I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 195 Chapter 0190: Transforming humans and fighting slaves, Tianqing’s crisis [Please subscri

Chapter 195 Chapter 0190: Transforming humans and fighting slaves, Tianqing’s crisis [Please subscribe] [4.6K]

In order to maintain the pure mobility of K-0 power armor.

Rosen did not ask Li Qi to equip it with too many weapons.

There is no need to forcibly transform such an airborne mobile power armor into a firepower type.

After all, its body frame still uses the lightweight model of the T series.

The modified K-0 will become Rosen's backup power armor.

The firepower output includes the Abandoner, and the K-0 can be used for ambush sniping or mobile assault.

Because K-0 is a truly flying power armor.

The ion thruster allows it to easily reach a flight altitude of up to 15,000 meters.

That's the stratosphere, the layer of the atmosphere that's hotter above and colder below.

The visibility is good most of the day and the ultraviolet rays are strong, making it suitable for cruising.

Of course, when performing rapid descent from high altitude, the altitude must be controlled within 8,000 meters, otherwise it will be easy to fall into a steel pie.

The maximum flight speed of K-0 is approximately 800 kilometers per hour.

Basically similar to early jet aircraft.

The energy-saving cruising speed is 550 kilometers per hour.

The propulsion module uses independent power supply.

A 20CM diameter nuclear fusion core provides energy for the ion thruster.

The comprehensive flight endurance is more than 6 hours.

Without replacing the nuclear fusion core, the independent combat radius is approximately 2,000 kilometers.

The original design intention of this power armor is to drop it to a designated location in a non-sensitive area by high-altitude and rapid descent, and then carry out separate attacks in a small team state.

The main focus is the destruction of important enemy equipment and supplies.

At the same time, it can also provide accurate coordinate guidance for the bombing of space weapons and space carriers.

Because before the war, in addition to having energy shields that could withstand frontal attacks, countries had energy shields.

There are also means to cover or block high-altitude detection.

Even direct use of laser weapons or anti-satellite missiles.

Therefore, the effect of satellite reconnaissance is limited. At best, it can only generate a radar map of the area.

At this time, K-0 can serve as an excellent scout.

It just so happened that Rosen needed such a mobile powered armor.

Get rid of this delivery of power armor.

Rosen found Feeney boss Yuan Yewen.

The other party's efficiency is no worse than his.

When he came to the fortress hall of the Iron Tomb Camp, Yuan Yewen had already prepared everything.

10 T-30 power armors in good condition without any weapon modules, which are considered "bare metal" versions.

Two oval-shaped fission warheads with a yield of 10,000 tons use a small remotely controlled neutron source to make the core of the warhead reach a critical value to detonate.

There are also 6 type IV spider robots.

It can be remotely controlled by BP or teamed up on the intelligent combat platform framework.

Finally, there are 150 war slaves with indifferent expressions and mechanical transformation styles.

The above are only half of the materials and weapons promised by Yuan Yewen.

The remaining half, Rosen, must achieve first place in the E-class category in the competitive competition.

And he still had to replenish half a million dark crystals.

There were not so many weapons originally agreed upon by both parties.

So the five hundred thousand was well spent.

In order to upgrade the firepower of the renouncers and solve the problems of these T-30s and spider robots at the same time.

He has asked Otok to find a solution.

After promising tens of thousands of dark crystal benefits.

Ottok reluctantly agreed to use his past contacts in the Hangcheng United Control District to find ways to purchase a batch of 5KG electromagnetic guns, particle cannons for vehicles, 30mm cannons and energy shields.

Rosen originally wanted to find someone with golden ears, but after thinking about it he gave up the idea.

With Golden Ear's power in the Hangcheng United District, there must be a way to get this group of armed forces for him.

However, Rosen was still unwilling to entrust the purchase of weapons and equipment to them.

It's almost a Golden Ear tradition to trick people.

