I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 319: The king of fire spirit beasts? The door opener?

Underground, in the magma, Lin Feng quickly followed a group of fire spirit beasts.

Today, he can swim in the magma as freely as these fire spirit beasts.

Not long after, Lin Feng and a group of fire spirit beasts drilled out of the magma, and suddenly appeared in a wide underground cave.



As soon as he raised his head, he heard a deafening roar.

This sound came from all directions, not only the roaring and roaring of the fire spirit beasts that came with Lin Feng, but also a large number of fire spirit beasts that were originally in the cave.

This voice even made Lin Feng's scalp tingle.

And when he looked up, he saw in the wide cave, a throne made of solidified magma towering at the very center of the cave.

Sitting on the throne is a crystal clear statue, as if carved from red agate.

It was the mother beast of the fire spirit beast in this piece of magma that Lin Feng had discovered through the many fire spirit beasts he controlled before, the powerful existence of the fifth-grade realm.

At this moment, the two jade-like eyeballs of this powerful fifth-grade fire spirit beast are just staring at Lin Feng. It does not roar, but looks at Lin Feng very quietly. It seems that it has known about Lin Feng's control of many fire spirit beasts before. Waiting for Lin Feng to show up.

This is not surprising, after all, reaching the fifth-rank state is equivalent to the out-of-the-body state of human beings. If the monsters had already turned into human forms.

tsxsw/html/77/77282/"Rebirth: The Great Era of Fighting Waves"

This fire spirit beast is obviously unable to transform into form, but its spiritual intelligence is not low.

Sure enough, just as Lin Feng looked over, he received a wave of divine sense in the next second:

"Human, are you provoking me?"

Lin Feng frowned, and suddenly got out of the magma, stood on the surface of the hot magma and looked directly at the fire spirit beast mother:

"Provocation? I can't say it, I just want to subdue you!"

Lin Feng got into the magma by himself, not for fun, of course, he is now subduing a large number of fire spirit beasts, although there is an upper limit for the number of spirits sent to control, and the control object realm is also limited.

But these fire spirit beasts only need to control the powerful ones, and other low-level fire spirit beasts will obey orders.

Therefore, to control all the fire spirit beasts in this area, this fifth-rank female beast must be dealt with.

Moreover, Lin Feng had just scanned around, and he estimated that there were no less than ten thousand fire spirit beasts in this area.

Of course, the fifth rank is just the female beast in front of me, and the others are below the fifth rank.

This number and strength are far stronger than the dead soldiers in the Taoist stronghold that day.

If this is directly paid under his command, it might really be able to stir up the situation in the Flame Canyon again.

What's more, this is only part of the fire spirit beasts that Lin Feng has detected so far.

Of course, this is only Lin Feng's preliminary plan. His next goal is to find out the distribution of the underground magma.

Lin Feng always felt that there was a big secret in it.

The ancestral lands of the nine tribes correspond to nine volcanoes, and there are nine kinds of fire spiritual power inside.

But the fire spirit beasts he encountered in the underground magma corresponded to nine kinds of fire spirit powers.

Lin Feng was wondering if the underground magma would be like a net, connected everywhere, even the volcanoes that existed in the ancestral lands of the nine tribes were connected through the underground magma.

Also, where is the ultimate source of these magmas, or where is the gathering place?

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the Fire Spirit Beast was obviously taken aback for a moment, and then seemed to be lost in memory. It took a full breath before it recovered and looked at Lin Feng again:

"This king can't remember clearly, how many years ago was the last human being who said that!"

"The guy who said that last time has turned into fly ash, and he can't even find a trace!"

"After so many years, you are the second to say that. Before that, you humans couldn't even step into the magma!"

Listening to these words, Lin Feng's eyes flickered.

This female beast doesn't take Lin Feng seriously at all, because in its view, Lin Feng is a little guy in the foundation-building realm, with a little trick, which can imitate the form of fire spirit beasts and control some fire spirit beasts.

But that's all, it can feel Lin Feng's breath, but it's equivalent to their eighth-rank peak less than seventh-rank.

It naturally doesn't pay attention to such an existence. If Lin Feng hadn't controlled a lot of fire spirit beasts, it wouldn't bother to face Lin Feng.

Obviously, what it just said couldn't lie to Lin Feng, because it was unnecessary.

Therefore, hearing these words, Lin Feng fell into deep thought.

How many years ago did someone come here?

Have you ever wanted to subdue this fire spirit beast?

But it obviously failed in the end.

But why has no one stepped into the magma after so many years.

There may be many reasons for this. First of all, the temperature of the magma is too high, and it will be burned to ashes when stepping into the Out-of-Aperture Realm. Even Lin Feng guessed that even a distracted man like Tianzhu Old Man could not withstand the terrifying high temperature.

As for the existence of Wang Fugui and other top-level fitness realms, Lin Feng couldn't guess.

But before Lin Feng could continue to think about it, the temperature in the empty cave suddenly soared in the next second.

The Fire Spirit Beast Mother stood up impressively. His body was originally flushed red like agate jade, but at this moment, colorful lights appeared instantly!

The five-element spiritual fire in Lin Feng's Qi Palace also instantly became active.

"Five Elements Spirit Fire?"

Lin Feng frowned, and spoke in surprise.

Almost at the same time, the Fire Spirit Beast was also stunned for a moment:


It actually sensed the breath of the fire in Lin Feng's body, and the next second its expression became solemn:

"Are you the door opener?"

Hearing this, Lin Feng was stunned.

What does the door opener have to do with him?

Could it be that these nine kinds of fire are gathered together, and what is synthesized is a key?

The key to what door?

Before Lin Feng came back to his senses, the Fire Spirit Beast, which was obviously ready to attack Lin Feng, actually restrained its aura. He sat back on the throne again, and murmured:

"Let's go. We finally waited for someone to open the door. I don't want to kill him now. I don't want to wait for the next one. It's the same with them. Let's go, wait until you are strong enough, we will wait for you!"

This is too much information.

The mention of the person who opened the door made Lin Feng puzzled. What are the others now?

That's right, this is the Five Elements Spirit Fire Beast, so there are eight more, corresponding to the other eight different fires?

But Lin Feng still didn't understand what was going on?

Why are these eight fire spirit beasts waiting for him?

Let yourself challenge them to conquer them?

And get the key? What door to open?

But at this moment, the fire spirit beast sat back, and even the roaring low-level fire spirit beasts died down.

Now it was Lin Feng who quit, his eyes widened, and his momentum exploded in an instant:

"You can't wait? I can't wait either~www.readwn.com~ Just do it now!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Feng's figure returned to human form in the blink of an eye, and a hundred and eight thousand dharmas appeared when he raised his hand, followed by the five thunder rectification method, the great five elements sword formation, the fairy art of transforming wind, and the golden light spell...

At this moment, he used all kinds of trump cards one by one, and shot at the fire spirit beast mother without holding back.

He sensed clearly that this fire spirit beast mother beast was in the early stage of the fifth rank, close to the breath of the middle stage.

Moreover, it is composed of extremely pure five-element spiritual fire firepower, so naturally it cannot be taken lightly.

So when Lin Feng made a move, he used all his strength.

But with Lin Feng's attack, the fire spirit beast that Lin Feng was not allowed to deal with turned into a ball of flames, and his divine thoughts came out again:

"Aren't you a Foundation Establishment Realm?"


In the next second, a series of spiritual methods exploded, meeting the flames transformed by the fire spirit beast.

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