I became stronger in Pirate Fishing: Dragon Maid at the beginning

Chapter 99: Dragon Maid No. 2! Brainwashing Kalifa! Robin's Kindness! [Subscribe]

Water City.

Carrera Company, Dock No. 1.

A villa belonging to President Ace Bagu.

After a night of revelry, the villa was in a mess.


The girl's cry broke the silence of the villa.

"Everyone come and see, our new bounty is out so soon~"

Nami waved the bounty order in her hand, her face full of excitement.

"Hey, little Nami, have you changed your personality? Last time in Alabasta, you were not like this!"

Rowling laughed and teased.

When in Alabasta.

Suddenly learned that she was offered a bounty of 300 million Berry.

Nami's expression was desperate, and the excitement now was completely opposite.

"Wow, now is different from the past, I am no longer a little thief, but a lightning girl!"

Nami put her hands on her hips, her face full of pride and pride.

From despair to excitement, the root of the huge change before and after lies in the strength of the substitute.

"Also, Captain, I want to correct you. I am not small at all. If you don't believe me, you can come and touch it!"

Nami spoke word by word, holding her head high... and generously showing her thirty-six Tiga to Luo Lin.

Without waiting for Luo Lin to measure, Vivi trotted down the stairs.

"Nami~ Nami~ New bounty order, is it on me this time?"

Vivi asked curiously.

If it was before, it would be a great shame for her to be bountied as a princess, and it would also bring trouble to the country.

But now, Vivi's mentality has undergone a subtle change. The bounty represents the recognition of strength.

In addition, in the air force regiment where all members are bountied, if she is the only one who is not bountied, it will seem out of place.

"Wow, √ billion~ I actually have a bounty of 100 million~"

Looking at her bounty order, Vivi couldn't help but be surprised.

"Hehe, it's only 100 million, don't be so easily satisfied, Vivi!"

Nami patted her bestie's shoulder, intentionally or unintentionally showing her bounty of 660 million.

"Hey, Nami, you're so high............"

"Nami~ Nami~ Do I have a bounty too?"

Bonney trotted forward and asked.

"Of course, Bonney-chan, your bounty is now with your father!"

Nami pointed in the direction of the yard.

Not long after.

"Great~ Dad, I'm also a pirate with a bounty of 200 million. Oh, and your bounty is not much different from yours!"

Bonney's cheering came.

"Hehe, it's only 200 million, little Bonney, you're still far behind, look at me, your boss, this is 100 million, I said, even that big stupid elephant has 100 million "There's no reason why I don't have it!"

Shukaku, the teapot in the yard, proudly put his hands on his hips and laughed triumphantly.

"I'm the one with the lowest bounty!"

After seeing Kuina's 600 million, Robin's 900 million and Thor's 1.49 billion, Vivi couldn't help but hang her head and sighed softly,

"No, no, no, Vivi, you're not the lowest!"

Nami patted Vivi's beautiful back and comforted her.

At this moment.

Running Duck Kalu flapped his wings and asked with his eyes if he was there.


In the expectant eyes of Vivi and Kalu, Nami took out a bounty order.

Running Duck Kalu, bounty 50 Berry!!!

After a while, the master and servant squatted in the corner of the room and drew circles.

"It's finally you, Captain, you're asleep"

Nami took out the bounty order that was specially treasured in the Thirty-Six Tiga.

"Captain, your bounty has tripled directly, and it has reached 3 billion. Everyone says that you are now the fifth emperor of this sea~"

"The fifth emperor, that's it!"

Rolin smiled, but he didn't care much about whether he was the fifth emperor or not.

Compared to the title of the fifth emperor, Rolin wanted to get more big stuff.

"Gujiajiajia, you are really worthy of it, Su!"

Outside the French window, Blue Ogre Dorry laughed.

"This is the style of a big shot. The World government has hit a wall by provoking you, ga ba ba ba!"

Red Ghost Brogy echoed.

After a simple breakfast.

Rolin packed his equipment and was about to go to the location he had scouted two days ago to do business.

Just then, a crying girl's cry for help came.

"Mr. Rolin, help me~"

Vivi ran away and hid behind Rolin.

"Hey, Master~ Don't be so shy, let me get close to you, I like Xiangchun's soft Master the most~"

The long-legged beauty wearing a mask chased Vivi around the room in a coquettish voice.

"Mr. Luo Lin, I just gave her a dumpling, and she became dependent on me. By the way, is that Momotaro rice ball only effective for animals?"

Vivi looked weakly at Runti, the six-member cadre of the Beast Group, who was obsessed with her, and was really a little scared.

Since yesterday, Runti has been sticking to her and wants to get close to her.

At first, Vivi didn't resist much, because it's better to have more friends than enemies.

Until Runti followed her wherever she went.

Whether it was taking a bath, sleeping, or going to the toilet, Runti would follow her.

No matter how hard she chased her away, she wouldn't leave. But Runti was much stronger than her, and she couldn't do anything about her.

"It turns out that the effect of Momotaro rice balls is also effective for Zoan ability users. If I catch one next time, maybe I can give Kaido one...

Looking at the irritable and sharp-tongued iron-headed girl turning into a clingy kitten, Luo Lin stroked his chin and thought about it.

"Mr. Luo Lin, please, I just want to go to the toilet quietly by myself, and I don't want to be watched by others~"

Vivi cried with grievance.

"Well, since it's here, make the best of it. It's a good thing that Run likes you so much. You have to learn to adapt!"

Luo Lin smiled.

"I like Mr. Luo Lin too. In the future, Mr. Luo Lin, I will watch you go to the toilet, no... I will help you!

Vivi widened her beautiful eyes and said angrily.

"Ahem, forget it!"

