I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 211 Chapter 0206: Packed and hauled away, an expert in civil war [Please subscribe]

Kirk Douglas suddenly opened his fanged mouth.

Immediately, several sharp long bloody tongues shot out like straight javelins.

Not even half a palm-sized metal "strange bird" was pierced by them before accelerating.

Sparks suddenly burst out from the machine body.


Seeing this scene, Marquis Cork frowned secretly.

Just when he was about to throw these strange metal birds away, a violent explosion occurred.

Several fireballs exploded in the cabin.

The double-thickened glass window exploded into debris everywhere.

I saw the intelligent automatic protector in the cloak behind Marquis Cork, shining with blood, blocking the front from the side.

But the explosion brought more than just light and heat.

The mercury capsule contained in it ruptured, and hundreds of mercury droplets were scattered towards the face.

As the saying goes, one trick can be eaten everywhere.

The mercury stained the cloak and immediately began to annihilate the red light protecting the body.

The adjutant next to him was caught off guard and let out a scream.

The sharp long tongues shot by Lord Cork Douglas were also melted through by mercury.

When the explosion ended, his spiritual-looking cloak looked languid.

It was covered with dense holes like mulberry leaves that had been eaten by silkworms.

Even the bloody aura covering the surface has become much dimmer.

Kirk Douglas looks like his mouth is full of blood due to a damaged bloody tongue.

It no longer cared about the wailing and rolling adjutant, and suddenly pushed open the cabin door, spreading the black wings behind it.

The whole body was covered by the bloody cloud.

The next moment, it fled towards the shore at a speed of at least Mach 3!

Because it was traveling so fast, it left behind circles of air waves and Mach rings.

It wasn't until it had flown a certain distance that the sonic booms belatedly echoed over the sea.

Rosen was located at high altitude, using the sighting system of the electromagnetic sniper gun to see the situation of the Black Prince.

Not long ago, the captain of the Scarlet Warrior had escaped.

In comparison, the Black Prince lasted even longer.

As the modified suicide bee drones entered the battlefield, Rosen knew that the overall situation below had been decided.

The Zhang brothers and sisters no longer fired Magic Tongue missiles, but chose to use electromagnetic sniper cannons.

Three electromagnetic sniper cannons firing 1.25KG mass bullets also blasted the ships below.

But this time they mainly attacked various cabins.

The purpose is to clean up the surviving foreigners in the ship.

It would be a pity if these ships were sunk.

Rosen decided to tow it back to Tianjin Port with a little preparation.

By replacing the weapon system and power unit, and at the same time using alloy steel plates from the wasteland to comprehensively strengthen the hull, we can have a warship that can crush all the demon navies of the same period for at least two or three generations.

In this era, whoever can achieve beyond-visual-range strikes first will become a well-deserved maritime overlord. The modes of tracking each other within visual range and gunfire are still too primitive.

More than two hours later.

There was a faint light on the sea.

The horizon to the east was filled with fish belly white in the far distance.

The calm, sparkling sea brings a sense of tranquility.

The sea area where some ships of the Blood Spirit Fleet and the Yingzhou First Guerrilla Force were parked was in a mess.

There was all kinds of garbage and corpses floating around.

Among them are demons and sailors.

The corpses of some high-level monsters were hurriedly processed and their "specialties" were removed.

But those low-level monsters can't be taken care of.

Because there were too many dead demons, but Rosen had too few manpower.

Those ships were connected by thick and strong steel wire ropes, and were towed towards the Tianjin Port by a small boat like a string of flower ropes.

The size of the dinghy is the same as that of an ordinary speedboat.

But the engine placed at the rear is different from various ship engines of the current era.

It is divided into two parts: underwater and above water.

Underwater are rotors and airflow nozzles.

On the water is a propeller similar to a scroll engine.

The most important thing is that this small boat can only be regarded as an inflatable boat, and the black rubber-textured hull looks particularly eye-catching.

Under such circumstances, this small boat, which did not look amazing, actually dragged dozens of iron-clad ships that were still emitting black smoke, but the speed was not very fast.

A conservative estimate is that the speed is only about 7 knots.

The role of the dinghy is equivalent to that of a pilot boat.

It is not difficult to drag it, and it is not difficult to give it sustained speed.

The difficult thing is to make these ironclad ships trailing behind move forward quickly and steadily.

At this speed, it would take more than two days to reach Tianjin Port at the earliest.

So Rosen considered several compromise options.

