I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 320: Changes in the ancestral land of the five elements of the tribe

Not only did Lin Feng fully fire up and actively bombard the five-element fire spirit beast that had turned into a ball of flames, but the five-element spirit fire in the aura within his body instantly brightened, and he began to absorb the opponent's five-element spirit fire with all his strength.


There was a blasting sound, and a wave of attacks fell. The fifth-rank fire spirit beast was hit by Lin Feng, and its body exploded, turning into **** of flames and scattered in all directions.

But at the same place, the fire spirit beast actually had only a mass of colorful flames still burning.

This scene happened so fast that the battle was over before the fire spirit beasts around could react.

Of course, this blow was also Lin Feng's current limit, almost consuming all the spiritual power in his body.

However, the Five Elements Spirit Fire Seed has rapidly become more solidified, and even at this moment it is still frantically absorbing the scattered fire spirit power after the fire spirit beast was blown up.

Before Lin Feng came back to his senses, the next second, the colorful flames left behind by the fire spirit beast turned into a stream of light and came straight towards him in the blink of an eye.

Lin Feng's face changed, but in the next second, he forcibly resisted the urge to strike again.

Because he felt that the flame had no malice towards him.

Sure enough, in the next second, the flame approached Lin Feng with a squeak and slid directly into his Qi Palace.

In the blink of an eye, the flame was completely integrated into his five-element spiritual fire.


In an instant, the Five Elements Spirit Fire was blazing, and the kindling at this moment was officially completed.

Lin Feng could feel the horror of the flame.

In the past, the Five Elements Spirit Fire and the Great Sun Golden Flame can only be used as auxiliary means to harass the opponent.

Although the quality of this fire is very high, the quantity is not enough, it is only ignited.

After all, the power of the Five Elements Spirit Fire he absorbed in the ancestral land of the Five Elements Tribe was only enough to ignite the fire, not to the point where the fire had fully matured.

But now, the five-element spiritual fire seems to be completely mature, and this flame alone can almost burn to death an existence in the early stage of leaving the body.

In other words, the Five Elements Spirit Fire alone has the combat power of the initial stage of Leaving Aperture Realm.

And as the fire spirit beast or Zuo's flame merged into his fire seed, Lin Feng also got more information!

There is no need for him to continue to inquire at this moment, he has already made up his mind.

The magma under the entire Yanhuo Canyon is indeed connected.

The location he is now is actually deep at the bottom of the volcanic magma in the ancestral land of the Five Elements Tribe.

From where he is now, he can go straight up to the volcano, the ancestral land of the Five Elements Tribe.

And if you continue to walk along the magma, you can also reach the ancestral lands of the nine tribes and numerous volcanoes in the entire Yanhuo Canyon.

This is a huge underground magma vein.

In the end, the magma really all gathered in one place.

What exactly is that location? Lin Feng didn't get any specific information.

But he also knew that this was where he was going to open the door.

Maybe it's some kind of ancient cave, maybe it's some kind of secret realm, in short, the nine fire seeds are the key, if you gather all nine fire seeds, pass the test of nine fire spirit beasts, and successfully make the fire seeds mature, he can open the mysterious door .

At this moment, Lin Feng couldn't help murmuring:

"So, in the entire Yanhuo Canyon, the nine tribes are actually gatekeepers, waiting for the door opener to arrive?"

"And I'm the one who opened the door?"

"What kind of place is this door? What kind of crisis is waiting for me?"

Lin Feng's eyes flickered, and he was still unable to determine these.

But no matter who left it behind, and even created nine tribes to guard it, this is a big deal.

Also, what happened to the old man Tianzhu?

What is his purpose?

One thing Lin Feng had heard from Wang Fugui was that the Nine Great Tribes had always existed in the Yanhuo Canyon, and the duration of their existence was untestable.

But this big tribe has never been very strong, the strongest is the peak of the out-of-body state, and it seems that none of them can break through the out-of-body state.

The ancestor of the Great Sun Tribe is a good example. He cultivated the Fire Seed, but in the end he still stopped at the peak of the out-of-body state. He tried every means to strengthen the Fire Seed and break through distraction, but in the end he was almost assimilated into Fire Spirit Power.

