I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 205 Chapter 0200: The second mini-nuclear bomb, blasting to the ground [Please subscribe]

From the perspective of observation below, the sky and the earth seem to be divided into two parts.

The upper part was still covered in thick darkness.

But the lower part is a blazing and dazzling light.

Two completely different scenes appeared at the same time.

At this moment, the world became extremely quiet.

Light is the messenger of danger and destruction.

Following the light, the ground exploded into a growing and glowing fireball.

The shock wave reflected from the ground and returned to the fireball, deforming the fireball into a "steamed bun" shape with a round top and a flat bottom.

Finally, plumes of dust and smoke rise from the ground and bloom hundreds of meters high.

From a distance, it looks like fungi popping up after the spring rain.

This is the so-called mushroom cloud, the embodiment of explosion and destruction.

The shock wave below still did not end, and after continuing to spread, the ground continued to make loud "rumbling" sounds.

Under the influence of the shock wave, ring-shaped dust rippled around the periphery.

The high temperature and high pressure inside replaces thermal radiation and becomes the driving force for the nuclear fireball to continue to rise.

The turbulent airflow made the flight postures of Rosen and the Eye of the Sky become unstable.

After the engine boost, he got rid of the disturbance area and flew higher into the sky.

The two vortex engines on the side of the celestial eye, which was shaped like a square box, increased its power and assumed a sideways movement. It drifted like fallen leaves in the wind for a while before regaining stability.

"The second point has been marked, Senior Brother Zhenyu is here for you!"

Rosen's K-0 power armor did not continue to take off, but remained at its original height.

He decisively issued new instructions, and a dark filter automatically appeared on the armored visor.

Zhang Yuening and Zhang Zhenyu were each equipped with a mini nuclear bomb version of the Magic Tongue missile.

So there is no need for any preparation, Zhang Zhenyu can launch at any time.

The second marker point was also imported into the Demon Tongue's guidance system.

Fool-like operation, almost no threshold.

After receiving the instruction, Zhang Zhenyu confirmed the launch without any hesitation.

Another magic tongue shot towards the sentry point below.

This time the target was a warehouse some distance from the fort.

There is also an entrance to the underground space with a sloping roof nearby.

It's probably somewhere like a laboratory.

The damage effect of small-yield nuclear bombs on such underground bunkers is not very good.

But it doesn't matter, Rosen and the others can choose to go down and clean up.

The Gu Whistle Point occupies a large area and can be regarded as a nail that foreigners have laid in Tianjin.

Worth their time.

Anyway, apart from the sentry point, the only remaining target tonight is the Blood Spirit fleet cruising in the Bohai Bay.

Even if the fleet wanted to run away, it couldn't escape immediately.

The speed constraints are there.

And as a hybrid ironclad.

At night or when not cruising, the boiler is kept at low pressure most of the time.

If you want to run at full speed, you have to spend at least one or two hours of preparation time.

What's more, the Blood Spirit Fleet's flagship's full speed is only 14 knots.

Whether it is a bird aircraft or K-0 power armor, it can be easily caught.

Time is the measure of justice.

At least that's the case at this moment.

Rosen is not the only one who needs to race against time.

If the foreign demon wants to react, he also has to race against time.

But no matter how the demons fight, the decline is already doomed.

The second Magic Tongue missile detonated in a few seconds.

It was only then that the light of the first wave of mini-nuclear explosions within the Gu Whistle Point subsided slightly.

However, the blast heart is still too bright to look directly at.

Through the filter of the battle helmet, the heart of the explosion appears gray.

After the new Mysterious Nuclear Bomb was detonated by the Demonic Tongue, a second ball of light appeared.

The same fierceness, the same brightness.

If it can be hit by two mini-nuclear bombs in a row, the demon's whistle point is considered dead.

"The birds lowered their altitude to 4,000 meters."

"After the nuclear fireball dissipates, use the electromagnetic sniper cannon to attack the shore defense cannons and scattered facilities."

Rosen appeared in the call channel, accompanied by some electromagnetic noise.

Although the two brothers and sisters of the Zhang family were able to quickly get started with the wasteland armed forces under his guidance.

But when it comes to actual combat, Rosen still has to personally control the overall situation.

Xiaowei No. 1, who is responsible for piloting the bird drone, is also directly connected to him and can receive commands in real time.

Due to the electromagnetic pulse generated by the nuclear explosion below, communications were slightly disrupted.

However, the three powered armors and bird aircraft have all been enhanced against EMP.

