One after another, the Tianjiao of the monster clan flew upside down, vomiting blood one after another.

Hundreds of Tianjiao besieged and beat Xiong Ba, but they were all blown away within a few breaths and fell to the edge of the ring, as if someone deliberately used these Yaozu Tianjiao to form a circle.

The scene was extremely strange, but the atmosphere was even more eerily quiet.

Many Yaozu Tianjiao who had just expressed their regrets widened their eyes, each with incomparably dignified eyes.

Just now I regretted that Xiong Ba's brain was not enough, but now I saw that they were all dumbfounded.

Not to mention brain problems, this strength is probably enough to challenge the top ten rings.

The No. 20 ring just now was full of Tianjiao in the late stage of the seventh rank. Among the top 2,000 Tianjiao, none of them was the enemy of this bear boy.

All down in a blink of an eye?

This strength is something that Tianjiao in the top ten rings can hope to achieve, but it is only hopeful, not every Tianjiao can do it.

Unless it's the top batch.

At this moment, the eyes of many Yaozu Tianjiao looking at Xiong Ba changed again.

He was still looking down on him before, but now even the Tianjiao in the top ten ring has already regarded Xiong Ba as his peer.

Even Tianjiao of the Yaozu, who thought he was stronger than Xiong Ba, had reverence in his eyes.

Because Xiongba is only at the eighth stage.

At this moment, while many of the demon clan's talents were stunned, Lin Feng's Xiongba walked around the arena, as if demonstrating.

But at this moment, no one from the Yaozu Tianjiao opened his mouth to sneer or ridicule.

Because Xiong Ba has the qualification to be arrogant, he really managed to single out hundreds of Tianjiao.

Of course, in fact, Lin Feng was just pretending to be arrogant, but secretly arresting the spirit.

One hundred Tianjiao, including No. 2001 Tianjiao who was defeated by him at the beginning, were all arrested by him in the blink of an eye.

But Lin Feng still didn't feel the upper limit among the one hundred monster clan's seventh-rank arrogance.

Lin Feng's heart skipped a beat, and his eyes turned to ring number ten.

The purpose of his coming here is not only to make troubles, but also to arrest the spirit.

Then, a group of Yaozu Tianjiao followed his gaze and looked towards the ring No. 10.

The Xiong Ba transformed by Lin Feng also walked towards the tenth ring.

In an instant, the challenges in many arenas stopped, and they all looked at the tenth arena.

Now he has successfully attracted the attention of all the Yaozu Tianjiao, and everyone's eyes are on him.

We are all waiting to see, which step can he go, and challenge all the way to the No. 1 ring?

Is there a chance he could be in the top ten?

If he could, he would really be no worse than the human genius Lin Feng who just slaughtered the city in the third ring!

In fact, it is not only the many monster arrogances in Camp No. 10, but Camp No. 9 is also where the central army of the entire Monster Race camp is located. There are also some strong monsters who have noticed the changes in Camp No. 10.

At this moment, in the big tent of the Yaozu's central army, the marshal of the Yaozu's camp, the beautiful Feng Ying, is receiving Hu Ling'er, the Queen of Ten Thousand Monsters.

Even if she is a big monster, her realm strength far surpasses Hu Linger, but she is also extremely polite to Hu Linger.

"Once Lin Feng dies, the Da Zhou Monster Slayers will not let it go. Their elite team of 10,000 Monster Slayers will arrive soon. If it is as fast as one day, at the latest, they will go to the front line in two days!"

Hearing this, Hu Ling'er frowned slightly, and bowed to Fengying:

"Marshal Feng, don't worry, the No. 10 Camp Challenge will be over within today. After I mobilize a bit, I will be able to go to the battlefield and face the demon-slayer team of 10,000!"

Feng Ying nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile:

"I don't worry about you. Although the demon-slayer team of 10,000 people is strong, there is no one stronger than you. The only thing you have to be careful of is that the human race shamelessly dispatches Nascent Soul to deal with you!"

Hu Linger replied with a smile:

"I will be careful!"

Fengying then continued:

"This battle can be regarded as the agreement reached between us and Da Zhou Monster Slayer. Instead of fighting against the army, reducing casualties, it can be regarded as a successful conclusion to the matter of Lin Feng before!"

While speaking, Feng Ying waved her hand, and a radiant bead appeared in her hand!

As soon as this thing appeared, Hu Linger stood up from his seat:

"Holy Light Bead?"

Fengying nodded:

"This is also a gift specially prepared for you that I promised several elders before. With this item, and you just killed Lin Feng, the peerless monster of the human race, and defeated the demon-killing team of ten thousand people in one fell swoop. The momentum is strong, and there is a chance Step into the sixth-grade realm in one fell swoop!"

With that said, Fengying handed the things in her hand to Hu Linger.

Hu Ling'er took it respectfully, and then cupped her hands:

"Thank you Marshal Feng!"

Fengying waved her hand:

"You don't need to thank me, this is what you deserve. Without you, my monster clan lost a lot this time, and my face is gone!"

While the two witches were talking, a subordinate hurried over and whispered a few words in Fengying's ear.

The next second, Fengying stood up abruptly:

"Interesting, when will a peerless evildoer not weaker than Lin Feng emerge from my monster clan?"

Hearing this, Hu Ling'er was stunned for a moment.

The so-called peerless evildoer who is not weaker than Lin Feng is naturally not Hu Ling'er.

Although Hu Ling'er killed Lin Feng, he did so by crushing his realm.

At the same level, she may not be able to defeat Lin Feng.

But right now, Marshal Fengying has revealed a peerless evildoer who is not weaker than human Lin Feng?

All of a sudden, Hu Linger also became curious and looked at Fengying.

Fengying didn't hide anything and said with a smile:

"I just got the news that there is a genius from the Bear Clan in the No. 10 camp, and the eighth-rank realm is now ready to challenge the No. 10 ring!"

"Oh? If you can win the No. 10 ring at the eighth stage, you really won't be weaker than Lin Feng. It's my monster clan's luck!"

The two demon girls looked at each other and smiled, and then they both disappeared into Camp No. 9 at the same time.

But at this moment, the Xiong Ba transformed by Lin Feng had already walked to the tenth ring.

Ring No. 10 is also occupied by a hundred Yaozu Tianjiao.

Ranked from 901 to 1000!

The strongest leader is naturally No. 901's Tianjiao of the Yaozu, a Tianjiao of the Jiaozu.

Seeing Xiong Ba approaching, his complexion changed a bit, and he said with serious eyes;

"Brother Xiong is very strong, but I'm not weak either. How about one move to determine the outcome..."

But before he could finish speaking, Lin Feng's Xiong Ba had already moved his eyes He didn't pay attention to him any more, but looked around ring 10:

"With all due respect, everyone here is rubbish, let's go together!"


As soon as these words came out, the anger of many Tianjiao on the scene was ignited in an instant.

Xiong Ba is very strong, everyone saw it in the No. 20 ring just now.

But ring 20 is full of late seventh-rank talents, but ring ten is full of peak seventh-rank perfectionists!

Where did he get the courage to challenge all the talents in the No. 10 ring?

Angry roars instantly resounded throughout Camp No. 10.

In the next second, one hundred Tianjiao in the ring tenth made their moves one after another, besieging and killing Xiongba.


The bear bully that Lin Feng turned into also imitated the roar of the monster clan. In an instant, the huge bear's paws flew, and the huge body collided loudly, and the battle broke out in an instant!

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