I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 200 Chapter 0195: Fight as long as they want [Please subscribe] [42K]

Chapter 200 Chapter 0195: Fight as long as they want [Please subscribe] [4.2K]

The girl was scolded before she could finish her sentence.

"Be careful what you say."

"Don't talk nonsense about Lafayette!"

This made her pout.

"I know, daddy..."

The man with a graceful face sighed slightly.

Look out the window again.

This time he set his sights on the direction of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

"Shuya, change into some decent clothes later."

"You are a professed Shuofuge. How can you manipulate those men all day long?"

"Come with me to the Iron Man Martial Arts Association later to explore the truth."

"I know, Dad."

The girl named Shuya stood up, performed a squatting salute and left.

The middle-aged man sat in his original position, staring at the white jade teacup on the table without saying a word for a long time.

It took about a cup of tea before he came back to his senses.

With a tap on his wrist, a muscular warrior from outside the customs suddenly walked out of the shadow behind him.

"Let Ertu bring a group of veterans from the pass to accompany me."

"I want to see how good the private training of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association is."

"If the other party really has a firm intention to oppose foreign countries, you can try to win over and support them."

The samurai lowered his head slightly and answered in a solemn and deep voice.


Then the figure became faint for a while, gradually calming down like rippling water ripples, until it disappeared.

At the same time, in the secret room of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

Rosen and Zhang Zhenyu sat opposite each other.

Zhang Yuening was sitting next to him, looking at Rosen's profile with admiration.

The former's expression remained calm, while the latter's expression was slightly uneasy.

"Asen, listen to the ghostly Marquis Bastian."

"I'm afraid this battle must be fought..."

Fighting is no child's play. Although Zhang Zhenyu is not afraid, he will inevitably feel a little nervous.

In fact, the fear of strong ships and guns has always been buried deep in his heart.

Once upon a time, his father Zhang Yuntian, a great martial artist at the sixth level of martial arts, who was considered invincible in his mind, died under the bombardment of naval guns and the attack of demons.

In comparison, Rosen, who was accustomed to heavy firepower offensives, seemed relatively calm.

Compared with the wasteland technology, the naval guns on the English side can only be regarded as primitive.

Whether it is heavy artillery battleships like the Dauntless, or battlecruisers like the Scarlet Warrior and Black Prince, their firepower, speed, armor, displacement and other indicators have great advantages when facing the Tianqing Navy.

But Rosen could easily think of a hundred and eighty ways to deal with them.

When it comes to firepower and protection, the pride of foreign monsters is not worth mentioning.

"Then fight them."

"Fight them as long as they want!"

"Fight until complete victory!"

"Monsters are all ambitious, and war is the inevitable trend."

"This is the national policy of England and other ghost countries. How can it be changed by our little Iron Man Martial Arts Association?"

Rosen's tone was very calm, but for some reason, Zhang Zhenyu always felt that there was an inexplicable sense of majesty about him.

These words also dispelled the fear buried in his heart.


"Fuck you monster!"

He immediately slapped the table, stood up and responded excitedly.

Rosen then smiled with satisfaction.

It is true that Zhang Zhenyu is a good old man, and "teaming up" with him actually has advantages and disadvantages.

The good thing is that he is obedient enough, will not expand at will, and is willing to always trust Rosen.

The downside is that he can't stand alone in many aspects.

Rosen still needs to come and train him occasionally.

This is not a big problem, it just shows that Zhang Zhenyu lacks experience.

If you spend a period of time crawling around in the wasteland, you should be able to become an experienced person.

When Zhang Yuening heard this, little stars appeared in her eyes.

"Just take this opportunity to update your equipment."

Rosen said seriously.

He immediately stood up and took a few steps back.

He raised his hand and took out two modified T-21 power armors.

The modification plan for these two power armors is [Lagging Center Defender·Scavenger].

The overall firepower is more supportive than suppressive.

The right arm is a "Magic Tongue" wheeled missile launcher. The missiles used are standard armor-piercing bombs, and they can also be equipped with high-explosive bombs.

The maximum range is 30 kilometers and requires auxiliary guidance from a drone or other equipment.

The projectile length of the magic tongue is 0.65 meters and the diameter is 23 centimeters.

When hit from the front at a 45° angle, it can penetrate 500 mm of C-shaped homogeneous steel.

If this standard is placed in the Bahuang Realm, even the strongest armored ships of the foreigners will have to be punched with big holes.

The ammunition reserve is 9×2, with a total of 18 rounds.

The wheel-type magazine will make the entire right arm very bloated.

The left arm is the beloved Shenguang-2 generation beam energy particle cannon.

