I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 258: The boss made a plan, Lin Feng made the talisman

Da Zhou is powerful, but he is not invincible in the world, on the contrary, he is as dangerous as walking on thin ice!

Inside the Great Zhou, the nine divisions ruled together. Although the royal family of the Great Zhou has been emptied, the disadvantages of the nine divisions' joint governance are also obvious.

That's because they can't really be single-minded, and now the two old ghosts, Su Xun and Zheng Kaishan, are the strongest, and they can barely suppress one or two, otherwise they would have fallen apart long ago!

Then, externally, on the Central Plains mainland, there are four powerful countries around the big four, which are also eyeing.

What's more, Da Zhou and all other big countries in the Central Plains are still facing the same problem, that is, the monsters and weirdos make troubles.

Not to mention, there is also a mysterious Tiandao Society organization, which is almost all over the Central Plains, and may even exist in other Sifang continents.

These are all unstable factors, and once one gets out of control, a chain reaction will be formed in an instant.

So Li Xueyun said that this is a life-and-death crisis, not at all too much.

Dazhou has nine of their top existences, but other forces are gone?

Judging from the information alone, the fact that Lin Feng, a foundation-building genius, challenged the Leaving Aperture Realm has already attracted the attention of all parties.

The nine elders fell silent in a rare way.

After a few breaths, Zheng Kaishan and Su Xun, the two most powerful beings, looked at each other, and Zheng Kaishan spoke first:

"Okay, haven't we overcome many crises over the years?"

"Don't worry too much, it's still the same sentence, do your best and obey the destiny!"

"Isn't the arrogance like Lin Feng starting to rise? When we can't do it anymore, maybe they have grown to the point where they can stand alone!"

"Let's get down to business!"

Zheng Kaishan cleared his throat, and then proceeded to arrange:

"I will kill the demons, and I will come to the most powerful Da Luo Empire and the Great Sand Principality in the north!"

"The Night Watch Division is on the inside, and the Heavenly Dao will be handed over to the old ghost Su Xun!"

"Chen Nian, Department of Education, you don't have the face to show up tomorrow, so get out of here and stare at the monster clan for me!"

"Old Man Li from the Intelligence Department, you are still staring at Yamato Heaven!"

"Zhang Zhao, Minister of Foreign Affairs, you are good at dealing with those bald donkeys. The Southern Dafan Buddha Kingdom will be handed over to you. Give me a little coaxing. Those guys are so foolish!"

"Wang Fugui, just guard Lin Feng for me, and don't worry about killing people outside!"

"The remaining four will keep an eye on the movement of several super-seismic places in Zhongzhou City, and at the same time act as a mobile force to support all parties at any time!"

"Finally, let's talk about the requirements. This time, I don't ask for merit, but I ask for no faults!"

"Lin Feng must be kept, and nothing will go wrong. Fatty Wang, your mission seems easy, but it is actually the most dangerous!"

"Secondly, it's best to keep the Tiandao Society coming, and don't force it if you can't!"

"The Night Watch Division has given me a ruthless hand, this time uprooting the Tiandaohui's arrangement in Zhongzhou City, anyway, they gave it away for nothing!"

Zheng Kaishan deserves to be the top existence of the Great Zhou. He has already analyzed the situation thoroughly in a few words and made corresponding arrangements.

The nine elders are the patron saints of Dazhou. As long as they are not dead, there will be no major problems in Dazhou.

However, the eyes of these nine elders are no longer limited to the interior of the Great Zhou, but are considered comprehensively.

They are not only staring at the Tiandaohui, but also the four major kingdoms, as well as the monster clan, and even the influence of weirdness is included!

Time passed quickly, and this night, while the nine top bosses of Dazhou had a secret meeting, none of the parties could calm down.

Those who paid attention to Lin Feng's battle gathered near the East City Gate early, either staying in a hotel or finding someone to stay overnight, but no one dared to disobey the curfew order, otherwise some people would stay on the street until the next day.

The other is the cloud club, which is very lively.

