I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 296: wedding ceremony surprise

Liu Hong couldn't even remember, this was the first time Changrong brought her to confess in front of many tribesmen arrogantly.

Every time it was that sentence, it was the four words that made her already ashamed heart tighten all of a sudden!

After doing this several times in a row, Liu Hong really realized something was wrong.

This Changrong is arrogant, but his strength shouldn't be so strong!

Also, after listening to the confession these few times, how could she think of Lin Feng every time.

Moreover, she was held in Lin Feng's arms, and she listened carefully at this moment. The sound of heartbeat and breathing was exactly the same as what she heard in Lin Feng's place that night?

In the next second, Liu Hong's eyes suddenly burst into a strong light.

Her eyes were bright, and her gaze at Lin Feng became soft all of a sudden:

"is it you?"

Lin Feng didn't answer, and still took her to leap over the tribe quickly, and went straight to the ceremony in the square ahead, but he whispered in Liu Hong's ear:


"With me, it's fine!"


At this moment, Liu Hong only felt his head roaring, as if he had been hit by a thunder all of a sudden, as if it had stopped functioning.

No, it was hit by happiness.

Where is Liu Hong at this moment still as lifeless as before, and where is she still unloved?

At this moment, vitality was restored to her body, and happiness bloomed on her face.

Amid the bliss, Liu Hong completely recovered to the cheerful, kind, free-spirited little girl she was before.

She no longer struggled, no longer roared incompetently, but opened her eyes, and just stared at Lin Feng quietly, even though Lin Feng's face at this moment disgusted her so much.

Because this is not Lin Feng's true face, but the face of Chang Rong, the second son of the Great Sun Tribe.

But what does that matter, no matter what Lin Feng looks like, as long as he is him, isn't it enough?

Even Liu Hong forgot everything at this moment, including her purpose of coming to the Great Sun Tribe so that the Five Elements Tribe can survive, including Lin Feng's incomparable arrogance at this moment, leading her to run amok in the Great Sun Tribe. What kind of situation encountered.

She forgot everything except that she didn't want to close her eyes, for fear that Lin Feng would disappear if she closed her eyes.

As for Lin Feng and Liu Hong, he was also satisfied and excited at the moment.

After confessing his love several times in a row, Liu Hong's rewards here were exhausted by him.

In addition to the Five Elements Spirit Fire Seed, the Samadhi True Fire Seed, and the Great Sun Golden Flame Fire Seed that I got before, I got six more at this moment!

Sure enough, as Lin Feng guessed, there are nine kinds of different fires in the world!

They are Five Elements Spirit Fire Fire, Samadhi True Fire Fire, Red Lotus Fire Fire, Liuding Divine Fire Fire, Nether Ghost Fire Fire, Sky Burning Purple Fire Fire, Karma Cleansing Metal Fire Fire, Yin Yang God Fire Fire, and Dainichi Golden Fire Fire!

The imprints of the nine fires have been gathered by him, but only the five-element spirit fire has been ignited, and the other fires have not yet been ignited.

Of course, as Lin Feng speculated, these nine fires can find corresponding spiritual fires to ignite in the nine tribes.

The Five Elements Spirit Fire was ignited in the Five Elements Tribe. Naturally, in the ancestral land of the Great Sun Tribe, there was also the spiritual fire of the Great Sun Golden Flame, which could also ignite his second mark.

But at this moment, Lin Feng didn't care about going to the ancestral land of the Great Sun Tribe, and now his plan is still going on.

After seeing the disgust of the second son of the Great Sun Tribe, Lin Feng had to let out a bad breath at this moment.

What's more, in his original plan, lighting the fire was not one of them.

The Fire Seed of the Great Sun Golden Flame was also obtained after sneaking into the Great Sun Tribe and seeing Liu Hong.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't ignite now, it will be better to find a way later.

The current Lin Feng only wants to do things well, so that the Chang family of the Great Sun Tribe will get the retribution they deserve.

Of course, it is best not to be exposed.

After all, he has not yet swept the strength of the Great Sun Tribe.

Just when Lin Feng's mood was agitated and Liu Hong regained his vitality completely and stared at Lin Feng blankly, as if wanting to keep him firmly in his heart, Lin Feng had already approached the square.

At the moment, the wedding ceremony is going on in the square.

The sound of gongs and drums and thunderous applause.

A high platform was built on the square.

On the stage, there was an out-of-body realm old monster from an unknown tribe as the witness of the marriage.

Chang Shan, the leader of the Great Sun Tribe, sits at the top.

Below, Changhao, the young master of the Great Sun Tribe, and Liu Hong, who was pretending to be a girl, each held two ends of red hydrangea cloth belts, and were stepping over the brazier on the high platform.

"A bow to heaven and earth..."

Following the roar of the wedding host, Chang Hao and the girl were about to bow down.


But at this moment, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and two figures rushed over.

A large number of guards around the high platform burst into breath, and they thought it was an enemy attack.

But in the next second, when he looked up, he saw the second young master of his tribe, and all the guards froze on the spot.

Another group of guests looked up subconsciously, and saw the second son of the tribe flying towards him with a stunning woman in a red wedding dress in his arms.

Everyone was stunned, and they couldn't figure out what was going on now!

Even Chang Shan stood up abruptly, his brows were furrowed instantly, his body exploded with momentum, and his gaze was fixed on his second child like lightning!

The bridegroom Guan Changhao's face was full of bewilderment, and he reacted in the next second, and he roared in a rage:




But when everyone hadn't recovered, Lin Feng grabbed Liu Hong's waist and smashed it on the high platform with a bang.

Although the high platform was of good quality and extremely strong, it was shaken continuously by Lin Feng's landing action at this moment.

But at this moment, Lin Feng who landed on the ground was like Liu Hong, he didn't see anyone else in his eyes at all, and he didn't care that the countless auras on the scene locked on him, and he didn't care that countless eyes swept over him like electric knives.

He just looked at Liu Hong quietly, and said naturally:

"Liu Hong, I like you!"

At this moment, there was a sound of inhalation at the scene!


"Liu Hong... Isn't this the eldest lady of the Five Elements Tribe?"

"It's her, and today's bride!"

"My God, what happened? Liu Hong was hugged by Changrong, who was that worshiping on the stage?"

"Who else can it be? Just find a girl to replace it!"

"Interesting, this is playing with fire!"

"The Chang family is really messed up~www.readwn.com~ Isn't this second young master something? Why did he jump out and **** the marriage?

"This is not the most important thing. Have you noticed that Liu Hong's gaze never left Changrong!"

"I'll go, really, what's the difference between that gaze and seeing your sweetheart?"

At this moment, Liu Hong's vermilion lips parted slightly:

"Well... I like you too!"

Liu Hong's words directly verified everyone's guess just now.

There is only Lin Feng in her eyes at the moment, and only Lin Feng is left in her world.

At this moment, she selectively forgot about the dangers and the future of the tribe. Like that night, she wished that time would stop at this moment.

It's a pity that the ideal is full, but the reality is still extremely skinny!

Just after the two confessed to each other as if no one was watching, the next second, there was an uproar at the scene.

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