I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 212 Chapter 0207: Shoot first to gain the upper hand [Please subscribe]

"No wonder the Tianqing court is so useless."

"Throughout history, there are actually many queens who have made great achievements."

"But the strange brain circuit of Lafayette, who listens to politics behind the curtain, is simply unreasonable."

Inside the K-0 powered armor, Rosen shook his head and thought.

In fact, there are many reasons for Tianqing's current situation.

The decay of the court is definitely "indispensable".

In addition to Lafayette, those veterans who are dying and resisting change must also be remembered for their great "credit."

The foreigners entrenched in Jinmen are equivalent to a nail wedged in the gateway to Kyoto's waters.

Removing it yourself would definitely do more good than harm to the court.

Not only did it change part of the situation in the Bohai Bay, it also attracted the attention of foreign forces in other areas of Tianqing, effectively alleviating the positive pressure on the court.

It stands to reason that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

It was never the imperial court's turn to make a big move against the Iron Man Martial Arts Association first.

You must know that Tianqing's foundation is actually not weak.

It’s a vast country and has a large population.

The combined size of all overseas countries is only about the same as Tianqing's.

So it's not that the demons don't want to invade Tianqing's entire territory immediately, but that their appetite is too small and they can't eat it in a short time, so they can only join forces to carve it up slowly.

As far as the power itself is concerned, the small Iron Man Martial Arts Association is simply not worth mentioning.

The only thing worthy of praise is the nuclear weapons Rosen has.

Giving him an advantage against swarms of enemies.

For Rosen, the trouble was never outnumbered.

In comparison, he was more worried about the attack by Tianqing masters.

Especially those extraordinary units with high mobility.

Moreover, Tianqing's warriors and monks are different from demons in that they are not afraid of mercury weapons.

"It's such a hassle."

"If you get too anxious, you'll have to reopen it."

"Find another place to grow again."

Rosen made up his mind instantly, but there was no need to fight.

The foundation in the wasteland has been laid, and it won't take much effort to re-establish a similar territory. At least he can manage enough gold and silver consumption.

But if Rosen really chooses to quit Tianjin.

Then he wouldn't mind giving a fission warhead with a 10,000-ton yield to the gentlemen in the palace in the capital.

Facing the power of the sun, let alone a strong person in the Xiantian realm who can control the true energy to fly through the air.

Even the golden body state may not be able to withstand it.

In comparison, high-level monks have more hope of resisting nuclear bombs.

After all, all kinds of magic techniques are strange and changeable.

Maybe it can withstand the first round of light radiation and shock waves.

But regardless of whether it can be resisted or not, nuclear bombs are not so easy to bear.

What's more, a nuclear bomb with a power of 10,000 tons is only at a medium level among tactical nuclear warheads.

There are nuclear weapons with greater yields, even strategic-level nuclear weapons with a yield of more than one million tons, and experimental-level nuclear weapons with a yield of tens of millions of tons.

Not to mention fusion bombs such as hydrogen bombs and neutron bombs.

After experiencing so many things, Rosen's mentality has long since changed.

It is rude to come and go without reciprocating.

For now, let’s wait until he returns to Jinmen!

Fortunately, he had established a signal relay station in advance, and there were relatively few electromagnetic interference factors in the Bahuang Realm.

Not only can he communicate instantly with the Iron Man Martial Arts Association, but he can also receive live images sent back by Xiaowei No. 1.

The two sides are still in a state of confrontation.

The new soldiers who had just finished their training looked majestic and high-spirited.

There are plans to practice martial arts with the Iron Man.

Only Prince Kang and Shuofuge looked serious and looked a little uneasy.

"It seems that my expansion method is still too gentle."

Rosen secretly made up his mind that when this happened, he would definitely form an army in a big way.

Even if he faces the court head-on, he will not hesitate.

Again, the guy who plans to touch you will not give up bullying because of your honesty.

Rather than choosing to be low-key and patient, it would be better to take action directly.

No matter which choice you make, trouble will still come.

The expression in Rosen's eyes suddenly changed, it was time to show more ambition.

Thinking of this, the vortex and ion propulsion engines behind him suddenly increased their power, and the body flew towards Jinmen at a faster speed.

The air waves swaying behind him left a trail like ripples.


"How could you issue such a stupid decree!"

Sichuan and Chongqing, in the Juyi Hall of the Qinghong Association.

Several warriors with extraordinary momentum were sitting on the Grand Master's chair.

Looking carefully, the skin of these warriors glowed with a faint golden luster in the sun.

