I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 278: Tribal ancestral land, 5 lines of spiritual fire magma

Lin Feng followed the stone all the way through the tribe, met many tribe people on the road, Lin Feng was also surprised to find that these people were all hanging their heads down, as if something bad happened in the tribe again.

Lin Feng asked casually:

"Stone, did something happen in the tribe?"

"Can still..."

Shi Shi blurted out these two words, but in the next second he was choked back and said:

"Nothing, nothing!"

Seeing Shitou like this, Lin Feng frowned even tighter.

He also remembered the situation when he first arrived in the tribe yesterday.

A group of people had obviously just fought. At that time, Liu Hong's father, Liu Shan, was leading people to treat them. It was obvious that something happened to the Five Elements Tribe.

But looking at Shitou's appearance, I'm afraid he was warned by others. He almost said it just now, but he forcibly swallowed it back.

Lin Feng frowned, then asked again:

"What happened to the people on the square yesterday morning?"

Stone replied with a dark face:

"It's okay, just sparring. People in our tribe are relatively tough, and it's common to get injured in sparring..."

Before Shi Shi could continue weaving, Lin Feng's spiritual power was running, and he exhaled and said:

"to be frank!"


Shi Shi only felt as if someone had hammered his head, his face turned pale instantly, and he almost couldn't stand still while trembling!

Lin Feng snorted coldly:

"You think you can fool me?"

"Tell me, what happened?"

"Where are you young ladies?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't tell me, tell me where she is, and I'll ask her myself!"

Shitou's face was very ugly. When he knew that Lin Feng had easily killed Firefox, he knew that Lin Feng was very strong, but he never thought that he would be so strong.

It was just a cold snort and a scolding, which actually made him unable to stand still.

But Shi Shi still remembered the eldest lady's advice, struggling forcibly at this moment, almost roaring:

"I...I swore to the eldest lady that I would never talk nonsense!"

"If you really want to know, go to the ancestral land and ask her yourself!"

While talking, the two had arrived at the ancestral land of the Five Elements Tribe.

The ancestral land of the Five Elements Tribe is just behind the tribe, on a hill, a tall building built with stones the color of flames.

Shi Shi sent Lin Feng to the gate of the ancestral land, and then ran away in a hurry, as if afraid of being forced by Lin Feng to say something again.

In desperation, Lin Feng could only be patient and stepped into the ancestral land.

The ancestral land of the Five Elements Tribe was blocked by formations, but Stone had already given Lin Feng a token, so Lin Feng could naturally step into the ancestral land in a grand manner.

As soon as he entered the ancestral land, Lin Feng took a deep breath.

The temperature in this ancestral land is extremely high, compared with the outside, it is like a world of ice and fire.

And the layout of this ancestral land is also very simple. There is an open space in front of it, and there is a huge metal censer tripod, which is obviously used for sacrifices.

In addition, it is a mountain bag in the center of this ancestral land.

It was clearly the entrance of a volcano.

However, this volcano is an extinct volcano and has not erupted.

But Lin Feng also sensed that the terrifying high temperature in the ancestral land came from the volcano.

"This is the ancestral land of the Five Elements Tribe?"

Lin Feng came directly to the top of the crater in a flash.

In the next second, a heat wave came oncoming.

Before Lin Feng could step in, he felt the five-element spirit fire in his body tremble slightly, and then a little faint light radiated out.

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Lin Feng's eyes instantly brightened:

"Sure enough, the guess is right, the Five Elements Tribe guards the Five Elements Spirit Fire!"

Now that the speculation has been verified, Lin Feng is still very excited.

The Five Elements Spirit Fire Seed is now in the body, and it was still in a silent state before, but now there are signs of being ignited and awakened just by approaching the crater.

He also wanted to know how strong the Five Elements Spirit Fire Seed was.

In the next second, Lin Feng stopped hesitating and took a step forward, falling straight from the crater towards the bottomless bottom.

