I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 196 Chapter 0191: The prototype of the Corps, returning to Bahuang and the magical green liq

These situations were reported to him one after another by Zhang Zhenyu recently.

Ever since I got involved with the Qinghong Society.

The intelligence network of Zhang's martial arts school has been expanded.

When Rosen has taken care of things in the wasteland, he plans to launch [Time Travel] with several modified T-21 power armors, as well as various required equipment and materials.

His recent focus will be on the Eight Wastelands, but that doesn't mean he won't have time to return to the wasteland.

In fact, Rosen shuttles between the two worlds quite frequently.

You can come back as soon as you have some free time.

Under the current situation where the general trend is stable, it doesn't matter if he leaves for several days in a row.

The slaves in the camp and the newly arrived weapons and equipment are enough to form a very considerable combat effectiveness.

Speaking of which, I really have to thank the Universal Business Alliance.

If it weren't for Shen Hengtu's stimulation, Rosen really wouldn't have such a strong desire to expand his troops.

But if you fall behind, you will be beaten.

Truth only lies within the range of artillery fire.

Taking chances and slowing down is not an option.

Rosen is also constantly learning about this aspect.

Based on the performance in the last battle, he promoted two deputies from the war slaves.

One is a middle-aged man named Wang Xuwen, a typical Bashu man.

Dark skin, thick eyebrows and wide eyes.

There are obvious burn marks on the right side of the face.

The uneven scar growth made him look slightly ferocious.

Wang Xuwen is not tall in stature, but his will to fight is very tenacious.

He is even more meticulous when performing tasks.

Before the war, he was a soldier of the Luzhou Detachment of the Pan-Asian Joint Mobile Armed Police Corps.

Ordered to assist in the defense of Luzhou City.

And before the great destruction broke out, they started street fighting with the Air Force Special Service Team of the Covenant Community in the city.

At that time, the special service team intended to blow up the Southwest Quantum Computing Center in Luzhou.

The outcome of the final battle is unknown.

Because not long after the two sides fought, a terrible full-scale conflict occurred.

Nuclear bombs, orbital weapons, meteorological weapons and other trump cards are attacking like crazy.

The scene was devastating.

After the war, Wang Xuwen teamed up with several surviving comrades and barely survived the most chaotic two years.

Later he joined the Changlongjiang Shipyard and became a soldier of the consortium.

Until he became a war slave and became Rosen's subordinate.

At that time, he was temporarily appointed as the platoon leader when he was conquering Shelter B074.

The other is a young female warrior named Elena Landis.

She is a rare female soldier among this group of slave soldiers from Luzhou.

She has a tattoo of a snake holding a rose on her neck.

Born in the second year of the Great Destruction, he is only 17 years old this year.

But the figure is extremely mature.

There are several eye-catching scars on his face, and his expression is always ruffian.

Even though she was forced to become a slave, her eyes still shone with unruly light.

His father was an Air Force Special Forces member of the Covenant Community. He died in a fight over food shortly after he was born.

The mother is an ordinary survivor in Luzhou.

Her life experience can only be described as bitter.

When I was in my early 10s, my mother died of illness.

She began to hang out in the underworld of the base city.

Hanging out with those gangster rats all day long.

When he was 12 years old, he started to make money by accepting customers.

In order to survive, she had few choices.

When she was 14 years old, she was spotted by a powerful female warrior from the wasteland and became her personal follower.

Travel through the wasteland and learn various combat techniques.

The following year, the female warrior died during a hunting activity.

Elena Landis was lucky to save her life.

But there were a few scars on her originally pretty face.

She did not undergo medical cosmetic repair methods, but retained those unsightly scars.

It can be seen that the death of the female warrior had a great impact on her.

After returning to the Luzhou base city, Elena chose to join the Changlongjiang Shipyard, which was recruiting soldiers at the time, and became a relatively rare female soldier.

He also became cold and determined.

If you want to entrust them with important tasks, you must understand their past.

Every survivor in the wasteland has their own story and experience.

From these experiences, you can roughly see a person's personality characteristics.

All the war slaves in the camp were reorganized.

Following the model of Golden Sunshine, two legions were formed.

They are the Survey Corps, which is responsible for external strategy, and the Thorn Shield Corps, which is responsible for local garrison and security.

Counting the slaves Rosen bought from free heaven.

The current total population of the camp is approaching the 1,100 mark.