The first one is to go to the nearest peninsula of Shandong Province.

There are several moorings there.

Among them, Haiwei has the best geographical location, which can accommodate large ships, but it is also an English concession area.

The English ghosts call Highway Edward City.

It has been operating there longer than Jinmen.

The second option is to head north to Shunlv, but Shunlv is also a concession area.

It's just that it's not from England, but from the Rakshasa Kingdom.

These port areas with good terrain have basically been carved up by the demon kingdom in advance.

After much consideration, Rosen decided to sail in the direction of Haiwei.

First find a place to stop on the shore.

The bird aircraft and the three people's power armor all need to replace the nuclear fusion core.

And he was going to temporarily activate [Time Travel] to return to the wasteland.

The camp also has five or six spare turbojet engines.

These engines are designed for use on small ships.

Temporarily placing them in the towed armored fleet can effectively increase the speed of towing.

And the three of them really needed a little rest.

After being able to see land in the distance and ensuring that there were no reefs nearby, Rosen ordered to slow down and anchor.

The tugboat slowly stopped. After the external initial velocity disappeared, the entire fleet also slowly stopped.

Rosen's K-0 allowed Xiaowei 1, which was staying on each battleship, to anchor.

After the ships were docked securely, the bird aircraft landed on the deck of the Black Prince.

The Zhang brothers and sisters released their grip on the armored arms of the aircraft and directly chose to escape from the armor.

Replace nuclear fusion cores for their respective power armors.

At the same time, the bird was replaced with a new core to replenish its battery life.

Rosen flew to the shore in the name of rest.

The coastline opposite where they were anchored was rugged and looked very deserted.

There aren't many people nearby.

According to comparison with the sea charts, it is almost two hundred kilometers away from Haiwei.

Yingjili and Yingzhou no longer have a second fleet nearby.

The most likely ones to arrive are the naval battleships of Hank and Rakshasa.

However, these two demon kingdoms are not easy to deal with England.

Secondly, judging from the distance, there is an American fleet stationed near Yingzhou Shikoku Island all year round. I don’t know if they have been wandering around the Yellow and Bohai Seas recently.

The risk of towing these unpowered ships to Tianjin Port is still very high.

If they were attacked along the way, Rosen and the other three were not afraid.

It's just that these ships may not be easy to take away.

On Tianqing's side, the Fu Province Navy heading south was confronting the French fleet.

The Guangdong Navy was crippled in the Battle of Humen.

The waters where the Nanyang navy cruises are thousands of nautical miles away from here.

In terms of support, the most promising one is the Beiyang Navy.

Only the sea areas where they train and swim all year round are located around the Yellow and Bohai Seas.

But Yingzhou's combined fleet has already targeted the Beiyang Navy.

And speaking of the Yingzhou Navy, when it was dealing with the Yoshino not long ago.

The opponent's commander can actually transform into a black-patterned blade.

The sharp blade was extremely sharp and could release a jet of black energy that was about ten feet long, easily cutting through the side armor with a thickness of 210 mm.

There was even a gap seven to eight centimeters deep on the left breastplate of Rosen's K-0 power armor.

The B-type aviation alloy steel in the wasteland could not withstand its attack.

This kind of cutting effect is more terrifying than high-frequency cutting sabers and laser swords that use plasma beams to melt and cut.

In the end, Rosen could only take out the Namo Sanri rapid-fire machine gun.

Using the modified mercury bullets, a wave of explosive shots was fired.

Finally, the demon main soul in the Japanese monster knife was eliminated.

The strange-looking black-patterned samurai sword fell down and became Rosen's trophy.

On the katana, Rosen saw the word "Long Ship" written in ancient Tianqing script.

The Yingzhou here, like the Japanese over there in the wasteland, has a cultural heritage with the mainland.

The longbune katana has a blade length of 98.45 centimeters. It is extremely sharp when slashing and can cut anything.

When Rosen tried to stir up a small amount of energy in his body, he could make it bloom with a sword.

It's just that the extent of the Gang Qi is far less than before.

It is estimated that it has something to do with his lack of martial arts cultivation.

This katana was very popular with him, but it happened that Rosen lacked a handy cold weapon.

Although the miniaturized mechanical weapons in the wasteland are powerful, they have a clear upper limit of attack.

If you want more power, you can only choose a larger mechanical weapon.

Now it seems that in terms of cold weapons, the extraordinary system can bring him more surprises.

There are still many problems before Rosen.

If he wants to get these ships, he has to find a way on his own in the end!