On his right shoulder is an electromagnetic sniper gun that fires 1.25KG mass bullets.

Due to the characteristics of electromagnetic weapons, its theoretical range can reach more than ten kilometers.

But the hit rate is not guaranteed.

After all, it involves issues of spherical curvature and horizontal occlusion.

With the intelligent sighting system, it can achieve 16x zoom and partial locking capabilities.

The theoretical rate of fire can reach 9 seconds per shot.

The power of a single shot is much higher than that of a 0.85KG mass bullet.

The left shoulder is equipped with a "Little Golden Crow" plasma cannon.

It can launch plasma the size of billiard balls, with a theoretical range of only 300 meters.

The power cannot be underestimated.

Basically nothing can block the instantaneous heat comparable to that of the sun.

Even if it is an energy shield, its energy strength will decrease rapidly when bombarded by plasma weapons.

If it weren't for the rapid dissipation of plasma, plasma weapons would be invincible.

Using Magic Tongue missiles, coupled with small and medium-sized reconnaissance drones, you can take the lead in attacking foreign warships from a distance of thirty kilometers.

The Dauntless's 460mm heavy gun can theoretically hit 30 kilometers away.

But the accuracy of artillery shells is completely incomparable with guided missiles.

The attacks from the other side were all artillery salvos.

It's considered shooting with faith. No matter whether it hits or misses, the 460mm shell will make a big hole when it explodes.

During naval battles, there are also specialized destroyers and gunboats for coordinated operations.

If you use missiles to kill accurately, it will definitely be a crushing advantage.

The battleship's armor was indeed harder compared to the same period, but it was not comparable to the various types of homogeneous steel in the wasteland.

Rosen gave a brief introduction.

Zhang Yuening and Zhang Zhenyu already have some knowledge about weapons.

But when he saw the power armor, he was still so surprised that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear.

"This...this, this, this..."

Seeing the expressions of the two brothers and sisters, Rosen couldn't help but smile.

At this time, Zhang Yuening took his arm.

"Brother Sen, is this the origin of Iron Man?"

She thought of the name Iron Man Martial Arts Club.

To the locals in Tianqing, isn't power armor just like a large Iron Man?

Rosen smiled and said nothing.

This is actually not the largest model.

In his memory, before the war, there were several models of extra-heavy powered armor that were more than ten meters tall.

It's just not very common and is a special model.

For example, extraterrestrial exploration type and deep space type used for Mars and the moon.

There are also some mining types.

On the battlefield, large powered armor is very rare.

Because of its low practicality, it is easily targeted by concentrated fire.

Coupled with the high cost.

After the size is increased, the strength and standards of each component must also be increased accordingly.

The combat capability of a large aircraft on the battlefield is not as good as that of a conventional power armor squad.

“Weaponization is the way to go.”

"Although extraordinary martial arts is good, the growth cycle is too long."

"If you want to have enough frontal combat power in a short period of time, you must rely on advanced weapons and equipment."

Rosen looked serious.

"Here's the operations manual."

"Yue Ning, you and Senior Brother Zhenyu should get used to each other in the past few days."

"In addition, I will prepare 200 saboteur rifles in the next few days and give priority to the soldiers in the Iron Man Corps who are more serious about training."

"The rest still use Iron Man's modified bolt-action rifle."

"Polymer body armor can also be released first. It is best to let everyone adapt to fighting in body armor first."

He warned again and handed over a thin pamphlet.

Inside is a simplified version of the power armor operating manual translated in Tianqing's words.

Over in the wasteland, one of the two small experimental quantum computers has been assembled.

With more people in the camp, many talent vacancies have been filled.

Rosen found an information hacker with a C+ level, scanned and packaged Tianqing's text in advance, and then asked the information hacker to create a system to replace the operating language of the power armor.

The systems of these two T-21s were replaced with Tianqing script.

This will greatly reduce the difficulty for the Zhang brothers and sisters to get started.

Regarding the installation of wasteland equipment in the Eight Wastelands, it must be done step by step.

Under this premise, the Zhang family brothers and sisters are definitely pioneers.

Now the two parties can be regarded as even closer, and the foundation of trust is much deeper than before.

Zhang Zhenyu fumbled with the T-21's shell with the expanded armor plate on it with a loving look on his face.

This armor piece is tailor-made for the Eight Desolate Realms.

After receiving a certain amount of impact, the armor pieces will expand.

It's not as violent as the reaction of explosive armor, and it can offset the impact very well.

Very effective at resisting kinetic damage.

Even if the foreigners' breech-loaded rifled cannon hits directly, it will not be able to cause much damage to the modified T-21.

"Asen, about the secret room of talismans left behind by my father..."