The impact is less when you are in the air.

Radiation seems to be good for warriors.

But this situation lacks verification.

Rosen could not guarantee whether warriors would undergo uncontrollable changes if they continued to receive large amounts of radiation.

Any conclusion drawn must be rigorously verified.

Especially when it comes to yourself.

When the bird aircraft descends to the specified height.

The light below has finally dissipated.

Darkness failed to regain the territory.

As the high-temperature and high-pressure environment disappeared, air refilled the ruins, and orange flames ignited everywhere.

The carbonized combustibles burn blazingly at the residual high temperature.

Electromagnetic sniper cannons fired one after another.

Even Rosen was connected to the sniper gun sighting device and began to accurately snipe the remaining facilities in the sentry point and the demonic foreign soldiers that barely survived on the outside.

The 1.25KG mass bomb is shaped like a large water droplet.

The kinetic energy that bursts out after landing is huge.

Coupled with the head-to-head nature of the tungsten core, when encountering armored targets and coastal defense artillery, it is basically one shot at a time.

The three of them swept down below at the same time, each firing at a rate of nine seconds.

That works out to 20 rounds per minute.

After a few more minutes of this, all the valuable facilities and targets in the Gu whistle point were destroyed.

As for the survivors, there were not many, and even fewer could escape.

Rosen's K-0 does not have much armament. In addition to the electromagnetic sniper cannon, it also has four smart flying bombs, which is not suitable for frontal combat.

But it doesn't matter, in his [Consciousness Space], he also carries a renouncer with powerful medium and short-range firepower.

After choosing a suitable landing point, he prepared the bird aircraft for landing.

Now that they are all here, there is no reason not to clear out the sentry points.

Nowadays, all the ground facilities in the sentinel point have been almost destroyed, but the underground bunkers still exist.

Needless to say, Rosen also knew that this must be another secret testing ground.

Previously, the underground laboratory of the Concession Hall was just a small Kalami.

The underground testing ground here should be the big fish.

In fact, the whole process from the attack to now has not lasted more than a quarter of an hour.

In terms of efficiency, it is already very fast.

After all, Rosen was so prepared for this trip that only three people came.

The Bahuang Realm still lacks available manpower.

The Iron Man Martial Arts Association has just been formed.

We can't directly and aggressively arrange power armor for outsiders.

But if the thirty young people who went to the port area to carry out the blasting mission tonight performed well.

Rosen could consider distributing Z2 exoskeletons to them first.

A confidant must be cultivated gradually, and it is difficult to achieve it overnight.

But under this premise, it is still necessary to recruit as many soldiers as possible.

As the staff base grows, it will become easier to cultivate confidants.

The development of Bahuang Realm still has a long way to go.

Rosen's current strength is highlighted by the extremely powerful wasteland weapons.

There is a big generational difference between him and the foreign monsters.

In local confrontations, Rosen is almost always victorious.

There is nothing that cannot be solved by one nuclear bomb. If there is, then use another one.

But looking at the overall situation, Rosen is alone.

The development of the Bahuang Realm still has a long way to go.

What was lacking was no longer the foundation, but his personal force.

It is still necessary to improve martial arts and refine gods as soon as possible.

Make sure there is ballast in both realms.

Thoughts were swirling in his mind, but Rosen didn't say much.

The bird drone successfully landed outside the sentinel point.

Xiaowei 1, who was responsible for driving, took off again to an altitude of about 1,000 meters and was on standby.

Rosen disarmed and replaced him with the Forsaken.

The Zhang brothers and sisters do not need to make any additional preparations.

After being released from the fixed state, the Shenguang-2 generation particle cannon on the left robotic arm can be used again.

Paired with the Little Golden Crow Plasma Cannon, close combat is also very violent.

Not to mention those who renounce the world.

Whether it is electromagnetic rapid-fire cannons or laser launchers, they are all prepared to quickly harvest enemies.

"Brother Yuening, Zhenyu, please follow me closely."

"There may be call interference later."

"Don't panic, just follow me!"

Rosen warned repeatedly, took out the vibrating saber and held it in his hand for later use.

Immediately, he activated the bipedal sliding system and headed towards the hot inside of the sentinel point.

The power armor issues a prompt for a sudden increase in ambient temperature and radiation values.

The temperature at the core of the explosion is cooling rapidly, but there is still a residual temperature of several hundred degrees Celsius.

For power armor, this temperature is nothing. After the refrigeration system is activated, the driver can always remain in a comfortable state.

