Even though Lin Feng didn't want to make trouble, he still bit the bullet and confessed to Liu Hong:

"Liu Hong, I like you!"

Liu Hong's pretty face turned red immediately, but her eyes did not evade, she stared straight at Lin Feng, the smile in her eyes seemed to be overflowing.

But seeing her like this, Lin Feng's heart skipped a beat.

This is just the first meeting, so you won't refuse to confess your love for the first time, right?

But before Liu Hong could speak, the next second, a group of teenagers couldn't bear it any longer, and burst out in awe:

"Asshole, are you still here?"

"It's too much, miss, don't blame us this time, he asked for it!"

"Bastard, you are humiliating our eldest lady!"

"you wanna die......."

But before they got closer, Liu Hong's aura exploded again, directly dispelling everyone's aura, and coldly snorted:

"Are you going to rebel?"

When a group of people saw Liu Hong getting angry, although they still stared at Lin Feng angrily, they didn't dare to go against Liu Hong's will and attack Lin Feng for a while.

And Liu Hong, after calming down a group of people, turned her head to look at Lin Feng, and said very seriously:

"Sorry, I can't promise you!"


Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief again, he was really worried that Liu Hong would agree all of a sudden, then this confession would really be a joke.

In the next second, a prompt came:

"Public confession that Liu Hong was rejected, rewarding the Five Elements Spirit Fire Seed, which is being manifested..."

"The host, please make persistent efforts. The next time Liu Hong is rejected in public, I will reward the True Kindling of Samadhi!"

Liu Hong is still a long-term confession object?

There is a follow-up to this!

While Lin Feng was completely relieved, Liu Hong continued:

"As I said just now, our tribe has rules. If I accept your confession, you will have to face a duel with all the teenagers in the tribe!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Feng was stunned again, and then he was a little moved.

This Liu Hong was really kind and kind, and she actually had feelings for Lin Feng.

Up to this moment, what she was thinking was actually worrying that Lin Feng was just an ordinary person, unable to withstand the challenge of a duel from the tribal teenagers!

Before Lin Feng could recover, Liu Hong grabbed Lin Feng's hand:

"Come back with me. I'll let daddy teach you how to practice. Don't worry, as long as you work hard, you will be able to reach the level that can meet the challenge of a duel in a short time!"

Now it was Lin Feng's turn to turn red. He got the confession reward, but there were follow-up confession rewards, and now he didn't know how to reject Liu Hong.

And a group of teenagers also glared at Lin Feng one after another.

If it wasn't for Liu Hong still controlling everyone here, Lin Feng had no doubt that these guys would rush forward, so they wouldn't care about the rules!

But just when Lin Feng was so embarrassed that he didn't know how to deal with the current situation, a figure rushed out of the cave behind him:

"Miss, Firefox was killed!"

It was the young man who rushed into the cave to check before, and he was still holding the corpse of Firefox in his hand.

Liu Hong and the others looked over one after another, and they could all see clearly that the eighth-rank monster Firefox had long since lost its breath, except for a finger-sized blood hole on its forehead, which could not die anymore!

Immediately afterwards, the young man who rushed out looked at Lin Feng suspiciously, and then said:

"I checked, and there is no one else in the cave, and there is no trace of battle where the Firefox's body was found. This Firefox was killed by a single blow without any resistance!"

After these words fell, Liu Hong and the others looked back at Lin Feng again.

No one else, the eighth-rank Firefox, which is equivalent to the Foundation Establishment Realm, that is, a monster with similar strength to them, was killed by a single blow?

Lin Feng did this?

Lin Feng didn't lie?

Was he really the one who killed Firefox?

The hairs of a group of teenagers who were planning to besiege Lin Feng because of Lin Feng's confession before exploded in an instant.

How strong is he who can easily kill Firefox without even having a chance to resist?

No wonder they couldn't feel the aura of Lin Feng, dare to believe that this is a much stronger existence than them?

Not to mention a group of teenagers were stunned, even Liu Hong looked at Lin Feng in disbelief:

"You really killed it?"

Lin Feng nodded, confirmed!

But in the next second, a look of ecstasy appeared on Liu Hong's face:

"Great, I didn't expect you to be so powerful!"

While Lin Feng was in a daze, with a bang, Liu Hong had already kissed his cheek.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Hong was full of fighting spirit, and looked at the many teenagers who were about to attack Lin Feng just now:

"Come on, don't you guys want a duel?"

With a whoosh, a group of people dispersed one after another, and all the teenagers lowered their heads with dark faces, not daring to look directly at Liu Hong.

They are not stupid, they can't even feel Lin Feng's aura, and killing an eighth-rank monster is so easy and casual, what's the point of a duel?

Are you courting death?

cluck cluck......

Liu Hong laughed heartlessly, then grabbed Lin Feng's hand, and left without any explanation, unexpectedly she was not worried that a strong man like Lin Feng would be bad for her.

Lin Feng was dumbfounded again, and could only let Liu Hong drag him and run all the way.

Behind the two of them, a group of teenagers followed without saying a word, like little roosters who had been defeated in battle.


Lin Feng was grabbed by Liu Hong and ran all the way, with one head bigger than two.

It's just a confession to swipe the reward, now it's all right, it seems that I really got into trouble.

It's not that Liu Hong is bad, on the contrary, Liu Hong is good-looking, has a very cheerful personality, and is extremely kind.

But Lin Feng is just a passer-by after all, he still has his own goals, he can't stay here, and he can't take Liu Hong away......

On the other hand, Liu Hong was in high spirits, and she never stopped laughing happily as she ran all the way.

Soon, as far as Lin Feng could see, a village made of red rocks appeared.

From afar, Lin Feng saw a huge square in the middle of the village, and there were actually a lot of people gathered at this moment.

But relying on his powerful perception, he found something abnormal. Many people were lying on the ground in the square, some had broken arms, some were covered in blood, and some were dying!

Lin Feng frowned all of a sudden, apparently something happened in this tribe.

But Liu Hong and the others didn't notice it at all.

Liu Hong was still grabbing Lin Feng and quickly approached the tribe.

As soon as she entered the tribe, Liu Hong's voice, as bright as an oriole, spread:

"Father, I'm back!"

"Let me introduce to you..."

But in the next second, Liu Hong's voice stopped abruptly~www.readwn.com~ She also saw the state above the tribal square.

Her father, a middle-aged man with a strong breath, is organizing manpower to treat many tribal people lying on the ground.

In the next second, the middle-aged man turned his head and looked over. This was a rough man with a Chinese character face, dark skin, wearing a pair of big pants, extremely wild.

He looked back, his face was very ugly, his eyes quickly swept over Liu Hong's hand holding Lin Feng, and then he seemed to be suppressing his emotions and said:

"I'm back, take the guests to rest first!"

"Father, what's going on here? Is the Dasun Tribe coming again? These bastards, I will fight with them......"

Liu Hong's face changed all of a sudden, she didn't bother to pull Lin Feng anymore, she let go of Lin Feng very naturally and was about to walk towards her father.

But in the next second, Liu Hong's father stared:

"I said, take the guests down to rest, are you disobedient?"

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