Wang Tao Yuanying came out of his body, although he ignored Lin Feng's magic to get close.

But almost at the same time, golden light shone on Lin Feng's body, allowing Wang Tao's Nascent Soul to bump into him, but he couldn't do anything to Lin Feng.

At most, it would make Lin Feng's face turn pale.

But then, Lin Feng, who came back to his senses, was also angry, and he gave up the magic attack directly, and raised his hand to punch out.


While Wang Fugui and Su Xun both shot, Lin Feng knocked Wang Tao's Nascent Soul flying with one punch.

But that's all there is to it, Lin Feng is completely **** off, the Nascent Soul was sent flying extremely fast, and rushed far away in a blink of an eye.

But Wang Tao's physical body is still in place.

In the next second, Lin Feng took a step forward, his body turned into wind, and he appeared directly in front of Wang Tao. He raised his hand and punched Wang Tao's head.

At this moment, Wang Yining, who was fighting with another Tiandaohui powerhouse in the sky above the black pine forest, broke down and roared:

"Lin Feng, show mercy!"


But after Wang Yining finished speaking, Lin Feng had already punched Wang Tao's body.

Wang Tao's body turned into a blood mist and exploded, instantly turned into a blood thread and went straight to Wang Tao Yuanying in the distance.

In the blink of an eye, the Nascent Soul wrapped in blood thread turned into a rainbow and went straight to Zhongzhou City.

At this moment, Wang Tao was awake. If Wang Yi Ning hadn't roared at the end, and Lin Feng shot with all his strength, directly obliterating his flesh and blood, or preventing the blood line from converging with his Nascent Soul, he would really be dead.

After all, although the Out-of-Aperture Realm is strong, it loses its physical body, and the Nascent Soul also loses its dependence, and it will soon completely dissipate.

And at this moment, Wang Tao completely died down, even if he was a Nascent Soul out of his body, he couldn't do anything to Lin Feng.

Seeing this, Wang Yining heaved a sigh of relief while fighting with the powerhouses of the Heavenly Dao Society.

The life-and-death challenge was over, Lin Feng won, and Wang Tao's life was saved, but his cultivation base was greatly damaged, and even fell into danger.

But as long as life is still alive, these are small things.

But while Wang Yining was fighting, he was about to thank Lin Feng, but there was another shocking change in Lin Feng.

A black shadow actually appeared at the position where Wang Tao's body had just exploded, and in the blink of an eye, an illusory existence like a human shadow was formed.

"Lin Feng, be careful..."

Wang Yining exclaimed, this shadow is also an out-of-body Nascent Soul, but it is not comparable to Wang Tao's Nascent Soul.

But even if it's just Nascent Soul, it's not something that Lin Feng can deal with now.

Sure enough, the next second, the Nascent Soul emerged, turned into a shadow in an instant, fell directly to the ground, and went straight to Lin Feng's shadow, intending to blend into Lin Feng's shadow.

This scene was extremely weird.

Lin Feng had never seen such a method before, and his hairs stood on end in an instant, and he kept backing away.

But almost at the same time, prompts follow:

"Lock a new confession object: Xiao Yue'er, the elder of the Tiandao Society, who is rejected and rewarded for fleeing!"

When this reminder came, Lin Feng was stunned for a moment.

It's just because the amount of information in this prompt is too large, so big that Lin Feng was a little incapable of accepting it for a while.

Xiao Yueer, the elder of the Tiandao Society?

This is the Elder Xiaoyue that the presiding master of the Cliff Temple, Ci Ning'en, is talking about?

This is actually a woman?

Also, the other party's surname is Xiao?

Lin Feng finally understood why this Elder Xiaoyue, whom he had never met before, wanted to deal with him?

When he was still weak, the other party did not hesitate to activate the dark son Mercy in the Cliff Temple, a Nascent Soul Realm...

He also thought that he and Tiandaohui didn't have that much hatred.

Now everything is clear, just because the other party's surname is Xiao.

The Xiao family whose family was wiped out because of Lin Feng, and the whole family was ransacked and sent to the frontline vanguard camp!

What also made Lin Feng extremely nervous was, how old is Xiao Yue'er? what does she look like

Lin Feng confessed, even if he was going to be rejected to get a reward, he can't confess to everyone, he has a bottom line for confessing!

Also, he didn't understand the reward for this confession at all. What is Dun Qu Yi?

But right now, he didn't have time to think about these problems, because just as he was in a daze, the black shadow had already caught up with his shadow and merged into it directly.

In an instant, Lin Feng's shadow suddenly became as black as ink, as if covered with a layer of black.

But Lin Feng himself felt cold all over his body at this moment. He who had been regressing suddenly lost his ability to move, and was directly imprisoned in place.

That's all, the most weird thing is that in the next second, there was a series of explosions in Zhongzhou City, and then a line of blood uncontrollably came straight to where Lin Feng was in the black pine forest.

Even though there were many arrogances and spectators outside the city of Zhongzhou, many people sensed that something was wrong and shot and bombarded these bloodlines, but it didn't affect them at all.

In the blink of an eye, these bloodlines came together, covering Lin Feng and the shadow directly.

Wang Yining, who was entangled in the sky and couldn't get out, changed his face drastically, and directly exclaimed:

"Blood sacrifice teleportation array?"

"Old man, save someone!"

The bloodlines came together, and it was a terrifying teleportation formation.

This is an evil formation that uses the blood essence of many strong people to burn as energy to transmit it over a long distance. Once activated, it cannot be interrupted, even by top powerhouses such as Wang Fugui.

And these bloodlines came from the numerous dark men of the Heavenly Dao Society in Zhongzhou City.

Because just now, all the members of the Tiandao Society who were still fighting in Zhongzhou City exploded uncontrollably, including the cloaked man who was arranged by Elder Xiaoyue to activate all the hidden sons.

Xiaoyue, the elder of Tiandaohui, planned it long ago. This is to forcibly take Lin Feng away!

This is really exchanging the entire Tiandaohui Zhongzhou City stronghold for Lin Feng alone.

Anyway, it's hard to escape if these secrets are exposed, just to exchange for Lin Feng.

Also at this moment, above the void, Wang Fugui and Su Xun, who were fighting crazily, changed their expressions drastically, and they burst out frantically and wanted to interfere with the teleportation formation below.

But on the opposite side of them, the two top powerhouse vice presidents of Tiandaohui also erupted at the same time.


The void exploded Wang Fugui and Su Xun couldn't escape at all, they could only watch helplessly as Lin Feng below was completely wrapped in blood.

With a flash of red light, Lin Feng was completely lost at the scene.

At this moment, the world seemed to stand still.

Wang Yining, who was not far from Lin Feng, and a mysterious distracted strongman from the Tiandaohui stopped together.

Above the higher void, Wang Fugui, Su Xun, and the two vice presidents of the Tiandao Society opposite them also all stopped.

There are also many spectators eating melons that have been in a mess outside the black pine forest, and Tianjiao from all sides are also at this moment, as if their acupuncture points have been tapped, and they are directly fixed.

Even if they couldn't see what happened in the black pine forest, they lost their sense of Lin Feng's breath just after the red light flashed.

small book booth

Lin Feng was taken away?

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