It was a group of warriors who had entered the Golden Body Realm.

There are several monks next to them, either sitting cross-legged and floating in the air, or with a three-foot light wheel behind their head. They are all great monks in the Manifestation Realm and Yin Spirit Realm.

It is equivalent to the existence of the seventh and eighth levels in the monk realm.

There are dozens of Xiantian realm warriors and Wandering Soul realm monks sitting in the hall.

This is the territory of the chief rudder of the Qinghong Society.

As a long-established association, they have developed from the private sector to the government.

The total number of members has already exceeded 100,000.

There are also many high-level warriors and monks.

The Qinghong Society took it as its own duty to fight against foreigners.

This attracted a large number of warriors, monks and nascent private capital.

Jianghu is not only about fighting and killing, but also about human relationships.

Therefore, Qinghonghui has not rarely been involved in the capital industry in recent years.

Gradually, it gained considerable influence and fans in southwest and central Tianqing.

Even the Tianping Army moved around the Qinghong Society's sphere of influence.

I have to say that the Qinghong Club is still somewhat famous.

The first thing to raise the anti-foreign banner is to occupy the righteous cause.

Secondly, the commander-in-chief chose Sichuan and Chongqing, the base camp of Ge Laohui, which is located in the hinterland of the mainland and far away from the intrusion of foreigners.

Finally, members were developed into the government, which made it impossible for the court to effectively restrict the rise of the Qinghong Society even if it noticed it.

Therefore, it is not surprising that it can grow rapidly like a snowball.

At this time, the several golden body warriors and Daxiu in the hall were all high-level officials of the Qinghong Society.

Not long ago, they received messages from Ji Province Branch and Kyoto respectively.

I learned that two hours ago, Grand Duke Hakan Pendragon of England sent a blood shadow clone to the imperial city to meet Lafayette.

Hakan has the surname of King Pendragon and is a true descendant of the English royal family.

He is also the supreme joint commander of the British Expeditionary Force and the Eastern Continent Trading Company.

In addition to not directly commanding the English Navy, Hakan almost represents the highest authority of the English Royal Court on Tianqing's side.

Shortly after Hakan met Lafayette.

The edict against the Iron Man Martial Arts Association was issued.

This means that Hakan must have reached some kind of agreement with Lafayette.

The strategy of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association has already been discussed within the Qinghong Association.

That is, it is better to make friends than to make enemies.

The reason is also very simple.

The Iron Man Martial Arts Association also had anti-foreign will, and its base was located along the coast of Tianjin.

The coast has always been the hardest hit area by foreigners.

The area where cannons and giant ships have the greatest advantage is precisely along the coast.

The territories of both sides do not conflict with each other.

What's more, the Qinghong Association also needs a "colleague" from the coast to help them share a certain amount of pressure.

In addition, the Iron Man Martial Arts Association seems to have a considerable amount of gold on hand.

The two sides are doing a pretty solid deal.

As long as the Qinghong Society produces some low-level elixirs, exercises, martial arts and techniques, they can exchange for precious gold.

For those warriors who are at the peak of their innate ability, they are willing to exchange for gold even if they lose everything.

With this premise, Liu Wenda and Gu Long acted smartly as agents.

The senior officials within the Qinghong Association turned a blind eye.

They knew very well that for a fledgling force like the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

A sense of security and boundaries is the most important thing

In the gold trade between the two parties, Qinghonghui thought they had made money.

In terms of emotion and reason, in public and private matters.

Nothing can happen to the Iron Man Martial Arts Association!

Everyone discussed in the hall for a while and came to a unanimous conclusion.

"There are not many high-level warriors that the capital can mobilize."

"After all, there are constraints everywhere."

"Lafayette is not willing to invite those old monsters out of seclusion just for the sake of an Iron Man warrior."

"At most, mobilize a few elite garrison battalions from Kyoto and those innate warriors from outside the border."

"So let's let Brother Zou from Yu Mansion take a trip."

The person at the head of the table is a fair-faced, beardless middle-aged man.

He didn't look old, but his eyes were filled with vicissitudes of life.

After he made the decision, everyone agreed.

After a not too long flight.

Rosen quietly detoured from the side and fell into the Iron Man Martial Arts Arena.

At this time, the more than 500 new recruits of the Iron Man Corps were all armed with live ammunition.

Each squad, platoon, company and other units entered different divisional battle positions and stood ready.

Most people looked calm, but a few looked restless.

After last night's incident, those recruits who really have anti-foreign aspirations will only become more loyal to the martial arts association.

