I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 206 Chapter 0201: Demon Sutra, Multi-armed Monster [Please subscribe] [Happy year-end]

"Be careful."

"This underground bunker is quite famous."

"I'll try to figure out what's going on inside first."

Rosen warned softly in the communication channel.

After entering here, the electromagnetic pulse interference has weakened a lot.

Then he took out a Scout Drone with his backhand and connected it to the Abandoned Power Armor.

Mobilize the reconnaissance bees to carry out necessary exploration work along the depths of the channel.

Because according to the intelligence feedback from the previously released Eye of the Celestial Sphere.

There are more than 300 sources of living radio signals present here.

Among them, there are less than 130 signal sources that can be defined as "people".

In other words, the remaining signal sources are either monsters or demons.

Rosen had already seen the experimental area of ​​the English Concession Hall before.

You know what will happen in such a ghost place.

Foreigners are using materials with extraordinary properties of demons, such as blood cores, and combining them with ordinary Tianqing people to create biological combat weapons.

It does not involve genetic modification on a technical level, but can achieve similar effects.

What's even more frightening is that even the foreigners themselves cannot effectively control the relevant experimental results.

This kind of experiment is even more terrifying than the Golden Ears that are studying the Void Beast over there in the wasteland.

The latter at least know what they are doing.

If the foreign monster today is just a little ant living in the grass.

One day, when the little ant went out to look for food, he brought back a cigarette butt.

The cigarette butt caused the grass to catch fire, eventually destroying the entire grass.

Cigarette butts are the forbidden direction of technology, and grass is the fragile ecosystem of the world.

Golden ears are aware of danger when they find "cigarette butts".

But that may not be the case for these foreign monster biological researchers.

These are the conclusions Rosen reached after reading through the "Research Report on Blood Nuclear Mutations V".

It was precisely because of that report that he discovered the truly terrifying aspect of the demon.

Especially the condensed blood core in the vampire's body.

That thing can not only be used as an auxiliary medicine for martial arts body tempering.

It can also greatly reduce the rejection reaction of organisms.

To put it simply, blood core is the "destined material" for making suture monsters.

If Golden Ear gets the blood core, it might be possible to create a perfect biological warfare weapon.

So there are more monsters than living people in this underground laboratory.

In addition, there are many demon materials with special effects.

After releasing the reconnaissance bees, Rosen slowly returned to the headless horseman who was almost beaten to pulp by the electromagnetic rapid-fire cannon.

The armored arm pulled apart the broken rune armor.

Then he pulled out a gray stone about the size of a goose egg from the flesh and blood mud.

This is the core of the Headless Horseman's will and the key to why he can still act normally without his head.

The function described in the newly compiled version of "The Sutra of Demons" is to accommodate divine thoughts.

Tianqing used to conduct in-depth research on the materials on demons in ancient times.

However, as the country was closed later, many relevant records and research were lost.

This "Sutra of Demons" was written more than thirty years ago.

A collection of information on demons that combines records from ancient books and is translated from some public biological literature in the West.

This material has many imperfections.

The introduction of many monsters is also relatively brief.

But it is enough for reference only.

The core of the Headless Horseman's will is now only an empty shell.

The will within it has long since dissipated.

However, Rosen has a bolder application guess for this thing.

It's just that this place is not suitable for him to develop his spirit of exploration.

Still have to wait until afterwards.

For the Bahuang Realm, the wasteland world is definitely a treasure house.

But on the other hand, the Eight Wastelands with extraordinary power may not be a new opportunity to expand wasteland technology.

Rosen has been trying to find where the two worlds complement each other.

As the saying goes, learning from each other's strengths and compensating for weaknesses, combining the two, maybe we can really use the resources of each world to solve some problems of the other world.

This allows Rosen, who is the intersection of the two worlds, to do things in both worlds that others cannot.

With this goal in mind, demon material becomes a new direction worth exploring.

As for the corpse of the other headless horseman, the entire body was burned to ashes by plasma, so naturally there was no core of will left.

While Rosen was studying this thing, the reconnaissance bee drone had already fed back the conditions detected along the way in the form of images.

The layout here is relatively complex, it occupies a large area, and has many different functional areas.

