I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 201 Chapter 0196: Blank check, first mover strategy [Please subscribe]

Marquis Bastian's words silenced the other demons.

Including a major general named Oak von Ludendorff of Hank.

It has been dealing with Bastian for several years, so it knows that this old rival will never show such fear for no reason.

After ten seconds of silence.

Feitou Man and Lun Rudao, the representatives of the Yingzhou Demon sitting on the other side, took the initiative to ask for a fight.

"Your Excellency, please be sure to let the Yingzhou Navy be the vanguard in this battle!"

"His Majesty the Emperor has taken the lead in cutting back on food and clothing in recent years, and has devoted all his efforts to developing the navy!"

"Now the comprehensive strength of the Yingzhou Navy has already fully caught up with the Beiyang Navy!"

Feitouman, who was wearing a Yingzhou military cap, said with a proud expression.

The same is true for the chakra next to it.

When talking about His Majesty the Emperor, the two monsters showed reverence and enthusiasm.

It turned out that Tianqing had put in a lot of hard work when establishing the Beiyang Navy.

Among them, the main battleship has a displacement of up to 7,000 tons.

During the same period, the Yingzhou Navy had just started, and its battleships had a displacement of less than 5,000 tons.

At that time, the Beiyang Navy was said to be ranked first in Central Continent and eighth in Bahuang in terms of naval strength.

It surpassed the Yingzhou fleet in size, which made the Yingzhou demons at that time envious and jealous.

This incident seriously stimulated Yingzhou to catch up and began to expand its fleet frantically.

Originally, Yingzhou Navy funding accounted for 10% of the national budget. Two years later, the military budget proportion soared to more than 40%.

In order to purchase warships, Yingzhou issued a large number of naval bonds and also called on citizens to donate money and materials for the construction of the fleet.

Even the emperor himself used royal funds to support the navy.

It is no exaggeration to say that he took the lead in saving money and food.

On the other hand, the Beiyang Fleet actually stopped developing after it began to take shape.

For seven years, no additional ships were added.

You must know that this is an era that is changing with each passing day, and new gaps will open up every year.

And when Tianqing and Yingzhou were at war with each other.

To raise funds for Lafayette's birthday banquet, the Household Department stopped purchasing arms for two years.

In the minds of the decision-makers at the time, the Beiyang Fleet was enough to look after homes and homes.

Those ships are already sufficient, there is no need to buy any more.

The other three navies could only rely on setting up industries to raise funds on their own, but their development was also very difficult.

The second is the issue of training and logistics.

The daily maintenance and training of the naval fleet are a huge expense.

But even the coal used in the Beiyang Fleet's boilers and turbines was of the lowest quality.

When it burns, not only does black smoke billow, but even the speed of the ship is greatly affected.

The artillery shells still use backward solid sand bullets.

During the same period, those demonic powers all switched to explosive grenades, and Yingzhou even adopted new explosive bombs.

In contrast, the Tianqing Navy's artillery shells could not be updated because the Ministry of Revenue had siphoned off funds.

They could only order the Jinmen Machinery Bureau to imitate it.

However, due to substandard technology, the reliability of the imitation shells is very low.

These situations are all under the control of Yingzhou.

In today's Tianqing, which demonic power has sent the most spies.

It must be Yingzhou.

Its tentacles have even reached the court.

He knows everything about Tianqing.

Therefore, taking this opportunity, these two demons representing Yingzhou took the initiative to challenge.

This was used to increase the bargaining chips for Tianqing.

Seeing that the Yingzhou Demon is so active, Marquis Bastian is happy to see this happen.

So he nodded in agreement.

"Well, the task of blocking the Beiyang Navy will be left to your country's fleet."

"Currently, the ships of the Beiyang Navy are mainly patrolling from Weihai to the mouth of the Datong River."

Marquis Bastian felt slightly relieved and took out a metal wine bottle from his arms.

After unscrewing the lid of the pot, he poured a mouthful of bright red and viscous blood wine into his mouth.

This matter still requires coordination among multiple parties to finalize the final tactics.

But it will take a few days at most to reach a conclusion.

The flying head man obviously had something in mind, he shook his erratic head and said.

"The Yingzhou Navy has been reorganized into a combined fleet."

"We will attack Goguryeo in the near future!"

"Tianqing will definitely not sit idly by."

"And the only ones who can escort the reinforcements are the Beiyang Navy..."

As he spoke, Feitouman lowered his voice.

The other demons narrowed their eyes in unison, with a hint of wariness rising in their hearts.

Anyone can hear Yingzhou's ambition.