Even if the two parties have close cooperation in interests and are in the honeymoon period, Rosen still has to be on guard.

Golden Ear can help with some piecemeal material purchases.

But weapons are the lifeline of survival in a certain sense, so it is best not to let them handle them.

If you want to gain a foothold in the wasteland, you don't have to hunt wolves, but you can't live without a wolf gun.

The exchange between the two was brief.

After Lawson inspected the goods separately, Yuan Yewen sent people to load the trucks.

A concession pass was also given.

The gate post of the camp, including any knights of the Rage Group, were not qualified to check his supplies.

He is basically satisfied with these things.

Especially the two mushroom eggs, the more I look at them, the more I like them.

Who doesn't like the feeling of holding a murder weapon in hand?

The only thing that confused Rosen was the 150 war slaves.

It is different from the previous batch of slave troops from Luzhou.

There are obvious traces of mechanical transformation on these war slaves.

And the degree of transformation is very high.

Generally it exceeds 50%, which is a critical point.

More than 50% of them are transformed people, not pure human beings.

Before the war, such transformation would have been classified as an inhumane project and subject to legal sanctions.

But it didn't matter after the war.

All slaves wear only a pair of shorts.

They have an external mechanical keel on their backs, as well as on the sides of their arms and thighs.

The eyes are mechanical prosthetic eyes that glow with red light. They look extremely cold and devoid of any emotion.

In addition, the transformation is also reflected in some bones, muscle groups, and organs such as the heart and lungs.

Here comes the point.

The threshold for this kind of transformation is very high.

Not just any cat or dog can accomplish it.

Advanced biomechanical laboratories are needed, as well as expert academics specializing in both fields.

Especially this kind of mass transformation.

The combat power of the Cyborg is very strong, and its upper limit and potential are also not low.

Although things like mechanical prosthetics and prosthetic eyes are very common in the wasteland.

But modifications involving the spine, muscles and even internal organs are definitely rare.

It’s not that I’m unwilling or restricted by so-called scientific ethics.

But there are no such technical conditions at all.

If high-progress transformation is forcibly carried out, the cost and fatality rate will be much higher than taking high-end gene enhancement potions.

in a sense.

The value of the transformed people in front of me is even higher than that of ordinary war slaves.

Even the transformed people are divided into several levels of strength.

But the transformation speed of these war slaves is here, no matter how bad it is, it will not be weaker than E-level genetic enhancement.

Especially after moving the spine and heart and lungs.

The spine is the backbone and backbone of the human body.

Let’s not mention the significance of the neurological field for now, but its support for the body is irreplaceable.

The heart and lungs are the two most important organs of the human body after the brain.

The former is also called the "central organ" and is responsible for blood circulation.

Blood is the oil of the human body.

The latter is not only the most important respiratory organ, but also delivers oxygen into the blood to supply energy to the whole body.

It is also a regulatory organ that can secrete lysozyme, interferon, complement and other factors to provide non-specific humoral immune function.

In addition, it secretes immunoglobulins IgA, IgG, etc.

Secretory lgA, in particular, provides airway localized specific humoral immunity.

Finally, there are macrophages, cytotoxic T lymphocytes and neutrophils in the lungs that form the cellular immune system, which can phagocytose and deal with pathogens.

The strengthening of these two major organs, to use an appropriate metaphor, is equivalent to replacing a fuel-burning locomotive with a high-horsepower engine and air intake system.

The reinforcement produced is immediate.

Can easily burst out more powerful human body potential.

Moreover, the effect of mechanical transformation is somewhat more crude than that of traditional biological enhancement.

"These war slaves don't look simple."

"Which settlement is so generous as to use the army of transformed people?"

"There really is a large army of modified humans, and their combat power cannot be underestimated."

Rosen crossed his arms in front of him and said to Yuan Yewen intentionally or unintentionally.

At this time, Yuan Yewen was holding a suitcase containing 50 source crystals.

He didn't expect that this kid was really a wealthy guy.

