Obviously, this girl is deeply loved by these teenagers.

Lin Feng has provoked the anger of the public, even though he confessed that it was not the girl, but now he has been regarded as crazy.

But before this group of people broke out, this hot girl had already blocked Lin Feng, which made the group of people die down.

Although the girl's pretty face was still blushing, she was not that shy, she didn't even care about Lin Feng's confession just now, she said openly:

"Where does this little brother come from?"

Lin Feng didn't intend to hide it either, he cupped his hands and replied:

"Da Zhou, Zhongzhou City, where is..."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the girls raised their brows, and looked at Lin Feng again in surprise:

"Great Zhou Zhongzhou City? It's not close to here!"

However, she did not continue to ask the bottom line, but answered Lin Feng's question:

"This is the Flame Canyon. It is no longer within the territory of the Great Zhou, but in the canyon between the Great Zhou and the Great Luo Empire!"

After getting a response, Lin Feng also moved his eyes slightly.

He did not expect to be teleported to the western border.

According to what Wang Fugui said before, the artifact gate built by the old man Tianzhu is naturally in the Yanhuo Canyon.

The Artifact Gate was one of Lin Feng's previously planned destinations.

Now there is no need for him to make a special trip, Xiao Yueer adjusted the coordinates of the teleportation formation and sent him directly.

While Lin Feng was in a daze, the hot girl spoke again:

"Brother, have you ever seen a fiery red fox-like beast passing by?"

Because of Lin Feng's special spiritual power, ordinary people really can't sense his spiritual power, so he was treated as an ordinary person by this girl, and she didn't say it was a monster, but a small beast. Lin Feng.

From this point of view, this girl is much kinder than others.

Lin Feng also replied immediately:

"I saw it, I killed it! The body is in the cave!"

As soon as these words came out, not only the girl was stunned, but everyone else was also stunned.

In the next second, a group of people laughed and laughed:

"Is this guy kidding us?"

"Do you know what you're talking about? That's not a beast, it's a monster!"

"You're laughing at me, and you killed it? It's an eighth-rank monster. Our group of people chased it for three days and failed to catch it. Did you tell you that it was killed?"

Not to mention that other people didn't believe Lin Feng's words, even the girl who had a crush on Lin Feng frowned slightly.

According to the perception of a group of people, Lin Feng has no spiritual power fluctuations, just an ordinary person.

The girl was also afraid of scaring Lin Feng, an ordinary person, so she said that Firefox was a small beast.

In the end, Lin Feng actually boasted that he would kill him casually?

A group of people naturally did not believe Lin Feng's nonsense.

However, one of the group of people quickly passed Lin Feng and stepped into the cave.

The others were still smiling with their mouths curled up, obviously taking Lin Feng as a stunned young man deliberately expressing himself in front of beautiful women.

Naturally, Lin Feng didn't care about their doubts, he shook his head casually, and looked at the girl:

"I want to ask, where is the exact location of the artifact door?"

This is what he cares most about. Since he has come to the Western Yanhuo Canyon, he naturally has to go to the Artifact Gate, whether he can learn the old man Tianzhu's crafting skills or not, at least he has to go to see it.

But hearing Lin Feng's words, the girl was taken aback: "Sacred Artifact Gate?"

In the next second, he came back to his senses: "You mean Tianzhu Villa, right?"

Lin Feng nodded: "That's where the old man Tianzhu is!"

The girl pointed to the canyon behind her and said:

"Follow the depths of the canyon all the way forward, about hundreds of miles, and you can see a volcano erupting day and night from a long distance. At the foot of the volcano is Tianzhu Mountain Villa!"

Lin Feng arched his hands:

"Thank you!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Feng turned sideways to avoid the group of people and go straight to Tianzhu Villa.

But in the next second, several teenagers standing in front of him stepped forward at the same time, all blocking his way.

One of the dark-skinned teenagers stared at Lin Feng with burning eyes and said:


"Firefox is missing, you are going to leave without making it clear?"

Lin Feng frowned, but before he got angry, the girl scolded:

"Stone, that's enough, let him go!"

But this dark-skinned boy named Shi Shi stared at him and said stubbornly:

"I don't! Miss, he was rude to you first, and the disappearance of Firefox is also related to him. He can't just leave!"

Shi Shi's words quickly aroused the echoes of other teenagers:

"That's right, he can't go!"

"He was rude just now, if you hadn't stopped me, miss, we would have done it long ago!"

"Miss, have you taken a fancy to him?"

"Miss, what's so good about this guy's skin and tender flesh?"

"Boy, according to our rules, you should choose one of us to fight, otherwise we will attack together!"

At this moment, a group of talents expressed their thoughts.

They don't really care about the Firefox, even after chasing it for a few days, they just run away. Anyway, this is not the first time that Firefox has escaped from them.

And they also know that Lin Feng is an ordinary person, if he meets Firefox, he can still stand here safely?

A group of teenagers refused to let Lin Feng go. The reason was very simple. Just now Lin Feng actually confessed his love to the eldest lady. Although the name was wrong, Lin Feng looked at the eldest lady.

The eldest lady is the number one beauty in their tribe, the perfect goddess in the hearts of many teenagers.

But after Lin Feng confessed his love just now, the eldest lady was not angry, and she was chatting and laughing with Lin Feng, a group of people instantly felt the crisis.

So at this moment, the paper on the window was directly pierced. This must be done according to the tribe's rules, and Lin Feng had to pick someone to fight.

Hearing this, Lin Feng didn't have any reaction yet. The so-called tribal lady's complexion changed all of a sudden, and she directly angrily reprimanded:

"Enough, do you still want to be shameless?"

"My Five Elements Department never bullies others, he is just an ordinary person, what do you want to do?"

After the words fell, the eldest lady of the tribe stepped out, stood in front of Lin Feng again, and angrily said:

"Get out of the way! Otherwise, I will truthfully report what happened today to my father when I go back!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the group of people suddenly collapsed, and the aura of the eldest lady of the tribe was obviously stronger than that of these teenagers. Her aura exploded, and the group of people were forced to retreat.

A group of teenagers retreated, and the eldest lady of the tribe turned her head and nodded to Lin Feng:

"Let's go, I made you laugh, people in our tribe are just too straightforward, don't mind what you say!"

Lin Feng waved his hand: "No problem!"

After the voice fell, Lin Feng walked away.

But just now when I was in the wrong body with the eldest lady of the tribe~www.readwn.com~, I heard the voice of the eldest lady of the tribe:

"My name is Liu Hong!"

Lin Feng stopped in his tracks for an instant, not because he heard Liu Hong's name.

It was because at this moment, there was another prompt:

"Lock a new confession object, Liu Hong, the eldest lady of the Five Elements Tribe, who was rejected in public, and reward the Five Elements Spirit Fire Seed!"

Lin Feng's face darkened, and he couldn't help but start complaining in his heart.

He was accidentally brought here by Xiao Yue'er using the teleportation array. He really didn't want to cause trouble, but just wanted to find the old man Tianzhu and learn about the craftsman. In the end, Liu Hong was still listed as the object of confession.

Five Elements Spirit Fire Seed? Some kind of strange fire seed?

No matter what it is, it will not be easy if you think about it!

Lin Feng stopped in his tracks, and slowly turned his head to look at Liu Hong, who was just around the corner!

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