I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 268: I have to find someone after all

"Damn it!"

The next second, Su Xun roared, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

The blood essence burned with a bang, and his aura soared. He raised his hand and blasted out spells. He even clenched his fist and punched the vice president of the Tiandao Society opposite him.

And Wang Fugui also shot at about the same time, and directly burned his blood and went all out to bombard the opponent.

And Wang Yi Ning was the same, frantically bombarding his opponent.

The strong Wang clan guarding the edge of the jungle, as well as many Tianjiao also came to their senses and rushed into the black pine forest one after another.


The terrifying explosion sounded continuously.

In just a few breaths, Wang Yining was the first to blow up his opponent with the assistance of many Tianjiao and Wang's strongmen.

And above the void, there were results soon.

Wang Fugui and Su Xun opened fire with all their firepower, and they did not hesitate to be seriously injured and weak, but they also completely knocked out their opponents.


The two vice-chairmen of the Tiandao Society, the powerful Xeons in the combined state were blown up, and the void was constantly roaring.

But even though they had already been beaten to death, Wang Fugui and Su Xun still looked extremely ugly, because they knew that the other party couldn't die.

These mice of the Heavenly Dao Society, after reaching this level, can pin their lives on the president known as the Spirit of Heavenly Dao.

They can be resurrected. Of course, it is inevitable that the breath will be damaged after the resurrection, and it is also inevitable that the strength will plummet.

But in order to capture Lin Feng, they really did not hesitate to pay such a high price.

In the next second, Su Xun let out a broken roar:

"Tiandaohui, don't let me find your lair, or I will never end with you!"

Wang Fugui didn't say a word, he stepped out in the direction of the induction and disappeared instantly.

He was going to chase Lin Feng. Just now, Lin Feng teleported to an unknown place. The distance was too far. Even if he left a drop of his own blood on Lin Feng, he couldn't sense it clearly. He could only sense a general direction.

But Su Xun did not rush to catch up, but said loudly:

"Old man Su Xun, all night watchmen obey orders!"

In the next second, many auras in Zhongzhou City exploded, and they all responded:


When the response came, Su Xun said angrily:

"Immediately set off to Beiyuan, Linhai, Anping, Xiongguan, Yandang, Nanmen, Anxi and other major cities, and bloodbath the strongholds of the Tiandaohui!"

"All information will be sent from the headquarters to the generals!"

Su Xun was really angry this time, and he did not hesitate to dispatch many strong men from the night watchman headquarters to bloodbath all the strongholds of the Tiandaohui in Dazhou.

On the other side, the demon slayers were also in action, and the city guards were also in action.

Although they didn't go directly to bloodbath the Tiandao Association in various places like the night watchmen, they also had their own actions.

On the side of the demon slayer, Tianjiao who stayed behind in Zhongzhou City also dispatched to various places, some attacked the demon clan, and some cooperated with the night watchmen to bloodbath the Tiandaohui.

The duty of the city guards is to guard the city. They dare not leave, but they are also quickly cleaning up Zhongzhou City. Even if there are many secrets from the Heavenly Dao Society who have just exploded themselves, they must prevent any fish from slipping through the net.

Even next, they have to screen many people and deal with many funeral affairs......

For a moment, the core of the Great Zhou, Zhongzhou City began to operate crazily like a precision instrument.

After arranging these, Su Xun also disappeared, and naturally followed the aura left by Wang Fugui to catch up.

Almost at the same time, several other Xeons also left one after another.

Because at the moment Lin Feng was teleported away, all the Xeons from all parties chose to evacuate, even the Great Monk of the Great Brahma Buddha Kingdom who was discussing scriptures with Zhang Zhao.

On the western border of the Great Zhou, the nine top experts of the Great Zhou appeared one after another, and everyone's face was extremely gloomy.

Everyone looked at each other, shook their heads together, and then looked at Wang Fugui.

Wang Fugui's face was livid, and he also shook his head:

"The induction is too weak, but it should be in the west!"

Zheng Kaishan was furious:

"Spread out and continue searching. If you guess correctly, you should have arrived at the lair of the Tiandaohui. This time, be prepared and fight a fierce battle!"

In the next second, the nine elders dispersed one after another, and each of them was tens or hundreds of miles away in one step.

The nine most powerful men spread out and searched around, as if turning the world upside down to find Lin Feng!

This time, they have made sufficient preparations and have predicted various possible situations.

It's a pity that it didn't count that the Tiandaohui would not hesitate to pay such a high price to capture Lin Feng with the blood sacrifice array.

That's the lives of so many Anzi, including a strong distracted man who was killed on the spot, which is the backbone of any force.

There are also the lives of the two vice presidents.

This life is gone, even if they don't die, their vitality will be seriously injured, and they may even fall from the realm of fusion.

And after this life, they will never have the chance to be resurrected again!

Such a big price, just for one person, Lin Feng!

What's more, with Lin Feng's personality and tenacity, even if he is brainwashed, it may not have any effect?

How are they going to deal with Lin Feng?

But at this moment, in a cave deep underground in the huge canyon on the western border of the Great Zhou, Lin Feng was still surrounded by a ball of red light, and he was still unable to move.

The black shadow in front of him squirmed and quickly turned into a human form, and Lin Feng saw the face of this black shadow clearly for the first time.

This is a stunning woman, different from Qin Yinren, Dong Qingfang, and Su Qingqing, but still beautiful!

This appearance is still extremely charming even though it is completely dark.

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment.

This black shadow is naturally Elder Xiaoyue of Tiandaohui, whose real name is Xiao Yue'er, a remnant of the Xiao family!

Of course, this is just her Nascent Soul.

The strange thing is that she, who has no physical body, has not been greatly affected, and she can still maintain the Nascent Soul.

You must know that even if it is the peak of the out-of-body state, the Nascent Soul will dissipate after being out of the body for a long time.

Lin Feng stared at her blankly, but Xiao Yueer's Nascent Soul was recovering quickly while staring at Lin Feng with murderous intent:

"How do you want to die?"

Hearing this ~www.readwn.com~ Lin Feng came back to his senses:

"Your order from the top should be for you to take the alive ones back, right?"

Lin Feng's guess is not without reason, Tiandaohui's such a big battle, it is mobilizing top existences, and it is encouraging all parties to contain the nine top elders of Dazhou, and in the end, it will use the lives of all the secrets of Tiandaohui in Zhongzhou City. Lin Feng sent him away just to kill him?


Why bother, at the scene at that time, this Xiao Yue'er can kill him by force, don't have to wait until now.

Waiting until now to say that he wants to kill him, then one possibility is that Xiao Yueer wants to kill him.

"Don't worry about it! You just need to know that you will definitely die!"

Xiao Yue'er snorted coldly, as if she wasn't afraid of Lin Feng delaying the time:

"Don't struggle, you can't run away, and no one can come to rescue you, all breath sensing is cut off here!"

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