I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 245: Wang's children prank

In the public discussion, some people are looking forward to a life-and-death battle, and expecting that Lin Feng can create another miracle.

But there are also people who sympathize with Lin Feng, thinking that it is impossible for him to win against Wang Tao of the Wang family, the aristocrat of the out-of-body state.

But now the focus of everyone's attention has shifted to Wang's school.

As long as Lin Feng showed up, it would prove that Lin Feng really agreed to Wang's three suggestions.

And this morning, at the gate of the dungeon, Lin Feng saw Wang's housekeeper again, and the other party told him that the Wang's school was ready, and all the Tianjiao of the foundation-building realm and below in the entire Wang family at home had arrived, and they were waiting for him to go to class Woolen cloth.

Lin Feng had agreed before, so naturally there was no reason to refuse. He quickly got up and left the dungeon, and went straight to Wang's Academy under the leadership of the housekeeper.

With Lin Feng's appearance, the news quickly spread from Wang's mansion like the wind.

For a while, Zhongzhou City was in an uproar again.

Now it can be confirmed that Lin Feng really agreed to Wang's decision.

But even if it is confirmed that Lin Feng himself agreed, it is still impossible to determine whether Lin Feng was forced to agree or whether he agreed voluntarily.

As for how people discuss and think, Lin Feng doesn't care anymore.

At this moment, in Wang's mansion, he followed the butler all the way to the backyard of Wang's mansion.

There is a secluded yard here.

Still far away, the butler stopped in his tracks, bowed his hands respectfully, then pointed to the yard in front of him and said:


"Mr. Lin, the school is in front of you! I won't see you off, you just go there!"

Lin Feng nodded, and he was not in a hurry to go to the school, but looked at the Wang family's school from a long distance away.

It is worthy of being a big family, and it is also worthy of being the God of Wealth of the Great Zhou Dynasty, who controls the great power of the Commercial Department.

A mere place for the younger generation to learn and practice kung fu is surprisingly magnificent.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, the housekeeper added another sentence:

"This courtyard was originally the old man's residence. He thought it was too big, so he changed it into a school!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng suddenly realized.

If it was specially built for Wang Fugui, it would make sense.

Otherwise, he really couldn't imagine how rich the Wang family's wealth is.

Then, Lin Feng walked towards the school.

At the same time, many teenagers and girls from the Wang family have gathered in the school.

The young ones are only seven or eight years old, and there are all those who have just started to try to draw qi into the body.

The older ones are also sixteen, seventeen or eighteen years old, and their realm has reached the peak of the Foundation Establishment Realm.

These are the three, four, or even five generations of descendants of the Wang family.

It is said that all houses are very active in accepting the inheritance left by their ancestors, regardless of their talent or strength, as long as they are below the Foundation Establishment Realm and under the age of 18, they will all be sent.

Naturally, those above the Foundation Establishment level cannot be sent. Lin Feng is only at the Foundation Establishment level. What can Lin Feng at the Alchemy Level teach?

Even if he is very strong, and it is said that he can fight the peak of Nascent Soul, but in the final analysis he is still at the Foundation Establishment level.

As for the age of eighteen, it also has something to do with Lin Feng, because Lin Feng is eighteen years old.

There are not no members of the Wang clan who are older than this age and whose realm is lower than the alchemy realm, but they have no face to accept the inheritance.

At this moment, children from many families in the school are gathering in groups of three or four, and they are all talking about it.

The focus was on Lin Feng.

Like the outside world, as members of the Wang family, they all knew that Lin Feng had caused the disappearance of the aura secret realm left by Wang's ancestors.

I also know the decision made by Wang.

Many people even hated Lin Feng.

After all, the aura secret realm was left by the ancestors of the Wang family.

This group of dozens of children seems to be divided into several obvious small groups.

A small group in the Entrainment Environment, headed by a ten-year-old girl with a round face.

A group in the Foundation Establishment Realm, headed by a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy.

There was another person standing alone, who seemed out of place with everyone.

In the small group in the air-entraining environment, a few brats were discussing Lin Feng around the round-faced girl:

"Sister Yuanyuan, I heard that Lin Feng can fight Nascent Soul, is it true or not?"

