I became stronger in Pirate Fishing: Dragon Maid at the beginning

Chapter 98: Rocks' Terrifying Lineup! Five Elders Are Sweating! [Subscribe]

New World, Sphinx.

This is the hometown of the strongest man in the world.

It is also the headquarters of the Four Emperors Whitebeard Pirates.

At this moment.

Sphinx Coast.

The huge Smiling Whale Ship is quietly moored.

All over the deck, the Whitebeard members are in groups of two or three, and the uproarious discussions are endless.

"This year's newcomers... No, it's impolite to call them newcomers. The bounty configuration of the core members of the Air Force Group is enough to match the Emperor Group!"

The captain of the First Division, Phoenix Marco, nodded solemnly.

"This time, the bounty should not be filled by the World government with feet, but the result of the brain evaluation. It seems that the government is also scared this time!"

The captain of the Fifth Division, Flower Sword Vista, stroked his beard.

"This is also a matter of course. Who would not be scared? I thought it was a fat sheep that was overrated and attracted a large number of predators, but the hunter and prey switched positions!"

The captain of the Sixteenth Division, Izo, shook his head.

"Hahahaha, the alliance of more than a hundred pirate groups including the big boss of the Beasts and the star of the Big Mom Group... With this lineup, if Dad doesn't take action, even if the captains unite, they may not be able to destroy them all!" Blackbeard Teach, a veteran member of the second team, laughed and sighed. "It's not that it's not necessarily possible, but it's definitely impossible. At most, they can be defeated and it's almost impossible to destroy them all!" Diamond Joz, the captain of the third team, spoke up and admitted it frankly. The other captains did not refute this because it was the fact. "Dad, Dad" At this time, the new captain of the second team, Ace, came to the Four Emperors Whitebeard who was listening to his sons' nonsense while holding a large Den Den Mushi. "Dad, there is a strange Den Den Mushi signal that keeps interfering!" "Bring it here, Ace!" Whitebeard put down the wine pot. Looking at the characteristics of the caller shown by the Den Den Mushi. He had guessed the identity of the person on the other side. As expected. "Hahahahaha"

The moment the phone was connected, Jie's unruly laughter came.

"Kulala, old lion, you are not dead yet!"

Whitebeard laughed solemnly.

"You are still alive, how can I die? I said twenty years ago that I have the best plan!"

The legendary flying pirate Golden Lion Shiki grinned.


Naval Headquarters, Marineford.


The shrill alarm sounded through the sky, and it lasted for a long time.

The entire Naval Headquarters was at full speed and entered the first level of alert.

The follow-up of the Water City incident has just begun.

Now an unexpected super event has occurred again.

At this moment.

All the senior executives of Marine gathered in the conference room.

"Branniu, what's the situation now?"

Marshal Sengoku strode in with great momentum.

"Yes, report to the Marshal, just now, Golden Lion Shiki has one more contact, the world's strongest man, Four Emperors Whitebeard Edward Newgate, has also joined the call!"

The meeting king Brannew suppressed his inner fear and called for a report.


"What did you say... Even that Whitebeard........."

"First it was Ochoku, the overlord of Beehive Island, and then bigmom Charlotte Linlin........."

"After Kaido of the Beasts, even that Whitebeard actually got in touch with Golden Lion..."

"The flying pirate Golden Lion who disappeared for nearly 20 years, what does he want to do?"

Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel, Burning Mountain, Doberman and other elite Vice Admirals of the headquarters were all shocked.

At first, when Golden Lion Shiki contacted Ochoku, they were not too nervous.

They even wanted to find an opportunity to locate the source of the signal and strive to capture the Golden Lion who had disappeared for many years.

After that, the Four Emperors Big Mom Pirates connected with the Golden Lion, which made Marine a little nervous.

The joining of Four Emperors Kaido of the Beasts directly alarmed all the high-level officials of Naval Headquarters and put them on alert.

Until now, Whitebeard joined the call, and the high-level officials of Marine, led by Marshal Sengoku, felt numb.

"Three active Four Emperors, plus Ochoku, that bastard Golden Lion, do they really want to recreate the original Rocks Pirate?"

Marine Chief of Staff Vice Admiral Crane looked extremely ugly.

"Vice Admiral Crane, why do you say that? What is Rocks Pirate?"

New Vice Admiral Maynard asked puzzled.

"Everyone, please look here, this is a secret that has been buried in history... Four Emperors Whitebeard, Four Emperors Kaido of the Beasts, Four Emperors big mom Charlotte Linlin, big pirate Ochoku and Golden Lion Shiki, they were all members of Rocks Pirate before!"