But those who fish in troubled waters, or even spies sent by other forces, will feel uneasy.

Rosen did not cover his figure, but fell directly in the form of power armor.

His nominal position within the martial arts association is vice-president, who controls all weapons and equipment.

It's no secret.

It's just that because Rosen's origins are mysterious, no traces can be found on Tianqing's side.

On the contrary, all parties dare not act rashly.

With the arrival of Rosen, the new Ironman recruits are also waiting for their backbone.

Wearing power armor, Rosen is worthy of the title of Iron Man.

And those recruits who were issued exoskeletons in advance because they were more reliable have already laid a psychological foundation in everyone's minds.

"What's going on now?"

Rosen turned to look at Dong Tianshi who was coming.

This young man led a team last night to carry out the blasting mission against foreign ships in the port area.

The demolition was done very well and he is a trustworthy guy.

"Prince Kang sent a second letter of persuasion to surrender."

"No one from Kyoto has arrived yet."

"Those foreign soldiers clamored to open fire in revenge several times, but they were stopped by Prince Kang."

Dong Tianshi, who was wearing the Z2 exoskeleton, answered seriously, took out a letter from the storage box beside him and handed it to Rosen.

The strong armored arm carefully unfolded the letter.

Rosen read attentively.

The content of the letter was probably to ask the Iron Man Martial Arts Association to give up their resistance and formally join the new army.

Prince Kang will personally plead with Lafayette.

At the same time, let the Iron Man Martial Arts Association hand over the manufacturing method of the secret weapon to make up for the mistake.


Rosen snorted coldly.

The armored fingers then gently pressed,

The letter paper was crumpled into paper clay.

"Make up for the mistake?"

"How arrogant!"

Looking inside and outside the court, Prince Kang really opened his eyes to see the world.

But his arrogance also particularly displeased Rosen.

Perhaps he was used to looking at the ignorant Tianqing people from the perspective of a "pioneer".

Little did he know that in Rosen's eyes, he and his behavior were almost like retro primitives.

"What should we do now?"

Dong Tianshi's face under the bulletproof mask was a little worried.

This question made Rosen narrow his eyes.

"Of course I beat him."

"Start with those foreign soldiers first!"

"After the beating, I will shout to Prince Kang to leave."

"If you don't follow the advice, then he will also deal with his new Seventh Army!"

"By the way, when you do it, write down the names of those who seem to be wavering."

"I need a list."

Rosen gave the order decisively.

At the same time, K-0 is used to connect the life radio and detection system in the martial arts association.

Start deploying combat targets for Xiaowei No. 1 in each battle position.

Dong Tianshi was a little hesitant when he heard this, but he quickly saluted with clasped fists and went to implement his order.

At the same time, outside the Iron Man Martial Arts Hall.

Several nearby streets were cleared.

The north and west were all filled with foreign soldiers, while Prince Kang's new army was concentrated in the east.

The south side is closer to the suburban fortress, but no one is surrounding it.

The foreign soldiers on the Jinmen side have been severely damaged, and those currently assembled are the defeated soldiers who survived the nuclear explosion last night.

The supreme commander is just a demon count with five lines of strength.

At this moment, the earl was urging Prince Kang.

"Your Excellency, please give the order to attack."

"Lafayette has reached an agreement with our Lord Duke."

"And the British soldiers are gathering towards Jinmen!"

"While the person in charge of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association has not returned yet, now is the best opportunity!"

It tried hard to persuade, trying to launch an attack now.

Hearing this, Prince Kang Jieshu gave him a cold look and said nothing more.

This look made the demon feel a little angry, and he wanted to emphasize it again.

Fierce gunfire and explosions occurred to the north and west.

The remaining two to three thousand foreign soldiers and a dozen armored tanks were in those two directions.

Ahead, soldiers wearing strange half-armour appeared on the previously empty rooftops and balconies of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

They are armed with bolt-action rifles that fire faster, almost one shot per second.

On the commanding heights of the martial arts association, there were some mysterious people covered in black armor.

Those mysterious men were holding strange short cannons and fired shells with tail flames towards the hiding place of the foreign soldiers.

The sound of explosions mixed with the sound of houses collapsing.

This made the five-marked demon Earl and Prince Kang widen their eyes at the same time.

They didn't expect that the Iron Man Martial Arts Association would have the guts to take the lead in attacking just by chatting with hundreds of people!

The attack was mainly from the direction surrounded by foreign soldiers, which made the demon earl jump anxiously.

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