This small island country covets Tianqing far more than they do.


"Then let's finalize the specific date for the joint action of all parties..."

"This matter requires coordination with multiple military departments."

After Marquis Bastian pondered for a moment, he took the initiative to make a decision.

The demons present nodded in agreement.

In the matter of plundering Tianqing, their interests are completely consistent.

Jinmen is a training ground belonging to the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

Prince Kang was walking on the circular cinder track with Shuofuge.

He looked intently at the new barbells and bodyweight fitness facilities such as single and parallel bars.

Behind him were more than a dozen serious-looking new troops following step by step.

Zhang Zhenyu walked further ahead, serving as both a guide and a host.

Rosen and Zhang Yuening followed him.

There is an innate master secretly following the prince.

His concealment technique is so clever that neither his mind nor his senses can detect him.

But it couldn't stand up to the life radio detection system that Rosen had deployed earlier.

The guy didn't wander around, but waited within ten feet of Prince Kang.

It can be seen that his main duty is to protect the prince.

"President Zhang, it seems that Iron Man Martial Arts will have expert guidance."

"This kind of Western-style training method is not common in our land of Central Continent."

"And there are many novel things that I have never seen before."

Prince Kang smiled warmly and pointed at the bomb craters and foxholes not far away.

There are also several new trenches and shooting positions used for demonstration.

As a prince, he didn't put on any airs and seemed quite approachable.

Shuofuge maintained a dignified smile and did not speak during the whole process.

But her smart eyes still proved that she was very interested in this place.

Regarding Prince Kang's words, Zhang Zhenyu showed an awe-inspiring expression. He first bowed his hands and bowed, and then replied in a solemn tone.

"There are no masters in the Iron Man Martial Arts Association, only a group of passionate warriors who are determined to rebel against foreign countries."

"Xiaomin is just carrying out the legacy of his fathers."

When Zhang Zhenyu said these words, he looked particularly upright.

Prince Kang looked at him thoughtfully, but did not question or refute.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows what the recent situation of the Zhang Family Martial Arts School, or the Iron Man Martial Arts Association, represents.

Abundant gold and silver wealth, and generous "recruitment".

There are also frequent contacts with the Qinghong Association.

Combined with various previous rumors, one can guess the intentions of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

If you say that there are many big moves without the support of experts, no one will believe it.

But as long as the Iron Man Martial Arts Association is a staunch anti-foreign faction, Prince Kang will not say much.

You must know that the temples in Tianqing are indeed rotten and rotten.

But there are also people with lofty ideals.

If not, how could it have lasted so long.

Among them, Prince Kang is considered to be the more aggressive one among the martial arts faction.

It advocates following the example of Western military science and carrying out comprehensive and thorough restructuring.

However, there is great resistance to this matter, and the current Tianqing is still dominated by Green Camp and Yong Camp.

The new army performed well, but in the end they were only in the minority.

The only good news is that the warrior's perception and physical strength are far superior to ordinary people.

Whether holding a gun or operating a cannon, you can quickly master it.

Therefore, the new seventh army he trained this time has only been training for less than two months and is about to go to the battlefield.

While in Jinmen, news from all over the country came together, making him understand that the foreigners would make big moves in the near future.

The southern province of Guangdong has long been at war.

Just thinking about it gave him a headache.

Therefore, after hearing Zhang Zhenyu's words, Prince Kang just nodded in agreement.

"Master Zhang Da is the pioneer of anti-foreign affairs in Tianjin, which is indeed admirable."

"It's a pity that at that time..."

Prince Kang continued and lowered his eyes with a sigh.

"As long as we can drive away the foreigners, my father's spirit in heaven will be happy."

"My lord, you are the founder of Tianqing's new army. I wonder if you have any advice for the training ground of the martial arts association?"

Zhang Zhenyu asked proactively.

This made Prince Kang couldn't help but take another look at him.

Unlike those old-schoolers, he had been exposed to new trends in the West very early.

I know what is the difference between Tianqing and those foreign monsters.

Therefore, there are not so many old-school airs, and speaking and doing things are more direct.

"The training ground of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association is not much better than the military academy I saw when Hank was studying abroad. It is just smaller in scale and can only train hundreds of sergeants at the same time."

"It would be better if it were bigger."

These words are a statement.

Rosen basically knew what was going on.

So he secretly sent a message to Zhang Zhenyu to invite Prince Kang into his room for tea.

"Your Majesty is so complimentary."

"If you don't mind, would you and Princess go to the front hall to have a cup of tea?"

Zhang Zhenyu is a reckless warrior, so he naturally doesn't understand royal etiquette.

