong Powder or the old San Gong Powder, they all need certain herbs from the Poison Sect’s Holy Land, and the Poison Scripture says that kind of herb can only be found in their Holy Land.”

"So as long as we get rid of those medicinal herbs, there will be no more San Gong Powder in the world."

Zhao Yunfei subconsciously touched his chest, where a treasure map was hidden.

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