I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 276: The golden boy and the jade girl, the focus of the audience

The cheerful and bright girl Liu Hong seemed to be back again, she pulled Lin Feng straight out of the stone house.

Liu Hong's face seemed to be filled with happiness, and she kept chattering with Lin Feng:

"Our Five Elements tribe has taken root here since the recovery of spiritual energy, and our ancestors have guarded the crater in the ancestral land for generations!"

"Every time a young man is awakened, he will enter it and condense his own fire..."

"In this Flame Canyon, there are nine tribes!"

"The Five Elements Tribe is the weakest, but we are the happiest tribe, we have nothing to do with the world, and we never take the initiative to invade others!"

There was no need for him to ask for a lot of information that Lin Feng wanted to know. Liu Hong had already told him a lot along the way.

Not long after, Liu Hong, under the eyes of many clansmen in the square, led Lin Feng along the way, and sat in the most central position, next to the tribal leader Liu Shan, who was also Liu Hong's father.

Liu Shan, the leader of the tribe, the strongest existence in the entire Five Elements tribe, Lin Feng also felt the breath of the other party, which was the breath of the early stage of leaving the body.

This strength should be equivalent to that of Lin Feng's opponent Wang Tao in the Black Pine Forest.

Of course, Liu Shan's strength may not be as good as Wang Tao's.

After all, Wang Tao is the arrogance of the top big family in the Great Zhou, with a solid foundation and strong strength.

And this Liu Shan, who is settled in a corner, it is not easy for this small Five Elements tribe to get him out of the Aperture Realm.

With Lin Feng's arrival, sitting with Liu Hong soon became the focus of everyone's attention.

The eyes of everyone looking at him and Liu Hong included envy, reverence, unfamiliarity, and even some slight hostility.

This is also normal, after all, he is an outsider, and this is the first time he has shown himself in front of everyone in the tribe.

But seeing Liu Hong's appearance, everyone understood Liu Hong's thoughts. They really treated Lin Feng as if he was his other half.

When Lin Feng and Liu Hong arrived, Liu Shan smiled and nodded to Lin Feng.

Liu Shan didn't say much, just like the beginning, although he was curious about the relationship between Liu Hong and Lin Feng, he didn't intend to stop it.

Immediately afterwards, some clansmen carried down the monster meat that was roasting on the fire.

As the leader of the tribe, Liu Shan was the first to pick up a knife, cut off the best piece of meat from the monster barbecue that was brought down, and handed it to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was so flattered that he quickly got up and cupped his hands.

Liu Shan waved his hand:

"You're welcome, you come from afar as a guest, and my Five Elements tribe is the most hospitable!"

Lin Feng was not polite anymore, and ate the roasted monster meat very simply.

Not to mention that it is different from all kinds of monster meat he has eaten before, it was roasted directly over fire, with a few random seasonings, to keep the tenderness and deliciousness of the meat to the maximum extent......

Immediately afterwards, the tribesmen began to eat.

Some tribesmen also brought up drinks, and everyone drank freely while eating meat.

In front of Lin Feng, there was a pile of barbecued meat. Except for the first piece which was cut by Liu Shan, the patriarch himself, the rest were all made by Liu Hong, the eldest lady of the tribe, for Lin Feng.

Many teenagers were envious of this scene.

After finishing the meat, Liu Hong didn't even bother to eat it, so she took out another pot of leather wine bag and placed it in front of Lin Feng.

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This wine bag is well made, and a small red flower is embroidered on it......

Lin Feng opened the wine bag, and there was a tangy fragrance, which was no less than any fine wine he had ever seen.

Everyone in the tribe ate and drank, Lin Feng was not polite, and even some of them were aroused by these tribesmen to be heroic in his bones, so he ate meat and drank heavily, and his heroism was exhausted for a while.

Beside Lin Feng, Liu Hong still had a gentle smile on his face, and kept helping Lin Feng to eat, and worried that Lin Feng would not get used to it, so he kept talking to Lin Feng:

"Although the nine major tribes in our Yanhuo Canyon do not belong to any country, they still belong to the people of Da Zhou from the perspective of their ancestors!"

"Although I grew up in the tribe since I was a child, I actually yearn for Da Zhou very much!"

"I heard that a woman from Dazhou has fair skin and looks juicy?"

"Perhaps they are as good-looking as you!"

