I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 277: The truth is revealed, is Lin Feng drunk?

At this moment, Liu Hong has changed into a red dress, which is still difficult for ordinary people to control, but it is no longer a common dress of the tribe here.

It was a sleeveless red dress.

Hi silk is looming on the legs, and small high-heeled shoes are on the feet.

Liu Hong also had light makeup on her face, which made her look more delicate and beautiful.

At this moment, Lin Feng was really fascinated.

Only at this moment did he know what is charming, and only then did he know that makeup is not for concealing blemishes, but to set off the beauty of women, and he also knew that black silk high heels are by no means exclusive to Feng Chen, but should belong to such a stunning look!

Liu Hong put away her previous carelessness, walked slowly, and walked around to Lin Feng's side, her red skirt was like a blooming flower.

Her voice sounded like the sound of heaven:

"Does it look good?"

Lin Feng stared blankly, then nodded subconsciously:


Then, Liu Hong pulled Lin Feng up again, and walked into the center of the square following the sound of music.

At this moment, the two danced, but the others around them seemed ashamed and did not dare to dance beside them.

As a result, the huge square became a dance hall for two people.

All eyes were on this pair of golden boy and jade girl.

Lin Feng's eyes also ignored everything around him, except for that flaming figure.

The same goes for Liu Hong, with her hands on Lin Feng's shoulders, she danced but her eyes never left Lin Feng's.

The eyes of both sides can only accommodate each other's figure.

At this moment, Lin Feng even longed for time to stop like this, just jump down like this, no longer have the distress of cultivation, no longer have any kindness or resentment.

He hugged Liu Hong's slender waist, this time he didn't have any utilitarianism, didn't think about any rewards at all, but said very naturally:

"Liu Hong, you are so beautiful, I like you!"

Lin Feng confessed again, but not for any reward, but for the first time confessing from the heart.

But upon hearing these words, Liu Hong's steps became chaotic in an instant, and her heart was beating so fast that even Lin Feng could hear it clearly.

A rare shyness appeared on Liu Hong's pretty face, she buried her head on Lin Feng's shoulder, and said in a low voice:


"They all say there is no such thing as love at first sight, but from the moment I saw you, I knew you were my Prince Charming!"

"I like you too, but I'm sorry, I can't accept you!"

Liu Hong's voice was very low, and it was getting lower and lower. If it wasn't for Lin Feng's strong perception, he couldn't seem to hear the next sentence.

At this moment, Lin Feng felt wet on the shoulder on which Liu Hong's head rested.

But at this moment, Lin Feng didn't care about anything, he just hoped that time would stop here.

But it was just hope, he still heard the reward reminder of being rejected in public.

"Confess in public that the eldest lady of the tribe, Liu Hong, was rejected, and reward the true fire of samadhi, which is adapting to the current world and manifesting!"

"The host please continue to work hard. The next time Liu Hong is rejected, I will reward the Red Lotus Industry Fire Seed!"

But Lin Feng directly chose to ignore this reminder, still immersed in the rare tenderness now.

Time passed quickly, and the song ended. Lin Feng and Liu Hong held hands and returned to their seats, drinking wine and eating meat.

The two are really talking and laughing like a couple, with incomparable warmth.

Until later, Lin Feng was actually drunk.

He was at the peak of foundation building, and his strength was even more powerful, so he was rarely drunk.

I don't know whether it is drunk or self-drunk.

Lin Feng was supported by Liu Hong back to the stone house, he only heard Liu Hong murmuring in a low voice:

"Sorry, I failed your love..."

What Lin Feng didn't know was that Liu Hong, who put him down at this moment, had long since lost the sunshine and joy before, only tears streaming down his face, and the makeup that he had put on so hard once was gone.


One night passed quickly.

The next morning, Lin Feng suddenly opened his eyes and sat up in shock:

"I'm actually drunk?"

At this moment, Lin Feng sensed himself in astonishment, and there was no sign of poisoning.

What's more, he has mastered the golden light spell, and poison is useless to him.

"What kind of wine did Liu Hong give me to drink last night?"

Lin Feng murmured again.

He is a monk in the Foundation Establishment Realm who has the combat power of the Aperture Realm, and he is actually drunk?

This can only show that the wine Liu Hong gave him last night was really not simple.

Thinking of Liu Hong, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly softened.

Even though she was drunk, she could still remember everything that happened last night clearly.

Including Lin Feng himself confessing to Liu Hong, a kind, generous and beautiful girl, from the heart.

The previous Qin Yinren, Su Qingqing, and Lin Feng liked it very much, but for rewards, Lin Feng was also constantly destroying this liking.

But last night, Lin Feng was really fascinated by Liu Hong, and this time he confessed his love sincerely.

But in the end, Liu Hong actually refused.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng frowned instantly:

"Something's wrong..."

If it was another girl, maybe Lin Feng would still think that the other party was a girl with his own reserve.

But Liu Hong is definitely not that kind of coy little girl, her heart is undoubtedly revealed, and she never hides it, but why does she reject herself......

"By the way, what did she mean when she sent me back last night?"

Lin Feng suddenly remembered that he was sent back by Liu Hong last night after he was drunk, and Liu Hong's murmur was heard between the lake and the lake.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng couldn't sit still any longer, jumped out of bed, opened the door of the stone house, and was going to ask Liu Hong for clarification.

But as soon as he went out, Lin Feng saw a young man from the Five Elements Department guarding the door.

It was the boy named Shi Shi who he came out of the cave with Liu Hong before.

When Lin Feng saw the stone, he immediately asked:

"Where's your eldest lady? I have something to ask her for!"

As if he had expected that Lin Feng would ask this question, Shi Shi said without thinking:

"Miss has something to go out, she asked me to take you to the ancestral land!"

Lin Feng frowned slightly:

"When will your lady be back?"

"I don't know, I should be back later!"

When Shi Shi answered this question, he was obviously very perfunctory. Before Lin Feng could continue to ask, Shi Shi continued:

"Let's go, the eldest lady told me that she wants to send you to the ancestral land, maybe there is a chance for you!"

As he said that, Stone led the way involuntarily.

Lin Feng's brows were still tightly furrowed, but he didn't continue to ask any more questions, but forced his patience and followed the stone away.

The ancestral land of the Five Elements Tribe ~www.readwn.com~ is very important to the Five Elements Tribe.

This is their protection, this is the foundation of their tribe, and it is also the root of many descendants who can be strong.

According to Liu Hong, every young man will enter the ancestral land to condense the fire after enlightenment.

And now Lin Feng also has a fire seed, the Five Elements Spirit fire seed.

He didn't know what kind of fire these five elements tribes were like, but it might not be easy to know his own five element spirit fire.

And to ignite the kindling, the energy of the Five Elements Spiritual Fire is also needed.

Before that, Lin Feng was wondering whether the Five Elements Tribe would have the Five Elements Spirit Fire, which would allow him to ignite the fire.

So, he followed Liu Hong to the tribe, but he didn't have to think about these things. The kind Liu Hong seemed to have guessed his thoughts a long time ago, and it was all arranged for him.

It was also because of this that Lin Feng didn't ask Liu Hong's whereabouts, but patiently followed Shito to the tribe's ancestral land.

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