Luo Lin coughed lightly.

Thinking that if Vivi really did this.

Other girls would definitely want to follow suit.

"Okay, I'll give you a tip. It's easy to solve Runti's clinginess problem. Isn't psychological control what you are best at now? Just brainwash her [enter new instructions and that's it!" Luo Lin said.

"That's right~"

Vivi's eyes lit up, and she quickly took out the 'remote control' from her pocket and pressed it twice at Runti.

"Runti, from now on, you are not allowed to call me master. If you can't help it, call Mr. Luo Lin. Momotaro Rice Ball originally belongs to Mr. Luo Lin... Or you can be the second maid on the ship and help Miss Thor... "

Luo Lin: "?"

It's broken!

Come for me!


Dinosaurs are also dragons!

Dragon Maid No. 2!

Sounds good!

Runti's problem has come to an end for the time being.

Rolin slapped his head and thought of another thing.

"Robin, you two come here, and bring Kalifa with you!"

Before setting off for the fishing business, the matter of that night is not to be dealt with.

Five minutes later.

All the relevant personnel came to the reception room of the villa.

Robin with the good face and Robin with the evil face sat on the single sofas on the left and right.

Each of them crossed their legs, and the two pairs of long legs in high silk and white silk (bgad) attracted attention.

Kalifa stood in front of Luo Lin, rubbing her long legs unconsciously, as if she was a little nervous.

This is also a matter of course, after all, she is now facing the fifth emperor of the sea!!!

The quiet atmosphere lasted for a long time, just when Kalifa was a little unable to stand steadily.

"Tell me, what did you do to this secretary?"

The good-faced Robin looked at the other self and pouted.

"Nothing, just fulfilling the dream of an innocent girl and making her a woman!"

The black-hearted Robin said nonchalantly.

"What? You, you, you...what did you do?"

The good-faced Robin widened his beautiful eyes and understood everything in an instant.

The other self 'took away the secretary Kalifa's precious first time.

And the other person who was designed was obviously Luo Lin.

Although he didn't know the specific process, Robin was sure that this was definitely the result of the design of the other self.

"It's okay, another Ni... Miss Robin, in fact, I was not forced, but voluntarily. When I saw Mr. Rowling on the news, I fell in love at first sight..." Miss Robin has fulfilled my dream. I am honored that my first partner is Mr. Rowling... I am also aware of my identity and will not ask Mr. Rowling to take any responsibility. It is enough to keep this memory in my heart!" Kalifa spoke freely and sincerely. The words were half true and half false. Falling in love at first sight and not caring about anything are naturally false. It is true that she feels fortunate that the first experience partner is Rowling. Of course, this is also the result of the black-bellied Robin's constant brainwashing. In short, the main purpose of her saying this is to get out of this quagmire. The fifth largest imperial group in the sea is not something that a small agent like her can provoke. Kalifa just wants to continue her undercover work in the Water City and no longer have anything to do with Rowling and his party. But... "Little Kalifa, I think you seem to have misunderstood something. We called you here today, not to discuss a peaceful breakup with you. Your body has been branded with the mark of my captain.

Do you plan to marry someone else in the future?"

Black-hearted Robin smiled 'kindly'.

"There are only two ways in front of you now, one is to join us, the other is to die, choose!"


Kalifa's pretty face suddenly turned pale as paper, staggering and falling to the ground.

"How can this be... This is too much, are you a devil?"

Good-faced Robin said injustice.

"Haha, if you knew her identity, you wouldn't say such a thing!"

Black-hearted Robin laughed.

"No matter what her identity is, you can't decide a person's fate without authorization, and Miss Kalifa is the secretary of Ace Bagu City........."

Good-faced Robin didn't finish his sermon.

"She is a member of the World government, a World government cp9 spy agent! She is carrying out a confidential undercover mission in the Water City! She was framed by me because she attacked me first. Is that too much?"

Black-hearted Robin asked back with a smile.

Robin with a kind face: "Ah?"

There was another long silence.

"Even if that's the case, we can't force her to stay, and you said she's a government employee. If she stays with us reluctantly, she might become a hidden danger in the future!" Robin with a kind face whispered.

"That's easy. I'll ask Thor or Vivi to help me brainwash her and let her stay voluntarily!" Robin with a black heart said casually.

Kalifa: "???"

Wash, wash, wash... brainwash?

Such a thing is said so casually.

Kalifa's body was cold and trembling from the inside out. She wanted to say something, but she couldn't say a word.

It seemed that a big hand controlled her fate in the dark, and there was no possibility of resistance.

"Then let's do it this way!" Luo Lin spoke calmly and agreed to Robin's proposal.

Since Kalifa is already his woman, he naturally can't leave it alone.

Besides, if the government finds out in the future and wants to use Kalifa to make a fuss, it will be a problem.

Soon, Thor took the distraught Kalifa to the adjacent room for brainwashing.

"Now, it's your turn!"

Lowrin looked at the black-bellied Robin. All these things were caused by her.

"If you do something wrong, you should be punished. Captain Rowling, don't worry about me, just punish her!"

Good-faced Robin said with a gloating look.

"You even cheat yourself. Are you really the kind me?"

Black-bellied Robin narrowed his eyes and raised a cunning arc at the corner of his mouth.

"In this case, don't blame me!"

The next second.

Half of the tiger talisman appeared in her guilty heart.

Black-bellied Robin pounced directly on the other self.

Accompanied by a burst of bright light flashing.

The two Robins merged into one.


The complete tiger talisman fell to the ground.

"So... I cheated myself?"

Luo Xin smiled bitterly.


Lowrin spread his hands and didn't say much.

"No choice, let's just leave it at that!"

Robin smiled.

Robin: "?"


It's really hot!!!

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