Many spectators, who thought they were qualified to become the master of Su Yueer, the peerless cauldron, rushed to the Yunyun clubhouse one after another.

The host selection ceremony for Su Yue'er in the cloud club also officially started.

It's just that until the curfew, even Wang Tao, who was going to fight Lin Feng tomorrow, was not valued by Su Yue'er, and Wang Tao finally stopped at the third level.

Even Wang Tao just took a close look through the gauze curtain, didn't see what Su Yueer looked like at all, but heard a voice...

Until the curfew started, Wang Tao reluctantly walked out of the Yunyun clubhouse, and many of Wang Tao's peers outside the clubhouse greeted him:

"Brother Wang, how are you doing?"

"You can see that Su Yue'er, what does she look like?"

"I heard that she is in a very high realm. Is she at the peak of the Nascent Soul or out of her body?"

But hearing these questions, Wang Tao shook his head regretfully:

"Sorry, I didn't succeed either, I just listened to the sound up close and felt the breath!"

"The voice is very nice, as for the breath, at least it is the peak of the Nascent Soul!"

As soon as these words came out, the others all exclaimed in amazement:

"Sure enough, it is indeed the top card that Yunyun has treasured for many years. If it can be done, it will be no problem to improve by leaps and bounds!"

"It's a pity, we have all been brushed down, and I don't know who has the blessing to enjoy such a furnace!"

"Would you like to try again another day? Maybe Su Yue'er has read too much, and if she can't find a suitable one, she will lower her request!"

But Wang Tao waved his hand:

"Everyone, let me take my leave first, the curfew is over, and I have to have a show with that brat tomorrow!"

Only then did everyone come to their senses, Wang Tao is also the protagonist of tomorrow's challenge.

So a group of people clasped their fists together, expressing that they would definitely watch the battle tomorrow, and then dispersed.

At this moment, Lin Feng, the protagonist who attracted more attention in the life-and-death challenge, was still practicing in the dungeon.

Lin Feng has broken through to the peak of foundation building, and the foundation of chaos has been completely stabilized. He is still getting more familiar with his soaring cultivation base.

In the past few days in Wang's mansion, there is no shortage of resources, and even the black dragon of Mr. Wang Fugui. With the accumulation of a large amount of resources, he was able to complete the Daoji sorting in such a short period of time.

At this moment, his strength has naturally improved a lot compared to before.

In the past, he could only guarantee that he would escape in the hands of Xeon who had just entered the Aperture Realm, but now, he already had the confidence to forcibly leave the Aperture Realm.

Of course, it's only in the early stage of leaving the body.

After reaching the Leaving Aperture Realm, even if the realm is only raised by a small realm, the strength will skyrocket a lot.

Of course, while getting familiar with his cultivation, Lin Feng didn't let Huan Tianjing sit idle.

Inside the magic sky mirror, a thousand phantoms are still working hard, using the Tongtianlu method to make talisman seals.

These talismans are prepared for tomorrow, but not for Wang Tao, the Tianjiao of the Wang family, but for the elder Xiaoyue of the Tiandao Society who may appear.

What kind of Elder Xiaoyue is this? He heard it from the spiritual body of Master Ci'en, Anzi of the Heavenly Dao Society who had been killed before.

At that time, Lin Feng had already started to think about how to lure the other party~www.readwn.com~ This time, the life-and-death challenge, Wang also cooperated very well, and arranged the location in the jungle outside the city.

In this way, it will be easier for these shady guys to show up.

Of course, Lin Feng was not sure whether the other party would come or not.

After all, this is not a conspiracy, on the contrary, it is more like a conspiracy.

It also depends on whether his temptation to Tiandaohui is so great.

Isn't Tiandaohui the favorite to arrest Tianjiao?

He, Lin Feng, should be enough to attract the attention of the Heavenly Dao Council, right?

Lin Feng didn't know that the top executives of Tiandaohui had issued a death order for him, even if they abandoned their foundation in Zhongzhou City, they would arrest him.

While Lin Feng was practicing, the next second, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the empty void in front of the dungeon.


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