I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 204: See confession again, he is Lin Feng!

The Xiong Ba transformed by Lin Feng swept all the arenas all the way, all the way to the No. 2 ring, and now only the No. 1 ring remains unchallenged.

This really exceeded the expectations of all Yaozu Tianjiao.

You know, Xiongba behind is not even a normal challenge, but a direct challenge to all the talents in a ring.

But he still won.

Even though it looks extremely miserable at the moment, the momentum is still extremely strong.

But when the sixth-rank Tianjiao in the No. 1 ring came forward to invite him to challenge the sixth-rank, and all the monsters looked at Xiong Ba with great anticipation, he didn't even pay attention to the sixth-rank Tianjiao , directly jumped off the ring.


A group of Yaozu Tianjiao was dumbfounded again.

Xiong Ba didn't even give face to the Tianjiao of the sixth rank, and didn't even have the idea to reply?

The face of the sixth-rank demon clan who spoke just now turned green, and his breath was floating, obviously very angry.

But before the embarrassing atmosphere here eased up, the Xiong Ba transformed into Lin Feng waved his hand, and a group of monster clan arrogance who had just been defeated by him surrounded him.

Many Yaozu Tianjiao still haven't figured out what Xiong Ba wants to do.

The sixth-rank monster Tianjiao who stood up and spoke was so angry that his mouth almost crooked:

"It's too much, little bear, you are challenging my patience!"

As soon as the words fell, the arrogance of the sixth-rank monster race erupted, and he directly locked on to Xiong Ba.

But the Xiong Ba transformed into Lin Feng gave him a sideways glance:

"Excessive? Your sixth grade, my eighth grade, you let me challenge you?"

As soon as these words came out, many demon clan geniuses at the scene were stunned for a moment.

It seems that he just realized that he is only in the eighth stage.

Indeed, who would go too far for an eighth-rank genius to challenge a sixth-rank powerhouse?

In fact, Lin Feng really wanted to challenge it, but unfortunately his time was already very tight.

Moreover, if he wants to attack the sixth-rank monster clan, his physical strength alone is not enough. He must expose his various spiritual methods.

At that time, even the idiots of these Yaozu Tianjiao will be able to understand that there is something wrong with him.


This sixth-rank demon clan was so angry that he almost ran away on the spot.

But at this moment, Hu Ling'er's figure instantly appeared in the void, and a silver bell-like laughter came:

"They're all my sons of the demon clan, why bother to make trouble over a trivial matter?"

As soon as she appeared, she instantly attracted the attention of all the Yaozu Tianjiao.

These Tianjiao came for her, because they responded to her call and rushed from the various ethnic groups to the front camp.

Many Yaozu Tianjiao, even just to meet her.

Seeing it now, a group of monster clan Tianjiao's eyes were blurred, as if they were all fascinated by it.

Even if it was Lin Feng, he wished he had to ask for the reward later, and killed Hu Ling'er right now, but he had to admit that this demon girl had a beautiful appearance and a top-notch figure!

Then, Hu Ling'er smiled and clasped her fist at Tianjiao of the multi-monster race:

"Linger thanks all brothers and sisters for their support and trust!"

As soon as these words came out, the many Tianjiao who were fascinated by the sight came back to their senses, and they clasped their fists in excitement and saluted.

Hu Linger said again:

"Just received the news from the front line that the Great Zhou Monster Slayer Team of 10,000 people has gone to the front line, and we don't have much time left!"

"Let me make a long story short, everyone should know about this battle, and it can be regarded as an agreement reached by the two sides, to use the Tianjiao Ten Thousand Team to fight instead of the army!"

"This battle must be won, because it is not only the perfect ending to the previous incident of the peerless monster Lin Feng of the human race, but also determines the redistribution of the deserted city in the buffer zone!"

"Even the party that is completely defeated has to shrink in an all-round way, and it is possible to exit the buffer zone!"


Hu Ling'er jumped out at the right time and began to mobilize.

She just said a few words, but it caused the arrogance of many monster clans below to explode and their fighting spirit rose.

The so-called gossip is nothing more than that.

And the Xiong Ba that Lin Feng turned into was still mixed among the many demon clan geniuses, and the many demon clan geniuses who had been defeated by him gathered around him just now gradually dispersed and merged into the group of monster clan geniuses.

The Xiong Ba transformed by Lin Feng is slowly recovering from his injuries. His eyes swept over Hu Ling'er, who was eloquent and eloquent, and the five strongest sixth-rank demon clan geniuses on the scene, and also looked at the guard outside the No. 10 camp. Yaozu military repair.

He has quietly retreated to the edge.

The thousand demon clan arrogances who were arrested by him also quietly retreated to the edge.

All of this was done quietly, without attracting the attention of Yaozu Tianjiao, unless you might find this out if you observe carefully.

And a thousand of the demon clan Tianjiao who had been arrested by him, took advantage of the excitement of many Tianjiao, and almost walked around the entire camp.

According to Lin Feng's request, they secretly placed a large number of talismans at the core of the entire camp.

Lin Feng used the lightning talisman seal made by Tongtianlu, which is invisible and invisible, and it can't be sensed if he doesn't feel it carefully.

At this moment, Hu Ling'er said loudly:

"What I mean is that the Ten Thousand Talents are organized into ten teams, each with a thousand!"

"Choose ten Tianjiao to serve as commanders, and each form their own team!"

"Commanders can also continue to divide the team into centuries, and so on, so as to facilitate unified command and dispatch!"

As soon as the words fell, a group of Yaozu Tianjiao became excited, and looked at Hu Linger one after another, all looking forward to being valued by Hu Linger and designated as commander-in-chief.

Isn't the purpose of their coming here just to show off, to attract Hu Ling'er's attention?

If you directly become a commander and lead a brigade, this is a good start.

Hu Linger smiled and continued:

"The five senior brothers in the sixth-grade realm have special tasks. The commander, I mean, choose from the senior brothers in the seventh-grade perfect realm, and... this brother Xiong!"

After the words fell, everyone followed Hu Linger's gaze to look at Xiong Ba, who had already reached the edge of the team.

Lin Feng, who turned into a bully, suddenly stopped in his tracks, and looked back at the many demon clan arrogances with some embarrassment.

At this moment, many Yaozu Tianjiao discovered that Xiong Ba had actually gone to the edge.

Hu Ling'er frowned slightly, while many demon clan geniuses looked at him puzzled.

Wasn't Xiong Ba sweeping the ring before just to get Hu Ling'er's attention?

He has already succeeded, and Hu Linger has designated him as one of the commanders-in-chief. He is directly under Hu Linger's command and obeys her orders, but why did this bear go to the side?

Seeing this, are you still ready to leave?

While many arrogances are in a daze~www.readwn.com~ Hu Linger also frowned slightly:

"Brother Xiong, are you going to leave?"

Hearing this, Lin Feng, who turned into a bully, waved his hands awkwardly:

"It's nothing, it's too crowded in the middle, I can't see clearly..."

Xiong Ba forcefully explained a sentence, and before Hu Linger could react, he said again:

"I have something to tell you!"

"Hu Linger, I like you!"


In an instant, many Yaozu Tianjiao hadn't reacted yet, but Hu Ling'er was struck by lightning, and his face changed instantly:

"Impossible...how could it be you?"

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