The proportion of combat slaves is close to half.

Mainly the Luzhou war slaves given by Golden Ear, the transformed human war slaves from the Iron Tomb Camp, the 60 war slaves specially purchased from Free Heaven, and a dozen ordinary war slaves previously selected.

Follow Rosen's strategy.

The two legions will first be distributed according to the 50-50 distribution principle.

Wang Xuwen and Elena Landis will each select their talents under the coordination of Ahao.

Some of the T-21 powered armors that have been transformed into firepower and support types will be taken to the Eight Desolate Realms, and the rest will be left to the Thorn Shield Legion.

Those T-30 power armors will also undergo similar treatment.

But that will mostly be left to the Survey Corps.

Functional distinction is inevitable.

Rosen does not plan to continue to expand his army for some time in the future.

When Yuan Yewen delivers the remaining transformed human slaves, the total strength of the camp will exceed 550 people.

This population ratio is very inconsistent.

Even in the current state of militarism in major settlements.

Nor did the number of professional soldiers usually exceed one-tenth of the resident population.

But it doesn't matter in the short term.

At present, the stalls in the camp are still relatively small, and with Rosen's ability, it is easy to support them.

Regarding the issue of the proportion of soldiers, it can be slowly adjusted in the subsequent development.

After initially forming two large corps, he was completely relieved.

Rosen only took away four of the first batch of nine modified T-21 power armors.

Suitable pilots will be quickly selected for the other five aircraft to be fielded.

This is not a difficult thing.

The war slaves from Luzhou generally received courses in the operation and practical combat of power armor.

And those who transformed people were even more almighty.

Basically, general training has reached level C or above.

This kind of military strength is enough to dominate the region.

Take care of these things.

He left the camp early the next morning.

I randomly found a place in the ruins that looked more reliable and performed [Time Travel].

Jinmen, inside the training ground of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

Zhang Zhenyu is practicing Kung Fu sweating profusely.

There are hundreds of martial artists practicing in the same field.

This teaching ground occupies a large area and is divided into different areas.

Whether it is pile kung fu, light kung fu, or fists and kicks, weapons can be used in their respective zones.

In the body-tempering and strength-training area, there are also iron instruments cast according to Rosen's opinions.

Includes barbells, dumbbells and kettlebells.

This kind of fitness equipment that can increase weight according to demand quickly replaced the traditional stone locks and stone balls.

If you look around, you can see more than a dozen warriors exercising with one arm holding a barbell weighing hundreds of kilograms.

Rosen put on a neat black training uniform, Zhang Yuening stood beside him, and the two were talking quietly.

"Senior Brother Zhenyu seems to be about to officially enter the bone-strengthening realm."

"The progress is indeed not too slow."

He looked at Zhang Zhenyu's graceful figure in the distance and asked proactively.

Zhang Yuening smiled and nodded.

"That last step has already wasted a lot of effort."

"On the contrary, Asen, your progress is really scary."

"I thought it would take some time for the bottleneck between body tempering and tendon reshaping to break away."

"I didn't expect you to enter Yijin without saying a word."

"In just a few months, I have transformed from an ordinary person with no martial arts skills to a martial artist. My brother and I are really ashamed."

She spoke in a gentle tone, becoming more mature after this period of time.

Today's Rosen is in the Yijin realm like her, but the progress is different.

"I just had another adventure."

"Now that we have entered the Yijin Realm, it's almost time to practice martial arts."

"Just improving my physical fitness can no longer bring me much help."

Rosen looked at Zhang Zhenyu in the distance and waved the long sword in his hand with three feet of silver light, and he couldn't help but yearn for it.

After mastering martial arts, he has the ability to fight aliens with his hands even without wearing an exoskeleton.

Physical fitness is only the foundation, martial arts is the real essence.

"It's natural."

Zhang Yuening nodded slightly, his beautiful eyes flashing, not knowing what he was thinking.

"By the way, Senior Sister Yuening."

"When Senior Brother Zhenyu finishes his training, you and he come to see me in the quiet room in the inner hall."

"I have a great opportunity for you."

Rosen suddenly said in a mysterious tone.

This made Zhang Yuening raise her pretty eyebrows and ask curiously.

"Asen, what is the opportunity?"

Rosen had no intention of hiding this.

Instead, he answered bluntly.

"An opportunity to improve your martial arts talent."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Yuening was stunned, and she subconsciously held Rosen's arm.