So much so that Rosen also saw an obvious partition design.

This is one of the common designs of biological laboratories in the future.

It can be seen that the progress of foreign monsters in the field of biochemistry is better than that of weapons technology.

The scout bees only explored one-third of the area and were destroyed after entering an experimental hall.

The last image sent back was a bloody tentacle sweeping away.


After being shot down, the Scout Bee self-destructed.

The energy battery overloaded and melted, instantly turning it into a hot fireball.

Rosen sighed slightly in the communication channel.

If nothing else, this is another monster den.

The images fed back by the reconnaissance bees are simultaneously displayed in the power armor of the three people.

Considering that the modified configuration of the T-21 power armor [Lagging Central Defender·Scavenger] may not be able to effectively output in a cramped environment.

Rosen plans to make more preparations.

He raised his hand and took out 4 combat mechanical dogs and 6 Xiaowei No. 1 that had been modified with firepower.

Then he took out two laser swords and handed them to Zhang Yuening and Zhang Zhenyu respectively.

Both siblings are veterans with swords, and at some point, this mechanical melee weapon is better to use than a thermal weapon.

After first deploying the battle formation for the mechanical dog and Xiaowei No. 1, Rosen officially gave the order to move forward.

As usual, the combat robot dog took the lead.

They are smaller in size and more flexible in their movements, making them relatively suitable as trailblazers.

The six Xiaowei No. 1s are divided into three groups, each serving as an auxiliary attack robot for three people.

This wingman model, which was born out of the Air Force, was actually very popular before the war.

Powered armor special teams that carry out attack missions usually carry intelligent robots or drones to accompany them for coordinated operations.

The drivers inside are generally special warriors who have been strengthened by [peak brain cell activity].

Special devices can be used to brain-control unmanned machines.

The Air Force at the time had a similar model.

Powerful brain-controlled pilots can control 4 to 12 large wingmen with their mental devices at the same time.

The specific amount of control depends on the mental level.

There are still brain-controlled hands existing today, and their main application areas are also brain-controlled unmanned machines.

The most famous of these is undoubtedly the unmanned shuttle.

The effect of the high-speed shuttle is really similar to that of a flying sword.

They all use kinetic energy and sharp titanium alloy wings to strangle the enemy.

Rosen has always wanted to set up a brain control device to see the difference between it and the mind control object.

But that thing is even more difficult to get than power armor.

Because the number of troops in the brain control sequence is relatively rare.

Nowadays, it is not as good as before the war, and there is a lack of sophisticated spiritual training equipment.

The brain controllers in each settlement are a niche type of soldiers.

Therefore, it is still somewhat difficult to obtain a brain-controlled device.

The current intelligent combat mode is already the lowest threshold for Rosen.

After making appropriate preparations, Rosen and the other three followed the mechanical dog into the passage.

The three men advanced in a standard arrow formation.

Rosen serves as an arrowhead because his renouncers can unleash extremely powerful firepower in close combat.

The Zhang brothers and sisters guarded the two wings, using plasma cannons and electromagnetic sniper cannons to make the final decision.

On this basis, the three of them formed small arrows with Xiaowei No. 1 who was accompanying them.

The passageway is quite spacious, allowing freight trucks to enter and exit freely.

Convenient transportation of various raw materials.

After walking forward for more than ten meters, there was a curtain made of some kind of tanned leather hanging at the entrance of the passage in front.

Passing through the curtain is the fork in the functional area, or the partition hall.

It can be regarded as a summary of multiple functional areas.

There is a branch road on the left and right sides. If you continue forward, you will reach the experimental hall where the Scout Bee was destroyed before.

Before they even got close, the Forsaken's external radio system picked up the cacophony of shouts.

The four combat mechanical dogs took the lead in crossing the passage, and the lasers on their backs were fired immediately.

The three of them suddenly felt shocked.

The next moment, a mechanical dog flew back into the passage.

Even the leather curtain was torn down.

I saw five or six multi-armed monsters rushing towards the passage in the division hall ahead.

These multi-armed monsters are extremely deformed, with their upper bodies made of two bodies spliced ​​together, which looks particularly strange.

The body surface is also covered with a large amount of fat.

