Lin Feng was still sitting cross-legged, with an extremely calm expression, as if nothing had happened.

This is completely different from the hesitation and struggle of being trapped in a maze. Obviously, this is not affected by the maze at all.

All of a sudden, a group of Wang's children also understood why everyone wasted so much.

Because from the beginning to now, the maze has not been able to function, so the consumption is extremely terrifying, because if the formation wants to work, it must continue to increase its strength according to the existence of the formation.

In the end, even with the efforts of all the people, they failed to influence Lin Feng, and he remained the same.

All of a sudden, even Wang Zhe's expression turned extremely ugly.

At this scene, even the lonely boy who seemed indifferent to everything looked over in surprise.

All of them were very impressed by Lin Feng's name. They didn't care much before, but now everyone is moved.

The fact that Lin Fengguang is not affected by the Bewitching Formation has already proved his strength.

But even so, there are still people who are not convinced.

Wang Zhe, the strongest arrogant among the Wang family's children, looked at Lin Feng after recovering quickly and said coldly:

"Lin Feng, I admit that you are very strong, but just now it was just a maze, it's nothing, even if it were me, I can do it!"

After the words fell, Lin Feng didn't even lift his eyelids, and still sat cross-legged in meditation, as if he was deaf to Wang Zhe's words.

Wang Zhe became even more annoyed immediately. He glanced at the many family children who were still recovering, and snorted again:

"Brothers, sisters and uncles, our Wang family can't just be looked down upon like this!"

"Do you have to use the Nascent Soul Realm and the Leaving Aperture Realm to deal with the mere Foundation Establishment Realm?"

"I don't know what the Patriarch thinks, but I feel very ashamed!"

"We are the Wang family, one of the top nine families in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the Wang family's Tianjiao is not inferior to anyone!"

"If you want to fight, you have to fight at the same level. We have always been the only ones who suppress others by leapfrogging, and no one else suppresses me, Wang's Tianjiao, by leapfrogging!"

Wang Zhe's agitation instantly ignited the blood of a group of children.

A group of people joined in one after another:

"Brother Wang Zhe, tell me, what are you doing?"

"You are the strongest, we listen to you!"

"Lin Feng is too arrogant, it's as if he didn't hear us talking until now, it's annoying, tell me, how to deal with him!"

"Everyone go together?"

"Just now he exhausted our spiritual energy by himself, can we deal with it together?"

"Why don't you use the joint attack formation, at least gather the strength of everyone, and there is still a possibility of a battle!"

Everyone didn't shy away from the fact that Lin Feng was nearby, and they directly discussed how to deal with Lin Feng.

But what they said is also true, Lin Feng is really strong, just now he exhausted all the spiritual power of everyone in the maze.

If he really wanted to do it, even Wang Zhe would definitely not be Lin Feng's opponent.

Wang Zhe didn't want to admit it, but it was obvious that this was the truth. His face darkened when he heard the words of the other clan's children.

//118220/ "My Healing Game"

If everyone joins hands, what he said just now would be for nothing. In a blink of an eye, he slapped himself in the face.

In the same realm, the children of their majestic Wang family have to join hands to deal with Lin Feng?


The dark-faced Wang Zhe finally nodded slightly:

"Combined attack!"

In the next second, many Tianjiao disciples dispersed, forming a formation in the blink of an eye!

Combined attack formation is very rare for other forces, but the Wang family has no shortage, and they even practice it usually, which can be regarded as a way to defend the family.

So, soon they automatically formed a joint attack formation.

But Wang Zhe still had his own little thoughts, and he still took Wang Yuanyuan as his target.

In the blink of an eye, with the joint efforts of the crowd, they frantically operated their cultivation bases, and in the blink of an eye, a long knife composed of spiritual power was condensed on top of everyone's heads.

The long knife buzzed continuously, with extraordinary momentum.

As soon as the long knife was formed, it seemed that Wang Yuanyuan, who was the eye of the formation, couldn't hold on anymore. Her face was pale, and beads of sweat dripped down. She hurriedly controlled the long knife and slashed it at the top of Lin Feng's head.

It seemed that this knife was going to kill Lin Feng completely on the spot.

No, that's what they thought. Killing Lin Feng here, even if it was done by gathering the strength of everyone, is better than letting someone who is at the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm or even at the Out of Aperture Realm take action.

After all, their strongest is only at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Realm.


The long knife buzzed and chopped down.

Lin Feng also opened his eyes at this moment, and shook his head slightly:

"Haven't you had enough trouble?"

As the words came out, Lin Feng flexed his fingers and popped them out casually.


In the blink of an eye, the long knives sacrificed by everyone together shattered.


In an instant, everyone vomited blood and backed away.

Everyone's face was pale, the corners of their mouths were bleeding, and they all looked at Lin Feng in horror.

They knew that Lin Feng was very strong, but they didn't expect him to be so strong.

In the fight just now, Lin Feng actually flicked through their joint attack with just a random finger!

This is simply crushing, it is a world of difference.

The pride of a group of people disappeared at this moment, and all that was left was collapse and despair.

This gap is too big, so big that it makes people desperate.

Lin Feng, is this still the Foundation Establishment Realm?

It gave them the feeling no less than that of the elders in the Nascent Soul Realm or even the Out of Aperture Realm.

The scene just now, that is, they can only appear when they face the elders of the family.

But even if the elders of the family make a move, they will not be so collapsed, because they are the elders and the strong in the first place.

But Lin Feng is only at the Foundation Establishment Realm, and he is actually not much older than them, even Wang Zhe is sixteen years old...

While everyone was in despair, Wang Yuanyuan, who was the most seriously injured, finally broke down. She burst into tears and ran out of the school, obviously going to complain to the old man.

The rest of the people looked at Lin Feng in astonishment, as if looking at a peerless demon.

But the boy who had been alone all this time looked at Lin Feng with burning eyes.

Lin Feng shook his hands, stood up and slapped his **** in fear:

"A group of brats, if you don't want to learn, you will be pushed down. No one forces you, and I don't have time to spend with you!"

After the words fell, Lin Feng turned around and was about to leave.

But it was Wang Zhe who vomited blood and blocked his way:

"Lin Feng, don't be arrogant. Your spiritual power is very strong, even weird. It's not fair. How dare you compete with my physical strength?"

Wang Zhe is still not Lin Feng's strength is indeed very strong, that strange spiritual power can easily disintegrate the attacks of the crowd, and he has also discovered clues that Lin Feng's spiritual power is indeed extraordinary.

With this second thought, he thought of a solution again.

Lin Feng's spiritual power is strong, so he is not allowed to use his spiritual power, and just use his physical body directly.

He, Wang Zhe, is a peerless genius, and his physical body is also very strong.

In the physical strengthening state, he strengthened his body seven times, and he did not stop at the entraining air state to continue strengthening his physical body, even in the foundation building state now.

It can be said that in the same realm, his physical body is already at its absolute peak.

To put it bluntly, Lin Feng was still at the Foundation Establishment Realm.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, Lin Feng stuck out a finger and nodded at him.

Wang Zhe was furious, and the power of his whole body was running wildly, and then he punched out!

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