Now it's time to race against time.

The sea is vast. In this era, it is very difficult to locate the enemy from a long distance.

Generally, they rely on reconnaissance boats or flying monsters and beasts to provide guidance for the fleet.

In addition, there is a long delay time in long-distance communication.

In other words, even if those demons wanted to find them, it would not be that easy.

But Rosen still didn't dare to neglect.

He quickly went ashore, found a secluded seaside cave, and crossed the border back to the wasteland.

In less than a quarter of an hour, he returned again.

There are several more sets of vortex jet engines in [Consciousness Space].

Returning to the fleet, he immediately took action.

It took more than half an hour to finally install the engine that I brought.

They are deployed behind those ships and can be remotely controlled.

The tow fleet set sail again and headed towards Jinmen Port.

If everything goes well, we will be able to enter Hong Kong in more than ten hours.

Bird aircraft hovered in the sky, escorting the entire fleet.


The piercing sirens echoed over the old city.

All the government soldiers gathered, including the patrol team in black uniforms.

They lined up in the school grounds, and under the leadership of their respective commanders, quickly headed to the location of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association outside the city. At the same time, they occupied the port area and the concession area that had been reduced to ruins.

At the same time, Prince Kang Jieshu led more than a thousand men of the new Seventh Army wearing brand new indigo uniforms, carrying sleeve-type machine guns, and carrying bolt-action rifles made in Hank's country to surround the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

There were one to two thousand foreign soldiers holding the battle line next to them.

They are all the remnants who survived the attack last night.

At this moment, Prince Kang was wearing the general uniform exclusively for the new army, and his expression looked very complicated.

Shuofu Gege was wearing a hunting suit and standing next to him with an ugly face.

It was just getting light.

The crowing of cocks mingled with the alarm.

Last night was a sleepless night for many.

The explosions, fires and screams barely stopped.

About an hour ago, the old Buddha in the capital issued an edict.

Prince Kang was asked to postpone the crusade against the Tianping Army, and instead work with the Jinmen Prefecture Army to capture the traitors of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association who were the culprits in attacking the foreigners.

Officially, the Iron Man Martial Arts Association is no secret.

At the beginning of the attack last night, the Jinmen government and Prince Kang chose to wait and see as usual.

But I didn't expect to receive such a letter just before dawn.

I heard that the Eagle Strike Battalion and several Xiantian realm warriors and wandering soul realm monks have been sent from the capital.

It seems that foreigners used this article to negotiate some terms with Lafayette.

They probably used the withdrawal of troops from Guangdong Province as a bargaining chip to allow Lafayette to clean up the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

In addition, the gentlemen in the capital are also very interested in the mysterious weapons mastered by the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

Due to the blockage of maritime communications and the fact that the Blood Spirit Fleet is a secret team.

Therefore, the news that the fleet was defeated has not yet been reported.

Rosen, who was working as a tugboat at sea, received the news in advance.

Because Prince Kang sent a letter of persuasion to surrender.

It clearly mentioned the powerful men from the capital who would arrive in a short time.

Relay stations were set up in martial arts guilds and fortresses, and communication within a thousand kilometers radius was extremely smooth.

The news left him speechless.

That Lafayette is really an expert in civil war but an outsider in foreign war.

I can't bear to spend money and effort when fighting against foreigners.

The elite men under his command were all hiding.

When it comes to internal affairs, experts will be sent out in an endless stream.

Fortunately, when Rosen and others left.

The martial arts association was mobilized.

Ordinary Iron Man Legion soldiers have put on polymer body armor and modified bolt-action rifles.

Those who were screened and trusted were issued Z2 exoskeletons and Destroyer rifles without weapon modules.

In addition, many positions were built around the Iron Man Martial Arts Association and the fortress.

A lot of support weapons such as Blackthorn rocket launchers and heavy machine guns are also prepared.

These positions are all controlled by Xiaowei No. 1 personally.

If a fight breaks out, the new army and foreign soldiers will not be able to invade for a while.

But the situation is still not optimistic.

This made Rosen decide to drive K-0 back to Tianmen first!

There are many specific examples of Lafayette's civil war expertise.

For example, support the Beiyang warlords to deal with the Hunan army.

After the Eight-Nation Allied Forces entered the capital, they began to order back assassinations of the Boxers.

According to the information I checked, many historical figures have two sides.

But Lafayette was not unjust at all when he was scolded, and could only be described as neither stupid nor bad.

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