In this way, the old man Tianzhu is a latecomer, and the so-called regulation of not being allowed to step into the Flame Canyon above the Aperture Realm may not have been formulated by Tianzhu, it may have always existed.

For a moment, Lin Feng's heart was extremely complicated.

Looking forward to continuing to gather the nine fires in the same way and opening the mysterious door after they are all ignited and matured, but also worried about the crisis at this door.

But now that he has reached this point, it is naturally impossible for him to give up.

In addition to getting the information he wanted, after merging the fire spirit beast mother into the fire seed, Lin Feng also found that he was able to control all the fire spirit beasts in this area.

It seems that as long as he has a thought, he can let these fire spirit beasts explode.

This mysterious feeling was as if he had turned into the king of these fire spirit beasts.

This is also normal, after all, now he can be regarded as replacing the previous king of the Five Elements Fire Spirit Beast.

In the next second, Lin Feng took a deep breath and sat cross-legged in the magma.

At this moment, he didn't even need to activate the Golden Light Magic Curse and other defenses to easily resist the terrifying high temperature of the magma.

Lin Feng who sat down just had a thought, and instantly there were colorful flames burning in the palm of his hand.

He is getting familiar with the way of using the Five Elements Spirit Fire.

At the same time, in the Five Elements Tribe, following the return of the eldest lady, Liu Shan, the leader of the Five Elements Tribe, also broke through the mid-term stage. The tribe is also guarded by the formation left by Lin Feng. Everyone in the tribe is extremely excited and is working hard to cultivate crazily.

//1057/ "Sword Comes"

The whole tribe is thriving.

But on this day, the temperature in the ancestral land dropped suddenly.

Liu Hong, who was originally practicing in closed-door training in the ancestral land, was the first to discover the abnormality.

The entire ancestral land was originally filled with the power of the Five Elements Spirit Fire, but it dissipated rapidly at this moment.

Liu Hong stood up with a terrified face, and before she could get close to the crater to check, a figure came quickly in the next second.

It was Liu Shan, the leader of the Five Elements Tribe.


Liu Hong yelled, Liu Shan nodded, and his face was equally solemn:

"The fire spirit power is rapidly weakening, and the large formation left by Lin Feng is about to dissipate. I'm afraid it will be troublesome now!"

"Fortunately, the ten out-of-body-level powerhouses of the Great Zhou Dynasty are guests of our Five Elements Tribe, and they are safe for the time being!"

Liu Shan naturally discovered the abnormality long ago.

At this moment, the spiritual power of the fire in the ancestral land dissipated too fast, and I am afraid that it will be completely dissipated in a short time.

After discovering this anomaly, he who was originally receiving the ten out-of-body state peak beings in the tribe had no choice but to abandon the guests and run to the ancestral land.

During this period of time, the entire Yanhuo Canyon was in chaos, and turmoil broke out everywhere.

The Five Elements Tribe is okay, because there is the formation left by Lin Feng, and Liu Shan himself has broken through the mid-term, and hooked up with the ten out-of-body realms of the Great Zhou. He even led a team to look for Lin Feng in the canyon. trace.

Unexpectedly, there was another problem with the ancestral land at this time.

Then ~www.readwn.com~ Liu Shan waved his hand:

"You go back to receive the strong men of Da Zhou first, I'll go down and have a look!"

Liu Hong nodded, and said:

"Father, be careful yourself!"

Liu Shan stepped into the crater of the ancestral land in a flash.

But Liu Shan, who had entered the inside of the volcano, changed his face again, and the fire spirit power in the entire volcano was dissipating rapidly.

He kept descending, and soon saw the magma at the bottom of the volcano. He didn't dare to approach the bottom of the volcano easily, but now he felt that it was not so dangerous.

Liu Shan hesitated for a moment, but finally gritted his teeth and fell into the magma.

With a bang, the magma surged up, and the high temperature hit, but Liu Shan actually held it with his defense.

But there was no joy on his face, instead he was full of worry, and he gritted his teeth again and drilled into the depths of the magma.

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