The three metal figures rushed into the area where the air was distorted by the heat wave without hesitation.

There are almost no survivors within the killing range of a nuclear blast.

All that can be seen are carbonized corpses.

When approaching the core area, not even the carbonized corpses could be seen.

There was only the ash shadow with the silhouette of a human body against the ruins.

There was no time to observe the condition of the ruins, so Rosen led the two brothers and sisters straight to the entrance of the bunker.

A lot of construction debris pushed by the shock wave accumulated on the slope-like passage.

Rosen quickly deployed several remote-controlled bombs.

Directly blast to clear the way.

When facing the seemingly solid metal gate with huge rivets.

The three of them fired particle cannons at the same time.

Half of the metal door was melted away.

The foreign soldiers inside deployed a defensive line.

The moment the door was broken open, three water-cooled sleeve machine guns opened fire.

"Da da da da da..."

Bullets were fired one after another.

They collide on the surface of the power armor, and even the expansion effect of the armor pieces cannot be triggered.

The difference between a spear and a shield is really too big.

Zhang Zhenyu immediately fired a Little Golden Crow Plasma Cannon.

The dense plasma stirred up the arc and flew towards the position slowly but really quickly.

After hitting it, it turned into a plasma ball, swallowing up everything around it.

After the extreme heat, only a pile of ashes remained.

Even the sleeve machine gun turned into orange molten iron.

The three of them entered the underground bunker one after another.

Near the entrance is a hall where cars can be parked.

After eliminating the machine gun position blocking the front entrance.

On the left and right sides, there was a headless horseman holding a two-handed heavy sword and charging fiercely.

They are two meters tall.

We are almost approaching the height of power armor.

There are five bloody lines on the remaining necks of these headless horsemen.

It proved that they were all fifth-level monsters, and their targets were Yunzang-level warriors.

Compared with vampires, the Headless Horseman lacks a lot of fancy magic.

On the contrary, it is closer to the Tianqing warrior, whose main focus is to produce miracles with great strength.

The powerful and heavy sword was shrouded in a pitch-black light, and it indeed had a somewhat powerful posture.

This thing is called fighting spirit among demons.

It is also subdivided into one and two stages of fighting power.

The three of them did not choose to resist forcefully, and the sliding system suddenly activated and rushed forward.

Quickly changed his position.

The heavy swords of the two headless horsemen missed the target and struck the ground hard. The concrete floor there cracked open, leaving a gap three fingers wide.

The upper part of the sword was inserted diagonally into the ground.

The Headless Horseman struggled to pull out his giant sword.

Oncoming were two unreasonable plasma cannons.

One of the headless horsemen was hit by plasma before he could swing his giant sword into a round shape.

Together with the outer rune armor, a big hole was melted out in an instant.

All that was left was the limbs falling to the ground.

The other Headless Horseman's reaction was much faster.

It rounded the sword wheel, its fighting spirit was released, and its whole body seemed to be ignited with black flames.

All five levels of fighting power are activated!

The double-edged giant sword in his hand slashed hard at the plasma.

Then suddenly stirred.

The giant sword was 1.8 meters long, and in this case it actually dispersed the plasma mass.

Of course, the upper half of its great sword was also melted and damaged.

This scene made Rosen secretly gasp.

It is feasible to use violent means to force the plasma to escape.

After all, the biggest factor affecting the range of plasma is the spontaneous escape caused by its instability.

But actually seeing this scene was a bit shocking.

This is a very risky move.

The headless horseman also seemed to be going crazy.

He threw away the remaining sword with his backhand, took out the metal belt from his waist and pounced again.

Rosen shook his head sternly, and the electromagnetic rapid-fire cannon on his shoulder had already fired.

The 0.85KG mass bullet hit the chest directly.

A dark light flashed on the surface of the rune armor, which seemed to be slightly resistant to kinetic energy damage.

However, the kinetic energy of the electromagnetic gun still penetrated the armor, and the headless horseman with the scattered plasma flew upside down for several meters.

Firepower is king is not an empty statement.

For the wasteland world where the power of weapons has already developed to a super level.

There is really no advantage in the first few stages of extraordinary power.

Especially this type of opponent with big muscles.

No chance to get close at all.

One round after another of 0.85KG mass bullets hit the target.

It was completely killed without a second chance to get up.

This guy is a little tougher than the average monster.

But that's all.

After waving gently, the three of them walked towards the depths.

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