I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 246: Counting 10 people consumes 1 person

In the Wang Clan's Academy, many of the Wang Clan's children looked at the door together, all looking forward to it.

At Wang Zhe's instigation just now, Wang Yuanyuan, the first day of Qi Entraining Realm, has already arranged a maze.

They also want to see how strong Lin Feng, the arrogant of heaven, who has been making a lot of noise recently, can see through the maze arranged by Wang Yuanyuan at a glance.

At this moment, Wang Yuanyuan sat down cross-legged and tried her best to maintain the operation of the formation. She herself was looking forward to it.

She is very accomplished in formations. This formation can even confuse the existence of the Nascent Soul Realm. Can Lin Feng see through it?

But at this moment, Lin Feng walked to the door of the school, and with just one glance, he felt the existence of the formation.

As he forged the Chaos Dao Foundation, his perception ability soared, even the formations in the dungeon he could clearly perceive, not to mention the formations arranged by a mere little guy in the school.

Seeing this formation, Lin Feng stopped in his tracks, his face still extremely calm.

He promised that the Wang family would try their best to pass on what he had learned to the Wang family's children.

This can be regarded as repaying the favor of Wang's ancestors.

In fact, he didn't get any inheritance from the ancestors of the Wang family. It was just an idea, the idea of ​​​​casting the foundation of chaos. It's just this idea, even the ancestors of the Wang family didn't know whether it would be successful.

Lin Feng is actually the other party's test product.

Of course, the ancestors of the Wang family also helped Lin Feng a lot.

The aura secret realm has almost become the nourishment for him to forge the Chaos Dao Foundation.

But this idea cannot be taught to anyone.

What Lin Feng wanted was to teach Wang's Tianjiao what he had learned, including ten times of extreme physical strengthening in the physical strengthening state, ten times of spiritual power compression in the entraining air state, breaking the foundation building state and then creating a more powerful chaotic foundation.

Even the various powerful spells and supernatural powers he has mastered are not impossible to teach, the premise is that Wang really has such a talent, it is worth him to teach.

It's just that he didn't expect these little guys to show him off as soon as they came, and came up with a formation. This seemed to be a prank, but it was actually testing him.

But Lin Feng didn't like this at all.

He is not the real teacher of Wang's Academy, he is here to fulfill the agreement.

Completing the agreement requires the willingness of the other party.

But now, when these little guys came out like this, Lin Feng was happy to see it come true.

In the next second, he took a step forward and stepped directly into the school.

After entering, the scene in front of him changed, as if he had stepped into a fairyland, not in the courtyard of a school at all...

Lin Feng didn't care, and sat down cross-legged in this fairyland-like illusion, as if he enjoyed it very much.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng embraced the state of being at ease when he came, and started to practice like no one else in this maze.

All of a sudden, many of the Wang's disciples in the Wang's Academy were dumbfounded.

Lin Feng entered the formation, but he didn't know that he didn't notice it, or that he didn't notice it at all, so he sat down cross-legged in the formation and began to practice on his own.

At this moment, Wang Yuanyuan, who was trying her best to maintain the operation of the formation, looked at Wang Zhe who encouraged her in bewilderment:

"Brother Wang Zhe, what should I do?"

The others also looked at Wang Zhe.

Lin Feng did not play cards according to common sense. He actually got into the formation by himself, and he seemed to be enjoying it very much.

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This is normal. Although the scenes evolved in this labyrinth are all fake, they look like real ones, but they are pleasing to the eye.

Now, even Wang Zhe couldn't judge what was going on with Lin Feng.

The scene was stunned for a few seconds, and Wang Zhe said coldly:

"Doesn't he want to play? Then just play with him!"

After the words fell, Wang Zhe looked at Wang Yuanyuan:

"Yuanyuan, hold on, and keep the formation running with all your strength!"

"Others, give Yuanyuan all the spiritual fluids and other resources she brought to help her recover!"