The round-faced girl is called Wang Yuanyuan, she is the strongest in this generation of Wang family's children, and she is very talented in formations. She is also loved by the old man of the Wang family, so the small group of the Wang family is centered on her .

Hearing what the clansman said, Wang Yuanyuan said with a confused face:

"It should be true, after all, it's been rumored outside!"

"But how is this possible? There are several big realms behind!"

"That is, I believe that many of us can do it if the Foundation Establishment Realm can tie the Dan Realm. It is outrageous to hit the Nascent Soul Realm!"

"Sister Yuanyuan, do you think this Lin Feng will take the opportunity to take revenge on us?"

"That's right. After all, our Wang family is planning to kill him. Will he really hand over the ancestor's inheritance to us?"

Hearing this, Wang Yuanyuan was even more confused:

"I do not know!"

Compared with the small group in the Qi-inducing environment, the small group in the Foundation-building environment discussed much more profoundly.

The headed sixteen-year-old boy is also the strongest arrogance among the foundation-building realm of the Wang family's generation, named Wang Zhe.

Originally, they were also discussing Lin Feng. Hearing what Wang Yuanyuan and others said, Wang Zhe shook his head with a smile: "A bunch of little kids, they know nothing!"

As soon as he said these words, a group of children immediately glared at him!

But before these brothers and sisters could speak, Wang Zhe stared:

"Unconvinced? Looking for a beating?"

With this threat, a group of Qi-entraining disciples immediately held their breath with black faces and did not dare to open their mouths.

Wang Zhe was at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Realm, and his strength was extremely strong. Even the sum of a group of them was not enough for him to fight.

The most important thing is that this Wang Zhe is ruthless, and many of his children have suffered from his cruel hands.

That's all, the most important thing is that it's useless to go to an adult to complain, because Wang Zhe is also loved by the older generation just like Wang Yuanyuan.

So no matter what the real situation is, once a complaint is filed, the elders are always more inclined to believe in these powerful talents.

Seeing that a group of people were cowardly and did not dare to confront him, Wang Zhe lost interest, shook his head, and then looked at Wang Yuanyuan:

"Yuanyuan, are you interested in testing this Lin Feng?"

Wang Yuanyuan still had a cute and stupid look on her face. When she heard this, she suddenly became interested, nodded fiercely and said:

"Okay, okay, how to try?"

"Of course you are the one to come forward, using the maze!"

Wang Zhe smiled and said:

"If that Lin Feng can't even break through your maze, he probably didn't get any inheritance from his ancestors!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Yuanyuan frowned slightly:

"it's not good?"

"What are you afraid of? It doesn't matter if he sees it through. If he dares to attack you, you can go to the old man and cry!"

After some bewitching by Wang Zhe, Wang Yuanyuan agreed, and immediately began to set up formations around the school.

But in fact, Wang Zhe used her as a knife to test Lin Feng.

If Lin Feng sees that there is a maze here, he will have to break the maze.

But once the formation is broken, time will be delayed~www.readwn.com~ and it will be impossible to complete today's teaching task.

Either forcefully break the formation, once forced, Wang Yuanyuan, who is in charge of the formation, will naturally suffer backlash.

Lin Feng is at the Foundation Establishment Realm, and it is said that he has the combat power of the Nascent Soul Realm. Wang Yuanyuan will be injured to some extent if he breaks the formation. When the time comes to go to the old man to cry and complain, Lin Feng may not be able to wait for the life and death challenge.

If he didn't see through it, it would be even more embarrassing. Lin Feng would lose his way in the maze and wander around in it all the time.

With Lin Feng like this, the family still needs to send out nine peak Nascent Soul Realm and Wang Tao, the top Existence Realm?

Just him, Wang Zhe, is enough!

Wang Yuanyuan went to set up the formation, and the others followed suit, wanting to watch the excitement.

On the other hand, the eighteen-year-old Wang's son who had been alone frowned slightly, but he still remained silent and did not stop Wang Yuanyuan and the others.

Soon, the sound of Lin Feng's footsteps came from outside the school, and Wang Yuanyuan finished setting up the formation, and then a group of people all looked towards the school gate in unison.

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