Meeting King Brannew projected the prepared information onto the blackboard.


As soon as these words came out.

The whole audience was shocked.

Wan Guo, Totto Land.


"What did you say?"

"Is this true, Peros-brother!"

"Mom... our mom used to be in cahoots with that Golden Lion, Kaido of the Beasts and even Whitebeard!"

When they learned this unknown secret from Perospero, the ministers and cadres of the Big Mom Pirates were completely stunned on the spot.

Three of the Four Emperors, plus the flying overlord of the last era... the big men who ruled the sea had actually been on the same ship before. What a terrifying super lineup.

"Brother Katakuri, do you know about this too?"

Charlotte Brulee looked at the taciturn Charlotte Superman.

"Ah! That's right! This happened more than 30 years ago!"

Katakuri, who loves his sister, answered in a deep voice.

"Mmmmmm, reorganizing Rocks Pirate? Are you kidding me, Shiki, Rocks' era has long passed, and your era has also passed. What qualifications do you have to say such things now!" Four Emperors bigmom Charlotte Linlin laughed sarcastically. Wanokuni, Onigashima. "It's unbelievable!!!" "Hey, hey, hey, can anyone tell me, is this true?" "Captain Kaido and Golden Lion... and bigmom and them..." "Gathering so many kings, who on earth is that Rocks!" The pirates of the Beasts were also shocked. "Uh, lol, lol, it's really boring, Shiki, I will never forget the past. If I meet you, I will definitely kill you!" Four Emperors Kaido of the Beasts was murderous. New World, Sphinx. "Shiki, you bastard, did you contact me just to make me laugh? And you made me hear the voice of Kaido, that bastard kid. It's really disgusting, and the wine has become unpalatable!"


After saying this, Four Emperors Whitebeard was the first to hang up the Den Den Mushi and quit the contact.

Ace opened his mouth to ask.

"Shh, don't ask anything now, if you want to know anything, I can answer it!"

Marco pulled the curious Ace aside and began to tell the unknown past.

New World, Beehive Island.

'."Hahahaha, Whitebeard is still as bad-tempered as ever, I told you so long ago!"

The great pirate Ochoku drank a lot of wine, and laughed at the garden.

Grand Line, Sky Island.

"Hahahaha, what's the matter, we haven't seen each other for so many years, just treat it as a reminiscence!"

Golden Lion Shiki said nonchalantly.

"Then let's get back to the point. You all participated in the Water City incident, right? Linlin, Kaido, Ochoku, were humiliated by a rookie. "Don't you have anything to say or do?"

Holy Land, Mary should not.

The world's highest powers gathered in the meeting hall.

The huge room was playing the call signals intercepted by the wiretap Den Den Mushi.

After a long time, all the contact signals were hung up.

"As I said, the era of Rocks has been buried in history and will never reappear. There is no need to worry at all!"

Jupiter Five Elders Peter said calmly. Although he said so, he was actually sweating before the result appeared.

Only those who have experienced that era will know how terrifying the sea overlord Rocks is.

What a terrifying lineup Rocks Pirate has!!!

Especially in this era.

Three of the Four Emperors were members of the Rocks group.

If the three Four (Zhao Wanghao) emperors really come together, the balance of the sea will collapse in an instant.

The Four Emperors not only check and balance the Marine and Shichibukai, but also check and balance each other.

This is the root of the balance of the three major forces in the world.

The alliance between the Four Emperors and the Four Emperors is absolutely not allowed.

"Haha, Golden Lion Shiki, that guy, hid for twenty years and thought he could do something big, but he turned out to be just a clown!"

Venus Five Elders Nasu Shoulang sneered.

"It's wishful thinking to want to reorganize the Rocks group with that Golden Lion. Besides, there are grudges between the Four Emperors, especially Whitebeard and Kaido. The grudges between them are unsolvable!"

Mercury Five Elders Vochuli said.

"Well, but Golden Lion is not completely useless. At least he successfully provoked Kaido and bigmom. If we can get them to take action against the Air Force Group, we can completely reap the benefits... modified"

Mars Five Elders Makasmas said.

"Hehe, let that kid be proud for a while, after all, he will soon stop laughing. When I catch them, I will definitely make them all my experimental props!"

Saturn Five Elders Satan sneered sinisterly.

At this moment.

Water City, Carrera Company.

Rolin and his party are...


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