I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 295: 2 The young master also confessed his love to the bride?

Instead, a middle-aged man with the appearance of a housekeeper rushed into the stone building after hearing the movement, and caught up with Lin Feng who had already stepped into the second floor:

"Young master, young master, is it the traveling merchant who didn't satisfy the young master?"

"Don't worry, young master, there are quite a few people here today, just tell me, this servant will get you here for you!"

This is a guy who knows what to do. Knowing the hobbies of the second young master, he can be regarded as what he likes, and he didn't dare to really stop Lin Feng.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Lin Feng suddenly turned around and imitated Changrong's disgusting appearance and looked at the middle-aged housekeeper jokingly:

"I see you..."

Before he could finish speaking, the housekeeper's feet softened instantly, and he rolled down the stairs chattering.

But this butler is a mortal at all, without any cultivation base, this fall, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, even one arm drooped down, it seemed that his arm was broken.

But just like that, the housekeeper actually didn't care about his injury at all, and kowtowed on the ground as if he had seen a ghost:

"Young Master, spare your life. This servant is just an ordinary person. I can't help but toss about it. Young Master, please forgive me!"


Lin Feng snorted coldly.

But the butler ran away as if he had received an amnesty.

The many guards who witnessed this scene were still guarding the door just now, but at this moment, their faces changed drastically, and they ran away in a blink of an eye. They all hid impressively, for fear of being watched by the second young master.

Although they are all young and middle-aged men, not middle-aged uncles, what if?

In the blink of an eye, there were only a group of trembling girls left in the building, and they all lowered their heads when they looked at the second young master.

Seeing that no one was stopping him, Lin Feng went up the stairs all the way, and rushed directly into the room where Liu Hong was on the top floor without any shyness.

Liu Hong could naturally hear these movements clearly.

Even if her heart was ashamed, she couldn't calm down in the face of such a disgusting Second Young Master of the Great Sun Tribe.

Liu Hong looked at Lin Feng with cold eyes.

Although her heart was ashamed, Changrong, who was watching Lin Feng's transformation, still couldn't help showing a disgusted expression.

Before she could speak, Lin Feng grinned:

"Liu Hong, I like you!"

As soon as these words came out, Liu Hong was stunned for a moment again, these four words seemed to touch her nerves again, making her involuntarily think of that figure and that person.

As soon as these words came out, not only Liu Hong was stunned, but also many girls and servants present were also stunned.

Just now, the daring traveling merchant climbed up from the outer wall, saw the bride from the window and said these four words.

The traveler was still taken away by the second young master.

But not long after that, the second young master came back and actually said these four words to the bride?

The most important thing is, isn't the second young master that?

How could he fall in love with the bride?

Also, this is the young master's bride, what is the second young master doing?

Even if he is not afraid of the young master, but the leader is still there, does he want to die?

Why is this family in such a mess?

A group of girls and servants were all stunned, and even the many guards hiding outside heard the voices, all of them were out of breath, and almost lost their temper on the spot.

What the **** is this?

The second young master's hobbies have changed?

He started to like women?

But while everyone was stunned, Liu Hong was the first to recover, still staring at Lin Feng coldly:

"Your Chang family of the Great Sun Tribe is really not a good thing!"

Liu Hong's heart was ashamed, she didn't even bother to say no, she sneered and said:

"You are so capable, and you have the ability to be tricked behind your back, but you said it in front of all the guests, even in front of your elder brother and your father!"

But these words were obviously rejected. Naturally, Lin Feng's prompt sound came again:

"Confess that Liu Hong, the eldest lady of the Five Elements Tribe, was rejected, and reward the Da Ri Jin Yan kindling!"

"The host please keep up the good work. The next time Miss Liu Hong is rejected, I will reward the red lotus fire seed!"

Hearing the notification sound, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, swiping rewards can also be swiped continuously, and there is no need for the confession object to expressly reject it, as long as it means that.

This is much simpler.

In the next second, Lin Feng grinned and thought in his heart. After receiving the two tinder rewards for being rejected twice before and after, he didn't have time to take care of the tinder, so he stepped out and grabbed Liu Hong.

When Lin Feng made a move, none of the maids and servants in the house dared to say what it was, but the guards outside still had a momentary wave of breath, but they were quickly suppressed by force.

Just kidding, this is the second young master of the tribe. They can only report the situation to their superiors, but dare not face the second young master directly. They still want to live for two more days.

On the other hand, Liu Hong's eyebrows instantly stood up, and she raised her hand to resist.

She was forced to come to the Great Sun Tribe for the sake of the tribe, but that doesn't mean she was someone to be played with at will.

Her original thought was that she felt that the young master of the Great Sun Tribe was incapable, and even if she married, it was only for the sake of her name, and she could still maintain a perfect body.

Under such circumstances, although her heart is still ashamed, she can still persevere for the sake of the tribe.

But if this Changrong attacked her, she couldn't stand it anymore.

After all, her heart already belonged, and even her body would never allow others to be contaminated.

But just as Liu Hong raised her hand, she felt an incomparably majestic momentum suddenly suppressed, and all the spiritual power she had mobilized just now was suppressed, unable to mobilize even a bit!

Even the body was unable to move at this moment, as if someone had cast a hold on it!

In the next second, Lin Feng had already grabbed Liu Hong's shoulder. His strength was so powerful, but Liu Hong in the late stage of Foundation Establishment was naturally unable to resist.

With just a slight movement of Lin Feng, Liu Hong was pulled into his arms.



Kind of you kill me! "

Although Liu Hong couldn't move, she was able to speak and roared directly.

But Lin Feng didn't pay any attention to it, but grabbed her, stepped out directly, and rose into the air:

"Hahaha, threaten me? Then let you see if I dare or not!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Feng rushed out with his arms around Liu Hong's waist.

In the next second, another group of powerful guards swarmed from all directions.

Naturally, someone reported it before, and the tribe's guards immediately took action.

The leader of the team here is a strong alchemist.

Although Lin Feng is now pretending to be the second young master, and dare not provoke him in the alchemy realm, but today's situation is special, not to mention that the second young master kidnapped the young master's bride, these strong guards naturally don't care much.

A group of people flew into the air with a whoosh, and surrounded Lin Feng and Liu Hong in the blink of an eye.

The leader of the alchemy realm took a step forward with a livid face, and cupped his hands at Lin Feng:

"Second Young Master, don't make things difficult for your subordinates!"

But Lin Feng didn't even look at him, but turned to look at Liu Hong in his arms:


"Liu Hong~www.readwn.com~I like you!"

Liu Hong's face changed again, and her body was shaking with nausea:

"Changrong, you disgusting cockroach, let me go!"

But Lin Feng laughed out loud again, and the reward really came again.

He took a step forward and forcibly slammed into the Alchemy Realm guards in front of him who blocked his way.

The guard hesitated for a moment, but stepped aside.

After all, he was the Second Young Master, so if he really wanted to hurt him, he wouldn't be able to explain it.

Just like that, with Liu Hong in his arms, Lin Feng ran unscrupulously behind the tribe, and confessed his love when the tribe came.

In a short period of time, Lin Feng confessed his love several times in a row, but there were no surprises. Liu Hong was so sick that she wanted to vomit, but she was suppressed by Lin Feng and couldn't vomit at all.

But after several times in a row, Liu Hong also felt that something was wrong.

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