"At the same time, Yuanyuan, can you share a part of the formation control?"

"Let everyone work together to maintain the operation of the formation, I don't believe it, so many of us can't consume him alone?"

Hearing Wang Zhe's words, everyone took action.

Those who brought spiritual liquids, elixir and other resources were all given to Wang Yuanyuan. After all, she was only at the Qi Entraining Realm, and she had to do her best to maintain the operation of the formation, which would consume a lot of energy.

At the same time, Wang Yuanyuan also assigned a part of the control of the formation to Wang Zhe and others, and many Wang's Foundation Establishment Realm Talents also joined in the maintenance of the formation.

So soon formed a situation where many of the Wang family's arrogant children jointly used a formation to deal with Lin Feng.

But this is a maze, it doesn't have offensive power, it just has a psychedelic effect.

But even if it is a maze, there is consumption for the existence trapped in the formation, not only the consumption of cultivation base, but also the consumption of mind.

The longer the maze is trapped, the more difficult it is to extricate yourself. It is even possible that even if the maze is withdrawn, the other party will still be trapped in the illusion and cannot get out.

This is the scary part of the maze.

They want to compete with Lin Feng to see who can have the last laugh.

At the beginning, everyone was full of confidence, but as time went by, Wang Yuanyuan, the host of the formation, turned pale, even if she used various elixirs to recover, she still seemed unable to recover.

And the rest of the Foundation Establishment Realm are not having a good time, even the strongest Wang Zhe, the foundation-establishment peak arrogance, has begun to show signs of fatigue.

Therefore, Wang Zhe asked the rest of the Qi Entraining Realm Tianjiao to join in to help Wang Yuanyuan share the burden and jointly maintain the operation of the formation.

At this time, dozens of Tianjiao in the school, whether they are in the foundation building state or the entrainment state, have all joined the battle, trying their best to maintain the operation of the formation.

Except for one person.

That is a young man who has never been in groups with other people. He looks a little older than Wang Zhe, about seventeen or eighteen years old.

At this moment, the young man is still meditating and practicing indifferently.

It seems that this little time cannot be wasted, and no one can affect his cultivation.

However, his realm is not the highest. Wang Zhe is younger than him and has reached the peak of foundation establishment, but this young man just stepped into the foundation establishment stage.

After a while, the faces of many Wang's children who maintained the formation were all pale, and they were obviously exhausted, and some people even began to tremble.

And the worst situation is Wang Yuanyuan, the host of the formation.

At this moment, Wang Yuanyuan was already trembling all over, her lips were blue, and her face was already pale and bloodless. This was a manifestation of excessive consumption of spiritual energy.

Even the various spiritual liquids and elixirs piled up in front of her were almost used up.

Wang Yuanyuan couldn't hold on any longer, she said tremblingly:

"Brother Wang Zhe, I really can't do it..."

As soon as the words came out, even Wang Zhe didn't have time to speak. With a bang, the formation dissipated instantly, and many Wang's children appeared in front of Lin Feng.

But when the formation was broken, everyone had no time to observe Lin Feng's situation, but couldn't wait to take out the last recovery psychic liquid and other things and began to recover quickly.

They are afraid that they will not be able to recover if they don't recover again~www.readwn.com~ Even in normal practice battles, there has never been a situation where their spiritual power was directly exhausted.

But this time, it was only to maintain the operation of a formation, which almost exhausted everyone's spiritual power.

How strong is Lin Feng?

How powerful is his cultivation?

The spiritual power consumed by a person stepping into the formation is so terrifying.

He is only at the Foundation Establishment Realm, even if he is a peerless evildoer, no matter how strong he is, there should be a limit, right?

This has exhausted everyone's cultivation base, has he been completely lost in the maze?

With all kinds of doubts and a little collapse, a group of people recovered quickly.

After a few breaths, everyone took a breath before looking at Lin Feng.

But at this point, everyone is stupid!

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