Five hundred thousand dark crystals, given without blinking an eye.

Hearing Rosen's words, he whispered in a slightly cautious tone.

"They come from an organization that is obscure but terrifyingly powerful."

This answer sounds somewhat pretentious.

But Rosen guessed the truth based on this.

"You mean Noah?"

He said bluntly.

Since Noah's people had appeared in the Iron Grave Camp and offered an olive branch to Li Barley.

Then it is normal that the Oil Machine Rampage, a group of punks who pursue nothingness, would interact with them.

Hearing this, Yuan Yewen was stunned.

"You know Noah?"

He seemed surprised.

Rosen glanced at him with a smile and asked in a casual tone.

"What's wrong?"

"Is it possible that it's rare to know about Noah?"

"That's not..."

"But Noah's organization rarely interacts with survivor forces."

"Our gang is an exception."

"Occasionally, I help those fanatical bionic transformation scholars deal with some surface matters."

“Because we come and go like the wind.”

Yuan Yewen explained, but he did not go into too much detail.


"I'm afraid these modified humans can't use the slave chip, right?"

Rosen did not ask further questions, but nodded casually.

This question made Yuan Yewen reveal an enigmatic smile.

"How can it be such an inconvenience to transform people?"

"Their organs and spines were implanted with control programs when they were modified."

"Even if you don't say it, I still have to warn you."

"The small black box that was given to you during the handover just now contains the physical key to their highest control authority."

After that, Yuan Yewen took the initiative to prompt.

Rosen dug into the storage bag and found a small box.

After opening it, a round key the size of a walnut was placed inside.

The workmanship of the key is exquisite.

It is carved with a large ship sailing on the waves.

And there was a planet on board.

Rosen remembered that this was indeed Noah's emblem.

"Somewhat famous."

He was thinking about it in his mind, but didn't say much on the surface.

These transformed humans were probably Noah's random creations, and were given to the Outrageous Group as payment.

Yuan Yewen brought it to him again.

This forms a perfect consumption chain.

Confirmed again the details of various types of weapons.

Rosen then said goodbye and left.

The goods have been loaded onto the truck, escorted by more than twenty Bosozoku knights.

The modified motorcycle roared and galloped in the wasteland, sometimes raising its head and jumping up, sometimes lowering its head and accelerating.

He sat in the lead car without any trace of his old self. One of the attendants in charge of driving was always distracted and looked at him with curious eyes.

"Damn bastard!"

"Drive your car well."

"Haven't you seen the handsome boy from the wasteland?"

"Be careful, I'll take off your eyeballs and stuff them into your nostrils!"

Speak harsh words to rough people.

Rosen followed the Romans, and it worked.

When he spoke, the guard turned his head obediently.

In this guy's eyes, Rosen is definitely an out-and-out little boss of the wasteland.

After returning to the camp, after unloading and conducting a second inspection, the Bosozoku left without hesitation.

With these 10 T-30 power armors and 6 type IV spider robots joining the camp.

Currently, the total number of powered armors under Rosen's command exceeds 30!

19 T-21, 10 T-30.

There are also K-0 and Abandoned for his own use.

Among them, the six spider robots can be used as "spider tanks" after modification.

It was absolutely impossible to deal with those magically modified vehicles of Huanyu Trading at that time.

The newly arrived power armor and spider robot Rosen are not ready to be transformed by Li Qi.

Because Li Qi’s [Steel Gear Workshop] is located in the Iron Tomb Camp and is too small.

With the warehouse prepared in advance, I can pick up items several times without any problem.

If it happens too often, it will definitely cause unnecessary trouble.

Careful people will also pay attention to the work in the [Steel Gear Workshop] to infer something.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, it is better not to send a large number of powered armors for transformation in a big way for the time being.

He planned to take time out to deal with Li Qi's commission in the next stage.

Untie her heart knot as soon as possible and let her directly join the territory and follow you.

