Except for Jin Yu, who Lin Feng arrested before, all the monsters, even Ju Ling's strange monsters, were all turned into fly ash under Hu Linger's last blow, and Lin Feng blocked it.

Now the opportunity is just right, he can just take advantage of this opportunity to defeat many monster clan geniuses, arrest them, forcibly suppress them, and turn them into his pet beasts.

He even had some expectations, after secretly turning these beasts into his pet beasts, and continuing to place these beasts inside the monster clan, would it have unexpected effects in the future?

Of course, he also wanted to see how many seventh-rank monsters he could arrest.

When he came out of the Night Watchman Academy, he came out with this purpose. Unfortunately, he entered the buffer zone of the northern camp. Before he had time to experiment, he was chased by the witch Hu Linger and forced into the bottom of the ink sea.

With this goal in mind, Lin Feng's Xiong Ba continued to fight.

The same operation as before, directly challenge the highest-ranked Yaozu Tianjiao in each arena.

Lin Feng didn't continue to arrest the spirit, because he didn't like it.

Not to mention those who are the strongest in Juling, at least they must be at the late stage of the seventh rank or even the consummation state.

Otherwise, the strength is too weak, and it is useless to hold the spirit. Even if his plan is to continue to be placed in the Yaozu, I don't know when it will be activated.

But if you want to arrest the spirit, you have to attack the stronger Tianjiao, otherwise it won't make much sense.

Soon, Lin Feng turned into Xiong Ba and challenged him all the way without saying a word.

Starting from ring number 90, then number 80, number 70, number 60...

In the beginning, only some Tianjiao of the Yaozu noticed him, but later more and more Tianjiao noticed this little guy from the little bear tribe.

Until Lin Feng reached the No. 20 ring.

The Tianjiao of the Yaozu here are all in the late stage of the seventh rank.

Lin Feng turned into a bear and approached, and even heard human language.

Some Tianjiao of the Yaozu have completed the refining of the cross-bones, and can spit out human words.

Once they can speak human words, these monster races are also proud of it.

Lin Feng no longer needed to use the Thunderbird Clan Tianjiao who had been chasing him all the time to translate.

"Where did this little bear guy come from?"

"I don't have this number among all the prides of the Bear Clan!"

"Eight-Rank Realm, have you overturned the Seventh-Rank Realm all the way?"

"I don't know why, but when he appears, I can always think of Lin Feng, the peerless monster of the human race who swept the third ring before!"

"That's right, I also have this feeling. It's not impossible to leapfrog to fight, but it's too rare, especially when the eighth-rank level challenges the seventh-rank level!"

"Have you noticed that he never spoke, not even a single harsh word, he only knows how to fight!"


Hearing these comments, Lin Feng turned into Xiong Ba and his heart skipped a beat.

Sure enough, he challenged the Yaozu Tianjiao in such a high-profile way, and how many Tianjiao he defeated along the way at the eighth-rank realm, it was easy to be noticed.

And once he is paid attention to, even if his magic effect of changing the appearance of the aura is against the sky, it is easy to arouse people's imagination.

Fortunately, he didn't want to stay in Yaozu territory for a long time, he was just planning to do something.

Also at this time, he boarded the No. 20 ring.

The highest-ranked Yaozu Tianjiao in the No. 20 ring was ranked 2001.

As soon as Lin Feng stepped onto the ring, before he pointed to the rankings on the edge of the ring, a Tianjiao stood up:

"Brother of the Bear Clan, you want to challenge me?"

This monster clan has already refined the existence of Henggu, and he directly uttered human words.

Hearing this, Lin Feng's Xiong Ba nodded.

The Yaozu Tianjiao didn't rush to make a move, but looked at him suspiciously:

"Brother, didn't you refine Henggu? Why don't you ever see you speak?"

Lin Feng complained in his heart, is it because I don't want to talk?

Damn, your monster bird language father is not good at all, right?

But at this moment he could speak, and replied with a cold snort:

"Because they don't deserve it!"

As soon as these words came out, many monster races at the scene were stunned.

Especially Tianjiao, who was challenged by Lin Feng before, glared at him angrily.

Lin Feng was not afraid of being exposed. After the Yaozu refined the Henggu, he was really proud of it. It was normal for him not to want to communicate with the Yaozu who had not refined the Henggu.

Moreover, without waiting for the other party to speak, he continued:

"Then Lin Feng is already dead, how can a dead person be compared with me?"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of many monster clan's arrogance became even more fixed.

Even when Xiong Ba and Lin Feng were linked together just now, there was no doubt.

That's right, Lin Feng was beaten up by the Wan Yao Queen, and his corpse fell into the sea of ​​ink, how could he come back alive?

Even if everyone knows that there are many ways to change the appearance of the breath, but at this moment, there is no Yaozu Tianjiao thinking about it.

As long as Xiong Ba is not Lin Feng, if any other human race's genius dares to pretend to be a monster clan's genius and come in, they will be spotted soon. Isn't that courting death?

This is the headquarters of the Yaozu. There are many Yaozu Tianjiao, especially in the No. 1 ring where there are five 6th-rank Tianjiao. Although the other Tianjiao are only the seventh-rank peak, they also have the strength of the sixth-rank.

Besides, there is Hu Linger, the top evildoer, and a group of strong monsters such as the marshal of the monster clan in the nearby camp.

If the human race dares to come here to do things, isn't that just courting death?

Before the many Yaozu Tianjiao came back to their senses, the Xiongba that Lin Feng turned into stopped talking nonsense, and once again charged against the seventh-rank Yaozu Tianjiao in front of him.

Tianjiao of the seventh-rank demon clan focused his eyes, and also suddenly slapped him.


In an instant, as soon as the two sides collided, Tianjiao Tianjiao of the seventh-rank demon clan was instantly blown away, and blood spilled into the sky.

The scene became eerily quiet.

The Xiong Ba that Lin Feng turned into was still arrogantly uttering words:

"Weak! Too weak!"

After the words fell, Lin Feng hooked the remaining arrogances around the ring:

"Let's go together, don't waste time!"

Even if there is a demon clan Tianjiao who can't understand human speech, he still understands what he means!

In an instant, roars of filial piety came from the scene, and many monster clan arrogances charged in an incomparable anger.


In an instant~www.readwn.com~the explosions continued!

The Xiong Ba transformed by Lin Feng was directly besieged by hundreds of demon clan geniuses.

No one stopped at the scene, this is Xiong Ba himself who wants to challenge all the remaining talents in the No. 20 ring, and he deserves to be beaten to death.

The Yaozu originally followed the law of the jungle, and they have long been accustomed to this scene.

Even seeing this scene, many demon clan geniuses in the front of the ring shook their heads with regret;

"It's a pity, this little guy is not weak, but too arrogant!"

"It's already very good to be able to challenge the No. 20 ring in the eighth-rank realm, but it's a pity that I have a problem with my brain!"

"If this guy isn't so arrogant, maybe she can really be valued by Her Lady Queen. Even if he is not as good as Lin Feng at the level of the eighth-rank realm, I'm afraid he won't be far behind!"

But as soon as these Tianjiao's words fell, the sound of Peng Pengpeng's explosion came, but they saw a group of figures beating violently around Xiong Ba flying backwards.

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