I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 272: 1 Confession when meeting?

At the same time as Lin Feng walked out of the cave, on the western border of the Great Zhou, a figure who was rushing for tens of miles with one step down suddenly stopped in his tracks.

It was Wang Fugui.

Before Lin Feng used a drop of his blood essence, even though the formation blocked the induction, he still caught it and sent a message to Lin Feng through that drop of blood essence.

So he locked the direction and quickly chased after him.

But at this moment, he suddenly stopped in his tracks because he had already sensed Lin Feng's breath.

Even though there was a long distance, he still locked the approximate position with his powerful strength.

"Fire Canyon?"

"So he's all right?"

"My boy, I knew you'd be fine!"

At this moment, Wang Fugui relaxed.

Yanhuo Canyon is located on the western border of the Great Zhou Dynasty, at the junction of the Great Luo Empire. It is a huge canyon that spans thousands of miles. There are countless volcanoes in it, and the temperature is extremely high.

The old man Tianzhu he told Lin Feng before built the artifact gate in this flame canyon. In order to respect the old man Tianzhu, outsiders also called the artifact gate Tianzhu Villa.

This place does not belong to the Great Zhou, nor does it belong to other big countries, but an independent region.

Also because of the existence of Tianzhu old man, a top craftsman, there are unwritten rules here, no one above the level of distraction can enter.

Because the old man Tianzhu himself is a distracted existence, he doesn't want to see an old monster who is stronger than him.

And he is a top refiner, all forces, even the monster race, are unwilling to offend a top refiner.

So there is this rule in this piece of flame canyon.

All forces can come to Tianzhu Mountain Villa to forge weapons, but the premise is that they must abide by his rules, otherwise, even if they die, he will not forge weapons for others.

In the next second, beside Wang Fugui, eight other figures also came one after another.

Zheng Kaishan, Su Xun, Chen Nian and others all arrived, all of them frowned and looked at Wang Fugui:

"How is it, locked the position?"

Wang Fugui nodded:

"In the Flame Canyon!"

As soon as these words came out, Zheng Kaishan, Su Xun and others breathed a sigh of relief.

In the Yanhuo Canyon, the Tiandao Society did not dare to make mistakes.

Even if the old man Tianzhu was only in the state of distraction, if the Tiandao Society dared to provoke the other party, there would be no need for the old man Tianzhu to open his mouth, and all forces would attack him together.

This is the treatment of a top craftsman, and countless people are waiting to please him.

After all, old man Tianzhu relies on craftsmanship!

His status as a top craftsman is irreplaceable.

Hearing Wang Fugui's words, a group of people relaxed.

On this day, they rummaged through countless miles from Zhongzhou City, searched many places, and finally locked on Lin Feng's location. Now it is almost certain that Lin Feng's life should not be in danger for the time being.

Zheng Kaishan continued:

"Lin Feng is not in danger for the time being. No matter how he did it, the Tiandaohui will continue to watch, and all parties should still watch to prevent them from making a comeback!"

"Everyone else should leave, Wang Laogui, stay here and wait for Lin Feng, don't provoke Tianzhu!"

Wang Fugui nodded:

"Don't worry, I know what's going on. I'm still counting on boy Lin Feng to help me settle Tianzhu and get all the business of Tianzhu Villa!"

Su Xun interjected:

"Should we send some experts from the Aperture Realm into the canyon?"

Wang Fugui shook his head:

"No, you don't know Lin boy yet. He is a troublemaker. In this canyon, except for Tianzhu, who is the strongest and leaves the body, there is not much threat to him!"

Su Xun also nodded:

"That's right. After this incident, he should have grown a lot. Let him go wandering on his own. Just keep an eye on it. The distraction level and above in this canyon can't be entered. It's an excellent training ground!"

On the other hand, Chen Nian, Lin Feng's cheap master, just sneered from beginning to end, unable to get in his mouth.

Soon, the other eight people left and returned one after another, leaving only Wang Fugui still wandering in the western border, waiting for Lin Feng to return.

Back to Lin Feng's side, as soon as he came out of the cave, he was surrounded by a group of strange young people.

He was going to ask about his exact location, but before he could speak, someone from the group shouted:

"Did you see a Firefox just now?"

"You don't look like a local, honestly where are you from and what are you here for?"

"Firefox is timid, is it scared away by you?"

Lin Feng frowned slightly, and before he could reply, a girl in the crowd interrupted everyone:

"Okay, what are you doing, you're just an ordinary person, don't want to scare people!"

Lin Feng looked intently, and his eyes lit up for a moment.

This girl's clothes are very cool but very hot!

The fiery red short skirt and tube top, the wheat-colored long legs, plus the proud figure and three-dimensional facial features, combined together unexpectedly have a different kind of charm.

Also at this time, the girl who had just stopped the crowd also sized up Lin Feng, her eyes also shone slightly.

Lin Feng is naturally different from these local teenagers. He is from Zhongzhou City. Although he is not a spoiled kid from a rich family, but because of his life and cultivation, he has fair skin and handsome appearance. There are even many fans of him in Zhongzhou City. .


As the two looked at each other, Lin Feng smiled slightly, and opened his mouth to confess: "Yue'er, I like you!"

He was waiting for the audience to confess his love, and now that it finally came, he naturally couldn't let go of the opportunity, so he confessed immediately.

But his confession made everyone on the scene confused.

A group of people stared at Lin Feng with puzzled eyes, as if looking at a crazy person.

Confess your love immediately when you see a beautiful woman?

But the most important thing is that this guy doesn't even know the girl's name, so why just give a name and confess his love?

The others were stunned, and the girl was also stunned for a moment, and then a blush appeared on her pretty face, which was really pretty:

"My...my name is not Yue'er..."

Of course Lin Feng knew that the other party's name was not Yue'er, but Xiao Yue'er who he confessed to.

At this moment, his mind has been immersed in the space of the magic sky mirror, and he did not close Xiao Yueer's perception in the magic sky mirror when he just confessed.

Xiao Yue'er naturally heard it clearly.

Xiao Yue'er, who was sealed, still had a cold face, staring at Lin Feng fiercely, and finally uttered two words: "Shameless!"


But hearing this, Lin Feng's consciousness was relieved!

He was really worried that Xiao Yue'er would be in vain if he agreed directly in a **** of his brain.

In the next second ~www.readwn.com~ a reminder of the reward came: "Public confession to Xiao Yueer was rejected, and the reward is gone!"

"The reward is being adapted to the current world and is being realized..."

Hearing the reminder, Lin Feng was completely relieved.

He was worried at first that Xiao Yue'er agreed in a jerk, and then worried whether it would be considered public.

Now that the reward came, he was finally completely relieved.

That's okay, then there's no need to show Xiao Yue'er's sealed Nascent Soul in front of everyone, which saves a lot of trouble.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng consciously left the space of Huantianjing, and left Xiao Yue'er in it again.

Xiao Yueer gritted her teeth and cursed again: "Shameless!"

At the same time, in front of Lin Feng, a group of people also came to their senses, and immediately after that, their momentum erupted one by one. Many young people stared at Lin Feng viciously, as if they were going to eat Lin Feng.

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