He got a little closer again and spoke in a lowered voice.


"Hey, can we still have a holiday?"

"The reason why my martial arts talent is stronger than yours is because of this opportunity."

"And it can further temper your body."

As his agent in the Bahuang Realm.

The Zhang brothers and sisters are no longer strong enough.

In order for his plan to proceed normally, it is necessary to increase his strength.

Anyway, Rosen will be able to inject the D-level gene enhancement drug in two months.

Zhang Yuening looked expectantly and looked at Rosen with stars in her eyes.

Women have more or less strong thinking.

This is particularly prominent in Tianqing, which was still in the feudal dynasty era.

With Rosen's strong performance, it is impossible to say that Zhang Yuening is not tempted.

It's a pity that when he was in the Bahuang Realm, Luo seemed to be very ascetic.

He behaves very indifferently towards the relationship between men and women.

Out of her daughter's reserve, she didn't show too much initiative.

But Zhang Zhenyu saw his sister's thoughts.

I was thinking about finding an opportunity to explore Rosen's voice.

It would be even better if we could get married.

Rosen actually noticed it.

But he didn't respond, let alone take the initiative to tease.

Zhang Yuening is a girl with a lively temperament, not a bit mature and steady.

Even though he has made some progress recently, he is still far from the ideal type in Rosen's mind.

He likes sensible and strong women.

That's why he developed a fondness for Li Qi who lived alone in the Iron Tomb Camp.

He didn't want to bother with this kind of thing.

To be honest, with his current situation, whether it is the Eight Wastelands or the Wasteland World.

It is not difficult to want a woman.

As long as he hooked his fingers, a lot of women would come to his door clean and clean.

This is not empty talk.

Including in the camp, he can favor Xiao Yunli and her daughter at any time.

After having enough choices, he became more Buddhist.

After chatting for a while again, Rosen said goodbye to Zhang Yuening for the time being and went to the quiet room in the inner hall alone.

It will take at least one or two hours for Zhang Zhenyu to practice.

During this period, he prepared to pack up the recent spoils.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon in the quiet room.

He took out three green round crystals and a hexagonal purple crystal from the [Consciousness Space].

The former is as big as a melon and comes from the monster-headed trees in the B-074 shelter.

It contains a surge of life essence.

When he touched it with his body, he could clearly feel the extremely strong vitality.

The latter is only the size of a thumb cap, and when you release your spiritual thoughts, you can feel the mysterious response produced by the purple liquid contained within.

From a two-headed ghoul that can command its kind.

The corpse ghost possesses alienated mental power and can do something similar to the transformation of spiritual thoughts into reality.

Crystals are basically condensed from the essence of power.

For example, the dark crystals in corpses and aliens.

Judging from Rosen's observations, these crystals must have some tricks up their sleeves.

He first picked up a green crystal and held it in his palm for a closer look.

Try to slowly penetrate it with spiritual thoughts.

It was found that the outer shell was extremely difficult to be penetrated by spiritual thoughts, but it was much better than the lead plate.

After spending some time, I successfully extended my spiritual thoughts.

When I probed into the crystal body, I found that the inside was not a solid but a very viscous liquid.

Squinting his eyes, he took out a basin-shaped glass container and placed it underneath.

Then he held a high-frequency cutting saber and slowly cut a hole in the crystal.

It took half a minute to open a gap.

After turning the crystal upside down, the viscous liquid inside slowly flows out like asphalt.

After pouring it all out, only the translucent shell was left in the hand.

Rosen squinted his eyes, vaguely guessing at the purpose of the green liquid.

They are very pure, as if they have been refined repeatedly.

He stretched out his arm and without saying a word, made a large wound with his cutting saber.

Then he dipped his fingers into a small amount of green liquid and applied it to the wound.

An amazing scene appeared.

The wound healed visibly, and it returned to its original state in just the blink of an eye, without leaving even a scar.

Then he opened another wound.

This time I took a small amount and drank it directly.

It tastes like wheatgrass juice, slightly sweet, and is dissolved as soon as it enters the stomach.

The wound shows a tendency to recover again, but it is not as fast as external application.

It took about five or six minutes to fully recover.

"Healing elixir?"

Rosen's eyes lit up.

This green liquid can save lives at critical moments!

It is the key to maintaining vigorous vitality of those plants.

Thanks to [Witty Second Uncle] for casting 4 monthly votes

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