As it fell, the temperature became higher and higher, but at the same time, the fire seeds of the Five Elements Spirit in Lin Feng's Qi Mansion became more and more active.

Gradually, the frightening high temperature, even with the strength of the Out-of-Aperture Realm, became too much for Lin Feng.

But at this moment, the volcano is still bottomless, seemingly endless.

Immediately afterwards, a golden light emerged from Lin Feng's body, and the golden light spell was activated to the extreme by him.

The Golden Light Curse can be regarded as the top defensive spell.

But even with the golden light spell activated, one could still feel the terrifying heat.

Lin Feng's physical body is also extremely powerful, but at this moment, under the terrifying high temperature, it has been burnt red, as if it will melt at any time.

After a while, after Lin Feng went deeper for a long distance, he finally saw the bottom of the volcano in front of his eyes.

The bottom of the volcano is surprisingly a wide space.

Inside this space, like a five-petaled lotus, there are five surging magma pools.

The magma in each pool has a different color, and Lin Feng can clearly sense the magma attributes in these pools, which are in line with the five elements.

It turns out that the energy of the Five Elements Spirit Fire comes from this magma.

"Five Elements Spirit Fire..."

While Lin Feng was excited, he was also a little troubled.

Staying here can still absorb the energy of the Five Elements Spirit Fire, but if you want to completely ignite the Five Elements Spirit Fire in the gas mansion, I am afraid it will not take too long.

At least ten days and half a month is required.

But right now, he doesn't have that much time to waste here.

Because he is still not sure what happened to the Five Elements Tribe and where Liu Hong went.

He had to quickly absorb the energy of the Five Elements Spirit Fire, ignite the Five Elements Spirit Fire in his body, and then go to Liu Hong.

It's easy to increase the speed of absorption, just get close to the magma in the five pools below.

But now, he is still hovering in this volcanic passage from a long distance away, but his physical body has shown signs of being unable to bear it.

If it weren't for the golden light magic spell being strong enough, he might have melted down long ago.

Lin Feng thought of the ink sea and the hurricane cliff in the northern camp. Facing the terrifying and corrosive ink sea and the hurricane that could tear everything apart, Lin Feng relied on the Magic Sky Mirror.

But now, Lin Feng can clearly feel that the terrifying high temperature in the magma is even more powerful than the danger of the ink sea and the hurricane cliff.

The magic sky mirror is a fairy weapon, but it is not omnipotent.

At that time in the northern camp, Lin Feng was forced into a desperate situation and had to use it.

But now, it's not a desperate situation, and if you can use the Magic Sky Mirror, you don't need to use it.

After all, this thing has too much effect on Lin Feng now.

But in the next second, Lin Feng's eyes flashed:

"Almost forgot, I still have talismans to use!"

As soon as the words fell, a talisman ~www.readwn.com~ appeared in Lin Feng's hand, and when he stuck it to his body, the temperature around him seemed to drop a little.

In fact, it's not that the temperature here has dropped, but that this talisman has isolated the high temperature. This is a fire avoidance talisman!

Seeing that the talismans were effective, Lin Feng grinned, and immediately started using the phantoms in the magic sky mirror to frantically make talismans.

I made a lot of talismans before, but they were all related to attack, defense and speed, but I didn't prepare for the fire-avoiding talisman used at this moment.

But it doesn't matter, the fire-avoiding talisman is just a low-level talisman, and it is not difficult to make. It is assisted by thousands of illusions, and it is extremely fast to make.

In the blink of an eye, a large number of talisman seals appeared in Lin Feng's hands, and he stuck them directly on his body in an incomparably extravagant way.

Soon, Lin Feng's whole body was covered with fire-avoiding talismans, and the surrounding high temperature was completely isolated.

Now Lin Feng is full of confidence, even if he jumps directly into the magma, he probably won't die directly!

In the next second, Lin Feng fell straight towards the bottom of the magma pool.

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