I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 279: The leader wants to expel Lin Feng?

Lin Feng quickly fell to the bottom of the crater, came to the edge of the five-color magma pool and began to frantically absorb the energy of the five-element spirit fire.

The Five Elements Spirit Fire Seed in the Qi Palace in the body also quickly brightened, and in a short period of time, it took on the shape of a flame.

But this was just the beginning, Lin Feng felt the horror of the Five Elements Spirit Fire.

Once the Five Elements Spirit Fire is ignited and awakened, its power is immeasurable.

Of course, the most important function of the fire is not only to defend against the enemy, but also to refine alchemy.

Although Lin Feng has never learned alchemy and equipment, he also knows that both alchemy and equipment have something to do with fire.

For example, Tianzhu, the world's top craftsman, built the Artifact Gate in the Yanhuo Canyon, obviously because there are all kinds of heaven, earth and strange fires here.

While letting the Five Elements Spirit fire absorb energy to strengthen himself, Lin Feng also received the reward for the rejection of his confession last night.

When dancing in the square last night, Lin Feng couldn't help confessing his love to Liu Hong, but in the end Liu Hong still chose to refuse.

The reward arrived at that time, and now it has adapted to the current world and can be realized.

Lin Feng didn't care about it before, but now that he has realized the power of the Five Elements Spirit Fire, he is also interested in the Samadhi True Fire that he will receive next.

There are also follow-up rewards, such as the Red Lotus Industry Fire Seed, Lin Feng also began to look forward to it.

The next second, the same scene appeared, and a ray of light sank directly into his body in a flash.

In his Qi Palace, there is an extra mark next to the Five Elements Spirit Fire Seed, which is the mark of the True Fire Seed of Samadhi.

It's just that the true fire of Samadhi didn't react at all in the volcano in the ancestral land of the Five Elements Tribe, and it was obvious that there was no way to ignite it here.

"Samadhi True Fire....Samadhi Department?"

Lin Feng frowned slightly, and he understood.

In this Yanhuo Canyon, apart from the most famous and powerful artifact gate, which is what they call Tianzhu Villa, there are nine tribes scattered in this valley.

Last night, Liu Hong briefly introduced the situation to Lin Feng.

Now combined with the name of the kindling that was rewarded, Lin Feng understood.

Every tribe probably has something to protect, just like the Five Elements tribe.

The Five Elements Department, their ancestral land guards the Five Elements Spirit Fire.

In this way, the Samadhi Department must also have the energy of the Samadhi True Fire. If Lin Feng wants to ignite the Samadhi True Fire, he must go to the Sanadhi Department.

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And the next time Liu Hong was rejected in public, the reward was Honglian Yehuo, so naturally he had to go to the Honglian Department.

By analogy, the nine major tribes correspond to the nine different fires!

Lin Feng's eyes flickered, and he suddenly thought more:

"What kind of difference will there be if you gather all the nine different fires?"

This reminded him of the time when he was in the Yanfa Pavilion in the academy. After learning all the 108,000 spells, it became a kind of spell, which is now one of his trump cards, the 108,000 spells.

After the nine different fires of heaven and earth are assembled and ignited, it is very likely that there will be differences.

At the same time, in the stone house in the center of the Five Elements Tribe, which is the house where the tribal leader, Liu Hong's father Liu Shan lived, Liu Shan walked around the room with a depressed expression on his face.

In the next second, Stone hurried in and bowed his hands:

"Boss, did you call me?"

Liu Shan nodded and asked:

"You sent that Lin Feng to the ancestral land?"

Stone's complexion changed, and he quickly explained:

"Boss, this is..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Shan waved his hand:

"I know, it was the eldest lady who asked you to do this!"

"It doesn't matter, Hong Hong sacrificed herself for the tribe, so why not bring an outsider into the ancestral land?"

Hearing Liu Shan's words full of melancholy, Shi Shi's eyes flickered, as if he didn't recognize the leader in front of him:

"Boss... the ancestral land is an important place, and outsiders have never been allowed to approach it. This time, I broke the rules for the sake of the young lady, and that fellow Lin Feng is cheap!"

The tribe has kept the rules of the ancestral land for many years, but this time it was because the eldest lady made an exception and let Lin Feng enter.

This made Stone feel a little incomprehensible.

But upon hearing this, Liu Shan shook his head again and sighed:

"Rules? Hehe... If it wasn't for protecting this ancestral land, why would Honghong suffer this wrong?"

When Liu Shan said this, Shi Shi also lowered his head and muttered:

"It's all our fault for not being able to live up to expectations. We don't have the ability to compete with the Great Sun Tribe!"

Liu Shan waved his hand:

"It has nothing to do with you. Since the decline of our Five Elements tribe, I, the leader, have the greatest responsibility and have nothing to do with you!"

"Go down!"

But Stone gritted his teeth and said:

"Boss, that Lin Feng kept asking Missy's whereabouts, I can only shirk and let him come out from the ancestral land, look..."

Liu Shan still said in a low voice:

"It's okay, just leave it to me, Hong Hong won't let you tell Lin Feng where she is, it's also to protect this kid!"

"In my opinion, this kid is also a lover. If he knows what Honghong is going through now, he will definitely not let it go!"

"At that time, all our previous efforts will be in vain!"

"I will never allow him to spoil this matter!"

"You go, when the time comes, when Lin Feng comes out from the ancestral land, I will take action to expel him!"

Stone then resigned and left.

And Liu Shan did not continue to stay in the stone house, turned around and disappeared in place.

At the gate of the ancestral land of the Five Elements Tribe, Liu Shan's figure emerged.

He took a step forward and directly stepped into the ancestral land.

He wants to wait here for Lin Feng to come out from his ancestral land, and then expel Lin Feng.

As he said, he couldn't let Lin Feng know Liu Hong's whereabouts, because once he knew, Lin Feng would probably make all his previous efforts in vain.

This is something he will never allow.

As for expelling Lin Feng, it is also very simple.

This is the ancestral land, the core of the Five Elements Tribe, and outsiders are not allowed to approach.

He just used this reason to expel Lin Feng.

Liu Shan, who had stepped into the ancestral land at this moment, sighed again as he looked at the crater.

The Five Elements Tribe was not originally weak. Although it was not the strongest of the Nine Great Tribes, it was by no means the bottom.

But as time went by, the Five Elements tribe gradually weakened.

It's not because of him alone, but there are objective reasons.

Almost all of the nine major tribes are good at the art of fire. After everyone starts practicing Qiling, they will try to condense their own kind of fire.

But other tribal fires are all one kind ~www.readwn.com~ Only need to keep strong fires to become stronger.

But the Five Elements Tribe is different. The Five Elements Tribe has five types of fire.

A single kind of fire is not as powerful as the fire of other tribes, and only five kinds of fire can compete with the fire of other tribes.

But as time goes by, there are fewer and fewer geniuses who can condense five kinds of fire at the same time. When it comes to him, even the leader can't condense five kinds of fire.

He is just agglomeration of three kinds.

For the latter two, he has worked hard for so many years, but there is still no sign of condensing them.

Therefore, the Five Elements tribe naturally became the weakest existence among the nine tribes.

Thinking of these, Liu Shan was extremely complicated.

"I wonder if this Lin Feng can condense the fire?"

Then, Liu Shan murmured, and became a little curious.

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