But it doesn't matter, Prince Kang himself has no shortage of dealings with civilians.

There are also many warriors who speak vulgarly.

In comparison, Zhang Zhenyu can be considered gentle.

But he saw Prince Kang smiling and waving his hand.


"I just had a few cups of tea in the afternoon."

"I will keep the story short."

"The Iron Man Martial Arts Association's anti-foreign aspirations coincide with this king's."

"Developing new types of armaments and teams is the way out."

"So I plan to form the Iron Man Martial Arts Association into a new eighth army."

"Your school official title corresponds to the fifth rank of guard."

"Of course, this is a new military rank and will only be implemented within the new army for the time being."

Prince Kang started to think about recruiting.

In addition to visiting the training ground, he also watched the training of the Iron Man Corps.

In less than ten days, initial discipline and teamwork have been developed.

This he appreciated very much.

Hearing this, Zhang Zhenyu shook his head and refused.

"The purpose of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association is not to build an army."

Rosen had actually anticipated this situation.

Prince Kang and those foreign monsters came here, and they definitely couldn't just come here to chat and visit.

Joining the new army is not a wise choice.

The current New Army's position in Tianqing is very embarrassing.

At the stage where it is difficult to get off the tiger.

In order to prove the combat effectiveness of the new army, and thus comprehensively promote the new army.

Prince Kang basically had to do hard work.

After joining the establishment, many decisions of the Iron Man Martial Arts Club were made out of their own control.

Therefore, I would rather emphasize the loose nature of the martial arts association and truly cultivate private soldiers.

Rosen also does not plan to officially join the New Army.

When the time comes, if you give random instructions, it won't matter if you go, or if you don't go, it won't matter.

What's more, what Prince Kang issued was a blank check.

He was actually given a new military rank.

However, the new title has not been officially promoted and recognized, so there is no point in taking it out.

It is said that it is an official position that can match the standard of fifth-grade defense.

But in fact, those local guards did not recognize the new title at all.

Seeing this, Prince Kang didn't say anything more, he just smiled gently.

On the contrary, Shuofuge's red lips parted slightly, as if she had something to say.

But in the end I endured it.

"This matter is caused by my suddenness."

"Then I'll say goodbye. I wish you all good luck in martial arts."

After saying a few words, Prince Kang and his people left decisively.

After seeing off Prince Kang and his party.

The three of them reunited in the secret room.

Zhang Zhenyu wiped the sweat from his forehead with a sweat towel.

Then he looked at Rosen.

"Asen, what should we do next?"

Rosen has already thought about this issue.

He squinted his eyes and answered word for word.

"Prepare for war, prepare for war, prepare for war."

"We may be targeted by demons."

"It's better to strike first."

"Tomorrow and night, completely destroy the concession area and the Gu whistle point."

"It's best to throw those demonic high-ranking officials into one pot."

"At the same time, destroy the deep-water port of Tianjin, and all the warships cruising around must not be spared."

"We can't control other places for the time being."

"But in Tianjin, we can still take strong action."

Rosen's courage exceeded Zhang Zhenyu's imagination.

It made his body tremble uncontrollably.

"This...so fast?"

"Fast? I still think it's too slow."

"Senior Brother Zhenyu, there is no point in delaying."

"Since the hostility of the demons has been fully demonstrated, why should we fight with them honestly?"

Rosen tapped his finger on the table.

Having seen the cruelty of the wasteland, he has never been indecisive.

Our own side is full of martial virtue. If we don't take action now, how can we wait?

Ignore places that are too far away

But with Jinmen as the midpoint, the entire Bohai Bay is theoretically within his strike range.

Because he has a bird flying machine.

And many powerful weapons from the wasteland gave him the confidence to form an army by himself.

Then the most beneficial result is to strike first.

As for the last move?


Even if the Iron Man Warriors choose to attack later, the foreign monsters will still not let them go.

Fight, must fight.

The only way is to turn Jinmen into a flesh-and-blood purgatory for foreign monsters, and let them beat them until their noses are bruised and their faces are swollen.

Only in this way can the demon be truly frightened.

Clear out a pure land in troubled times.

It’s okay not to mention Prince Kang’s affairs.

It would be more beneficial to have more contact with the Qinghong Society.

Rosen Shenping hates guys who write bad checks.

As a visitor from another world, he would not be kidnapped morally by Tianqing.

Seeing Rosen's attitude is so determined.

Zhang Zhenyu gritted his teeth.

"Then do it!"

[I went out drinking today, so the update is a little late, please forgive me]

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