Those layers of fat are piled up to form wrinkles.

But the skin of these monsters in front of them is very white and greasy.

It looks very much like the white pig skin that has been drained and washed.

The monsters have six arms, and their lower bodies are divided into front and back parts.

Move forward with all four feet touching the ground at the same time.

It's like a centaur made from a human body.

Three heads were sewn together in place of the head.


Rosen gave the order.

The triangular rapid-fire machine guns of Xiaowei No. 1 beside the three people started to show off their power.

Six tongues of fire swept forward in unison.

At the same time, the combat mechanical dog that was thrown back into the passage just turned over and regained its fighting power.

The other three mechanical dogs entered the partition hall, and there is no trace for the time being.

All the multi-armed monsters were crazy and rushed towards the passage desperately.

The fire net constructed by the triangular rapid-fire machine gun hit them first.

The bullet tore away the flesh, exposing a layer of greasy yellow-orange fat.

The combination of tough white and greasy skin with thick fat becomes a natural biological body armor.

The barrages of rapid-fire machine guns may seem scary, but they are actually wounds to the flesh.

This level of defense is quite remarkable.

If placed in the outside world, those firearms that use black powder bullets may have difficulty even breaking through defenses.

In terms of the current level of weapons in the Bahuang Realm, this suture monster can indeed be regarded as a biological weapon-level monster.

However, it is nothing if placed in the wasteland.

Let alone a survivor with powerful weapons.

Even powerful alien species such as death claws can easily tear it into pieces and use it as food for growth.

After Xiaowei 1 opened fire, Rosen also fired back with electromagnetic rapid-fire cannons and laser launchers.

Each 0.85KG mass bullet can tear off a chunk of flesh and blood as big as a basin from the monster.

The electromagnetic sniper cannons of the Zhang brothers and sisters can basically blast the monster's upper body into mincemeat.

The yellow fat is the skin, the red is the flesh and blood, and the red inside is the broken bones.

They were like paint, stuck on the walls on both sides, instantly adding many strange colors to the passage.

In less than half a minute, all the multi-armed monsters were killed.

If these monsters were in the outside world, they would definitely be a source of disaster.

But for Rosen and others, that's all.

After all, even a piece of steel cannot escape the fate of being smashed into pieces if it resists the electromagnetic gun head-on.

After the roar of the attack subsided, the red beams fired by the combat mechanical dogs in the hall did not stop. From time to time, there was the sound of bolt-action rifles and sleeve-type machine guns firing.

It is still difficult to defeat the mechanical dog with this level of attack.

It was obvious that those multi-armed monsters were the means of survival for the foreigners hiding in the section hall.

Rosen and the other three continued to move forward, walking through the dirty and muddy road, and officially entered the division hall.

Orange kerosene lamps are the only source of light here.

The nuclear explosion just now caused the fragile and primitive electrical equipment underground to collapse.

When three huge figures and six Xiaowei No. 1 wearing exoskeletons stepped inside.

All the gunshots stopped in unison.

There are only ordinary foreign soldiers here, and some half-assed researchers dressed as assistants.

There were almost thirty people.

The researchers' faces were a bit green, as if they had just left the academy.

In the future, if they can achieve academic results, they will accept the first embrace and transform into long-lived vampires.

In other words, these are the seeds of future vampire scientists.

But here, they are just miscellaneous fish that have been pushed to the periphery.

The real vampire scientists are probably hiding deep in this underground laboratory.

At this moment, these foreign soldiers and assistant students looked at the ferocious-looking power armor with dumbfounded expressions.

This kind of cross-generational product should not appear in this world.

Therefore, power armor is undoubtedly an existence beyond cognition.

This is not only true for the Tianqing aborigines, but also for these foreigners.

Frowning slightly, Rosen gave up the idea of ​​taking prisoners.

Because there is no need.

Their value is not high and they are peripheral members of the laboratory.

He also has the arrogance of the West and has no sense of guilt about using Tianqing people for suturing experiments.

But then again, people who feel guilty may not be able to stay here.

"Kill them all."

Rosen gave the order coldly.

Xiaowei No. 1 and others decisively opened fire.

The flames representing death suddenly lit up.

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