I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 257: The general trend of the world is moved by Lin Feng

The news of Su Yue'er's choice of a master was widely spread in Zhongzhou City, and a large number of strong men rushed to the Yunyun clubhouse.

Needless to say, those who meet Su Yue'er's three conditions naturally want to be selected by Su Yue'er. With the help of a top furnace like Su Yue'er, it is natural that their strength will improve by leaps and bounds.

Those who can't meet the requirements are also rushing to the cloud club, even if it is impossible to be selected, they still want to admire the peerless appearance and demeanor of this peerless furnace.

It's a pity that no one could see Su Yue'er when they arrived at the Yunyun Clubhouse.

According to Su Yue'er's request, the cloud clubhouse has already made preparations in advance.

With three conditions, three-handed preparations were made.

Those who want to participate in the selection of the master must naturally pass three tests. The first test is to detect the bone age. There are special instruments for the test, and there are strong people who are in charge of supervision.

In the second test of strength, the cloud club also dispatched out-of-aperture-level protectors, as long as they can survive three tricks in the hands of the out-of-aperture-level protectors, they will pass the test.

The third level is checked by Su Yueer herself......

For a while, the largest cloud club in Zhongzhou City was very lively.

Various families and forces in Zhongzhou City, many male monks, regardless of their conditions, are trying to get close to the Yunyun clubhouse, while all the female monks are guarding their men tightly, for fear of being hooked away by Su Yueer.

At the same time, it is also the conference room on the top floor of the Night Watchman headquarters.

The roof of the house was blown off by the breath of the nine elders before, but the repairs have already been completed in the past few days.

Today, the meeting room was closed again, and no one was allowed to approach and disturb.

Since Lin Feng was captured by Wang Fugui until now, the nine elders have not shown their faces, but today they all arrived.

Of course, they came quietly, without letting others know.

At this moment, the nine elders in the conference room sat around the round table and circled around.

Su Xun glanced at the crowd with unfriendly eyes. He said before that he was not allowed to hold meetings at the Night Watchman headquarters again, but he still came this time, and the other eight people unanimously agreed to hold meetings here.

Naturally, Su Xun couldn't hold back everyone alone, so he could only stare at them bitterly.

The nine elders gathered together, naturally not to meet and chat, but to have a serious matter to talk about.

The wealthy Wang Fugui spoke first:

"Lin Feng ate nine of my black dragons, and everyone has to share it equally. Each of you owes me one black dragon!"

He still couldn't forget the matter of Lin Feng scooping up his black dragons. Every black dragon was his treasure, but when Lin Feng came, they all became skeletons.

No, even the skeleton was used by that kid to make soup.

Improper Son of Man!

But when they heard this, the other people either pretended not to hear it, picked their ears somewhere, or turned their heads away to talk to the person next to them in a low voice.

Wang Fugui's face was ugly, and he was about to explode, but Chen Nian said contemptuously:

"Didn't you say that your commercial department is not short of money? You still care about nine black dragons?"

It's good that Chen Nian didn't open his mouth, but this time, Wang Fugui really became angry:

"Chen old ghost, this matter has to start from you!"

"You were the first to take over Lin Feng. In the end, what did you, an old ghost, do other than take up the title of master for nothing? What kind of help did you provide Lin Xiaozi?"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Nian also had black lines all over his face, and instantly became dumb.

Because Wang Fugui was right, he really failed to provide any help to Lin Feng.

All the resources Lin Feng needed for cultivation were obtained by himself, and Lin Feng grew up with his own hard work.

He just stared at Lin Feng for a whole month during the old age, and he really couldn't help anything else.

Even in the recent confrontation between Lin Feng and Wang, in the eyes of outsiders, his master has become a coward. Not only outsiders think so, but also his son Chen Yong and his disciple Sun Ping think so.

He has no face to show up.

But before the two of them continued to choke, Zheng Kaishan, the founder of Monster Slayer, spoke:

"Okay, stop arguing and talk about business!"

After Zheng Kaishan finished speaking, Wang Fugui also died down, and everyone looked over.

Zheng Kaishan then continued:

"Lin Feng is not the only one who pays attention to him!"

"In just one month, from the beginning of entrainment to the completion of foundation establishment, this speed of cultivation alone is enough to be recorded in the annals of history!"

"Not to mention his strength, there is no one in the past, no one in the future, the foundation building and the Nascent Soul, and even now he has begun to challenge the out-of-body state!"

"Everyone knows this, so naturally they should understand what this means!"

After Zheng Kaishan finished speaking, Mr. Su Xun also interrupted:

"This kid Lin Feng is indeed a constant surprise, and the launch of the Longevity Seed Project will never be in vain!"

Zheng Kaishan nodded:

"That's right, but Lin Feng is such a monster, and now it's not only the forces of the Great Zhou that are staring at him, but also the Tiandaohui, as well as several other big countries on the mainland, and even the Sifang Continent outside the Central Plains... ..."

With that said, Zheng Kaishan turned his head to look at Li Xueyun, the founder of the intelligence department:

"Mr. Li, tell me about the information your intelligence department has recently obtained!"

Li Xueyun is a thin old man with a goatee and a sparkle in his eyes. He is usually relatively silent, but at this moment he also stood up and said loudly:

"Let's talk about the near ones first!"

"In Zhongzhou City, the Tiandaohui Anzi, who had been silent because of our actions, has become active again today. It is obvious that tomorrow will not be peaceful!"

"Besides, it's a little closer. According to the information we have, there may be a strong man from the Tiandaohui headquarters tomorrow in Zhongzhou City!"

Hearing this, the faces of the group of elders changed slightly.

The first two pieces of information are all about Tiandaohui.

Obviously, they were all aimed at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is the most dazzling arrogance in Dazhou now. If he grows up for a while, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he is the number one arrogance in Dazhou!

It is very normal for such an evildoer to be targeted by the Heavenly Dao Society!

Su Xun also nodded:

"Lin Feng's situation is almost public now. His record and experience have long been figured out by these rats from the Tiandaohui!"

"It's normal for such evildoers to be targeted, and even the old man speculates that they will take Lin Feng away at all costs!"

"Tomorrow will be a big test!"

But as soon as Su Xun finished speaking, Li Xueyun glared at Su Xun who interrupted with some dissatisfaction:

"It's more than a test, it's a life-and-death crisis!"

"Don't interrupt, everyone, listen to me!"

"After talking about the Tiandaohui, let's talk about other countries in the Central Plains!"

"The Yamato Heavenly Kingdom on the island on the edge of the mainland~www.readwn.com~ has also been active recently, frequently contacting the most powerful kingdom of God in the Eastern Continent, and according to reliable information, they are also collecting Lin Feng's information, maybe tomorrow we will You can also see the figure of the Yamato and the strong!"

"Not to mention the Great Sand Principality in the north, their tsar directly stated that he will come to watch the battle tomorrow!"

"The Great Brahma Buddha Kingdom in the south is also dishonest. Recently, they have frequently harassed me in the southern city!"

"Not to mention the Great Luo Empire in the West, which has never dealt with us, and I'm afraid it will be worse this time!"

"Besides that, it's the Yaozu. The Yaozu has also been active recently. I'm afraid they will take advantage of our civil strife to speed up the pace of integration. After all, the Queen of Ten Thousand Demons has been born!"

When Li Xueyun, the founder of the intelligence department, shared the information, the faces of the other eight people at the scene darkened, and each of them became serious, and there was no more laughter and cursing just now.

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