"It is said that Da Zhou's clothes are different from ours. There are many beautiful dresses, and the girls also have exquisite accessories and cosmetics!"

"I also heard that black silk high heels are standard for girls?"

"Do you think I'll look good in these?"

Naturally, Lin Feng also echoed one after another:

"Girls in Dazhou may not all have fair skin and good looks, but generally speaking, their skin is fairer than the girls here!"

"But you are also very good-looking, with a wheat-colored complexion, healthy and charming!"

"As for dressing, each has its own advantages. You don't wear makeup, and you don't have any exquisite accessories, but you have a natural and untouched beauty..."

"Black silk high-heeled shoes are worn by ordinary people a lot now, and real monks and women rarely wear them like this. After all, they are inconvenient!"

"As for you, you have a perfect body and a beautiful face. You look good in anything you wear!"

Lin Feng really didn't deliberately flatter Liu Hong, but the fact.

Liu Hong's figure and face are perfect, and her wheat-colored complexion is by no means a disadvantage, but an advantage.

Even without any makeup on her face, she is still exquisite.

Lin Feng is right, this is the most natural beauty!

A blush appeared on Liu Hong's pretty face, I don't know if it was because of Lin Feng's words or because of drinking some wine, it was really pretty.

She continued:

"You were asking Tianzhu Villa before, are you going to learn art from a teacher or seek weapons?"

"If you want to learn art from a teacher, you have to wait for a while, about half a month, Tianzhu Villa will open doors to accept disciples, whether it is from the nine tribes, outsiders, or even monster races!"

"As long as you pass the assessment of Tianzhu Villa, you can enter the villa to study!"

"As for looking for weapons, it's easy. You can go there anytime. The market outside Tianzhu Villa has a wide variety of weapons, all produced in Tianzhu Villa!"

"If you can't find a suitable one in the market, you can still ask for customization. As long as the money is in place, you can even ask the old man Tianzhu to forge it yourself!"

"But remember, you are no longer allowed to use weapons when you are close to the market, and the realm cannot exceed the state of leaving the body!"

"As for apprenticeship, there are two situations. One is a nominal disciple, as long as you pass the assessment, you can become a nominal disciple!"

"Secondly, formal disciples must not only pass the examination, but also stand out from the crowd, and be valued and accepted by the old man Tianzhu personally!"

"If you have the opportunity to pay homage to Tianzhu Villa, you must seize the opportunity!"

"The old man Tianzhu is the top refining master in the world today, and our nine tribes all rely on Tianzhu Villa to exist..."

Liu Hong told Lin Feng a lot of information that Lin Feng was interested in.

But listening to it, why did Lin Feng feel like he was explaining the funeral, Liu Hong explained everything clearly to him in detail.

Including the respective characteristics of the nine tribes, why they exist, their relationship with Tianzhu Villa, and the internal rules of Tianzhu Villa, etc., and so on.

Lin Feng didn't interrupt, but listened quietly.

He had no doubts about what Liu Hong said, such a kind girl would never lie to him.

It didn't take long for everyone to eat meat and drink, and cheerful and bright music sounded on the square.

However, some tribal people spontaneously played various musical instruments.

Then, some people left the table and walked into the center of the square to sing and dance.

Liu Hong was also blushing, she dragged Lin Feng into the center of the square and started dancing.

Lin Feng is not very good at dancing, but with Liu Hong leading him, he quickly became familiar with it.

The two danced in the center of the square, still the focus of everyone's attention~www.readwn.com~ Liu Hong dragged Lin Feng to dance and sang a song at the same time. Lin Feng didn't quite understand the song, but he probably understood the song I mean, it's a love song.

Singing with Liu Hong's voice like the sounds of nature, the true feelings flow slowly.

Lin Feng felt a little dazed for a moment.

Facing the enthusiastic Liu Hong, he seemed a little overwhelmed.

He didn't know how to face Liu Hong next, if he continued to stay, how would he end up?

For a moment, Lin Feng was both excited and extremely melancholy.

At the end of the song, the two returned to their seats and saw Lin Feng was unhappy, but Liu Hong was like a cheerful little rabbit, whispering in Lin Feng's ear:

"Wait for me a moment!"

Immediately afterwards, Liu Hong happily ran away without making Lin Feng wait too long. After a while, Liu Hong came back again, but it directly made Lin Feng look crazy!

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