I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 205: 5000 talismans are activated, grab them and run away

When Lin Feng's transformed Xiong Ba said these words, Hu Ling'er instantly stiffened, and the hairs on her body stood on end.

She is too familiar with this sentence.

In the southern canyon, she had heard of it before when she chased and killed Lin Feng in the third ring, and she was too familiar with it.

This bully is Lin Feng!

Without any evidence, without any reason, he is Lin Feng!

But before Hu Ling'er could react, and without waiting for many monster races to come to their senses, Lin Feng grinned and returned to his original appearance directly under the eyes of everyone.


At this moment, everyone's Yaozu Tianjiao seemed to have thunder roaring in their minds, and they were completely stunned.

Lin Feng!

Even though many Yaozu have never seen it, they have heard of it.

Many Yaozu Tianjiao came here because of Lin Feng.

Now the real master actually appeared, pretending to be the arrogant of the demon clan, and swept all the arenas?

Isn't he dead?

Where did he come from?

Why can't anyone see through his disguise?

It's fine if the seventh-rank Tianjiao can't see through it, but even the sixth-rank one can't see through it?

There are other monster clan powerhouses in the camp, but no one has found out?

How dare he?

This is the base camp of the monster race, is he looking for death?

Where did he get the courage?

Also, what was he trying to do in here?

Before many Yaozu Tianjiao could react, Lin Feng laughed loudly:

"Hahaha, in order to congratulate the formation of the Yaozu ten thousand team, I will send you a big gift, please don't be polite to me!"


As soon as the words fell, a terrifying wave suddenly spread from the place where many monster races gathered.

"not good!"


"This is......."



In an instant, terrifying fluctuations exploded in an instant, and before the Yaozu Tianjiao could react, they were instantly submerged in it.

This scene happened so fast that even Hu Ling'er, who was vigilant, didn't expect it.

In the blink of an eye, a large number of fluctuations exploded on the scene, drowning many demon clan geniuses.

These fluctuations are very strong, and almost have the power of a first-level sixth-level strike.

If this is the case alone, the Yaozu Tianjiao who is at the peak of the seventh rank may be able to resist one or two.

But the key point is that it is not one, but many, thousands of which explode at the same time.

This power can be imagined.


In an instant, terrifying fluctuations exploded, and a mushroom cloud rose from the scene, and many arrogances were submerged in it.

The weaker ones are directly turned into fly ash!

There was no possibility of even the flesh and blood exploding, and it was directly annihilated on the spot.

And Lin Feng didn't look at the result much, turned around and was about to flee in the wind.

But at this moment, he saw a light in the center of the terrifying explosion soaring into the sky, and also felt a strong wave of spiritual power, light attribute spiritual power!

"Attribute spirit?"

Lin Feng gritted his teeth, pasted a large number of golden light **** charms and seals on his body, and turned around and rushed into the center of the wave.

At this moment, he could see clearly that Hu Ling'er, who was in the center of the skyrocketing, had light emerging from her body, and her tail appeared instantly, bursting one by one to resist the terrifying explosion.

Lin Feng rushed into the center of this terrifying wave, and was naturally also impacted by this terrifying wave of explosion. The golden light magic charms and seals on his body instantly burned one after another and turned into fly ash.

Lin Feng didn't have time to think about it, he approached Hu Ling'er in an instant, and punched him out.

Hu Ling'er was extremely reluctant to resist this terrifying fluctuation, how could she still have the kung fu to resist Lin Feng's punch?

Hu Ling'er's face was pale, and she roared in a broken voice: "Lin Feng!!"


Lin Feng didn't have the slightest intention to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade. He punched down, directly hitting Hu Ling'er to vomit blood, and his body was hit by terrifying fluctuations.

Lin Feng chased after him again. Seeing that all the talismans on his body dissipated, he took out a handful and stuck it on his body again, and wanted to kill again.

Hu Ling'er's face turned pale, as if thinking of what Lin Feng was going to do, she raised her hand and threw out a golden bead.

She threw out the metallic spiritual object Holy Light Bead that she had just obtained.

Lin Feng grinned: "You're smart!"

After the voice fell, Lin Feng didn't dare to delay any longer. The explosion wave was too terrifying, and he couldn't bear it.

And also at this moment, the five sixth-rank Tianjiao came back to their senses in such a miserable state, and immediately rushed towards Lin Feng and Hu Ling'er.

In the next second, Lin Feng reached out and grabbed the bead, and the talisman burned on his body again, and his figure turned into a gust of wind and rushed out instantly.

Even when he ran away, the Yaozu Junxiu guarding the periphery didn't react and let him go away in an instant.

Also at this moment, the five figures forcibly escaped from the range of the terrifying fluctuations in a panic.

The five sixth-rank Tianjiao, they are powerful, they discovered and reacted when the fluctuation exploded.

But even so, the five Tianjiao of the sixth-rank monster clan are miserable, none of them is intact, either missing an arm or a broken leg, even half of the body is left in the eyes.

Even if the five sixth-rank Tianjiao are like this, one can imagine how miserable the rest of the Tianjiao are.

"Lin Feng!!"

"Damn it, you can't escape!"

"Bastard, if you dare to go deep into my monster camp to make trouble, you are dead!"

In the next second, the five rank-6 geniuses didn't even bother to check how Hu Ling'er was doing, nor did they care about their own injuries, they instantly turned into streamers of light and chased after them.

And within that terrifying fluctuation, at this moment, you can gradually see what's going on inside.

Only the more than a thousand Yaozu Tianjiao of the seventh-rank realm in the outermost circle are still alive, but they are also extremely miserable, with their bodies exploding and dying of serious injuries.

But at this moment, the inside couldn't see the shape of any monster clan Tianjiao clearly, and all of them turned into fly ash.

In the center, there is only one figure in a panic.

Hu Linger, she is not dead, but her face is ashen.

Her tail, which had already been transformed, was also revealed, and there were only three white tails left at this moment.

The other six were blown up in the terrifying fluctuation just now, but it also saved her life.

At this moment, Hu Ling'er was still in a daze, looking at the void in the distance with a pale face, where was the direction of Lin Feng's escape.

She still can't believe that this is really Lin Feng.

He really didn't die, not only did he not die, but he came back, mixed into the monster clan, and made such a big commotion.

The Yaozu ten thousand team, ten thousand arrogance~www.readwn.com~ Now only one-tenth is left, one-tenth of the periphery of the explosion.

All others are dead.

Even she almost died, if not for the tail, she would have been killed by Lin Feng.

Even the five sixth-rank Tianjiao were seriously injured.

At this moment, Lin Feng, who was fleeing quickly, was blocked by a large number of monster army repairmen in front of him.

Lin Feng waved his hand without hesitation, and a series of spiritual techniques were unleashed.

Immediately afterwards, a series of talisman seals were pasted on his body, the Golden Light God's incantation talisman seal.

There are also talismans burning under the feet, talismans that transform the wind into the wind with fairy art.

His speed soared and instantly turned into a streamer.

But while passing by the monster army, there were still terrifying attacks falling on him.


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