"Tell me whether you want to turn it on or not."

Zhang Zhenyu supported the power armor with one hand and asked Rosen another question hesitantly.

This question left him speechless.

"Open, why not open."

"That's the legacy left by your father."

"Maybe there are clues to Gu Yue's tomb in it."

He shook his head and said matter-of-factly.

Since it was left by Zhang Yuntian, it must be opened.

"But Li Jingmin..."

Zhang Zhenyu murmured his concerns.

Speaking of Li Jingmin, he was the first to hunt down the Zhang brothers and sisters.

Later, he even shamelessly came to show his kindness.

Relying on the high level of martial arts, he is somewhat confident.

"That guy is easy to deal with."

"Let Qinghonghui take action."

"It's nothing more than something golden."

"No need to worry at all."

Rosen was a little helpless, Zhang Zhenyu's temperament was indeed too soft.

He looked stunned and nodded quickly.

This made Zhang Zhenyu admire Rosen even more.

It seems like I can learn something new with him every time.

Then, under the guidance of Rosen.

The two test-drove the T-21 power armor one after another.

It's just that in the secret room, I can't let go.

Just as the three of them continued to discuss some details.

Outside of the martial arts meeting, new visitors arrived.

It was actually Prince Kang who came to visit with Shuofu Gege.

There wasn't much pomp and circumstance, just more than a dozen new soldiers with tall and straight postures behind them.

Rosen could only interrupt the teaching and let Zhang Zhenyu prepare to receive him.

He had to follow him on the spot to see what Prince Kang's visit was all about.

At this moment.

Concession area, inside the Yingjili New Guild Hall.

The demons of the Eight-Nation Alliance sat on the large round table.


Marquis Bastian slammed the table.

"The damn Iron Man Martial Arts Association is so arrogant!"

"This group of Tianqing people have very tough backbones. Only by completely breaking their national destiny and breaking their backbones can they be conquered."

"But the person behind the Iron Man Martial Arts Association has power comparable to the sun..."

After hearing its words, sitting next to it was a full-moon werewolf wearing the uniform of a Prussian general.

"Humph, you guys seem to have discovered something interesting."

"It's a union in name, but it's actually hiding it from us."

The relationship between Hank Country and England is not very harmonious.

There was a lot of fighting in other places.

Even in order to suppress England, Hank State even sold warships to Tianqing's four major navies.

However, this does not prevent them from cooperating with each other in targeting Tianqing.

External strategies are often so complex and contradictory.

"Major General Oak von Ludendorff."

"For technical matters, your Excellency can advise the Emperor of your country and ask the Full Moon Research Society and the English Science Society to cooperate."

"This matter is not within your or my authority, so I'm sorry that I cannot discuss it with you."

Marquis Bastian refused unceremoniously.

After what happened that night, demons from all sides knew that the attacker used a powerful mysterious weapon.

But regarding this technology, currently only the English Academy of Sciences has researched it.

Other kingdoms don't even have the slightest clue.

In order to find out the news, each of them sent many academic spies to the British island.

In fact, England only has some superficial knowledge.

There are still many difficulties in quickly weaponizing this technology.

To be honest, the Academy of Sciences is also considering whether to cooperate with other demon empires.

But until a decision is made, the matter remains confidential.

The most important task of their coalition forces is to plan a shocking strategic offensive.

That is to attack Kyoto with thunderous force.

To strengthen the momentum of the Tianping Army, and at the same time take the opportunity to plunder wealth.

Bohai Bay, especially Gukou, is the best way to invade Kyoto by sea.

As long as everything goes well, they are sure to get in within a few days.

At present, Tianqing is experiencing internal and external troubles, and wars are raging.

Most of the elites were sent abroad to fight.

Even if we need to send back reinforcements, we won't be able to catch up in a short while.

After hearing Marquis Bastian's words, the full-moon werewolf said nothing more and just grinned ferociously.


"Okay, let's get down to business."

It stretched out its furry paws and poked the Tianqing map on the table.

"Even if the Iron Man Martial Arts Association has mastered the mysterious weapon, its size is too small after all."

"At that time, we will first use the fleets of all countries to bombard Jinmen together, and then leave a group of soldiers to attract the attention of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association and the Jinmen government."

"Then let most of them go straight to Kyoto."

"Be quick, accurate and ruthless!"

The Full Moon Werewolves are quite good at war strategies.

Marquis Bastian narrowed his eyes.

"Better be more cautious."

"Let the Tianping Army secretly send some martial arts and god-refining masters to come here day and night."

“The delay can then be assisted.”

"The Iron Man Martial Arts Association always makes me feel uneasy..."

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