With these premises and considerations.

So he was going to send these power armors and spider robots to Black Town.

It just so happened that after Otok had obtained powerful vehicle weapons and energy shields, they could be transported to Black Town.

Moreover, Black Town has a strong foundation in mechanical transformation.

If Ottok comes forward in person, there won't be many hidden dangers.

Of the remaining 400,000 dark crystals from this transaction, he planned to pay another 250,000 to Ottok.

Including the cost of the batch of weapons he was about to get from Hangzhou, he was still in debt, but he didn't owe much anymore.

In order to solve this problem, he took a war slave and drove a half-track truck loaded with alcohol and cans to the Golden Sunshine neighborhood.

First, I met Ottok.

Then head to the Old Oriental Market.

Someone completed the commission and provided an installation drawing of the Dongxing 4 helium-deuterium fusion unit, which is enough for reference.

Then he went to a store in the neighborhood that specialized in mutant plant improvement.

A batch of modified grain and vegetable seeds were taken here.

These seeds can be stored in [Consciousness Space], and then the [Time Travel] will not be erased.

Finally, he contacted Yin Jiachang, a businessman from Jiangning.

The two parties conducted the transaction in a ruins somewhere outside the block.

We are very satisfied with each other.

Before leaving, Rosen gave him a new commission, or a transaction.

That is to find a way to help him continue to inquire about the East Bay Nuclear Power Plant from Jiangning or Liangang.

There are also helium-deuterium fuel rods.

There must be fuel rod storage facilities around nuclear power plants.

To prevent accidents, reserves will not be built in cities.

Mostly underground in the suburbs.

He asked Yin Jiachang to inquire about the relevant situation.

If he could acquire the finished product, he would be willing to pay a high price for it.

Anyway, this guy will be back in October.

Contrary to the Golden Sunshine Street, Jiangning is not a suitable place to spend summer.

After finishing this matter, he used a half-track truck to drag the birds on a small flatbed trailer and headed back directly to the camp.

The supplies previously entrusted to Commissioner No. 7 to purchase were delivered during the morning transaction.

Now everything is in order.

Just settle down those transformed human slaves.

The next stage is before the problems in the Athletic Conference and the Golden Sunshine District completely erupt.

Rosen planned to put his focus on the Bahuang Realm for the time being.

Use this to further absorb extraordinary nutrients.

At the same time, when he took the time to cross borders these days.

News came from the Qinghong Club.

The foreigners recently launched an attack on Guangdong Province, sending 77 ships, more than 24,000 officers and soldiers, and thousands of demons to capture the Humen Fort.

There are many big demons among them, as well as a vampire marquis.

At the same time, the Pearl River entrance to the sea was blocked.

There is a big attempt to go up the river and approach Guangcheng Mansion.

The foreigners in the major concessions were ready to move, and many fleets were wandering around.

It seems that there are plans to continue heading north along the coast!

In addition, the Tianping rebel army received funding, and the fierce flames suddenly increased.

The new first army "Chu Army" commanded by Chen and Zuo suffered heavy losses in Hunan Province.

The northwest and western regions are equally restless.

Aguba and the Bai Yanhu of Central Asia are invading the Western Regions with the support of the Rakshasa people.

The former is called the "Zhedeshar Khanate" and has great intentions and ambitions to occupy most of the Western Region.

There is a hidden phenomenon of green chaos emerging in the two major gateway provinces of Shaanxi and Gansu.

Although the disaster has not yet officially broken out, more than a dozen memorials have been reported.

Deng Yanzhen, the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu at the time, paid special attention to the local current situation and discovered some signs in advance.

The entire Tianqing situation suddenly became filled with internal and external troubles.

[The fictional background of the Eight Desolate Realms, if there is any similarity, then it is the same]

[The chronological order and characters of some similar historical events have been replaced. They do not represent official history, do not make historical debates or historical insinuations, do not represent any views or private life, and are only for the plot of the book]

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